

"Seunghyun-ah, I don't understand."

"Now you don't hyung, but eventually you will."


He chuckles, "You ask 'what' all the time."

Tears start to streaming down my face, for I miss listening to his laugh and his voice. "Will you stay?"

Seunghyun sighs, "My Jiyongie," he smiles, "what important is that I'm here with you now. Don't be sad anymore, it's killing me."

I burst out in tears, "I miss you."

Seunghyun hugs me tight and he pats the back of my head, "My poor Jiyongie, I'm here now."

"But, Seunghyun-ah?"


"Why are you freezing?" I look at him in depression, where is my full of warmth Seunghyun?


Just then I can hear the front door forced open by the three guys and they're rushing to my room. Youngbae holds my face firmly while Daesung and TOP yelling and shouting something I ca- don't want to hear. What important to me now is, Seunghyun's gone. Was that only a dream? Was that not real?


Youngbae slaps my right cheek pretty hard, "YA! What do you think you're doing!"


"Ya, you! You drove us insane out there!" TOP is scolding and yelling at me, what a rare scene.

"Seunghyun was here."


"Seunghyun was here, guys. He was here."

They fall silent at my words and Youngbae starts to cry, "Jiyong-ah, please don't be like this. I know it's ha-"

"Do you think I'm lying? I'm not, Youngbae-ya! He was here!"

Daesung steps forward and he's crying hard, "Hyung, we all miss him. But please don't make it hard on him."


"You're my unfinished business, hyung."


I choke and fall silent at his words. Do I really making things hard for Seunghyun? I stumble and I fall onto my bed as I pull my hair and scrunching up my face. I cry again, I cry in frustration.

"Here, I'll help you cleaning up. I'm staying with you."

The guys hold me up and helping me change into pajamas. They open all the curtains and clean up the mess I made earlier.

"Oh God you're bleeding."

"I accidentally touched shards of glass on the floor."

Youngbae stare at me in silent and clean up my wound, after that he covers it with some band-aids. "Don't do anything stupid again, Jiyong-ah. It's enough for you to drive me insane like that."

I look up to him, puzzled. I can't seem to understand what everyone is saying to me for these past few days. It seems like I've lost my intellegence. So I ignore his words and closing my eyes instead.

"I'm tired, Youngbae-ya." I choke again, "I want, I need my Seunghyun. I know I'm being selfish, but I really can't live without him."

"We're being selfish sometimes, it's okay Jiyong-ah." he my hair gently, "get some rest."

He pulls up my blanket and covers me with it. For one moment I feel at ease, I feel warm.


"Yes?" he turns his face as he walks out my room.

"Thank you for everything, I'm really grateful to have you."

He smiles brightly, "Your welcome, now have some sleep." he leaves.


As he leaves me, I start to feel cold and uneasy again. I hate being lonely, I hate to sleep alone. I want Seunghyun beside me, hugging my back and soothe me. He'd say "Sleep, hyung, I'm here, don't worry." whenever I'm uneasy like this.

"Seunghyun-ah, where are you?" I cry again.

"Hyung, get some sleep. I'm always here."

I turn my back and I find him lie on the bed. He looks up to the ceiling before he finally looks at me and smiles. "Just because you can't see me doesn't mean I'm gone."

"Seunghyun-ah, don't leave. Never leave me. Don't you dare, Seunghyun-ah." I sobs and begging to him.

"My Jiyongie," he leans closer to hug me, "I'm always beside you, you fool."

I smile but tears start to fall, "You are fool."

He kisses my forehead, "Sleep, my fool Jiyongie."


"Aigo, I can read your mind, keep the question for now. I'll answer all your confusions laterr."

"Alright, alright, but don't leave. I want you to be here when I open my eyes."

"My Jiyongie is so cute..." he giggles, "Yes, honey."


I close my eyes and I hold his freezing hands tightly, afraid I will lose him again. And finally, after days of insomnia and crying, I can go to sleep in peace and at ease. I trust Seunghyun will never leave me again, even though I feel sorry for being too selfish. I made him stuck here for not wanting to let go, but I'm not ready and I don't think I ever will. He is my life, if it's all over then I'll be over too. It's as simple as that.




I yawn and stretch myself before I find Youngbae is sitting on the edge of my bed, smiling. "You slept soundly."


I smile and I look around, hoping Seunghyun is here too. As expected, he's nowhere to be seen, but then again I trust his words. Just because I can't see him doesn't mean he's gone. He's just not showing himself to someone else. I yawn again and sit up, rubbing my swollen eyes.


"How long have I been asleep?"

"I'm not sure, but it's another morning. You've slept for 24 hours, I guess."

I gaped my mouth in shock, "24 hours?!" I laugh.

He laughs as well, "Yes. Now let's have some breakfast, everyone else is waiting."


I stand up from my bed and walk to the dining room. Daesung and TOP is already eating their breakfast. "Ya, Daesungie, can't you wait for your hyung? You too, hyung." I glare jokingly at them.

"Hyung!" Daesung runs up to me and hugs me, "Let's have breakfast together!"

"Wow, you look at ease, Jiyong-ah." TOP adds, "That's a wonderful thing."

"Yeah, I finally found my peace."

Youngbae smiles brightly and hands me a bowl of rice, "Now eat."


I receive the bowl and start to eat in silent, I even smile. I thank Seunghyun for making me strong againAfter I finish my breakfast I watch the TV with the boys, and in the morning TV only airing news. I yawn at first, but my heart suddenly stops when I hear the host saying my name.

"Seungri from BIGBANG who is recently died in a fatal car accident turned out to be gay and had a serious relationship with his fellow band mate, G-Dragon."

I choke. "The ?!"


Youngbae quickly turns off the TV, "Jiyong-ah, let's do something else, the news are being silly."


Tears start to filling my eyes again, it feels poignant to hear the news. I'm not mad because my name is mentioned, I'm mad because they're talking about my Seunghyun. He didn't do anything wrong to deserve any of these craps.


"Damn right they are, Youngbae. How can they be-" I choke again, "How can they?!"

I kick the coffee table in front of me and start crying as Youngbae tries to hold me. "Jiyong-ah, calm down, please."

"They're f****ing talking about my Seunghyun! How dare they!"


I fall on my knees and hide my face beneath it. Youngbae pats my shoulder while Daesung and TOP fall silent, still embracing each other (in case I forgot to mention, they are lovers too). I stand up and run to my room, leaving the three guys alone again. As I enter my room, I see Seunghyun lies on our bed. He pats the pillow next to him and smiles at me.


"Why is my Jiyongie crying again?" he asks as I lying down next to him.

I choke, "You know."

"I know," he smiles, "come now, stop crying." he leans closer and embraces me in his arms. He kisses my forehead, "Am I still freezing?"

I nod in silent, even though his presence make me at ease and feel warm, I can't deny the fact that his whole body is freezing.

"Are you still curious?"

I nod again, "Please answer all of my questions."

He chuckles, "Alright, my Jiyongie. Now for the reason why I'm freezing, it's because I'm a dead per-"

"Shut up."

"I thought you want the answer?"

"I hate to hear the word." I choke again.

"Alright we can skip that, I believe you already knew why. For the reason why I'm here's because you're my unfinished business."

"I don't understand that."

He laughs again, "The day I die, I mean, left, I wanted to propose you." he chokes and so do I, "It never happened, right? It became my unfinished business, and with you being in pain like this, I can't leave. I don't think I'll ever want, but eventually I'll have to."

"No, we'll always be-"

"Stop with that nasty thought, don't even think to try killing yourself again."


"It's not as simple as you thought it is, it's complicated. So don't even think about it."


We fall silent and all I can hear is my breathing sound. Seungri smiles and leans on me to put his head on top of my chest.

"I love to hear your heart beat and your breathing sound, it makes me feel alive."

I frown, "You are alive."

He smiles understandingly and my cheek, "I'll always be, I live in you."

"I want you to live with me, not in me."

"You know very well that is impossible." he sighs, "It's different now, we can't be like what we used to be."

"Of course we can."

He groans, "For God's sake! Stop with that nasty thought already!"

I cry and shake my head, "I'll find a way for us, I promise."

"Jiyongie, you know we can't. Once my business here ends, I'll go. You'll have to live on from that moment."

"Easier to say."

"Jiyongie, please. I want to see you grow old, have a family, have lots of children, and die as an old person in your bed."

"I want to do it with you, I want to be with you. You know I want to grow old with you!"

"You know we can't and most certainly you know you can't die now, Jiyongie, not by killing yourself. I promise, I'll be careful in the next life, I won't let the same mistake happen to us."

"You're mean, Seunghyun-ah."

"Jiyongie, if I could turn back time I would, I want to be with you too."

"Why did you leave me?" I sob.

"Don't you know with you being like this is the same like stabbing me? It's painful. I feel worthless to see you miserable like this and not able to do anything to help. It , to see you crying day by day and I'm not able to fulfill your wish."

"I can."

He sobs, "Jiyongie, please stop with that horrifying thought. Life sometimes harsh like this, but I guarantee you it'll get better."

"It won't. You're not here."

"I'm sorry, Jiyongie, I'm so sorry." he sobs even louder.

I crack up, I can't hold the sadness any longer, "Don't leave me Seunghyun-ah... God must know if you're not here, I'm not able to live."


He holds me tight and calms me down, as well another kiss to my forehead. He pats the back of my head gently, as if I were a baby. I really can't bear the thought of him leaving me and moving on. I don't want to move on, I want him back to me. I want my life back. I beg to God as I fall asleep, and I don't know if I'm being too much for asking God to send him back to me.


God, I swear I won't make him sad even just for a day. I'll make him happy. Please, I need him.

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pandari_1212 #1
Chapter 18: Awww just read on 2020
I hope you will come back to create another amazing story :)
Tigerlily319 #2
Chapter 8: Okay, being a VIP, knowing Bae’s Personality, even for the sake of this storyline is quite difficult to beleive. Not that it’s hard to believe He can Love GD (well a little hard because of how long He’s been dating Min Hyo-rin now) so there is a small window there that they can love each other in that sense. Except, it’s just impossible for me to believe He would ever take advantage of GD like that. I had to skip those parts.
Tigerlily319 #3
Chapter 4: I don’t know where this writing is going, however, I don’t think I can take anything happening to Panda again. The Feels are too much. <Sigh> This Emotional Roller-coaster.
Tigerlily319 #4
Chapter 2: For the Love of...... I’ve f’in gone through a whole Box of Tissues and am only on Chapter 2. I’m so sad, sad for GD, sad for Panda and sad for BB. Besides some gramatical errors, despite it being really sad, you’re writing is quite good so Thank you for writing & sharing. It’s Crazy that you wrote this Before his real car accident (Thank God He didn’t get too injured). Like a strange Premonition.
ruthyou7 #5
Chapter 18: Love this story!!!!
sajerry #6
Chapter 15: Owww so sweet.I love it so much.
vododoll #7
Chapter 17: OMG WooooW .... I will cry this is amazing ... I loooove the story ... Please make another Gri fanfic pleaseeee
Chapter 18: OMFG
that was a akshsksvaka HAWT
Ugh i just loved this story so much.
Write more gri or todae story juseyo^^
Well done author nim.
Great story. Love! <3
Chapter 18: authornim....the vows...ohmyGod....i was crying while reading felt so sincere...ohmyGod..Another GRi fic?Yay!thank u so much!