Happily Never After: My Arranged Marriage With Kris Wu

"Kris, hurry up!" I yelled banging on the door violently. "You've been in there for 30 minutes!"

"Go to the bathroom downstairs!" He hissed.

"But my things are in there!" I whined, stomping my foot in the process. He opened the door as I poked my head in,quickly shoving way past him and grabbing my shower gel and shampoo and conditioner.

"Just shower here." He whispered huskily in my ear.

"Yeah right." I scoffed and pushed passed him again. I towel dryed my hair and changed into my uniform. My phone vibrated as I checked the message.

I'm outside. -Yixing

I thanked the Lord that I didn't have to carpool with Kris today as I quickly made my way outside and greeted Lay who was waving happily.

"Hop on." He patted the motorcycle as I slung my backpack over my shoulder and sat behind him. 

"Where are you going?" Kris asked before Lay could start the engine. I sighed and faced him. He was already outside.

"To school with Yixing, waeyo?"

"You're not coming with him. You're coming with me." I rolled my eyes and patted Lay's back telling him to go. He listen to the two of us bicker and chuckled amusingly. *he so likes you Minji* he thought.

"She's riding with me." Lay replied teasing Kris. 

"I'll get you Sora's number." 

"Deal!" Lay fist pumped. Sora was his current crush. I scoffed and slapped his arm.

"Are you freaking kidding me Yxing?" He shrugged his shoulders and motioned me to get off. I huffed and climbed down as Lay started his engine.

"Bros before hoes man!" Lay yelled before speeding off. My jaw dropped. *Did my best friend just call me a hoe?* Kris smirked and walked to the other side of the car

"You can't escape now." I rolled my eyes.

"Gee thanks for opening the door for me. You're such a gentleman." I said sarcastically opening the door for myself.

"That's why all the girls love me." He winked getting in. I ignored his response. Kris leaned over and grabbed the seatbelt behind me. His breath lingered against my ear causing me to blush crazily. The click of the seatbelt made me snap out of my trance and Kris was inches away from me, smirking. 

"Let me guess.. you've fallen for me too?" I looked away and exhaled. I didn't even realize I held my breath the whole time. After what had seemed like an eternity, we arrived at school and I quickly unbuckled the seatbelt and left before Kris could bother me even more. I sat down and plugged in my earphones and faced the window. Class starts in twenty minutes so I might as well take a nap. The bell rang causing me to open my eyes. Kris's face was right in front of me.

"HOLY- KRIS WHAT THE HECK!" I screamed wiping the drool on my desk. He chuckled and sat up. 

"You didn't notice I was staring at you? Wah, totally explains why you were drooling." I scowled and slapped his arm.

"Ow that hurt!" He whined rubbing his sore spot. *that's why I slapped you, idiot.* 

"Alright class.. settle down." My teacher walked in with an attendance folder. "Let's start with role call."






"He-" my voice was muffled by Kris's large hand. 

"Minji?" I flailed my arms left and right but the teacher didn't seem to see it.

"Not here." He said moving on. I pushed his hand away.

"Here!" The teacher gave me a 'I'm going to kill you' look and erased my absence mark.

"Why didn't you say so earlier?" I shot a look at Kris who was holding back his laugh. 


I sat down and ate my lunch happily. 

"Hey guys" Tao waved. Kris stood behind him and said hi as well.

"Why do you have to bring him here!" I pouted. 

"Cause he's a ladies magnet." 

"And Minji's fiance~" Lay sang.

"Wait what?" Luhan looked up from his tray of food. I placed my hand over his mouth and shot him knives. He nodded as I let go. He smiled showing his adorable dimple.

"What Lay said was- OW." I muttered incoherent words as the whole table got confused. Kris didn't understand what I was saying.

"SHUT UP!" I finally said.

"Geez someone's having a bad day." Chen said. I turned my head towards him as he shrugged. "What? It's the truth."

"I seriously hate all of you guys." I muttered.

"Aww Minji honey don't be like that." Lay pinched my cheeks. I slapped his hands away.

"you." I pointed at him. "don't think I forgot the incident this morning." I hissed. Lay apologized and kissed my cheek. He leaned his head on my shoulders and wrapped an arm around my waist. My lips curled into a smile and eventually gave in. He grinned in satisfaction and placed me on his lap.

"Just date already!" Xiumin fumed.

"You guys look so cute together!" Tao clapped his hands together. I waved my hands at them.

"No thanks." Kris's shoudlers started to relax


I came home late after a study session with Lay and late night bubble tea. I lazily took off my shoes and made my way upstairs. Kris had a suitcase out and was packing.

"Are you finally leaving?" I yelled happily. "Thank God." He walked over and bent down to my eye level.

"No, missy." He poked my nose. "Get your things. We're going to a family outing."


longer update coming soon! ;D

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Chapter 12: oh my gosh ... they are a soulmate . match from heaven . lol update please
2407briana #2
Chapter 12: New reader! I really like this story " ♡
Chapter 11: Its been a while . I miss this story soo much . I really love kris personality . OHH! they're so cute together . I felt like melting when kris said "lets stay like this , i dont want to move " and lets stay like this , i'm tired" part . Update soon .
Chapter 12: But this story is great i meant awesome ~^O^~ can't you considering it one more time pleaseee . I like this story ~T_T~.
Chapter 10: Hahaha .. kris sleeping at the hotel lobby .. btw nice story i really like it already . This story make me laugh non-stop .. UPDATE SOON please .. i'm curious to know what happen next ..pleaseeee
peipei_bigbadgirl #6
Chapter 10: OMG. Kris is sleeping in the lift lobby?! Update soon
Chapter 10: Update soon~
I can't wait !!
KrisLuforever #8
Chapter 10: Kris! hahaha how adorable! Lol.
Update soon~
ilovebapyessir #9
Chapter 9: Ugdrade!!!! Soon
KrisLuforever #10
Chapter 9: LOL. I Love how they quarrel!
Update soon :)