Happily Never After: My Arranged Marriage With Kris Wu

Un.freaking.believable. I had told Kris to sleep on the couch but no, that stupid giant managed to crawl onto my bed and sleep next to me without noticing. I had to admit though, he looked so cute sleeping. His mouth was slightly parted and he snored which made him look even more adorable. *Wait, what am I saying?!* I shook my head and got up to take a quick shower. I came out after washing my hair and walked outside with my undergarments underneath my robe. I forgot my clothes and went out to get them. Since Kris was sleeping I decided to take my robe off since it was getting damp. 

"mm my fiance looks better without clothes." I jumped in shock and turned around with wide eyes. Kris was laying on the bed smirking as he rested his head on his hand. 

"y-you! how long were you awake?!" I stuttered pointing a finger at him.

"Long enough to see you half and your cute ." My face reddened as I stomped outside of the hotel room angrily, grabbing my two piece bathing suit and a beach bag. I'll change in the womens bathroom.

"Stupid Kris freaking Wu." I hissed while trotting alongside the beach. I kicked the sand angrily into the ocean as I pulled my sunglasses over my eyes and laid there, resting. I had only five minutes of peace until I heard footsteps and something blocking the sun. I opened my eyes and Kris was in front of me grinning.

"Hey cutie." He took off his tshirt and handed it to me. "Cover up before I see a guy drooling over you."

"Shut up." I say closing my eyes. Kris laid the shirt over me and sat down next to me.

"Only I can see you wearing that." He referred to my two piece bikini.

"You already saw me this morning." I mumbled under my breath.

"Honey that bikini is more revealing." He pointed out, which was true. 

"Well in that case-" I threw his shirt back at him and stuck out my tongue. "I'm leaving." 

"Yah! You better put on a shirt!" He yelled while I shooed my hand and walked back to the pier. I walked around until it was lunch time and went to the restaurant we were eating at. Kris frowned once he saw me but his lips twitched into a smile when he looked at my clothes. I put on a sheer tank which was better than nothing. I don't know why he's so overprotective.

"Hey Minji." I turned my head to the voice and I almost cried in joy.

"YIXING OPPA!" I ran over to him and he wrapped his arms around my waist, spinning me around until I felt dizzy. "Why are you here?!" I asked him happily. He shrugged and pointed to my mom.

"She told me to come and supervise you and Kris. You know, in case you guys do something that you would do on honeymoons." He wriggled his eyebrows and I nudged his stomach.

"Shut up. Like I'd do anything with that creature."

"Hey I heard that!" Kris frowned and I gave him the middle finger.

"Come on Yixing lets eat." I tugged his wrist and made him sit down next to me. Kris scowled and stabbed his vegetables angrily. Our parents had already left to go to the museum so it was only the three of us.

"Minji, ahh-" Yixing held out a piece of chicken onto his fork and I ate it.

"She can feed herself you know. She's not five." Kris said glaring at Lay. "And stop flirting, you two make me want to vomit."

"Or you're just jealous." I retorted.

"Yeah, jealous of people who don't have to witness this scene." Kris wiped his lip with a napkin and crumpled it into a paper ball. "I'm leaving."

"What's his problem?" I asked eating what Lay was feeding me.

"I don't know." He smirked. I looked up at him weirdly but shrugged it off. "Let's have some fun. I just got here." Lay changed the topic and dragged me with him. 

"But the.. Check." I mumbled. Lay grinned and turned to me. 

"I told the waiter to charge it to your hotel room. And Kris is paying for that room, right?" I grinned and ruffled my friends hair.

"Oi! Have I ever told you how smart you are?!" He kissed my cheek and wrapped an arm around my waist. 

"I already know." Since I was already in a bathing suit and Lay was wearing casual clothes, the two of us played at the beach and had water splash fights.

"YIXING!!!" I cried when he splashed water in my mouth. "The water is soo salty!"

"No duh, it's salt water." He rolled his eyes and ran over to me. I started choking and he patted my back.

"Minji, are you alright I didn't mean to-" I looked up at him and smirked. I pushed him into the water and splashed it all over his hair. 

"HAHA! YOU'RE SO GULLIBLE!" He pouted and lightly pushedmy head.

"Am not! You are just quite a great actor" He defended myself. I rolled my eyes and pulled him up. 

"Thanks for caring though." His lips curved up into a smile.

"No problem."


"AISH!" Kris ruffled his hair and paced back and fourth. *It's almost midnight and she's not back, is she really having fun without me?* He frowned and peeked outside of the door. On cue, you were walking back with Yixing hand in hand and Kris's eyes widened. He quickly slammed the hotel door shut and sat on his bed. *Be chill, act like you weren't waiting.* "OH!" He grabbed a random magazine and jumped on the couch, quickly opening it. You came in and he could hear Yixing's laughter outside.

"Take care oppa!" You said cutely and Kris cringed. He hated the fact that you were only nice around Lay. You turned around and scoffed.

"Oh. You're back." He nodded his head and his eyes didn't leave the page. 

"Uh.. Kris?"


"Why are you reading my seventeen's magazine upside down?" His eyes widened as he actually looked at the page. You started giggling and snatched the magazine from him.

"You're looking at the bikini section.. interesting." His face reddened as he cleared his throat.

"So? I'm a man!" You pretended to gasp and covered your chest with your hands.

"Byuntae! You're sleeping on the floor tonight!" You laughed even more and ran inside the bathroom to change. 

*I'm so stupid* Kris thought,banging his head against the headrest. "ow my head." 

"Kris do you have any moisturizer? I ran out of mine." You asked, peeking your head out of the bathroom door

"Yes I do but you can't use any!"

"Found it~" You sang out loud. 

"NO THAT IS EXPENSIVE." He got up to snatch it away from you but you had already locked the bathroom door. A knock came from the hotel room and Kris opened the door. Yixing was carrying a suitcase and he was wearing PJ's.

"Yes?" Kris raised an eyebrow.

"I forgot I didn't have a hotel room." Lay replied, walking inside. He placed his suitcase on the floor and hopped on the bed. 

"Oh Yixing you're here!" Your face brightened once you saw your best friend laying on your bed. You sat down next to him and ruffled his hair. "Wait.. why are you here?"

"I don't have a hotel room." He replied nonchalantly. "I thought your mother had already booked one for me but it turns out they're out of rooms."

"Then you can sleep in the hotel lobby.." Kris mumbled under his breath. You clapped your hands together.


"Good idea!" Kris smiled thinking that you agreed with Lay leaving.

"Kris can you sleep in the hotel lobby? There is only one bed and a couch. I can't sleep on the couch because the cushion is hard and I don't think you and Lay can sleep on the couch together." You suggested.

"How about we'll sleep on the bed together and Kris can sleep on the couch?" Kris balled his hands into fists angrily and grabbed a pillow and blanket.

"I'll sleep in the lobby." He'd do anything for you and Lay not to be close to each other. Lay grinned knowing the reason behind Kris's nice gesture but he kept his mouth shut.

"Thanks Kris!" You ran over to him and kissed him on the cheek. His eyes widened as he stood there frozen. It wasn't until you pushed him outside the hotel room that he realized what had happened.

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Chapter 12: oh my gosh ... they are a soulmate . match from heaven . lol update please
2407briana #2
Chapter 12: New reader! I really like this story " ♡
Chapter 11: Its been a while . I miss this story soo much . I really love kris personality . OHH! they're so cute together . I felt like melting when kris said "lets stay like this , i dont want to move " and lets stay like this , i'm tired" part . Update soon .
Chapter 12: But this story is great i meant awesome ~^O^~ can't you considering it one more time pleaseee . I like this story ~T_T~.
Chapter 10: Hahaha .. kris sleeping at the hotel lobby .. btw nice story i really like it already . This story make me laugh non-stop .. UPDATE SOON please .. i'm curious to know what happen next ..pleaseeee
peipei_bigbadgirl #6
Chapter 10: OMG. Kris is sleeping in the lift lobby?! Update soon
Chapter 10: Update soon~
I can't wait !!
KrisLuforever #8
Chapter 10: Kris! hahaha how adorable! Lol.
Update soon~
ilovebapyessir #9
Chapter 9: Ugdrade!!!! Soon
KrisLuforever #10
Chapter 9: LOL. I Love how they quarrel!
Update soon :)