Chapter 9

Time Is Over

I waited patiently for Kyuhyun through the week. He avoided me on variety shows and Leeteuk's radio show much like he did with Sungmin. In that week, I clung to Sungmin like a life line. I would always follow him around the dorm, trying to avoid Kyuhyun's judgemental stares. I know I shouldn't be holding onto Sungmin when that was the main problem.




I was pulled out of my thoughts by Eunhyuk. He grabbed the wooden spoon from me and started stirring the curry. He glanced at me, sadness in his normally bright eyes, “Ryeowook, what's wrong? You're not yourself lately.”


I sighed and leaned against the counter, fiddling with my shirt, “Hyung, can you keep a secret?”


Eunhyuk turned the heat down on the stove and rested the spoon on the side of the pot, “Of course.”


I felt my eyes burn with more tears but I didn't want to cry any more. “I slept with Sungmin.”


Eunhyuk nodded slowly, “Is that it? I don't think its that big of a deal.”


I shook my head, refusing to look him straight in the eye, “No, I'm in a relationship with Kyuhyun still and I got drunk and slept with Sungmin one night a couple months back.” I started to rub my eye in an attempt to keep the tears from falling.


Eunhyuk grabbed my wrist and pulled it away, mumbling, “Don't do that. Do you like Sungmin?”


“As a friend,” I answered bluntly, letting my hand drop back to my side.


Eunhyuk frowned, “Well then tell Kyuhyun there's no other feelings for Sungmin and it was a mistake. He can't hold a grudge forever.” He grabbed my shoulder, rubbing it gently while smiling. “I know it'll work out for you.”


I smiled to the best of my ability, “Thank you hyung. Now go, I need to finish cooking.” I quickly shooed him out of the kitchen, returning to my previous task. I turned the burner back on high and continued stirring, Eunhyuk's words ringing through my head.


There was shuffling behind me and I snapped my head in that direction, Sungmin was sliding his socked feet on the floor. He looked up at me, smiling tiredly, “Hey. Whatcha making?”


I turned back to the pot, stirring mechanically, “Curry. Do you want some?”


Sungmin shuffled up beside me, staring down into the pot. He shrugged, “Maybe later, I'm not that hungry.”


I pouted, scolding him, “Hyung, you have to eat. Your so thin, your gonna wither away soon.”


Sungmin poked my side, making me squirm, “Don't tell me to eat. If anything thing, you need to eat. You're too thin.” He grabbed my free wrist and held it up to eye level. “Look, your wrist is tiny. I could easily snap it if I want to.” He dropped my hand and rubbed my arm, “Don't look so serious, I'm just playing.”


I smiled, “Yeah, I know.” I quickly tucked my arm in front of me, away from Sungmin's view, suddenly feeling very subconscious about it.


Sungmin noticed how I hide my arm away and frowned, “Ryeowook, what's wrong?”


I forced another smile, almost feeling the sides of my face crack with the effort, “Nothing hyung. Just feeling under the weather, that's all.”


Sungmin's frown deepened and his eyebrows furrowed together. He said passively, “Ryeowook, I know your not telling me something. What is it?”


I shook my head, all my attention on the boiling curry. I moved it from the hot burner to a cool one, switching the stove off, allowing my hand to curl around the cool handle.


Sungmin grabbed my wrist in a nearly painful grip and spun me around to face him. “Please tell me. Kyuhyun isn't here to get answers from you so until then, I have too. Now please just tell me.”


I shook my head, trying to pull myself from his grip but to no avail. I whimpered, “Hyung, you're hurting me.” I managed the best kicked puppy eyes and looked up at him to find that he wasn't falling for it.


Sungmin flipped my hand over to see the top of it and I started panicking. I pulled as violently as I could, crying out and begging to let me to go.


I didn't notice Kyuhyun was standing in the kitchen, watching the whole event. I kept struggling and crying, thick tears rolling down my cheeks. “Sungmin! Please let go!”


Sungmin looked at my knuckles and froze, seeing the bruised and cut knuckles. His grip tightened, causing me to screech in a frenzy. He suddenly yelled, “Why do you keep hurting yourself?”


I responded instantly, “Because Kyuhyun won't love me unless I'm perfect!”


Kyuhyun had left, leaving me and Sungmin alone again. I broke down into tears, not realising my hand was still gripping the curry pot. I pulled the pot over onto Sungmin's legs, the scream echoing through both Super Junior dorms. I immediately pulled the pot away from him, spilling the hot curry on the floor but not noticing as my feet burned through the socks. I cried out, “Sungmin! I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!” I grabbed his wrist and pulled him to the bathroom, opening the door and yanking him inside.


Eunhyuk, Kyuhyun, and Yesung were following behind. I could faintly hear the front door opening but paid no attention as I pushed Sungmin in the bathtub, turning on the cold water.


Sungmin was crying into his hands, almost like he was trying to block out the pain that was coursing through his legs.


I splashed the water on his legs, trying to sooth his pain but failed. I was pushed out of the way by Leeteuk who had wrapped his arms around the sobbing Sungmin, hushing him. Yesung had taken responsibility as well, removing the shower head and spraying down Sungmin's legs with it. Someone had called an ambulance but I was too lost to notice who. I didn't mean to hurt him.

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Chapter 12: Where the end?
sominlee10 #2
Chapter 12: This is getting so good! Hitting me right in the feels! Poor Ryeowook :(
wintertmm #3
Chapter 12: Pls update soon or write a sequel its a great story
Chapter 12: huh? is this completed? oh please update authornim, i wanna know what happened to wookie now. <3
please update soon! :D
SuperJuniorfan4lifeM #6
Chapter 12: please update
Oh. No. What will happen now? Please, be so kind and update any time soon.