Chapter 8

Time Is Over

Thank you to everyone who voted. Most of the votes were yes so I decided to close it early and post this chapter.


I laid on my bed, my hands behind my head, my legs crossed. I hadn't been to therapy in weeks now. I called and cancelled my appointment a few weeks back and I haven't gone since.


Leeteuk hasn't found any problems with that, saying if Sungmin forgives me and I know where my problem lies then maybe I should get a break from that woman prying into my mind.


Now, I'm laying here, unsure if I should go tomorrow since I got a call about it earlier, the receptionist asking if I was. I told her to call back later. I closed my eyes and started humming a nameless tune. I jerked when I heard the door open and looked up to see Ryeowook standing the doorway shyly, his cheeks flushed.


He mumbled quickly, “I'm sorry. Did I wake you?”


I shook my head and sat up, my hands grabbing onto my ankles. I motioned for him to come closer and watched as he awkwardly shuffled to the bed, sitting on the edge with his legs tucked underneath him.


I grabbed his hand and kissed the back of it affectionately, “I love you.


Ryeowook smiled but it was forced, his cheeks twitching slightly in the effort. His smile feel almost instantly, his hand slipping from my grip as he said solemnly, “Kyuhyun, I have to tell you something really important okay?”


I nodded slowly, my stomach twisting in anticipation.


Ryeowook's PV


My hands trembled as I looked away, my heart was hammering in my chest. I felt like I was going to be sick. I opened my mouth to say it but my mouth was dry as sand. I stumbled over my words as I said, “ know a couple months back...before all this and...and you wouldn't sleep with me?” I paused, suddenly feeling like a for saying that but I looked up at Kyuhyun for a reply.


His dark eyes bore into mine and he nodded again.


I swallowed past the lump in my throat and managed to say, “I slept with Sungmin.” I felt my heart stop and my eyes burn as Kyuhyun looked at me in shock. I wish I could take back what I said but it was too late. He knew.


I held back my tears as he said, “With Sungmin?”


I nodded franticly, tears slipping down my cheeks as I pleaded, “I'm sorry! I didn't mean to! I was drunk and so was he and I needed some kind of contact! It just happened! I'm so sorry!” I buried my face in my hands, whimpering and repeating apologies over and over.


Kyuhyun didn't move and said quietly, “I need some time to think.”


I wiped my eyes and begged in a broken voice, “Please don't be too mad. I swear I'll never do it again.”


Kyuhyun was staring at his ankles, “Leave, please.”


I got off the bed slowly and left, my tears momentarily stopping. As soon as the door closed, I rushed to the kitchen where Sungmin was cooking. I ran up behind him and wrapped my arms around his waist, crying into his shirt.


Sungmin gasped and turned around, “Ryeowook, what's wrong?” He wrapped his arms around me, using one hand to remove the pan from the burner before coming back around my body.


My words were all in one sentence as I rushed to say, “I told Kyuhyun about what happened between us a couple of months ago and I'm scared he's going to leave me.” I clung to his shirt desperately, hoping for some kind of stableness.


Sungmin ran his fingers through my hair and hushed me, “Shh, don't worry Ryeowook. Kyuhyun would be an idiot to leave someone as amazing as you. I swear if he does, I'll kill him through.”


I couldn't speak because my throat was starting to hurt from the strain of crying and nodded.


Sungmin whispered, “Want me to talk to him?”


I shook my head, not wanting Sungmin to get involved because Kyuhyun obviously needed space and Sungmin would start yelling if Kyuhyun said something mean about me. I hated fighting.

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Chapter 12: Where the end?
sominlee10 #2
Chapter 12: This is getting so good! Hitting me right in the feels! Poor Ryeowook :(
wintertmm #3
Chapter 12: Pls update soon or write a sequel its a great story
Chapter 12: huh? is this completed? oh please update authornim, i wanna know what happened to wookie now. <3
please update soon! :D
SuperJuniorfan4lifeM #6
Chapter 12: please update
Oh. No. What will happen now? Please, be so kind and update any time soon.