Happily Never After: My Arranged Marriage With Kris Wu


minji's pov:

"Are you okay?" Lay asked as he waved his hands in front of my face. 

"Of course, sorry I was thinking of something."

"Maybe you were wondering if you had a meeting to attend to?" Kris said, smirking. I cursed mentally for coming up with such a stupid lie.

"Meeting? Minji you're in a club and you didn't tell us?" Chen whined.

"No, of course not!" I replied back. 

"But that's what you told me this morning!" Kris butted in. I gave him a death glare but he didn't seem to be affected by it.

"Oh really? I don't remember saying that." I said pretending to think.

"Then if you aren't busy, then why don't you give me a tour of the school?" 

"Uhh, Yixing told me he needed help with something, right Yixing?" 

"No, I don't remember." He replied scratching his head.

"Nonsense, you have such bad memory! So forgetful." I laughed.

"Well since I don't remember why don't you just give him a tour?" I mumbled incoherent curse words before I got up and tugged him along with me. Girls were already giving me the death stare as I tried my best to ignore them.

"This is the main office, I'm sure you've been here." I said pointing to the office.

"These classes over here are science related, the classes on the right are math."

"And we have two stories, but the second level is reserved for performing arts and the other electives." I stopped talking after I felt him stare at me. 

"You know, staring isn't polite." I said after looking up at him.

"Not staring, I'm just admiring." He winked. I rolled my eyes and cleared my throat.

"Well since you aren't paying attention, we can just stop here and go back to the canteen." I turned around and Kris pulled me by my backpack.

"Do you hate me?" 

"Oh, I think I hear Luhan calling us." I said ignoring his question.

"Answer me."


"Am I annoying you?"


"Do you want to go back to the cafeteria?"


"Do you want me to let you go?"


"Do you think i'm hot?"

"yes." wait what?! Kris smirked and let go of my backpack.

"I knew you couldn't resist me."

My jaw dropped. "What?! You tricked me! I didn't have time to think!" 

"Whatever, you said so yourself." He placed his hands on my shoulders and followed behind me.

"Let's go back now." I let him lead me to the cafeteria as I tried my best to hide my flushed cheeks with my hair.



"You're blushing." My cheeks reddened even more.

"Am not."

"Whatever you sayy~" He sang. 


"Minji, Yixing's at the door!" My mom yelled as I walked down the stairs.

"Coming!" I said and opened the door.

"What's up?" He pulled me outside and shut the door behind me.

"We, my friend are going to go out for some bubble tea." He smiled sweetly and interwined my fingers with his. I got used to the skinship after a while and since we're so close with each other, it didn't feel as awkward as it used to be. We walked inside the boba shop and he offered to pay. Of course, I couldn't turn down the gesture and got honeydew while Yixing got strawberry.

"Shouldn't you be studying, nerd?" I joked. He rolled his eyes and took a sip of his drink.

"No, from now on I'm going to be like you. I'm not going to study but I'll somehow ace the tests our teachers give us." I rolled my eyes.

"Yixing, you have to be smart in order to do that."

"I am smart."

"No you're not."

"Well.. I'm somewhat smart." He grinned and stole my drink. "Mine's too sweet." 

"Then why'd you get it?"

"Cause I wanted to!" I grinned and took a sip of his. "You're right, it is really sweet."

"Like you." He winked and I couldn't help but laugh.

"You're so cheesy!" I shot a tapioca pearl at his flawless face. His jaw dropped as he raised the straw at my face. 

"You're going to regret doing that."

"No, Yixing stop please!" Too late. He shot three pearls at me. I frowned. "Oh it's on." We started shooting pearls at each other until one of the workers told us we had to stop since we were making such a huge mess. We decided to call quits as we crouched under the tables to pick up the boba.

"It's all your fault." Yixing pouted. I looked up and my eyes met with his, our faces inches apart from each other under the table. He smiled sweetly and pecked my forehead. "But I forgive you though." I grinned and kissed his nose. 

"I forgive you for blaming me." He rolled his eyes and got up, his arm extending towards me and helped me get up.

"we should head home, it's getting late." I looked outside and the sun was already setting. Yixing, being the sweet gentleman he was walked me home because he said girls shouldn't walk home by themselves late at night. We said our goodbyes and I went inside, locking the door behind me.




some lay x minji fluff for you guys! C:




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Chapter 12: oh my gosh ... they are a soulmate . match from heaven . lol update please
2407briana #2
Chapter 12: New reader! I really like this story " ♡
Chapter 11: Its been a while . I miss this story soo much . I really love kris personality . OHH! they're so cute together . I felt like melting when kris said "lets stay like this , i dont want to move " and lets stay like this , i'm tired" part . Update soon .
Chapter 12: But this story is great i meant awesome ~^O^~ can't you considering it one more time pleaseee . I like this story ~T_T~.
Chapter 10: Hahaha .. kris sleeping at the hotel lobby .. btw nice story i really like it already . This story make me laugh non-stop .. UPDATE SOON please .. i'm curious to know what happen next ..pleaseeee
peipei_bigbadgirl #6
Chapter 10: OMG. Kris is sleeping in the lift lobby?! Update soon
Chapter 10: Update soon~
I can't wait !!
KrisLuforever #8
Chapter 10: Kris! hahaha how adorable! Lol.
Update soon~
ilovebapyessir #9
Chapter 9: Ugdrade!!!! Soon
KrisLuforever #10
Chapter 9: LOL. I Love how they quarrel!
Update soon :)