Happily Never After: My Arranged Marriage With Kris Wu

JUST.MY.LUCK. I was stuck inside a van with five annoying people. Mr. and Mrs. Wu tagged along on our annual family vacation trip. Kris was sitting next to me and did his best to get on my nerves. 

"OH I LOVE THIS SONG!" Mrs. Wu screamed as she bent over and turned the volume on max, deafening Kris and I with her obnoxious voice and music. It was trot music. Typical. The elders started to sing along and clap their hands whilst Kris and I facepalmed ourselves. 

"Omma turn down the music!" Kris said, frustrated. 

"No can do honey." She placed a sloppy wet kiss on his cheek. I snorted and covered my mouth when he caught me laughing. The music finally ended causing our parents to frown; thank God.

"Oh I'm having so much fun!" My mom clapped. I shot lasers at the back of her head.

"See I told you this was a good idea." My dad said, his eyes focused on the road. 

"Your parents have been so kind to us. We can't thank them enough." Mr. Wu told me. I nodded, not really giving a crap. "So you must be curious about how we know each other, hmm?" No. 

"Neh, Mr. Wu."

"Oh please. Call me abeoji. Well, anyway, your dad and I were quite the 'players'" He winked.

"Good times, good times!" My dad laughed. 

"We were the campus hotties and we could've snatched any girls heart!" I shivered. No way on earth would my dad be able to be a ladies magnet. 

"Stop exaggerating." Mrs. Wu slapped his arm playfully. The two shared an eskimo kiss. Kris groaned as I covered my eyes. 

"They're always like this." He whispered in my ear. 

"I can tell." I whispered back. Kris let out a chuckle and scooted closer to me. Mr. Wu finished up his story of how my dad set him up on a date with Mrs. Wu. 

"And that's why I can't ever thank your dad. So I wanted to give his daughter my son. That's why you two are getting married" He finished. I rolled my eyes. Kris Wu isn't a trophy. *If you want me to be happy, then call off this marriage* I thought. Enough of this craziness, I'm going to sleep. 

I woke up with a sore neck and got up. Kris was leaning his again against the window and was sleeping peacefully. I blushed once I realized that it was no other than Kris Wu's shoulder I had fell alseep on. 

"Finally you got off. Your heavy head was making my shoulder numb." Kris mumbled, eyelids closed.

"Shut up." I hissed. He yawned and wrapped an arm around my waist lazily and lightly pushed my head against him.

"Sleep." My heart skipped a beat at the sudden gesture and obeyed. 


"Where are you going?" I asked my mom after she helped me bring in my luggage. 

"To my hotel of course!" She replied. 

"Well who am I staying with?"

"Oh is this where I'm staying?" Kris asked as he walked in with a suitcase in his hand.


"You certainly can. He's your fiance."

"I don't want to!" I whined.

"Why? You always sleep over at Yixing's place." My mom retorted. She winked and left. I groaned and started ing my blouse. Kris coughed awkwardly as I face him with my arms crossed over my chest.

"You're really not leaving?" I frowned.

"Where the heck am I supposed to stay then?"

"Figure it out, you're smart enough." I walked over to the bathroom with clothes in my hand. "When I finish changing you better be gone." I locked the door and changed into a bikini with a sheer cover up over. I could hear my mom's obnoxious voice and I assumed that they were next door to us. I opened the door and peeked outside. *Hmm Kris listened well* I stepped out and a pair of arms hugged my waist.


"AAHHH!" I screamed and turned around.

"gotcha." Kris pinched my nose. "you're so cute when you're scared." 

"shut up." I punched his shoulders. "I hate you."

"I love you too." He cooed. "Let's go. The old people are waiting." He slung an arm over my shoulder and led me outside. Surprisingly, my parents wanted to go to Jeju island on vacation.. so here we are. 

We all met up at the lobby. My parents and Kris's wanted to go hiking, and I decided to just stay back and enjoy the nice breeze, maybe even swim. Before I could leave, Kris held onto my shoulders.

"Where are you going?"

'to the pool." I said and turned around. "Why does it matter?" He shrugs his shoulders. 

"I want to come with."

"No thanks." I say and made my way to the corridors until Kris spun me around again.

"What?" I hissed. 

"Wait for me! I need to change."

"No, I'm leaving." I replied back. He sighed and followed me. 

"Why are you so mean?" he mumbled, loud enough for me to hear.

"Since you bullied me in like the third grade." I retorted. 

"Gee, I didn't know you held grudges." He laughed. We finally arrived at the swimming area and I sat at the nearest seat I could find. I pulled out some sunscreen and shades. Kris wasted no time to take off his shirt as girls fawned over his body. I rolled my eyes even though I was secretly checking him out.

"Sorry girls, I'm engaged." He said pointing to the ring on his finger proudly. I didn't have one. It made me feel a little relief, although I don't know why. 

"Need help?" I turned around and saw a shirtless guy. He looked around my age and was fairly tan for a Korean. Not to mention he was quite the charm. His body was more well built than Kris and he smirked once he noticed I was checking him out underneath my sunglasses.

"With what?" I asked pulling my shades down a little bit to get a better view. 

"With that." He pointed to the lotion in my hands. I nodded my head. Might as well have some fun since I'm here. 

"Umm.. you're going to have to take that off." He pointed to my shirt awkwardly. 

"right." I say and took it off. I was now in a two piece bikini top. It hugged my curves and made me look good, but it didn't make me look too ty. He squeezed some lotion onto his hand and rubbed his two palms together before carefully applying the cream onto my back. His hands went downwards towards my arm and continued applying the lotion all over me. 

"My names Kai." He said huskily behind my ear. 

"My name is-"

"Taken. She's taken." I turned around and saw an angry Kris. Kai must've gotten a little frightened as he quickly got up and apologized. I frowned and pretended to pout. 

"Aww why'd you do that? He was so cute."

"Why are you letting some random stranger rub your back?" He asked. His voice ozzed with irritation. 

"Why are you going around telling people I'm taken?"

"Because you are!' He hissed.

"Correction.. Yixing is not my boyfriend." I joke. Kris face reddened as he angrily grabbed my shirt and threw it at me.

"Cover up." He said. 

"I don't want to!" I stuck my tongue out. He muttered incoherent words before telling me to put it on again. 

"You better put on that shirt and put your tongue back in your mouth before I do something to you that you're going to regret." He snarled. I gulped

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Chapter 12: oh my gosh ... they are a soulmate . match from heaven . lol update please
2407briana #2
Chapter 12: New reader! I really like this story " ♡
Chapter 11: Its been a while . I miss this story soo much . I really love kris personality . OHH! they're so cute together . I felt like melting when kris said "lets stay like this , i dont want to move " and lets stay like this , i'm tired" part . Update soon .
Chapter 12: But this story is great i meant awesome ~^O^~ can't you considering it one more time pleaseee . I like this story ~T_T~.
Chapter 10: Hahaha .. kris sleeping at the hotel lobby .. btw nice story i really like it already . This story make me laugh non-stop .. UPDATE SOON please .. i'm curious to know what happen next ..pleaseeee
peipei_bigbadgirl #6
Chapter 10: OMG. Kris is sleeping in the lift lobby?! Update soon
Chapter 10: Update soon~
I can't wait !!
KrisLuforever #8
Chapter 10: Kris! hahaha how adorable! Lol.
Update soon~
ilovebapyessir #9
Chapter 9: Ugdrade!!!! Soon
KrisLuforever #10
Chapter 9: LOL. I Love how they quarrel!
Update soon :)