Spilled Secrets

Love Is Anonymous


Minhyuk POV
Ava woke me up fully dressed, and ready to leave.
"Wake up Minhyuk! I want to have as much time as possible before I go to this dinner." Ava said rushing.
"What dinner? You never told me about a dinner." I said while rubbing my face trying to get used to the bright lights.
"I'll tell you later. Just take a shower and get dressed." Ava threw some clothes on me and pointed to the bathroom. I got up and took a shower and got dressed. When I got out I headed to the kitchen and saw Ava cooking breakfast.
"Oh you're out! Come eat some breakfast." I sat down and she put a plate in front of me. She put some food on it with a slight smile. I was so captivated by her face. It was the perfect structure. 
"Minhyuk what are you staring at? Is there something on my face?! I could've sw-" I cut off her sentence by kissing her cheek. She started blushing. It was quiet until a blaze of fire started on the skillet that was on the stove.
"Ah! Oh my gosh!" She got some water on threw it on the fire. The fire disappeared and a deep sigh came from Ava. I got up to check and see if she was okay.
"You okay?" She looked up at me with watery eyes.
"Yes. I'm sorry for burning your kitchen. I guess that's a sign I should stop cooking." She said. I gave her a hug and she hugged me back. Interrupting the hug, the door bell rung.
"I'll be back okay." I said while wiping her eyes. I opened the door and my friends were there.
"Hey is Ava still here?!" Eunkwang said excitedly.
"Oh hey Eunkwang how is your day so far? Mine was great!" I said sarcastically. Eunkwang gave me a straight face then pushed through me. My, six most annoying but fun, friends always came to my house. Either to play games or eat. 
"Ava!" They all ran towards her and hugged her. How does she get hugs from all of them, except Ilhoon, but I get none?
"Hey guys! Why are you so energetic in the morning?" Ava asked as they stopped hugging her.
"Actually I don't know why." Changsub said. We laughed together. 
"So are you and face over there you know...back together?!" Sungjae asked trying not to squeal. She ruffled his hair and started explaining.
"Well......no." Ava said. Their faces turned downwards.
"I saw you in the kitchen the other day kissing." Eunkwang said like a innocent child. Everyone looked at me to Ava with big eyes.
"What she means is that umm well she can't be my girlfriend." I said.
"Why?" Hyunsik said plainly.
"Because.... Ava is umm too special to be with me." I lied.
"That is so dumb I'm going to slap you for saying that." Eunkwang slapped my head really hard causing the others to laugh.
"What is the real reason?" Peniel asked plainly.
"It's because she minds her business and not others." I said sarcastically. Eunkwang slapped my head again.
"Ow! What the heck?!" I looked at Eunkwang who had a evil smirk on his face.
"Okay if you won't answer that question then answer this... Why are so dressy today?" Sungjae asked.
"Well we are going out to have fun. Like normal people do instead going over people's houses and bothering them." Eunkwang slapping my head for the third time. 
"You know you should stop slapping me!" I said.
"You should stop giving sarcastic answers when we want the truth." He slapped me again.
"What the heck was that for?!" I asked.
"For fun." Everyone laughed.
"What is that smell? It smells....burnt." Changsub said sniffing the kitchen. Ava and I looked at each other and we started laughing.
"What's so funny?" Ilhoon asked.
"Nothing. Now we are leaving so if you're staying here don't do anything crazy. Also don't look through things like nosy people, which you are, okay?" I said as we  were about to walk out of the door. They nodded their heads and the tv.
Eunkwang POV
As soon Minhyuk and Ava got in the car and drove off we started having a pillow fight. I don't why a pillow fight but yeah. One thing I didn't know is that the pillow had feathers in it. After the first few hits  the feathers were everywhere. Minhyuk was going to be mad but I didn't care. We had finished the pillow fight and started playing Dance Dance Revolution. Time flew by and it was already 5:49pm. We were watching tv when we heard the door ring. I went to open it and there was twelve men standing outside.
"Hey is Minhyuk and Ava there?" The one with super serious face said. 
"Umm no they are out right now. Here come in." I opened the door wider. They stepped in and sat on the floor. 
"May I ask... How do you all know Minhyuk and Ava?" I asked stretching out the word all.
"We are friends." The one that had some chunky cheeks said.
"I don't know her though so how are we friends?" Someone asked and the serious faced one slapped his head. He reminded me of myself except not so serious.
"So do you know where they would be?" 
"They're probably in a hotel making out." I said casually. All of their eyes got big.
"What?!" Two of them said at the same time.
"They've been trying to convince us that aren't dating but it's pretty obvious. Especially when you see them in the kitchen kissing." I said shivering at the thought.
"What?! They kissed?!" The same two asked again. Before I got to answer the door flew open. Minhyuk and Ava were laughing until they saw us. Ava's eyes were wide open.
"What the heck is this on the floor?!" Minhyuk screamed and looked at me. I just pointed to Sungjae. Sungjae shook his head and pointed to me.
"Where were you?!" The two got up and asked Minhyuk.
"We just went to the park and walked around. Why?" Minhyuk said trying to pry them off of his arm.
"Oh! I thought you were at a hotel making out." One of them said. Minhyuk looked at me with squinted eyes.
"Who said that?" He pointed to me. I started running to any room with a lock on it.
"EUNKWANG!!!!" Minhyuk started chasing after me. 
I chuckled when Minhyuk chased after Eunkwang. Someone tapped my shoulder and I looked at the person. It was LuHan.
"Hey...umm did you and umm Minhyuk...kiss? In the kitchen?" My eyes got big.
"Who told you?"
"That dude Minhyuk is chasing." Before I answered his question I ran to Eunkwang.
"EUNKWANG!! You are so in trouble!!" They were in Minhyuk's room. Minhyuk was still chasing him around his room. I through my bag at him.
"Ow! What do you carry in that thing?!" He said grasping his arm.
"Why would you tell them that?!" I screamed. Minhyuk looked at me.
"What did he tell them?" He gulped.
"He told them that we kissed in the kitchen!" We both looked at Eunkwang and attacked him. Minhyuk and I got pulled off by LuHan and Kris.
"Calm down guys." LuHan said.
"No! Get out of my house after you clean up my living room!" Minhyuk yelled. It was an awkward silence.
"Okay." Eunkwang looked sad and walked out of the room. Baekhyun came in the room. He looked around the room.
"What happened?" Baekhyun asked while trying to find his way around the room.
"Nothing. Okay so who is going to start explaining first?" LuHan asked. Why were are they here?
"Why are you here?" I asked with anger in my voice. Everybody looked at me and I looked at LuHan.
"We came to check on you. And I'm glad we did because we wouldn't have found out about that kiss in the kitchen." I sighed heavily.
"You know what happens when you guys love each other again right?" LuHan asked sounding like a mom.
"Yes. Something bad will happen to me. The only thing is I don't love him. We are just friends." I said. Minhyuk looked a little sad but I already told him when we were out that we were just friends.
"Yeah. We are just friends." Minhyuk added.
"I don't think friends kiss." Baekhyun said.
"I feel that you are trying to make it seem that we love each other so I can move back in with you. Well I'm not. I'm not going back to two jealous people who fight over me. I can't handle it." I said walking out of the house. Tears wanted to fall but I wouldn't let them. I was tired of crying. Suddenly my phone started ringing.
"Hey Ava are you on your way?" Ren asked.
"Yeah. I'll see you there." I said.
"Okay! Goodbye."
"Bye." I hung up the phone and remembered what happened last night. I can't believe I kissed him.
Baekhyun POV
I saw Ava walk out of the room. Then I heard the front door slam. She must've left.
"Where is she going?" LuHan asked.
"What time is it?" Minhyuk asked.
"6:13pm why?" I answered while looking at my watch.
"Oh! She's going to visit someone's house for dinner." Their eyes got big.
"Who? Do you know?" LuHan asked me.
"No. She didn't tell me." Minhyuk said trying to think.
"Should we try to find out?" I asked LuHan. He shook his head.
"No. Just let her be. Thanks Minhyuk. We'll be leaving now." LuHan said. We walked out his room and saw Minhyuk's friends cleaning up the living room.
I was helping Aron cook the food, only to help me do something while Ava was on her way. We were making American food tonight. I forgot what it was called but it started with an 'S'. It had noodles and meaty sauce. It was actually good when Aron made it for us the first time. Nikki was coming over when she heard Ava was coming. I think they would make good friends.
"Hey Ren can you make the meatballs for me? I need to use the restroom." Aron said. I nodded and started making the meatballs. They were fun to make even though it was a messy job. Soon Baekho came in the kitchen.
"Ren I'm hungry can you hurry up. Please." He said while rubbing his stomach. 
"No. Just stop being hungry." Aron came in and helped me finish the meatballs. Minutes later the door bell rung. I rushed to the door because I thought it was Ava. It was Nikki. I had a smile on my face but frowned when I realized it was Nikki.
"Hey Nikki." I said not sounding excited.
"Hey Ren. Are you not happy to see me?" Nikki said walking towards the kitchen where Aron is.
"No. He's happy but he was expecting Ava to be at the door." Aron said while giving Nikki a kiss. 
"Oh. Well I'm sorry Ren but I'm not Ava." Nikki said to me.
"But you are my girlfriend. Which is a lot better than being Ava." Aron said. I punched him in the arm.
"It's a lot worse than being Ava." I said. Aron and Nikki just laughed at me. I didn't find it funny at all. I kept myself busy by mixing the sauce. Soon the door bell rang. I ran to the door having the same hope as last time. I opened it and their she was, looking beautiful.
"Hey Ren!" She said stepping into the dorm.
"Hey Ava!" I hugged her tightly.
"Stop hugging and get over here and set up the table Ren!" I heard Aron yell at me. I was happier now.
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Chapter 21: i can not believe you ended it like that... i'm seriously going to murdur someone... HOW COULD YOU?????
Chapter 21: Aaahhhhhh! Can't wait for thwe next chapter!
Chapter 6: iresistable lips I say that all the time and noone gets it
Chapter 21: You little brat! I can't believe you did this. Your making Ren a women hogger! He keeps liking another girl He gets over too fast!!! But i like the twin. Thats a awesome twist!
Chapter 20: Update please
Chapter 20: You little bum! Did you just do what I did to you? Oh; I can't stand you! Jk hurry and update Chen-chan ;}
Chapter 20: some of those are true you forced me to comment! jk. but really update! before i come and get you in your wierd little world!
Chapter 18: I like your story. Please update soon!
excuse me while I go pick a corner to cry in...