Just A Peck

Love Is Anonymous


I took Ava outside of the arcade.
"What are you doing here?" I asked slowly walking down the street.
"Nothing. I decided I'd cheer Minhyuk up since I thought he wasn't feeling well." I looked at her with concern.
"Why is he not feeling well? Is he sick?" She looked at me and smiled.
"No he's not sick. After a couple of fri- people left he was gloomy. Maybe it was something they said." She said while putting her finger on her chin. I heard her about to say friends but ended up saying people. Where they not friends to her anymore?
"Well I'm sure he'll be okay since he has you." I locked our arms.
"Technically he has Nikki and your friends, you have me. As of right now." My eyes were now big. I didn't realize I took her away from her "date" with Minhyuk.
"Aish! I'm so sorry. Let's go back." I started turning around but she stood still.
"It's fine. I like talking to you." She said with a smile on her face. I felt my heart beating faster than normal. Why was it like that? Did I like her? She intertwined her hand in my hand. Now my heart was ready to jump out of my chest.
"Do you mind if we hold hands?" She asked innocently. 
"Y..Yes I mean No." I stuttered out. She chuckled which made me smile. Was I slowly falling for her? 
"You don't have to be nervous. I won't bite." She said smiling. I was actually nervous and this time my face showed it. We walked and talked about random things. I looked at my phone to see a whole bunch of text messages from my friends. I looked at the time and it was 12:30am. We left the arcade together at 10:46pm. Which means we've been walking around for about two hours.
"We have to go! We need to go to the arcade!!" She looked at me with wide eyes.
"Omo!! I almost forgot! Aish they are going to be mad at us."
"No they're not. I'll just say I lost track of time." I said trying to make an excuse.
"You really think they'll believe that?" We said speed walking.
"Yep. My friends believe anything."
"Okay. Whatever you say Ren." We started running back to the arcade. When we got there only JR, Baekho, and Minhyun were there.
"Yah! Where were you?! Everybody left! We had to wait for you two!" JR screamed. Ava released my hand and did a 90 degree bow.
"I'm so sorry. I..I.." We all looked at her and she looked like she was about to cry. Did JR scare her that bad? 
"I lost track of time. It won't happen again." Now everyone looked at me. I wanted to hug Ava and punch the crap out of JR for making her like this.
"C'mon Ren we are going home!" JR said as Minhyun and Baekho started getting up. I stood there in the same spot. 
"Is she coming with us so we can drop her off at her house?!" Ava looked up at me with big eyes.
"No! She's the reason why you were late!" JR snapped. I saw Ava lower her head and her hand cover her face.
"No she was not!! We both were late because we both lost track of time!!! Why can't you accept that?! Now if you don't let her walk with us then I'm not coming!" I said yelling across the whole arcade. People looked at me but I didn't care.
"Fine. C'mon Minhyun and Baekho. Ren is walking home." JR said walking out with them. I was shocked that JR actually said that. He would usually let me get my way. Why was he acting that way towards Ava? I guess I'll ask at the dinner tomorrow. Knocking off my train of thought I heard a whimper come from Ava.
"Don't cry Ava. He was mad at both of us not just you. It'll be alright." I said while hugging her tightly.
"He hates me! It's not alright. I don't know what I did to deserve this kind of treatment. Do you? No." She said crying into my shirt. I hated seeing anybody cry. Especially when they did nothing wrong and is a friend.
"He doesn't hate you. He hates the fact that you were gone for a long time with me. He's just jealous he couldn't go with me." I said earning a laugh from Ava.
"Yeah yeah yeah..... Thanks for comforting me Ren. I owe you." She said smiling towards me. I wiped the tears from her face and smiled back. 
"No you don't owe me. I just didn't want to see you cry. Now let's start walking you home." I grabbed her hand and walked out of the arcade. After talking and walking we reached her home. I stopped in front of her house.
"Whelp here we are. At your house."
"Yeah. Thanks for everything tonight Ren. Goodnight." 
"Welcome. Goodnight!" I gave her a hug but then her next action stopped my heart. It stopped time. It stopped everything. She stood on her tippy toes and kissed my cheek. She smiled and walked inside the house. As soon as she closed the door I started jumping around in excitement.
"Yes! She kissed me! She actually kissed me!" I walked home happily and nothing could ruin it. That is unless you have friends who are nosy.
I kissed Ren on the cheek and walked inside. I closed the door and looked outside the window to see Ren jumping up and down, screaming something. I was smiling  I heard a cough behind me and shot my head straight towards the noise.
"I see you made it home." It was Minhyuk who was already dressed for bed.
"Yeah. I'm so sorry that I showed up late. We just lost track of time." I said with a slight smile.
"Yeah whatever. You know how that was supposed to be a "date". Well we didn't even stay for a couple of minutes and you ran off with another boy. I don't know what you call a date but that is not one. I hope you had fun because I didn't." He said walking back to his room. I felt sad and realized I forgot all about Minhyuk and our "date". I knocked on his room door.
"What?!" He sounded aggravated.
"Umm... Can I talk to you?" I said lightly.
"Why when you could talk to Ren for hours?!" I felt my heart rip into shreds. He is being jealous. I opened the door and he looked at me.
"Look I'm sorry Minhyuk. Ren and I were talking about you actually."
I said trying to make him happy again.
"What did you say?" He seemed to calm down.
"I said that you are a funny and nice man. Also that you are fun to play with." He looked at me.
"You didn't really say that did you?" He looked at me with a slight smile.
"No, but that's what I think of you. I wish I could have that Minhyuk back. How about tomorrow we spend some time together. And if I see anybody I know I'll just wave and tell them I'm with someone very important. What do you think of that plan?" He nodded and I gave him a hug. Soon I started walking out of his room. 
"Goodnight Minhyuk!"
"Goodnight Ava!" I turned out his lights and went to bed.
I finally got home with Minhyun and Baekho. Aron was already here because he left early to take Nikki home.
"Where's Ren?!" Aron asked with a worried face.
"He's walking home by himself." I said plainly. I sat on the couch next to Aron.
"I think I was to rough on them Aron. I actually think Ava was crying." I said starting a conversation with Aron. We were the only ones in the living room up. Minhyun and Baekho got tired.
"It'll be okay. As long as it was necessary." Aron said. I heard the door bell ring. I figured it was Ren so I opened it.
"Your'e home." I said opening it wider.
"Yep." He walked in smiling uncontrollably. Why was he smiling like that?
"Ren why are you smiling like that?" I asked him. He looked at me and frowned.
"Oh. I didn't know I was smiling. Oops! Hi Aron!" Ren waved to Aron then walked into his room. Shouldn't he be sad and mad at me? Weird. Aron and I looked at each other, I guess having the same thoughts, because we both went into his room.
"Ren what happened when you were walking home?!" Aron said. More like yelling but not really.
"Nothing. What makes you think that?" He said going through his phone. Aron snatched his phone out of his hand making him look serious.
"Yah! Aron give me that back!!" He playfully, I hope, punched Aron in his arm.
"Ow! Ren what the heck! What is in your phone that you would get so defensive over?!" Ren tried to snatch the phone but Aron was too fast.
"Nothing just give it back! Nosy pig!" Ren yelled at him. Aron continued to look through it.
"Ahh. Let's go through the text messages. JR hold him back." Aron suggested. I grabbed Ren and pinned him against the wall.
"AVA KISSED YOU!!!!" Aron screamed causing me to drop Ren and Minhyun to wake up. We all know Baekho wasn't going to wake up. Minhyun walked in with groggy eyes.
"Why aren't you sleep?" Minhyun asked.
"I was waiting for Ren to come." Aron said. I just nodded. I looked over at Ren who was just hanging his head low.
"Okay so why are you screaming?" Minhyun asked while rubbing his eyes.
"Read this." Aron handed him the phone. I heard a small noise come from Ren. Was he crying? He looked up for a second and I didn't see any sign of crying. Minhyun gasped loudly.
"You and Ava kissed? Like this?" Minhyun pretended to kiss a face in the air. I chuckled because he looked weird. Ren sighed.
"No. It wasn't like that...it was just a friendly peck. Nothing more. Geez you guys are so nosy. Get out." He said sounding irritated. We just stood there looking at him.
"Why are you still standing there?! Get out!" Ren yelled this time. We stood for a couple of seconds then started leaving one by one. I was slightly jealous that Ren got to kiss her. It's not that I like her but he got to kiss a girl before I did. That tells you that I need to go out more.
They walked out of my room and I looked at our text. 
From: Ava
To: Ren
I saw you enjoyed my kiss!^^ Goodnight!
From: Ren 
To: Ava
How did you see? Did you look through the window? You should be a spy! Goodnight!
I smiled at our text then went to sleep. I woke up happy the next morning. Probably because I was excited for dinner today. I got up and ate breakfast. JR walked in to get breakfast and it got awkward. Really awkward.
"So about last night...did you really kiss her? On the lips?" JR asked me with a worried face. Why was he worried?
"No and I didn't kiss her she kissed me. It was on the cheek." JR nodded and looked a little disappointed.
"Oh. Well what are you doing today?" JR asked.
"Nothing that I know of....why?" 
"I thought I could go somewhere with you to make up for last night. How I made you walk home." JR said looking down at his breakfast.
"It's okay. I actually wanted to walk home by myself." After I said that it got quiet, too quiet. Minhyun came in the kitchen smiling at me. I hoped he wouldn't talk about what happened last night to Baekho.
"How was your sleep Ren?" Minhyun said stretching out the your. I sighed heavily.
"My sleep was...none of your business." I said copying Minhyun's voice. His smiled turned into a frown and I laughed.
"I'm going to get some ingredients for the dinner tonight. I can't wait!" I got up and left to go to the market.
Minhyun POV
Ren excused himself from the table and went to the market. I looked over at JR.
"I'm scared that Ren will get hurt if we tell him about her. You know about her being exotic." JR nodded.
"Me too but it's for the best. Before this goes any further we can stop it tonight. That's if they want it stopped. I feel like something bad is going to happen though." JR said looking away from me. I felt sad thinking about the events that could occur during tonights dinner. I had to just calm down and breath. Just breath.
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Chapter 21: i can not believe you ended it like that... i'm seriously going to murdur someone... HOW COULD YOU?????
Chapter 21: Aaahhhhhh! Can't wait for thwe next chapter!
Chapter 6: iresistable lips I say that all the time and noone gets it
Chapter 21: You little brat! I can't believe you did this. Your making Ren a women hogger! He keeps liking another girl He gets over too fast!!! But i like the twin. Thats a awesome twist!
Chapter 20: Update please
Chapter 20: You little bum! Did you just do what I did to you? Oh; I can't stand you! Jk hurry and update Chen-chan ;}
Chapter 20: some of those are true you forced me to comment! jk. but really update! before i come and get you in your wierd little world!
Chapter 18: I like your story. Please update soon!
excuse me while I go pick a corner to cry in...