Chapter 2

Monsters Hiding in the Closet


"Ayuuuuuu~" the voice called again.

Heavy steps were heard as someone trudged up the flight of stairs. I began to panic. Okaasan* is home, and if she finds me in the closet with 12 men, 6 of them just by chance to be in their birthday suits, it will not go down well. Not good at all. I turned to face the men in the room to do something about them. 

"Please go away! Okaasan is home and she'll go crazy if she finds you guys here" I pleaded.

They just stood there. I grew impatient. 

"I said 'please', didn't I? Now go away. And make this room disappear with you!"

A clothed man stepped up, and he spoke with a soft smile,"We can not leave until we figure out how and why we are here. Plus, we will simply not allow it."

I recognized his voice, and he was the one who told 'Kris' to stop earlier. He had fair skin and a very fatherly aura, as if he was the caretaker of everyone in the room. Another one of the men piped up, "We'll hide, if you let us stay." Everyone else nodded. I thought for a moment. They are bound to leave at some point, so it will not be a major problem. I could just kick them out later. I gave a sigh of resignation. 2 of the men baring it all high-fived each other. 

"Dudes! Put some pants on!!!!!" I yelled out, turning away. I got out go the room and stood in the bedding closet. I looked at the room that I came out of and in front of my very eyes, it faded from view. I reached out, and felt the rough surface of the room. It was invisible.

"Ayu, are you in there?" okaasan spoke.

I grabbed some blankets off the shelf, and faced the door as the handle turned. It opened and I faced a puzzled and red faced okaasan. 

"What are you doing in there thweetie?" she inquire with a lisp, as she leaned against the door frame for support. Her eyes were unfocused and she stunk of sake. She was drunk again. Okaasan must really miss otousan*...

"Haebin is here and I came to get blankets for her" I lied.

"Haebinnie'th here? How ith the?" she asked, staggering. 

"Fine, okaasan. You need to get to bed if you are going to get to work tomorrow on time. I'll help you get to bed."

I helped my mother to her room, and removed her shoes. I rested her against a pillow, and tucked her in. I gave her a quick peck on the forehead. 'Sleep tight' I thought.

I returned to the bedding closet, and found the door to the room visible once more. I opened it and to my luck, they were all clothed. They all seemed to be waiting for something, just as I was. 

"So what happened to the cute wolf from before?" I asked.

'Kris' smirked, and strutted walked towards me. He leaned close to me, and I waited for him to do something erted.

"So you think I'm cute?" he whispered seductively in my ear. 

His breath on my ear sent shivers down my spine. I gulped as he raised his brow, waiting for a reply. I coughed and stepped away from him.

"Who are you all?" I asked.

"I'm Kris, obviously. Leader of EXO-M" 'Kris' said. So his name is Kris...

The fatherly figure introduced himself as 'Suho, leader of EXO-K'. Mr. I-Can-Teleport turned out to be 'Kai of EXO-K'. Then there was D.O., Sehun, Chanyeol, and Baekhyun of EXO-K. The previously men turned out to be Lay, Xiumin, Chen, and Tao of EXO-M. Luhan included the fact that he was part of EXO-M. 

"Uhm, what exactly is EXO? And what does K and M stand for?" I wondered.

"EXO is a region of Peregrinus Modus, an alternate universe, dimension, or realm if you will.  EXO is divided into 4 countries, K, M, J, and T, with smaller kingdoms that are ruled by various kings. All of us are either part of K or M. K is short for Kirth and M is short for Mendir. M and K are the closest countries, and we are practically one. J and T stand for Jundif and Thwyr, but no one has heard anything from either J or T for millennia. There has been rumors that J and T had a war that wiped their civilization out or a great famine. In this realm, everyone is either a Beluamoris or a Furcifer. K and M are all comprised of all Beluamorises." Suho said with a very serious face.

"Then how are you the leader of EXO-K?" I asked, filled with curiousity.

Suho sighed. He wore grim face, which reminded me of my math teacher when he said that I was failing algebra. It was the infamous Are-You-An-Idiot face. This subject was indefinitely not covered in my history class. I'd rememeber if this was included.

"Like I said, there are kings. Each king rules a kingdom of power. My father is the King of Aquae, or water. Kris's father is King of Volavi, or flight. There are 6 main kingdoms in each country. Amongst the princes, there is one that is chosen to lead the others. To provide unity. The one chosen is usually a candidate to suceed the Emperor."

When Suho said the last part, a sense of pride seemed to rise from him. It then hit me. Princes. They are all princes from another dimension. What am I supposed to do? Do I curtsy? Kneel and bow? Do I kiss the rings on their fingers or their toes? I froze in their scrutiny. Suho continued.

"The Emperor is the supreme ruler of Peregrinus Modus and he maintains order throughout the realm. He has ruled our realm for over 50 millennia."

Suho continued to give me a history lesson. I swear, I saw little Sehun falling asleep. As he talked about the wars and the other regions of this strange realm whose name I could not pronounce, I thought about how he kept using the words millennia and centuries. He spoke of guns and photography, as if they were invented thousands of years ago!!! He kept blabbing on and on; Kris in the back of the room, staring at his hands.

I interrupted him, and a sigh of relief was heard. "How old exactly are you?"

"2,200 years old" Suho replied. 

I gaped in awe. How was this possible? I looked to everyone else and they all told me their ages. Ranging from 2,300 to 1,900.  Lay saw my confusion and answered my question, "We tend to age slower because of  mirus, a particle in the air not commonly found in this realm. And the fact that we are Beluamorises and that K are all vampires and M are all werewolves."

Lay shrugged as if it wasn't a big deal. Vampires and werewolves are in my house, and they won't leave?!! Plus, I thought vampire hated werewolves and vice versa... They seem very compatible. Luhan and Sehun seemed to be busy playing some game of kai bai bo. I grasped my throat, as if to protect it from the vampires. Chanyeol's teeth did look suspiciously white... 

"We won't hurt you" Baekhyun said softly, "We just want to get answers and get home."

I opened my mouth and as if he could read my mind, Kris spoke. "We want to know why we are here and how we got here, like Suho had said earlier. For a human, you ask an awful lot of questions." 

"If this helps, I read this stupid 'curse' before you guys came." I said, ignoring Kris and passing the paper that Bibi made me read to Suho. 

Suho's eyes quickly scanned the paper and his eyes opened. He looked at everyone else with dead serious eyes and nodded. They all pressed their adam apples at once. 

"Drec syo pa dra yhcfan du mevdehk uin linca. Tu oui drehg cra ec dra uha dryd Lee Soo Man bnateldat fuimt ramb ic?"

They spoke in their secret language again. Way to go to include me guys.

"E cyo fa fydlr ran vun y frema, yht caa ev cra bnujetac ic fedr yho lmiac", said Xiumin.

They all nodded again and pressed their adam apples a few more times, before they spoke Korean again. They all turned to me. 

"You summoned us and we intend to stay here until we find a way back." D.O. said.

"No, no, no. You can't! Okaasan will not be pleased, and there isn't enough room for all twelve of you!" I reasoned.

"We could stay here" Lay pointed out. The rest of them nodded in agreement.

"I don' t have time for this! I need to go pee and go back to sleep, so I can wake up nice and early for school-"

I paused. I zoomed out of the room-closet and stood at the top of the staircase. The sun was beginning to peek through the windows. I'm going to be late for school. Craptastic with a capital 'C'.

I rushed back into the room-closet.

"Attention everyone: Ihavetogotoschoolrightnowandyouneedtoallstayhere.WaituntilIgetbackandtillthen,don'tripanyone'sthroatout,orsuckanyone'sbodydryofblood. Bye!" I said quickly.

I ran down the flight of stairs, picking up a pair of shoes that were at the base of the stairs. 

"BIBI! WAKE UP! WE'RE LATE!!!" I screamed, quickly grabbing snack bread from the super messy kitchen.







*okaasan is Japanese for mother

*otousan is Japanese for father


Sorry, not edited... My computer crashed.


See, Barney Stinson feels my pain. So I'm borrowing a friend's computer ringht now. I hope these made-up terms are not too confusing. You just got your history lesson of the day about a fake place called Peregrinus Modus. Have you guys heard the new XOXO album yet? What's your favorite song?


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Chapter 18: update more~~~!
Chapter 18: Awe I wan't more xD update soon please! :3
Chapter 18: I like it..update sometimes^^~
Vonnie #4
Chapter 18: I am so confused, i have no idea what happened in this chapter. I may have to reread the story to figure out what the hell i missed.
OkSooyeon #5
Chapter 17: Update soon!
Chapter 17: I really loved this update. I don't know much about AP classes ( At least not until next year.), but my friends take them and they say they're pretty difficult. So, on that note......Author-nim, FIGHTING!!!! ^^
Taelin #7
Chapter 17: but i really want to know its not all EXO + ayu relationship , i think its one of them but i really wish all
Pwahahaha suho is so funny royal butheadn- highness hahaha if I were him I would just say it completely with out doubt n kai is also so funny he just kick jaejoong like he is the king. Phwahahah I can't stop laughting * rolling like a bu
Chapter 17: OMG Leo!!! But why did it have to be Leo! XD lol I almost yelled at Ayu xD give me the vest and I can get the blood out for ya!! XD
normalgirl #10
Chapter 16: Uh uh .. no good scary .. hahahaha I was imagining jaejoong playing with them ... and I guess that kris was gona win first ^^