In Denial Much?!


The next day, while entering your classroom you accidentaly bumped into someone. You fell to the ground with a thumped. "Ouch", you groaned while rubbing your head. "Oops! My bad! I'm sorry", said the person that made you fall. You see the person offer you a hand and you accepted it. You looked up and saw little Luhan staring right at you with his big doe eyes.

"Sorry again! I didn't mean to bump into you, by the way I'm Luhan", he extends his arm. "What's your name?", he adds.
"I'm Haeun", you shake his hand. "It's okay."
Luhan smiles, "Are you sure?"

You guys heard the bell rang.

"Come on! Let's go inside before the teacher scolds us!, little Luhan said while pulling you inside.

*Omg, he's touching me!*, you inwardly squealed.


During recess, you would always eat your food at the corner.This is the place where you felt safe and sound.

You opened your lunch box and picked up your hotdog. "Goodbye hotdog you will be eaten by the mighty me!", your little self stated.
You were about to bite into it when suddenly you heard one of the voices you hated the most.

"Eww. What's this? Is that dog food? So gross!", Minkyu picks it up and thows into the trash.
"Hey that's my food! Why did you throw it?", you whined.
"It smells like poop that's why it should be thrown away. I think I made a mistake, I should have let you eaten that poop.", the little girl infront of you evily said.
You started crying.
"Aw poor little Haeun crying for her poop. Do you really want to eat it? Then go eat it", she said while pushing you towards the trash.


"WHAT ARE YOU GUYS DOING!!", a loud voice could be heard.
"Hi Luhan", Minkyu started, before giving you one last push. She approached him and added, "How are you?".
"WHAT ARE YOU TRYING TO DO TO HER?", the little boy shouted.

His face changed from an angelic angel to a scary devil. You stared at the little boy infront of you.

"Well.no..thing. Right guys?", Minkyu stuttered.

"Yeah.", everyone chorused.

"If you made her cry again you have to face me!! Understand?", Luhan angirly stomped his little feet.

With this, everybody nodded their head and went back to what they’re doing.

Luhan turned to you with a little smile, "Haeun, are you okay?", he said before giving you a small hug.
"Yeah I'm fine..Thanks luhan", you sniffed and gave him a small smile.
He flashes you a grin, "Don't worry If they ever tried to bully you just scream my name and I'll protect you."
"Here let's share my food, I know you're hungry!"

You spent your whole recess with him, laughing and talking to each other.




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kuromi_hanami91 #1
Please update soon authornim!
kuromi_hanami91 #2
Chapter 13: Update soon~~~
Chapter 13: HI Guys sooo How's our update WE ARE VERY SORRY FOR NOT BEING SORRYY REALLY SORRYYY...

-Luhan is MANLY
<3 BaconN'CheeseCake
Chapter 12: Please update!!
_xoxo_69 #5
Chapter 5: the dance looks like they're trying to scrape poop out of their shoes... xD update please :D
Chapter 10: Will there be more? I'm in love..I'm hooked
Chapter 7: Wahhh <3 This is good ^^ keep up the good work OuO)b btw, r u filipino author-nim? XD
Hi exoticxsone thank you for leaving a comment..we really appreciate that you love our story kekekek XD Have you watched the video in Changsha? Luhan and Lay were really sweet. The other Exo members were injured and also some fans got hurt..Let's all hope that they will all recover soon.

Thank You again for commenting
<3 BaconN'CheeseCake
Chapter 6: Hunhan! I heard of the airport situation. Omg crazy fans