Chapter 8

Monsters Hiding in the Closet

(A/N: YAY!!! Chapter!)


[Start of Suho's POV]

I walked towards my classsroom, my arms full of art supplies. Something felt wrong.The air was thick with the scent of blood. Ayu's. I dropped my supplies and ran towards the source of blood. I slid the door open nd was met with quite the sight. Ayu, pinned under Chanyeol, his teeth embedded in her neck. She was becoming more and more pallid as he continued to drink. Her breath, unsteady.

Damn it.

I rose my arm, pointing at him. Summoning from my core, water droplets forming at my finger tips. A ball of water was swashing around in my hand. Swinging my arm back, I flung the concentrated ball of water at Chanyeol's back. He crashed into the wall from the force and struggled to get up. He was still thirsting for blood. Ayu's blood was dribbling down his chin and neck. It smelled sweet and tempting. I longed to sample just a bit of her, but I knew that it was impossibe for any blood craving vampire.

Chanyeol slashed out at me, like a zombie, as I stood between his meal. Extending my arm again, water enveloped his legs, then his torso, and finally over his head. He was in a giant water prison that he struggled to get out of. It wouldn't kill him, but keep him 'contained' for a while. I turned back to Ayu, whose nearlly lifeless (not to mention half ) body was fiercely pale and dying. The smaell was so tantalizing. AB negative, mmm... My canines elongated as I thought of the last time I had my fill of human blood. I leaned in closer, preparing to her dry, when I heard a weak noise.

"Suho, why are you fading away?"

Her eyes were glassy , staring off into space. , I need to find Lay. Quickly wrapping her in my coat, I hoisted her into my arms and ran down the school halls, screaming my lungs out.


I ran towards the infirmiry, where I found a rather groggy Yixing, but didn't care. His eyes widened as he saw her pale face and limp arm taht fell out of the semi-swaddle I had wrapped er in.

"What the hell did you do Joonmyun?!! I thought you guys had agreed to watit until we found something to substitute your guy's urges." he said in a panicked voice as he checked her pulse. He gesture to the bad/cot which I set her down on quickly. Yixing was biting his fingernails, a habit he had when he was unsure of what to do.

"Shelost too much blood for her to regenearte it back quickly enough. We need to transfer some blood."

I immediately pulled my sleeve up to reveal the vein on the inside of my elbow.

"She's AB neg. Use me." I said, hearing the rush in my voice.

He shook his head as he said, "It's better for me to do it. The vampire blood might do something catastrophic to her body."

Still nibbling at his nails.

"Yixing, there isn't enough time! Just use mine! It's not like I had any of hers or anything. WE DON"T HAVE TIME!!!"

He looked at me, his mouth a slim grimace.

"We can't risk it. My blood is the next best thing, unless you can pull a human with the requirements out of thin air. Plus, my blood is A negative. Her body will reject your blood."

"But you're a frickin' werewolf! How the hell is he not going to turn into a dog like you guys once a month?!"

Yixing glared at me as he grabbed needles.

"Werewolves are distant relatives of dogs. An plus, it takes a bite, not an exchange of blood."

He stuck one needle into a vein in his inner arm after swabbing it and tying it off. He repeated to process with her. He snapped aplastic tab  and the blood from his arm began to flow into here. Color was begining to form in her cheeks again, nolonger looking sallow. I felt calmer. Her breating was calm again. Yixing removed the needles.  I looked at him, my eyes flickering back to thepuncture wounds on her neck. He shrugged as he mumbled, "I can't do anything."

"What do you mean 'you can't do anything'?"I asked puzzled.

"Because vampires have territorial issues. They have the need to mark humans, to show other vampires. I can't interfere with the natural magic of other creatures. Until the scars are willed away by you to disappear, I think the might scar." he said glaring at me, applying antiseptic and a bandage on her puncture wound.

"It was Chanyeol, not me!" I defended myself.

"Aw, . He hasn't been able to control his 'other side' yet. Where the hell is he?"

"The Performing Arts room." I said pinting.

"Get Ayu back to the house. I'll take care of him."

I nodded, picking her up.

[End of Suho's POV]




My eyes flashed open,waking up to a different environment I was previousy in. My room. I smelled something cooking and sat up. Images and sensations flowed back to me.

Chanyeol. Touching me there. Pain. Blood. Suho?

My hand went to my neck. I felt ta bandage, pressingf lightly against it. I hissed in pain as I removed my hand. I heard someone cough. I looked up and saw Chanyeol leaning against the doorway. He was watching me with awkward intensity, and I couldn't meet his gaze. I cleared my throat whiel he shifted his weight from her right leg to his left. 

"Can I, uh, help you?"

I couldn't help but remember my hand tracing his broad, chiseled chest.

"I want to ... apologize, for my rash behavior. It was uncalled f-"

"I get it" I said, stopping him mid-sentence.

"No. I neeed to explain. I'm sure as you know, most monsters have urges. Impulses, if you will. To a vampire, blood, especially AB negative, is sacred. We vampires try not to drink blood, so we have...'alternatives'."

I leaned towards him. 

"Even EXO-M have similar, if not the same, 'alternatives' that they do when it's their time of the month, instead of turning into vicious beasts. We, uh..."

"Yes?" I inquired with intrigue and an arched brow.

"...have ."

I couldn't help cough and grow ever so slightly red. That explains a bit. He was using me to help cure his monsterly urges... I guess? He shuffled a bit, when a head popped out from behind Chanyeol.

"'The more you know, the more you don't know'" Xiumin said.

He came in with a tray of what I asssumed was food. Chanyeol had vanished.

"We raided you dwindling storage of food. I made you this."

It was steak. I looked at my clock, an saw it was three in the afternoon. My stomach growled. I took the steak gladly and grabbedthe steak knife and fork, cutting with lots of gusto. A thick, red liquid oozed out. Blood. It inside of the steak was a vibrant carnation pink. I felt queasy, as my cutting slowed to a stop.

"What's wrong, Ayu? Don't eat steak?"

I ate steak, but not raw ones. I saw the look on his face, anticipation of what I would think of his 'cooking'.


I cut a very miniscule piece of the pink meat, slowly bringing it nearer to my mouth. Thank goodness Lay came in. I gratefully dropped the fork as an excuse.

"Minseok, Ayu is ill. I don't think she can muster raw food until she becomes one of us."

Lay had brought a bowl of broth.

"Are you kidding me, Yixing? I practically burned the damn steak till it turned brown and that's still considered raw?! I don't get humans." Xiumin/Minseok said swatting his hand as he left.

Lay smiled warmly as I took the warm broth from his hands.

His arm suddenly reached out and touched my  forehead. His large, warm hands felt good against my forehead.

"The fever has passed. That's good. You've been asleep for 3 days."


Oh, crud. I've missed so much of school, and ... MAX! I practically had a heart attack. I had (sorta) abandoned him. I hope that the project got turned in on time... But Chanyeol is my teacher... Most of  EXO is my teacher... I calmed down and drank my broth. It was yummy~

I was sitting quietly, slurping and thinking of life, when a question popped into my head.

"Why did you call Xiumin 'Minseok'? Is that a nickname or something? Is your nickname Yixing?"

"Ahh, 'Xiumin' is actually one of his other names. Minseok is his birth name. Yixing is mine. Same with some of the others. Only Chanyeol, Baekhyun, and Sehun have practically the same name." 

"Tell me their names!"

So Lay, or Yixing,  told me. I learned Joonmyun, Kyungsoo, Jongin, Wufan (or Jiaheng), Han (Lu was apparently his family name), Jongdae, and Zitao.

The bowl of broth was finished, and Yixing was holding the bowl. He hadn't left yet, as if  waiting to say something.

"Have you been experiencing anything, odd? Out of the ordinary?" he asked, out of the blue.

"Nooo~ Why?"

"Well, when you lost a lot of blood due to Chanyeol's 'primal urges' I did an emergency blood transfer, with my own blood. So if anything weird happens, tell me."

"Weird as in super healing powers like you?! Or turn into a dog like EXO-M?!"

Lay mumbled in a low voice "Why are we always associated as dogs?"

"No, I don't think so. But just tell me if you do experience anything weird." he said in a normal voice.





Sebby the cat is being a cat. He used to wander in and out of the house, maybe catwalk (>-<) up and down the halls, usually coming back for food. We had a cat flap built just for him. But now, he just disappeared. I knew he was alive, because his food bowl would always be empty the next day. Or maybe one of  EXO ate his food. But I doubt it. Okaasan has texted me many times of how her client wanted her to stay longer. Convenient, I guess, especially with EXO here. The two most important living creatures in my life, poof! All gone. Now I'm stuck with 12 old geezers, who are suprisingly agile.

Yixing has 'forbidden' me to go to school until I 'look well enough' but I think that's an excuse to just stay away from work. I gladly agreed with them. I didn't mind staying home, being lazy. I was cooking lunch, with the rest of EXO. Imagine that, 12 grown men crammed into a kitchen.

"Yo, Blossom, hand me the tha knife" Kris said, gesturing towards me. 

"Blossom? Who the heck is Blossom?" I asked.

"You" he replied when he just grabbed the knife behind me.

"What?! What kinda name is 'Blossom'? Sounds like a stripper name*"

"Sakura, is cherry blossom. Would you rather be called 'Cherry'? Or 'Cherry Blossom'?" he said, cutting lettuce heads.

"What's this, giving nicknames?" Suho suddenly popped out.

"Yeah, I get to call her 'Blossom'."

"Does anyone want to know whether how I feel about this?" I interjected.

"Hmm, Ayu doesn't give many nicknames... She gave us curry when we were starving. How about 'Curry'?!" Xiumin said.

"How about 'Baby'~ She's younger than all of us by at least 18000 years." Tao added.

"She should give us nicknames!" Baekhyun said.

"She already gave me one! Annyeonghaseyo, I'm Yeollie!" Chanyeol exclaimed.

"I want a nickname!" D.O. said.

"Me too" "Same here" "I want one" "It's not fair!"

 They were all clamoring about who had the best when the doorbell rang. Was it okaasan?!  I was about to drop everything when I heard the door open. Oh no, Sehun went...

"Uh, Is Ayu here?"

I recognized that voice, Max!!! I dropped everything, and rushed towards the door. I caught a glimpse of  Max before Sehun slammed the door in front of his face.

"What did you do that for?" I  cried out.

"I don't like him"  he said bluntly. 

I shoved him away and opened the door. A slightly stunned Max was facing me. 

Breathlessly, I greeted him, "Hi."

"Hey. Are you OK? You kinda ran off and disappeared for a week. You missed a bit of school."

Everything he was saying was going through one ear and out the other.

"How did you know where I lived?"

"I asked the school. I brought you the homework and notes that you missed. But you didn't miss much. Most of our teachers disappeared and have been replaced with substitutes. Our bio teacher included. I think he's a bit loopy. We didn't even turn in our terrarium project."

I thought of  EXO for a split second before my train of thought was interrupted.

"Who's loopy?"

Chanyeol appeared behind me. 

"Park sungsaenim!" Max jumped. 

I could read his face: What is your relation to this guy? Why is he in your house?

"He's just my second cousin, twice removed." 

Luhan then popped out.

"Hello Shim-ssi"

Max gave an awkward bow, before looking at me for an explanation.

"He's my cousin's cousin's son."

"Ayu the food is going to burn" Kris's deep voice behind me.

I face palmed myself. 

"My great-aunt's brother-in-law's nephew's son."

I couldn't believe all the crap the was coming out of my mouth. 

"Uh, nice to meet you, sungsaenims. I think I have to go Ayu. I'll see you at school, when you come back.Annyeong."

Quicker than you could say 'crud apples', he disappeared. I turned around and saw three grinning faces.

"You will all suffer. First order of business, I'm going to eat those ribs in front of you while you guys enjoy your stewed carrots and cabbage."

They groaned as they tried to persuade me out of it. They shall anguish. 





A week passed. I was sadly back in school. Max was suspicious of me, and I'm sure of it.I was stuck on the soccer field playing soccer. I wonder whose idea that was... I was goalie. No flying balls ever came past me because Coach Lu and Kim always joined us. And they were competitive! Most girls don't even bother anymore. But the guys in the class as they are still eager to prove themselves.  I legitimately would pick dandelions if not for the fake turf. 

I heard rustling in the trees near the school wall. I dismissed it as a stray, but when I heard human like noises, I was scared. A blurry figure leaped out over my head and towards Coach Lu and Kim. It moved so fast that I couldn’t tell what it was. They immediately saw what it was and together, stuck out there arms. A frost and chill came from Coach Kim's palm, as Coach Lu held the figure in place. When the figure was secure in a block of ice, Coach Kim turned to the frightened students. They had all huddled into a bunch when the attacker arrived. He extended his arm out again, a vein on his forehead bulging in concentration. Like I had seen Kris do to JR and others, the huddle of students rumpled onto each other.

He turned back to the figure, to whom I slowly neared. I recognized him as one of B.A.P. Luhan and Xiumin as well.

"Youngjae, you . What the hell are you doing exposing yourself to humans? Where's your leader?" Luhan said, his face close to the supposed 'Youngjae'.

The pile of collapsed students began to stir, and Xiumin promptly started to dictate a false memory. The whole class shuffled off. Youngjae had ignored Luhan. He was staring straight at me. 

"Look at me you demon" Luhan said with a pissed face.

The bell rang, signaling the end of the period.

"Ayu, you should go." Xiumin said. 

I was about to protest until I saw his face serious and strict. I ran off to the locker room to change.

I endured history, hen study hall without Baekhyun. I assume that the rest of EXO is gone to. At the end of class, I rushed out of the classroom, ignoring Bibi as I ran to the infirmary. Yixing wasn't there, but a group of girls with the back of their hands up to their foreheads, looking oh-so pale.

I want to find EXO.

I felt as if my blood within me was leading me where to go. I just walked and walked until I was out of the school building. I turned a hard left and found EXO standing in a circle around something.

"How did you get into ths realm? Where is the rest of B.A.P?" I overheard someone say.

"I will only tell the girl, alone."

"How much longer are we going to endure this? Just frickin' tell us!"

"Hello, I'm here!" I called out.

Everyone turned around. I gave a little wave.

"It wouldn't hurt, would it? He's still in his ice cube, isn't he?" I said pointing to the little ice box he was in.

"I guess not..." Suho said. 

I walked up to where the cube was. Youngjae glared at EXO, as they backed away reluctantly. When they were reasonably distant, he started to speak.

"To return your realm, go through the basement of this building. You will find the door back. Kumiho will meet you there, Sayuri."

'Sayuri', that sounds familiar, but I don't remember.

With that he vanished into thin air. EXO rushed over. 

"Damnit. He must of been summoned. What did he say Blossom?" Kris asked.

"Door to realm in the school basement, Kumiho is waiting for Sayuri."

"Kumiho? She's back? And Sayuri?" Sehun asked. 

'Who's Kumiho? Or Sayuri?" I asked, curious.

They all ignored me.

"Let's find the door." 

We went back intothe buildin, and went down the windy numerous flights of stairs. Th basement was cluttered with boxes and random bits of this and that. The vibe in here was different, ominous. 

"Find the door." Chanyeol dictated.

After a while, Tao cried out, declaring his find. Everyone rushed over. It was a wooden door. They clamored over it, as it had no handle. They searched and prowled, poking and prodding practically everything. The, D.O. pushed the middle circle. A lock clicked. Everyone looked at each other. He pushed the door open. It opened to complete darkness.

Kai said looking at me, "Ladies first."







*For any one named Blossom: Repeat after me: "This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental."

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Chapter 18: update more~~~!
Chapter 18: Awe I wan't more xD update soon please! :3
Chapter 18: I like it..update sometimes^^~
Vonnie #4
Chapter 18: I am so confused, i have no idea what happened in this chapter. I may have to reread the story to figure out what the hell i missed.
OkSooyeon #5
Chapter 17: Update soon!
Chapter 17: I really loved this update. I don't know much about AP classes ( At least not until next year.), but my friends take them and they say they're pretty difficult. So, on that note......Author-nim, FIGHTING!!!! ^^
Taelin #7
Chapter 17: but i really want to know its not all EXO + ayu relationship , i think its one of them but i really wish all
Pwahahaha suho is so funny royal butheadn- highness hahaha if I were him I would just say it completely with out doubt n kai is also so funny he just kick jaejoong like he is the king. Phwahahah I can't stop laughting * rolling like a bu
Chapter 17: OMG Leo!!! But why did it have to be Leo! XD lol I almost yelled at Ayu xD give me the vest and I can get the blood out for ya!! XD
normalgirl #10
Chapter 16: Uh uh .. no good scary .. hahahaha I was imagining jaejoong playing with them ... and I guess that kris was gona win first ^^