


They got closer and closer as her vision blurred. She tried her best to hold on, to keep fighting.

"Bbom, hold on!" Chorong shouted as she fought off Sungjong, "Just hold on."

Bomi continued to aimlessly throw punches every time she sensed Dongwoo or Sungyeol coming near her.

"Bo, just give it up!" Sungyeol hollered, dodging her swings.

She heaved out heavy breaths before growling, "Don't call me that! You don't have the right to call me that! I don't know who you are anymore!"

His posture straigtened as he stared at her in shock.

He watched as a tear slowly slid down her cheek, staying frozen in place.

"I've never seen her cry. All the years I've known her, this is the first."

"B-Bo.." the boy choked out as he tried to take a step forward.

Chorong finished off Sungjong with a punch to the face, then spotted the scene and shoved Sungyeol away, "Don't you even dare touch her!"

Sungyeol stood there silently before grabbing the older girl's arms.

"W-What do you think you're doing?" she screeched, trying to shake out of his grip.

She turned to see Dongwoo running off with Bomi over his shoulder.

Blood slid down her dangled arm, leaving a trail on the dark concrete.

The boy tightened his hold and murmured two little words, "I'm sorry."

"No, no... No! Bomi!"


Myungsoo stared at the girl in front of him, not moving an inch.

"I'm guessing the boss man sent you, huh?" he chuckled.

She smirked a bit and shook her head, causing her bangs to cover her eyes slightly.

"Nope, I was undercover and so happened to see you. You don't know me, but I know you very well from files."

"Well, care to introduce yourself?" he casually asked, digging his hands in his pockets.

"Gladly. Jung Eunji, 'newly' ranked third. It wouldn't have happened if you and Bomi didn't leave," she laughed.

A crazed look slowly formed in her eyes before she charged at him.

The boy dodged all of her attacks with ease, "Hm, third, you say? I think you need some work."

Eunji furrowed her brows, letting out a scoff, "I may not be as good as you were, but I have a goal and I'm not going to stop until I achieve it. And my goal right now is to kill you."

She kicked her heel on the ground, causing a sharp object to stick out from her shoe.

Myungsoo eyed her foot, "Hm, now that's just not fair."


He was just about to pass up an alley before he heard a woman shriek.

Woohyun immediately turned in and ran to help the girl.

"Sungyeol, let go of me! I said let g--" before she could even finish her sentence, a boy tackled Sungyeol away from her.

Her savior looked at her and held her shoulders, "Nurse Park? Are you okay?"

"Yes, yes, but my friend!" she cried as she began to run further into the alley, pointing ahead.

Woohyun squinted his eyes and saw her, it was the girl.

With all his strength, he sprinted after them, passing up Chorong while shouting fiercely, "Hey, you, let go of that girl!"

Dongwoo turned, only to be hurled to the ground, "Who the hell do you think you are?!"

The stranger stood and looked at Bomi before revealing his identity to the other male.

Dongwoo's eyes widened, "I-It's you."

Before he could say anymore, a singe of pain spread along his jaw from the sudden punch.

Woohyun grabbed the girl, carrying her bridal style, and began to run out of the alley.

He met with Chorong along the way, giving her orders to follow him.

They ran out to the empty street and looked both ways, not sure where to go.

"We should go to the hospital!" the woman insisted, only to have Woohyun frown at the thought.

"No, it's not safe, they'll know that we're going there. We'll go to my place, we have to hurry."

He his heel and jogged away.

"How is this guy so sure they'll come looking for us again?"


His eyelids slowly lifted, his body ached causing him to groan loudly.

Finally coming to his senses, he tensed up and looked at his surroundings.

His hands and feet were bound together by zip-ties as he sat in the dark against the wall.

"Sunggyu!" the man boomed.

No reply.

"Kim Sunggyu, if you are in here, I order you to come here and release me, you disobedient pest!"

He rolled over and got on his knees, muttering under his breath.

Then rose to his feet, hopped towards the kitchen, and switched on the lights.

Huffing out a sigh, his hands fumbled through drawers, "Where are those scissors?! I swear, when I find that boy, he will learn his lesson."


Naeun limped along the street as tears fell down her cheeks.

"Why am I crying? Only the weak cries. Right?"

Her feet finally came to a stop as she stood in front of a particular building.

Shakily, she lifted her hand and pushed on the buzzer next to the door.

After a few seconds, she pushed on it again.

"Why am I here? These people don't care about me..."

Suddenly, she heard the sound of objects crashing and someone grunting.

Out of curiosity, she dragged herself towards the source.

Peeking her head around the corner, she saw a sight that shocked her.

Eunji continued to kick towards Myungsoo, which he dodged quickly.

A few times, she succeeded in penetrating his torso, causing his shirt to be torn.

"Eunji, stop! I don't care if you have a goal to kill me or whatever, you're wasting my time!"

The girl only laughed like a hyena and began to throw punches.

Bringing her back against the wall, Naeun took in a deep breath.

"Why is Eunji like that? That's not her.. Wow, you never really know a person. But why is she after Myungsoo? I guess I never really knew him either. Who is the good guy here..."

Taking in another breath, the girl finally stepped out.

"Eunji unnie, what are you doing?"

Eunji froze from hearing the familiar voice.

", my cover is blown."

All three of them stood in place, as if a movie was paused.

Before anything else could be said, Eunji ran, disappearing into the shadows.

Myungsoo turned to see a beaten Naeun, and limped towards her quickly, clutching onto his stomach.

"Hey, you okay? What happened?" he mumbled breathlessly.

Naeun shook her head and smiled slightly, "I could ask you the same. Can we just get inside? I don't feel safe out here. We both have some explaining to do."


Woohyun climbed the filthy, narrow stairway with Chorong following close behind.

Her face was filled with disgust, "This is where you live?"

"I'm not the richest person in the world."

All of a sudden, Chorong ran into the boy's back.

"Hey, why'd you stop?" she peeked her head over his shoulder to see a man leaning against the wall next to his door.

The man only let out a sigh, "Ah, this must be that girl, hm? Lets get inside. Woohyun, I need talk to you about some things."

Woohyun rolled his eyes and lifted the girl in his arms, "Obviously, now isn't the time, hyung."

"I think this is the best time, because there will be no other time."

Sunggyu pushed himself off the wall and stood with posture,


"We are at war."


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New poster for War, hope you guys like it!


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Chapter 9: I just saw this story in recent times.. But I love it. Update soon ^^
Chapter 15: WHO. GOT. SHOT. o___o
I can feel Woohyun's intense stare to HoMi orz
they don't really want to kill each other, right?
these adults manipulating them-- sobs
Chapter 14: hoji relationship </3 namjoo ;-;
and there would be a new character?? :o
Chapter 14: yeah fighting author-nim!!
never give up to this awesome story
Chapter 13: awwwww. woogyu bro moments. o/
omg hoya. don't ever touch a female belonging again. orz
Chapter 13: What an awesome story! Awww!! I can't wait for the next updates! I love your fanfic! :D
Chapter 13: Wow finally you update again a-nim :D
This story more interesting! Btw thanks for your update
Great story! I love how you lay out the whole relationships between the members and woohyun is nunber two omgomg.
Update soon!
YeolKyungPinkfinite #9