Plan Failed?

A Day In B.A.P's Dorm





Himchan turned to Zelo, pulling him away as he glanced at the cute couple, eyes twitching seeing Daehyun smirking non-stop at him, hugging his cute baby princess in his arms and was sharing an eye piece together, watching a movie on an IPad. Umma is not happy- he must get in between the two-his Youngjae baby and Daehyunnie. He sat down next to Yongguk, folded his arms and pouted at the couple in hopes to make Youngjae pity him so that he would be able to be with the couple. However it didn't work, the couple was too lost in their own world watching from Youngjae's IPad,  to notice the fuming umma with Zelo beside him,just blinking at the couple.
Himchan sighed, tugging at Yongguk's sleeves for his attention. Since he couldn't get the couple's attention, he figured he needed someone to help him -the shy yet firm Yonggukkie.
"Yes?" Yongguk turned to Himchan, gulping see him staring up at him with his puppy eyes and was holding tightly to his muscular arm.
"Yonggukkie, help me! I want to spend time with my kids-"
"Kids?" Yongguk shook his head.
"You can spend time with your Zelo and Jongup"
Himchan glanced at the two, smiling brightly at Jongup who was playing on his IPad and Zelo, who gave Himchan a huge grin and a small wave. Himchan smiled, hatching up another idea in his mind. He gave Yongguk a small peck on his cheek, thanking him for his suggestion and happily dragged Jongup and Zelo away.
Yongguk blinked, blushing hard when Himchan kissed his cheek. He sighed, looking at Himchan dragging the two confused maknaes away. 
"What is Himchan up to ?"
Daehyun smiled at Youngjae who was clutching tightly onto his shirt as they watched  some scary movie Youngjae wanted to see. He hugged his scared princess, his hair as Youngjae snuggled his face into his shirt, peeking a little to see the movie. Youngjae bit his lips he knew the movie was only scary because of it's very creepy music and very heavy face paint but he was worried for the ones who got chased after by the 'ghosts'. He gasped, seeing the brave girl in the movie walking towards a door- not seeing a figure behind her.
"W-Watch out" Daehyun held his baby princess tightly, hearing his soft warning he was trying to convey to the oblivious girl in the movie. He watched as the girl got the shock of her life, screaming and got killed by the hideous figure that is supposedly a monster. Youngjae blinked at the scene, feeling sympathy for the dead girl who died and huddle himself closer to Daehyun.
"H-Hyung..." Daehyun kissed his princess's forehead, rubbing his back gently as Youngjae tightened his hold on his shirt.
"Why did it had to kill her? She did nothing wrong" Youngjae asked innocently , looking up at Daehyun. Daehyun grinned, cupping his face gently.
"Baby, it's just a movie. Don't worry too much about it, it's always like that in movies. " Youngjae nodded slowly at his answer, still not understanding why.
"I can't explain why it kill her but, people die..."
"I know that hyung..." Youngjae muttered softly before embracing his hyung, giving him a small peck on his lips. He looked into the pretty eyes of his hyung, smiling at him.
"I don't want hyung to go away, I love Daehyun hyung alot" Youngjae spoke as Daehyun his cheeks tenderly.
"Hyung can't leave me okay? I love hyung alot, I really love, love ,love , love ,love-"
"Baby" Daehyun pulled him into a tight hug before gently pulling away to look at his cute princess's face. He chuckled seeing Youngjae looking so worriedly at him, feeling him gripping onto his shirt- Youngjae looked  adorable eyeing him with his big doe eyes, lips pursed into a small cute pout. His cute little princess.
"Why did hyung laugh? It's not funny hyung..." Youngjae tilted his head, his eyes boring into Daehyun's. Daehyun sighed, squishing his princess in a tight hug.
"I love love love love my baby princess too~" Youngjae chuckled, squirming in his hold.
"Daehyunnie, you're squishing me!"
"I know, I am Youngie"
"No no no, hyung!" Youngjae giggled as Daehyun held him tighter, not letting him out of his strong grip.
"I don't want my princess to leave me too!" Youngjae smiled, shyly pressing his lips against Daehyun's. He pulled away with reddening cheeks, opting to snuggling against Daehyun's chest to hide his red face from the smirking elder.
"Awww Youngjae is so cute! Why do you hide your cute face from me?"
"B-Because... Just because!" Youngjae muttered back and Daehyun couldn't stop smiling at how precious  Youngjae was being in his arms.
"Aww you're so cute baby"
"Daehyun is too..."Youngjae looked up, giggling at the elder. Daehyun blinked, not expecting Youngjae's awfully cheesy comeback. He squeezed Youngjae tightly in his arms, god he can't get enough of his Youngjae.
"Yah my little cutie!"
Himchan and Zelo stood behind the couch where Yongguk was seated, holding each other as they watched the couple hugging each other and being so cute, giggling and kissing each other. Himchan completely forgot about his plan to use the maknaes to take Youngjae away from Daehyun- Youngjae couldn't resist playing with his dear dongsengs.
"Jongup, Zelo, listen up! This is operation Get Youngjae To Play with UmmaChan!" They nodded obediently at Himchan hyung, not knowing why they were dragged into Himchan and Yongguk's messy room.
"Zelo! You have to get Youngjae to play with you! Jongup, you would be helping Zelo out,if Daehyun insist he wanted his 'Youngjae time'. Understand?"
"Yes sir!"
"Good, let's go!!"
The plan failed when Himchan and Zelo saw Youngjae pecking on Daehyun's lips and ended up squealing non-stop. As for Jongup, he happily went to continue to play with his IPad next to Yongguk hyung who was trying to distract himself from seeing the couple being so cheesy and adorable with each other.
"Ah! My babies are being so cute!!" Himchan shouted, going over to the couple to pinch Youngjae's cheeks and earned a loud growl from Daehyun.
"Hey! Don't touch him-"
"Aww my Daehyunnie is so cute too!" Daehyun blinked, scowling when Himchan went over to pinch his cheeks. He pushed him away and pulled Youngjae with him, staring at the strangely happy Himchan.
"H-Hyung what's wrong with Himchan hyung?" Youngjae asked, watching Himchan twirling around and Zelo joining him, both of them staring at them with puppy eyes and creepy wide smiles.
"I-I don't know..." Daehyun answered, getting scared at Himchan jumping around the couch as Zelo twirled behind him. 
Yongguk looked over to the four, face palming at Himchan acting like a crazy person and Zelo who was just following his UmmaChan. He wanted to laugh at the couple, Daehyun hugging his Youngjae protectively, daring incredulously at the two members staring at him.
"Yah! What are you looking at ?"
"You and Youngjae~~"
"Himchan hyung you're being weird! "
"Who asked you to be so cute towards your princess?"
"W-Why can't  I?"
He turned to Jongup playing quietly beside him, petting his head.
"Ah hyung! I caught a Pokemon!" Yongguk nodded at Jongup, seeing him cheering happily at his achievement.
"Congratulation!" Yongguk replied,sighing inwardly to himself.
"Jongup, you're the only normal one here along with  your poor Youngjae hyung"
Hehe an update >.<
sorry for the long wait and hope you like this chapter^^
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Hehe hope you don't mind the story getting longer>.


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This is so cute, I'm gonna read this more after school XD /rolls off bed/
Chapter 11: Cute little daehyunnie and youngie :3
Chapter 11: Ahhhh this was just too cute =) love it
Chapter 11: OMG. Soooooo cute!
Chapter 10: ahhhh they're sooo cute =]
Chapter 10: All my squeals for this one chapter asdffghjkdklkj. YOU MAKE ME SO HAPPY!
Chapter 10: LOL in the end it wasn't a surprise anymore ! XD
And ohmygod tigger it reminds me of the sleeping-zelo pic so cute til it hurts !! >.<
loserwhowrites #8
Chapter 10: /squEAls/ Too much fluff.. aha i might die from hyperventilating orz
why they are so cuteeeeeeee!!! /squeals/