


Turning into a small building and up the narrow stairway, the boy finally reached his apartment.

He pulled out his keys, entered his home, and was greeted by a musty odor. An odor he was used to for far too long.

"When I get more money, I'm moving out of this piece of ," he muttered, throwing his backpack onto the futon couch.

Woohyun lazily walked into the restroom, leaving the door partly open.

He stripped his clothes off, throwing them to the side, and turned the faucet on.

The ice, cold water splashed onto his heated skin, causing him to shiver violently.

"That damn ahjusshi used all the hot water again!" he hissed while scrubbing his hair.

After a quick ten minute shower, he wrapped his waist with a towel and looked at himself in the mirror intently.

"Why are you living like this, Nam Woohyun?" the boy whispered hoarsely, "Why are you so unhappy?"

He continued to stare at his reflection before spotting something behind him.

It was his shirt.

The one he saved the girl in.

The one he quickly changed out of before work.

Gripping onto the hem of his towel, he bent down and picked it up.

Silently, he stepped out of the restroom, examining the thin piece of fabric with fascination.

"Her blood got on it..." Woohyun sat himself on the couch with the shirt still tight in his grip. "I wonder what happened to her."

"Aish, stop thinking about her!" the boy exclaimed, jumping up and tossing the shirt onto the floor.

He stomped off to the small closet across from the bathroom, pulling out his sleepwear.

As he was slipping on his sweatpants, he paused, "I wonder if she woke up yet."


Due to the bumpy ride, Bomi slowly woke up. She furrowed her brows as she studied her surroundings.

The streetlights passed by quickly, making the inside of the car go dark every few seconds.

"Are you hungry?" a voice called out suddenly.

Her head turned quickly to her side, only to see Myungsoo concentrating on the road as he drove.

"Mm~" she hummed, pulling the boy's jacket closer to her.

He chuckled softly, "Of course you are."


Woohyun pulled the couch forward, making it fall into a full-sized bed.

He cleared all the items off before plopping himself down onto it.

Heaving out a sigh, he stared at the ceiling, which had stains from past leaks spread out across it.

The image of her peacefully sleeping hovered around his mind. The corners of his lips curved upwards as he thought about her.

"She was actually quite cute."

He shook his head and slowly fell into deep slumber.


Myungsoo carefully took the bags and respectfully bowed to the old couple, "Thank you for the food. Sorry to bother you so late at night!"

The old woman shook her hand vigorously, "Aye~ It's fine. Tell little Bomimi to get well soon, mm~?"

The young man smiled widely as he pushed the doors of the small restaurant open, "Of course, of course! Again, thank you! Sleep well~"

He rushed to the car, placing the bags in the back seat.

When he hopped into the driver's seat, Bomi was in a daze and stared at her hands which laid on her lap.

"Bo?" the older boy questioned, looking at her with concern, "You okay?"

Suddenly, the girl flinched, clutching onto his wrist tightly, and looked at him with sad eyes.

"He did this to me," she whispered, using her free hand to hover over her wound.

Myungsoo's brows furrowed as he leaned closer to her, "Who did? Don't tell me it was--"



"Miss!" The nurse swung her body, and almost ran into the person calling for her.

They both took a step back and awkwardly stood in front of each other. "Yes? How can I help you?"

Woohyun bounced on the balls of his feet while glancing side-to-side anxiously, "Uh, I was here last night, I'm looking for the girl who was in that room."

He pointed to the door a few feet away from the two.

"Oh, yes, I remember you. I'm sorry, sir, but that patient was checked out shortly after you left."

His shoulders immediately slumped as his excitement deflated, "Is that so..."

He began to walk towards the exit with disappointment evident on his face.

Just when he was about to step out of the building, he heard a familiar voice from behind.

"Nurse Park, please. Whatever procedure that is needed to be done, do it. I have the money. Just help her, please!"

Woohyun slowly spun back around to see Sunggyu speaking to the same nurse, that he was speaking to not too long ago.

"Sir, I will honestly tell you that the procedures needed will cost you a fortune and we can't guarantee that it'll be successful," Chorong confessed.

"I have the fortune, just do it quickly!" Sunggyu begged.

Woohyun slowly walked closer to the two, staring at the older boy blankly, "Hyung?"

All three of them froze, giving quick glances to each other.

"I will leave the two of you alone and will request the procedures for your sister," the woman stated, retreating to her desk.

"What is all this talk about fortune?" Woohyun inquired, "You work at a supermarket."

"My job has no say on how much money I have," the older male responded.

"Well, it does for me, I work in the supermarket and live in a dump."

Sunggyu sighed, "It's money that I had before..." His voice slowly became hushed, causing Woohyun to become impatient.

"Before what? I thought we were best friends, hyung. But just now, I have realized that you know an awful lot about me, while I know nothing about you. How is that fair?"

Finally becoming enraged, Sunggyu's voice boomed through the hospital, "Fair? You want to talk about fair? Is it fair that my little sister has cancer?

Is it fair that my parents treated us like trash, to where I had to take the both of us away from them?"

Taken back by his outburst, the younger boy stared at him in shock.

Suddenly, Woohyun's expression became mournful, "At least you had parents."

Sunggyu felt a pang on his heart before taking a step closer to the other, "Woohyun-ah, you know I didn't mean to--"

A chuckle escaped from Woohyun, "It's whatever, see you at work tomorrow."

Just like that, the other boy was out the door; gone.


Bomi jolted up from her sheets as cold sweat ran down her forehead, "Myungsoo?!"

Upon hearing no response, she slowly crawled out of her bed and tiptoed into the corrider.

"Myung? Myungpoo?" she called out once again.

Her posture became slouched as she heaved out a sigh, "He left me here by myself, what a wonderful friend."

She waddled into the kitchen and began to reheat the leftovers from the night before.

"Where did that idiot run off to?"


"Sir, here's your black coffee and green tea," the barista mumbled.

Myungsoo whipped himself around and thanked the girl.

She nodded and turned away to work on another customer's order.

As he was grabbing the beverages, he glanced at the sketchbook next to her, "Nice drawing."

Naeun rolled her eyes, "It's just another one of those guys, who use compliments to hit on me."

She spun around, ready to shoot down the guy like every other guy she has, only to see his figure retreating to the door.

"Well, that's... different."


Author's Note: I do try to reply to every single comment that is sent. So if there are any questions, go nuts~


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New poster for War, hope you guys like it!


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Chapter 9: I just saw this story in recent times.. But I love it. Update soon ^^
Chapter 15: WHO. GOT. SHOT. o___o
I can feel Woohyun's intense stare to HoMi orz
they don't really want to kill each other, right?
these adults manipulating them-- sobs
Chapter 14: hoji relationship </3 namjoo ;-;
and there would be a new character?? :o
Chapter 14: yeah fighting author-nim!!
never give up to this awesome story
Chapter 13: awwwww. woogyu bro moments. o/
omg hoya. don't ever touch a female belonging again. orz
Chapter 13: What an awesome story! Awww!! I can't wait for the next updates! I love your fanfic! :D
Chapter 13: Wow finally you update again a-nim :D
This story more interesting! Btw thanks for your update
Great story! I love how you lay out the whole relationships between the members and woohyun is nunber two omgomg.
Update soon!
YeolKyungPinkfinite #9