Chapter 11

Monsters Hiding in the Closet



[Start of Xiumin's POV]

The next day had come. It felt nice to be back in Peregrinus Modus. But I kinda did miss staying in Ayu's closet... That's not weird, is it? Unlike Ayu's dimension, there isn't a sun. Instead, the sky just glows. There hasn't been any explanation for this, but it has been accepted. Like a giant ... What's it called? Oh, light-switch! There is only day and night; no dusk, no dawn. Anyways, I hopped out of my bed, welcoming the cold air.  I then realized that I've never been to Yixing's summer house. He always banned me saying something like 'summer and winter don't clash'. He just doesn't want me to clear out his pantry!

I opened the door, which creaked slightly, and peeked out. Not a single person in sight. Using my super-nose, I located all of my fellow EXO members. Next was food... Wait. No. Ayu should be next! My nose seemed to be betraying me, because I couldn't catch any scent of her. Maybe I am too hungry. I raided Yixing's pantry, despite the protests of his chefs and then continued smelling for Ayu. I could hear footsteps as people began to climb out of bed. Wandering around the labyrinth of halls, I observed the dozens of painted portraits that were on the wall. Doors were sporadically placed. A door opened to my right, Wu Fan's head popping out. He had some major bedhead.

"What are you doing? You've walked in front of my room at least 10 times and it's annoying me. What's wrong with you? I need my beauty sleep."

"Mianhae" I quietly mumbled.

I tilted one of the portraits in the hall at an angle so I would know which room was Wu Fan's. Taking a deep sniff, I searched for Ayu. I finally caught her scent trail. But it was faint. Following it, I found it was most concentrated in another room. I knocked gently. The door creaked open. The bed covers were jumbled and the balcony doors were wide open. Ayu never made her bed back at her house. A soft breeze blew through, causing the curtains to billow around. I walked to the balcony, closing the doors. She's probably already awake and she went out exploring too. Since the doors were open, her scent would obviously be faint. I was leaving, when I tripped over something. A single slipper. I looked for the other slipper, doubting that Ayu would be that disorganized and randomly flinging slippers around. I couldn't find it. I found Ayu's uniform laid over the back of a chair. I also found a single solitary white feather.

Just holding it, I could tell. I ran out of the room, and knocked rapidly on Wu Fan's door. 

"Yah! Are you crazy?!! I'm gonna kill y-"

He stopped mid-sentence. His eyes widened when I held up the feather and slipper. His eyes flickered back and forth. His mouth opened to say something and I shook my head.

"We have to call the others. Now."




Everyone was gathered together in a ballroom, Soo Man included. He had a bunch of supplies gathered in front of him and he was reading a sacred text while holding up a potion thingy. 

"E cissuh y bundym du yhudran funmtc, yhudran nayms. Pavuna sa, mad y bundym ybbayn!" he mumbled.

Soo Man turned around and emptied the potion thingy out. This is my favorite part. The liquid swirled around and formed a portal. So pretty~ 

Soo Man promptly whisked away his sacred text and gave us a nod before leaving quickly. 

"So, who wants to go first?" Kai asked.

Everyone moved forward to shove him through the portal. He reacted quickly and disappeared. We simultaneously fell through the portal. Suddenly  we were outside of a large castle, which was 10x bigger than Yixing's summer house. Guards stood in front of a drawbridge. Kai was leaning nonchalantly against a tree.

"You guys are mean" he pouted before joining us. 

We crossed the bridge, but were stopped promptly by the guards. 

"No, access allowed to anyone" they said simultaneously.

I didn't hesitate to make ice cubes out of them. We walked into the castle, not hesitating to fight anyone in the way. Ayu was definitely here. Her scent was much stronger here than in her own room. We walked up a flight of stairs using the navigation system that is our nose.  Grand double doors loomed before us. Suho kicked open the door. We were met with quite a sight.

Ayu, chained to the headboard of a bed with handcuffs. She was wearing frilly and exposing lingerie and was struggling to free herself.  Everything was strewn across the room. Curtains were torn to shreds and piled onto the floor. A broken chair was on the floor, its legs elsewhere. The glass balcony doors were smashed and glass shreds everywhere. We all moved to free her, but froze. A man who was half from the torso up was approaching her. He had scars all over his back and I couldn't see his face clearly. 

"Stop!" Chanyeol yelled, shooting out his arm and firing a fiery ball.

With a swift movement, the man deflected it. He pivoted revealing his face.

"You dare attack your emperor?"

Suho straightened up and bowed deeply. Like veeery deep. 

"Jaejoong, your Highness: We apologize, but we are here to save Ayu, our prophesized savior."

He walked over to Ayu, where he planted a kiss on her cheek and wrapped his arm around her slim, exposed waist. He beamed while she groaned in disgust.

"Oh, you mean my wife?" he said, kissing her cheek again.

[End of Xiumin's POV]







Annyeong! I'm not gonna try to make up for my lack of updating with excuses, so I'll just say this: Life happens.

For those who were wondering why Kai didn't just teleport everyone, I feel as if everyone has a limit to their power. Kai's power has his limits and I don't think he can teleport 12 people at the same time.  And I also feel as if it is too tiring to go back and forth teleporting one person at a time. Plus, it's not as cool as a portal!!!

I also noticed a pattern. I only seem to update when anything major is happening. Like comebacks, new MV's, etc. Weird...

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Chapter 18: update more~~~!
Chapter 18: Awe I wan't more xD update soon please! :3
Chapter 18: I like it..update sometimes^^~
Vonnie #4
Chapter 18: I am so confused, i have no idea what happened in this chapter. I may have to reread the story to figure out what the hell i missed.
OkSooyeon #5
Chapter 17: Update soon!
Chapter 17: I really loved this update. I don't know much about AP classes ( At least not until next year.), but my friends take them and they say they're pretty difficult. So, on that note......Author-nim, FIGHTING!!!! ^^
Taelin #7
Chapter 17: but i really want to know its not all EXO + ayu relationship , i think its one of them but i really wish all
Pwahahaha suho is so funny royal butheadn- highness hahaha if I were him I would just say it completely with out doubt n kai is also so funny he just kick jaejoong like he is the king. Phwahahah I can't stop laughting * rolling like a bu
Chapter 17: OMG Leo!!! But why did it have to be Leo! XD lol I almost yelled at Ayu xD give me the vest and I can get the blood out for ya!! XD
normalgirl #10
Chapter 16: Uh uh .. no good scary .. hahahaha I was imagining jaejoong playing with them ... and I guess that kris was gona win first ^^