


As Eunji hopped into her BMW, her phone began to vibrate once again.

The girl heaved out a sigh as she dug through her bag.

Her eyes widen as the notification flashed repeatedly, "No, no, no..."

Immediately, she ran out of her car and back into the apartment building.

"God, damn it, Hoya. Why do you have to touch my stuff!"


His face was twisted as he took small steps through the narrow walkway, his eyes scanning everything intently.

"What is all of this? Why is it here...? What is she?"

Hoya's mind filled up with questions, but received no answer. That was until Eunji entered breathlessly.

"What do you think you're doing?" she whispered remorsefully.

The older boy let out a bitter laugh, purposely emphasizing the large inventory of weapons,

"What you should be asking is, what do you think you're doing?"

She bit her bottom lip harshly, hanging her head low, staying silent.

Slowly, he took a few steps towards her, "Who are you?"

"What do you mean? I'm Eunji. Hoya, please.. just let me explain," the girl begged with a hushed voice.

"WHO ARE YOU?!" he repeated with irritation as he waved a manila folder that had 'GHOSTS' stamped across it in her face.

Angrily, he threw it on the ground, causing all the papers to sprawl out.

"Was this all fake? Our childhood? Our memories? Our friendship? Was it all just a job?"

Eunji looked up with tears forming on the rim of her eyes, "No! Knowing you had nothing to do with all of this!"

He only shook his head, taking a step to the side and headed to the door, "Now knowing me will have nothing to do with you at all."


The boys drew marks on the blueprints, created graphs, and printed pictures of people; hanging them all on the wall.

Naeun was fast asleep on the little white sofa, while Chorong laid in her sleeping bag with earbuds in.

With tired eyes, she hummed the tune of the song quietly, not wanting to the disturb the 'hard workers'.

Sunggyu looked over at her, smiling softly before taking out his phone.

He brought it to his ear, listening to the voice on the other line.

"Oh, yes, I'll be right there," he confirmed, hanging up shortly after, "I have to go out for a bit, lock the door after I leave."

The other two nodded, not taking their eyes off the papers before them.

The eldest grabbed his backpack and scurried out the door.

Myungsoo looked up tiredly, before waddling over and locking the door.

He let out a yawn and rubbed his eyes roughly, hoping it would help him stay awake.

"Ugh, lets call it a day," the boy grumbled.

Woohyun chuckled slightly, "Yeah, I'm worn out," he patted the other's shoulder, "Go on to bed."

After the younger boy went up to his room, he looked over their work; completely satisfied with the progress.

He walked over to the corner, grabbing the rolled-up sleeping bag.

Lazily, he opened the latch, and let the blanket roll out on its own, quickly plopping on it after placing it down.

Laying near the same corner, he stared at the ceiling momentarily before being lulled into slumber.


His eyes opened groggily due to the feeling of being shaked.

When his vision finally cleared, he realized that it was Myungsoo.

"Dude, what the hell?" he hissed, pulling the covers to his chin and turning away.

With a small voice, Myungsoo apologized, "Chorong went off to work, but Bomi's gone and Sunggyu hyung never returned."

Immediately, Woohyun's eyes bursted open as he sat up, "What?"

"I went into her room to check on her, but she wasn't there. I looked all over the house, she's nowhere to be found."

He ruffled his hair messily, throwing the blanket off of himself, "Lets go look for them."

"You should go, someone has to protect her," Myungsoo stated, looking over at Naeun, who was still sleeping peacefully.

Grabbing his hoodie and slipping on his shoes, the older boy dashed out of the shop.

Woohyun jogged around the pedestrians, skimming every face.

"Why do you never seem to stay out of trouble?"


"Hello, we are calling to inform you that Kim Namjoo has been sent into the operation room to begin her procedure."

"Oh, yes, I'll be right there."

Sunggyu sobbed uncontrollably into the young woman's shoulders, "NO! BRING HER BACK!"

"Sunggyu, please," Chorong choked out, while rubbing his back comfortly.

His wails rung out through the hospital, catching everyone's attention.

"Bring her back! She's all I have, please. Please, please. God, please. "

The strength in his legs seem to have drained, causing him to fall to the ground.

Chorong went down with him and hugged him tightly, "Sunggyu, listen to me."

His eyes met hers, which seemed so tired and lifeless, yet so beautiful.

"She's somewhere better now, no more suffering or fighting. She was a good soldier, but can no longer serve in this war that we call life."

The older male bit his lip as he wiped his tears vigorously, a hiccup escaping every now and then.

"What she wants is for you to be the strong oppa she knows you are."

Sunggyu continued to look at her blankly, "Chorong-ah, what if I was never strong?"

Taken back by his question, she stayed quiet, not sure how to answer.

"Don't say that, you are very strong. You are wonderful," she smiled, placing both of her hands on his cheeks, wiping his tears away.

After a couple of seconds of thinking about what was just said, he smiled back weakly.


She ran her hand through her almond brown locks, as she walked leisurely along the path.

Her lips formed a gentle smile and her eyes became crescent moons.

For the first time in ages, she felt at peace.

The dainty girl continued to stroll through the densely covered park.

There was something about trees that seem to interest her.

They were never perfect, very misshapened, and were literally covered in dirt, yet were found to be beautiful.

Woohyun was just about to pass by before catching a sight of the girl.

He slowly made his way towards her, noticing the genuine smile carved on her face.

His lips pulled apart, ready to call out to her, until someone beat him to it.

"Hello, Miss Bomi."


Author's Note: Sorry if it's not a good chapter. I've been going through rough times, but I won't be giving up on this fic.


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New poster for War, hope you guys like it!


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Chapter 9: I just saw this story in recent times.. But I love it. Update soon ^^
Chapter 15: WHO. GOT. SHOT. o___o
I can feel Woohyun's intense stare to HoMi orz
they don't really want to kill each other, right?
these adults manipulating them-- sobs
Chapter 14: hoji relationship </3 namjoo ;-;
and there would be a new character?? :o
Chapter 14: yeah fighting author-nim!!
never give up to this awesome story
Chapter 13: awwwww. woogyu bro moments. o/
omg hoya. don't ever touch a female belonging again. orz
Chapter 13: What an awesome story! Awww!! I can't wait for the next updates! I love your fanfic! :D
Chapter 13: Wow finally you update again a-nim :D
This story more interesting! Btw thanks for your update
Great story! I love how you lay out the whole relationships between the members and woohyun is nunber two omgomg.
Update soon!
YeolKyungPinkfinite #9