The Loneliness (Seungri's POV)



It's going to be a painful ride :(



“Oppa, let’s go home.”


“I-I kind of want to stay here,” I stutter “with mom.”


“You’re not fooling anyone here, oppa.”


“I’m not.” my voice starts to fade again.


“You have promised mom.”


“I know,” I sigh, “But-”


“Leave him, oppa. He doesn’t worth fighting for.”


“What are you saying?”


“Are you going to abandon your family just for him? You know you’re the only son. Mom and dad set their hopes high for you.”


I lower my head, “But I love him.”


“Don’t be silly, oppa. Besides, he doesn’t love you as much as you do.”


I look up, “What did you say?!”


“You’re stupid, indeed. And you’re totally blinded by love.” She smirks.


“What are you trying to say, Hana-ya?” I’m getting impatient.


“Don’t you know about him and Youngbae?”


I laugh, “Are you trying to make things up and convince me to believe the stupid lie?”


She laughs back, “Call it whatever you want. But if I make things up, then explain to me what this is.”


She hands me her phone. The screen shows a photo of Jiyong and Youngbae kissing each other. Or maybe Youngbae is the only one kissing. Jiyong would never do this to me. I knew him very well to believe this bullsh*t.


“It’s not real. It’s, it’s made up.” But I stutter.


“Just go home, oppa. Don’t waste your precious times on him.”


I can feel my eyes heated up, angry. I squeeze her phone in my hand. “It’s made up.”


“You have grown more stupid day by day.”








The next thing I remember, I slapped Hana and I ran away from the hospital as far as I could. I feel lost and lonely. I don’t know where should I go or who to run to. I want to run to Jiyong’s arm, but the photo has made me in doubt. I know I should never doubt him, but the photo looked so real it hurts.


Now here I am, drinking alone in the bar. I don’t know how much I drunk since I first have entered this horrible place. The bar is famous to be criminals’ bar in Cheongdamdong and it’s also famous for ion’s place. Everyone around me are either making out or—I don’t give a damn.


I honestly have never entered a bar or a club alone; I have always gone with Jiyong. It feels different and scary to be alone, surrounded by strangers—criminals and es. I feel lost in loneliness.


The photo shows up in my mind again. It angers me to see Jiyong in someone else’s arms, to see him embraced by someone else. It should always be me. It never should be done by anyone else but me.


I slam my glass to the table, I can feel my eyes heat up from anger. Why can’t people just let us be? Why would they try to break us apart? They even made such cheap lie. They thought I’d fall for it and leave Jiyong.


Don’t they know how long have I been with him? I know my boyfriend very well; too well, even. Don’t they know it to keep it secret all these time? Why couldn’t they be happy for us? Support us for our choice. It’s our lives anyway, not theirs.


It hurts me to see my family slowly banning me. I know I may not be what they wanted me to be, but this is who I really am. Is it that easy to ban their own child just because they’re different? Have I become a shame to my family?


I sigh, lower my head. I knew Jiyong would have never done this to me. He would never hurt me. I knew him very well, and I trust him. I convince myself once again the photo is made up. I convince myself that Hana only made things up to make me leave Jiyong.


I feel sorry that I can’t fulfill my parents’ wish, but I have made my choice. I won’t be shaken anymore. Jiyong is my life, my choice, who I want to spend the rest of my lives with. I won’t be taken aback by anything from now on. I’d never doubt Jiyong again.


But I tell you what, it will never happen. I trust my Jiyongie, I love him. And it will stay like that forever. I feel bad for doubting him before. I really should have never doubted him. I should have just gone home, to his warm embrace, to where I belong.


“I should call Jiyong to tell him I’m doing alright.” I put my hand inside my pocket, but my phone and wallet is not there anymore.


. Someone must have stolen it. Could it be Hana? No, this must have been done by a professional. . I just remembered I’m in the famous criminals’ bar.


Now that I remember about it, a criminal hit me and walked away. I should have been more aware. I should have not been this innocent. Why did I enter this horrible place again? I sigh, I am stupid.


I curse my own stupidity while making a plan to escape the cold-blooded bouncers. The bouncers in this bar are famous to be unforgiving toward people like me. Toward people who can’t pay.


The best plan that I can think of right now is to escape from the bar’s toilet. I try to leave the bar quietly even though my head hurts really badly. I try to leisurely walk to the toilet, thinking to escape quickly. I’ll be dead if I don’t pay for the drinks.


“Excuse me, sir, but you have to pay now.”


. “I’m only going to the toilet for a while, I’ll be back again, and I’ll pay.”


“You’re not fooling anyone here, sir.”


She’s acting exactly like Hana. “I’m not.”


“Then pay now, that’s how things work here.”


The bouncers—no need to mention they are huge and there are lots of them—start to move closer to the scene. The bar falls silent; everyone’s staring at me. I step forward to the bar, closer to the annoying bartender. I cough, and I can feel my body stumbling.


“I lost my wallet.” I mumble to her.


“I can’t hear you, sir.”


“I lost my wallet.” Everyone in the bar laughs at my stupidity. I cursed myself; I should have never entered this damn bar at the first place. I should have just gone home straight to Jiyong.


She snaps her finger and the scary bouncers walk toward me. I turn pale. I’ll be dead if I don’t escape from this place as soon as possible. . . .








The next thing I remember, I was escaping but the bouncers were much faster than me. They catch me in no time. They drag me outside the bar as the criminals cheer on them. I was thrown, flung, toward the wall. I can only remember I’m being kicked and punched continuously, as well as the cracking sound from my body.


They were mercilessly kicking and punching my body, not giving a single break. I also can still hear their laughs clearly, as if it’s still happening. I think I broke my ribs and my arms; I broke my whole body.


I can remember bloods spilling from my mouth and nose, and it still does. I remember I covered my face with my hands but there were no use. There were like, five of them, and I was alone. It wasn’t fair but what could I do. It’s my fault for entering the bar anyway.






Now I’m here, lying down on the pile of trash, half conscious. My mouth is stuffed with one of the bouncer’s handkerchief and my whole body is a mess. My hands and legs are also tied with robe. I can’t move, my whole body is aching.


At this time I can only cry and cursing myself for being so stupid. If I didn’t fall for Hana’s trick I wouldn’t end up being here and robbed by some criminals without knowing it. I wouldn’t drink this much and above it all, I wouldn’t have make Jiyong worried.


“Jiyongie…its cold out here…my whole body is aching…I need you, Jiyongie, I’m sorry for doubting you before, I really am sorry. I should have never doubted you. Please don’t worry about me, Jiyongie, I’ll be fine. I’ll be home to you soon.”


I pass out, giving up to the pain.




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pandari_1212 #1
Chapter 18: Awww just read on 2020
I hope you will come back to create another amazing story :)
Tigerlily319 #2
Chapter 8: Okay, being a VIP, knowing Bae’s Personality, even for the sake of this storyline is quite difficult to beleive. Not that it’s hard to believe He can Love GD (well a little hard because of how long He’s been dating Min Hyo-rin now) so there is a small window there that they can love each other in that sense. Except, it’s just impossible for me to believe He would ever take advantage of GD like that. I had to skip those parts.
Tigerlily319 #3
Chapter 4: I don’t know where this writing is going, however, I don’t think I can take anything happening to Panda again. The Feels are too much. <Sigh> This Emotional Roller-coaster.
Tigerlily319 #4
Chapter 2: For the Love of...... I’ve f’in gone through a whole Box of Tissues and am only on Chapter 2. I’m so sad, sad for GD, sad for Panda and sad for BB. Besides some gramatical errors, despite it being really sad, you’re writing is quite good so Thank you for writing & sharing. It’s Crazy that you wrote this Before his real car accident (Thank God He didn’t get too injured). Like a strange Premonition.
ruthyou7 #5
Chapter 18: Love this story!!!!
sajerry #6
Chapter 15: Owww so sweet.I love it so much.
vododoll #7
Chapter 17: OMG WooooW .... I will cry this is amazing ... I loooove the story ... Please make another Gri fanfic pleaseeee
Chapter 18: OMFG
that was a akshsksvaka HAWT
Ugh i just loved this story so much.
Write more gri or todae story juseyo^^
Well done author nim.
Great story. Love! <3
Chapter 18: authornim....the vows...ohmyGod....i was crying while reading felt so sincere...ohmyGod..Another GRi fic?Yay!thank u so much!