YG Family Concert


Please be patient for the wedding chapter! ^^

The concert needs to be told because it's gonna be fluffyyyyyy xD




Today is the day of YG family concert and everyone is busy preparing. People are roaming around everywhere and sometimes yelling at each other. It’s very normal considering all of YG artists will perform and demand from public to us. The production crews—all who are working back stages—are literally very cranky today.


I stare blankly at the view and playing alone with my phone. Seunghyun is nowhere to be seen, so I assume he is either still having his make-up done or playing around with others. He just loves to take photos a lot. He’ll upload it to his social network and sadly enough, none of us really respond. Only his fans will respond him loyally.


I look down to my fingers, to where the ring he has put on me stays. I smile, happy that I’ll marry him anytime soon. It’s a Cartier ring and it shines beautifully. I sigh; speaking of marriage, I don’t know how I’m going to marry him. As far as I know South Korea doesn’t allow gay marriage yet.


I decide to refresh my mind by walking around to visit others and looking for Seunghyun as well. I walk to the closest room which belongs to 2NE1. I knock on the door lightly and as I hear Bom says ‘come in’, I open the door with a smile.


“Hey girls.”


“Oppa!” CL welcomes me excitedly and she runs over to me.


“Hey, ready for tonight, baddest female?” I grin.


“Sure I am!” she grins and Minzy runs over to me as well.


“Oppa! Your new album rules!”


“Thank you, cuties.” I hug them both, loving them as my little sisters.


“I’m not a cutie.” CL protests.


“Alright, cutie and baddest female.” I laugh.


Bom looks at me and she smiles teasingly, “I heard wedding bells.”


I blush, “How do you know?”


“Do you forget that your fiancé loves to talk so much?”


I blush at the word ‘fiancé’ and I smile to her, “He just loves to spread the good news, I guess.”


“He sure does.” Bom grins.


“How’s the wedding preparation goes so far?” Dara smiles kindly to me.




They look at me in shock, and Bom is the first one to shout their thoughts. “Zero?! Are you kidding me?!”


“Uhm…I’m afraid I was not joking.”


“Oh boy,” Bom shakes her head, “you definitely need our help.”


I nod, agreeing right away. “I do.”


“Don’t worry, we’ll help and you’ll have the best wedding ever.”


“Sure, since you girls will help me out.”


They laugh sweetly and now that I remember, Seunghyun is not in this room. I look around and they seem to understand who is I look for.


“Your fiancé isn’t here. He’s probably roaming somewhere else, taking selcas and all.”


I blush again, “He probably does.” I smile, “Alright, girls, good luck tonight!”


They cheer ‘fighting’ loudly as I walk outside their room, and I bump into someone. Someone whose body is very familiar, whose body I hold on to every night. I look up to him and I smile brightly.


“Where were you?”


“Everywhere,” he grins, “taking selcas.”


I laugh, “You love to take selcas a lot.”


“Every moments need to be captured, Jiyongie.” He hugs me and he kisses my forehead before he points his camera and smiles widely to it. “Say cheese!”


I laugh, “Don’t post that on any of your social networks.”


He frowns, “Why? I can’t show off?”


“Not like that, it’s just I must have looked horrible.”


“You always look good.”


I blush uncontrollably, “Let’s just get prepared.”


“But I haven’t taken any selcas with the girls, though?”


“You can do it later,” I smile, “right now I want you to company me.”


He smiles, “I love when you’re like this.”


We walk back to our room happily; we’re holding hands and laughing like idiots. I don’t even know the reason why we’re so happy right now. I guess we’re just happy from seeing each other; I’m always happy whenever he’s around.


Sometimes things just don’t have reasons at all. I love him for no reason, I want him for no reason, and I care about him more than anything for no reason. I guess it’s what people called true love. True love is unreasonable, and that’s exactly what happened to me when I saw him. I have always known he is the one all along, the one who I will love until the day I die.


I will never have enough to tell him how much I love him, and I will show the world that he is mine. It will forever stay that way; he’ll forever be mine. Even if I was to reborn a million times, I’d meet him and fall in love with him a million times. No matter whom I will be or who he will be. We’re just meant to be.


I grasp his hand tightly, to assure myself that he’s alive; that he’s mine. I’d never forget the nightmare—I still don’t want to believe it was real—and I won’t let it happen again. I won’t let him slip away from my fingers once more. I’ll keep him close to me, even though I know it’s a selfish thing to do.


I look up to him, only to find myself falling in love with him all over again. That beautiful eyes and adorable smile will always get me. Even though he has grown more mature, the boyish look that I fell for is still there. His cheerfulness and his youth surely will never fade away. I sigh; it all feels like only yesterday.


“What’s wrong, Jiyongie?”


“I have just fallen in love with you all over again.”


He smiles, “That’s a very nice thing to hear from my fiancé.”


I blush, I feel overwhelm with joy. He made me overjoy ever since he showed up. I still can’t believe my luck to have someone like him as my boyfriend, my best friend, my everything. He completes me; he completes my life.


“I love you.”


“I love you more, Kwon Jiyong.”


“I love you most, Lee Seunghyun.”


We laugh again as we make our way into our room. Everyone is still busy preparing, getting their make-ups done, and checking on gifts from fans. The concert is in one hour, so it’s normal to see everyone even crankier and panic. I’m dragged by my hair-stylist and Seunghyun is dragged by his make-up artist.


We get our make-up and hair done in a flash—or so I feel—and we wait in our room feeling relax. Don’t get me wrong, I usually feel anxious when I’m about to perform either solo or with Big Bang, but I just feel carefree today. Today is just perfect.


Seunghyun has just done his make-up and his hair when he walks toward me. He smiles brightly to me and he sits next to me.


“So…about our wedding.” He says suddenly.


“What’s about our wedding?”


“We haven’t even picked a date.”


I laugh a little, “When do you think is the best?”


“I think in August is the best.”


I smile, “On my birthday?”


“Yes exactly. I want to give you the best birthday present you could ever get.”


I blush, “You’re romantic.”


“You made me.” He smiles and he kisses my hand, “You made me the man I am today.”


I blush and without my own realization I’m tearing up. God is being really kind to me today; I must have done something good. Life can’t be more perfect than this. To be loved and love Seunghyun is the best thing that could ever happen to me. His love will always be enough for me.


Just then the production crews come in hurry and tell us to get ready—time flies real fast I don’t even realize the concert is happening in five minutes—and weird enough I still feel carefree; not a slightest bit anxious. I can’t even wait to perform, to entertain our fans and show my affections toward Seunghyun publicly.


I grasp his hand tightly yet gently and I smile to him, “We’ll let the world knows.”






We have just finished singing ‘Bad Boy’ and start to interact with the audiences; the audiences whom we feel as a family. I step forward, closer to Seunghyun and before he even begins talking and praising me like usual, I kiss him on the cheek. He blushes and everyone cheer on us, as if they waited for it to happen.


I laugh and I put my arm around his shoulder. He blushes and he stutters, shocked that I kissed him. I’d never done that before, but tonight I just want people to know how much he means to me.


“So…” he coughs, “uhm…”


I laugh and everyone cheer even louder.


“I love GD,” he says without any hesitant, “I love you, Jiyong.”


“I love Seungri,” I blush again, “I love you too, Seunghyun.”


Everyone cheer wildly as we hug and laugh together.


He coughs nervously, “Jiyong is a genius, and he’s the best of the best. I have always adored him ever since our trainee days.”


I choke; I can’t say a single word except to hug him. Seunghyun surely knows how to sweep me off my feet. Audiences cheer wildly again as Seunghyun says he loves me in every language he knows. I can only laugh and blush like a fool.


I hug him again and drag him to continue the concert. I can’t stop smiling brightly throughout the concert. Life is perfect and God is being perfectly kind to me. For the first time and forever will, I’m so grateful to be me. To be a Kwon Jiyong; to be a man Seunghyun loves.








Sorry if this chapter is boring :(

The next one will be the wedding and then...it's going to end with an epilogue :'(




Don't worry, as soon as this ends I'm going to make another GRi fanfic and I promise it will be better.

Thank you for your kind supports for me :') <3

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pandari_1212 #1
Chapter 18: Awww just read on 2020
I hope you will come back to create another amazing story :)
Tigerlily319 #2
Chapter 8: Okay, being a VIP, knowing Bae’s Personality, even for the sake of this storyline is quite difficult to beleive. Not that it’s hard to believe He can Love GD (well a little hard because of how long He’s been dating Min Hyo-rin now) so there is a small window there that they can love each other in that sense. Except, it’s just impossible for me to believe He would ever take advantage of GD like that. I had to skip those parts.
Tigerlily319 #3
Chapter 4: I don’t know where this writing is going, however, I don’t think I can take anything happening to Panda again. The Feels are too much. <Sigh> This Emotional Roller-coaster.
Tigerlily319 #4
Chapter 2: For the Love of...... I’ve f’in gone through a whole Box of Tissues and am only on Chapter 2. I’m so sad, sad for GD, sad for Panda and sad for BB. Besides some gramatical errors, despite it being really sad, you’re writing is quite good so Thank you for writing & sharing. It’s Crazy that you wrote this Before his real car accident (Thank God He didn’t get too injured). Like a strange Premonition.
ruthyou7 #5
Chapter 18: Love this story!!!!
sajerry #6
Chapter 15: Owww so sweet.I love it so much.
vododoll #7
Chapter 17: OMG WooooW .... I will cry this is amazing ... I loooove the story ... Please make another Gri fanfic pleaseeee
Chapter 18: OMFG
that was a akshsksvaka HAWT
Ugh i just loved this story so much.
Write more gri or todae story juseyo^^
Well done author nim.
Great story. Love! <3
Chapter 18: authornim....the vows...ohmyGod....i was crying while reading them...it felt so sincere...ohmyGod..Another GRi fic?Yay!thank u so much!