Happily Never After: My Arranged Marriage With Kris Wu

Minji's POV:


"Mom, I told you already I'm tired of dressing up for every special occasion!"

"Oh, honey, you're a grown woman, and it's about time you look like one. I promise, this will be the last time I will ever make you wear a dress." I could tell my mom was lying. She had promised me the same thing every time and quickly came up with another excuse after she had broken her promise. I reluctantly nodded and slipped into the silky dress my mom had bought me earlier and paired it with some heels. After the so called makeover, we headed out to some fancy Chinese restaurant. Thank God, I was starving. 

"Sorry, our son is a little bit late, he'll be coming soon." Mrs. Wu had informed us. I could feel her staring at me as I shifted uncomfortably

"How old is your daughter?"

"She's 17, isn't she a charm?" My mom replied curling a piece of hair behind my ear. I flinched and scooted farther away from her.

"Yes, my she's lovely." 

"Thanks." I mumbled shoving a spoonful of rice down my mouth. My mom nudged me, telling me to eat properly but I shook my head and refused to do so.

"Sorry I got stuck in traffic." I heard someone say as I refused to look up from my plate. He pulled a chair across from me and sat down. 

"This is my son, Wufan." Mr. Wu smiled happily.

"Wufan, this is Minji, your soon to be wife!" I nearly spat out my food and looked up, only to see Kris smirking.

Bwoh? I'm marrying Kris?!

"OMMA!" I shouted, causing all the other customers to look at me. "Why him?" I hissed. My mom laughed nervously and patted my back.

"Aigoo my daughter is so excited, right Minji?" She said through clenched teeth. I glared at her.

"No. I'm not. Kris!!" I whined. "Tell them you don't want to get married with me!" Kris smirked and reached over to my hands and took ahold of it, causing my heart to beat 10x faster.

"Jagiya. I asked for it." He kissed the knuckles of my hand causing me to withdraw it and smack him across the face. Mrs. Wu looked at me in shock as well as everyone else. 

"I'm leaving." I said and headed out the door. I heard a car honk as I shifted my eyes to the side seeing Kris smile happily and honked the car again.

"Jagiya. get in." I kicked the side of his vehicle and crossed my arms over my chest. 

"I'M NOT YOUR JAGIYA!" I screamed causing the pedestrians to look at me funny. Kris hid his face from the curious people who were trying to peek inside.

"Just come in. You're embarrassing yourself." As much as I wanted to deny it, unfortunately, it was true. I sighed and reached out for the door handle as Kris pumped the accelerator and drove off. My anger was boiling inside of me as he reversed and came back.

"I"m kidding. Get in." I mumbled incoherent curse words at him before pulling the door handle. Which was locked. I tapped my foot impatiently.

"Kris I'm not in the mood to play games right now!" He laughed and unlocked the door as I sat down and shut the door violently. He wrapped one arm around me and kissed my cheek.

"Sorry jagiya." I went ape on him and whacked him with my purse, causing him to quickly apologize.

"DON'T KISS ME!" I screamed. He held onto his precious face and pressed on the accelerator.

"So stubborn." He stole a glance at me, expecting me to feel sympathy towards him. He dropped me off at a house I've never seen before.

"This isn't my house, " I barked. 

"You're right. Its our house." I stared at him wide eyed and refused to get out of the car.

"No.. my parents wouldn't do this."

"But they did" Kris pretended to pout. "Come on jagiya."


"I'm sorry.. yobo." I rolled my eyes and ignored him. 

"Fine. Suit yourself." He got out of the car and opened my side. Without a pause, he scooped me up in his arms and carried me outside. 

"Dang. I must be strong if I have the strength to carry your fat ." I tried to break loose as his grip tightened. "that was a compliment." he winked. My face flushed as he set me down and opened the door, smacking my in the process.

"I hate you." I shot knives at him. 

"I feel the love." he said sarcastically. "Oh.. and there's only one bed." My eyes widened as I ran upstairs and smirked at him.

"I guess you're sleeping on the couch."


"Let me in Minji." Kris cried desperately. *don't give in* I told myself and flipped the next page of my magazine. My parents were generous enough to transfer my belongings over to the house so I didn't have to go back and get it. Unfortunately. 

"Please Minji let me in."

"NO" I screamed back. It was silent for a while. Too quiet. Kris had unlocked the door as he dangled the key in his hands.

"I wasn't going to do this, but you left me with no choice." He smirked and lifted me bridal style. He carried me outside and set me down. "good night." and with that. He shut the door and locked it. I cursed mentally as I unfortunately had to sleep on the couch.

The next day I woke up feeling something heavy on my stomach. I groaned and pushed the unknown object off. I heard a groan as a pair of arms tightened around my waist. I rubbed my eyes and opened them. Seeing Kris's sleeping face scared the living daylights out of me. I let out a high pitched scream and pushed him off the bed.

"How'd I get here?" He rubbed his head and glared at me.

"You slept walk." My eyes widened.

"Jinja?" He scoffed and got off, dusting his boxers. My face heated up once I realized he wasn't wearing a shirt. 

"No you idiot. I carried you up here." My face blushed realizing that I slept on the same bed as he did. "don't be flattered." He rummaged through a pile of clothing and handed me my uniform. "get dressed. I'll drive us to school today." I sighed and waited for him to leave. He looked at me with one of his eyebrows raised up. "what?"

"Get out!" I hissed. He smirked and left. I was glad he wasn't like Lay and quickly slipped on my uniform and headed out to the car once I ate breakfast. Lay gave me a grin and attacked me in a hug.

"your mom told me." He winked. I rolled my eyes and pushed him aside. "I hate you."


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Chapter 12: oh my gosh ... they are a soulmate . match from heaven . lol update please
2407briana #2
Chapter 12: New reader! I really like this story " ♡
Chapter 11: Its been a while . I miss this story soo much . I really love kris personality . OHH! they're so cute together . I felt like melting when kris said "lets stay like this , i dont want to move " and lets stay like this , i'm tired" part . Update soon .
Chapter 12: But this story is great i meant awesome ~^O^~ can't you considering it one more time pleaseee . I like this story ~T_T~.
Chapter 10: Hahaha .. kris sleeping at the hotel lobby .. btw nice story i really like it already . This story make me laugh non-stop .. UPDATE SOON please .. i'm curious to know what happen next ..pleaseeee
peipei_bigbadgirl #6
Chapter 10: OMG. Kris is sleeping in the lift lobby?! Update soon
Chapter 10: Update soon~
I can't wait !!
KrisLuforever #8
Chapter 10: Kris! hahaha how adorable! Lol.
Update soon~
ilovebapyessir #9
Chapter 9: Ugdrade!!!! Soon
KrisLuforever #10
Chapter 9: LOL. I Love how they quarrel!
Update soon :)