
His Smile-Mask



Once they arrived in Mokpo Donghae jumped out of the car and looked at the skies.

"Thats good. I don't see any aliens, so Mokpo's safe while I'm here." He said proudly then ran into his old house.

It's been a while since he was home because he always stayed at school over breaks.

He ran into his old bedroom and looked around. Nothing changed. Everythings still blue, even though everything did get a film of dust over it.

He walked over to his desk to stack his books on it when he noticed a letter there. He picked it up and started reading it.


I know you hate me right now, and I'm sorry. I don't know why I did all that to you. But I changed.
And even though I know you probably won't forgive me, I want it to go back to the way it used to be when we were kids.
We were inseparable back then. We were always together no matter what, and I miss that.
I know that your terrified to go near me now.
But I promise I won't hurt you again. I changed.

Your loving brother,

By the time Donghae was done reading the letter tears were slowly running down his face.

Donghwa's right he is terrified to go near him and he doesn't think he can forgive him.

"Donghae honey, do you want some breakfast?" Donghae's mom called through the door and Donghae hurridly wiped up his tears.

"I'll be down in a minute!" He called back, making sure it didn't sound like he was just crying.

He folded up the letter and put it in his back pocket. He looked in the mirror on his wall to make sure he looked cheerful.

He went into the dining room and saw his mother there with an American style breakfast all around the table.

Donghae instantly smiled a true smile and sat down. He started stuffing his face with bacon and eggs while his mom just sat their shaking her head and smiling at him.

"This....yummy!" Donghae said in failed English.

"Don't talk with your mouth full honey." His mom said with a huge grin on her face.

"Sorry mommy." Donghae pouted and stuffed some pancake in his mouth.

"Oh mom. I have a tutor coming over someday, a party to go to Friday, and Kyuhyun is gonna come over sometime and I'm going over Kyuhyun's sometime. Okay?"

"Don't you want to spend time with me?" His mom pouted and Donghae silently gagged. His mom did not look right when she pouted.

"Of course I do mom. I just don't want to be near Donghwa." Donghae saw the pain flash across his moms face but he could really care less at the moment. She knew what happened to Donghae the last time Donghwa came home while he was here and yet she still wants Donghae to forgive him and believe that he's a new person.

But Donghae knew better. He felt that heart breaking feeling of false hope. Now he just lost all hope of seeing the brother that he used to look up to and admire.

The rest of breakfast was silent because his mom seemed like she was upset with him so he decided to give her some time to cool off.

He went up to his room and sat on his bed, trying to figure out what to do.

"Oooh I'll go get some ice cream!" Donghae beamed as he grabbed a jacket and ran down the stairs and out the front door, after telling his mom where he was going.

He slowed down once he got outside and looked around his neighborhood remembering all the times he used to run around the whole block with Donghwa.

"Don't think about him Donghae." He muttered to himself as he noticed a little boy on the sidewalk a little way ahead of him.

When he reached the boy he noticed that the little boy was crying. So he bent down and smiled at the boy who looked at him with fear filled eyes.

"I'm Donghae. Whats your name?" Donghae softly asked and the little boys face softened a little.

"M-Minho." The little boy shakily said and tried to wipe his face with his dirty sleeve. But Donghae gently pushed his arm away and wiped up Minho's tears and snot.

"Would you like to go get some ice cream?" Donghae asked the now calming down boy.

Minho's face instantly brightened and he nodded excitedly. Donghae stood up and grabbed Minho's little hand and they happily started walking to the ice cream shop just around the corner.

Once they walked into the shop Donghae noticed that nothing has changed since the last time he went there. The booths were still shaped like melting ice cream cones, the lights were empty ice cream cones, the counter and tables looked like they had candy underneath the glass, and Donghae's favorite part was the Dooly ride in the kid corner.

Even though his mom always yelled at him and told him that he was too big for it he would always come here and ride it secretly.

Donghae led Minho over to a booth and sat him down then sat down across from him. The waiter came and Donghae smiled at her.

"What would you like?" The waiter asked the two boys.

"I'll take strawberry. Minho what would you like?" Donghae asked the happy child across from him that was looking around the place in amazement.

"Vanilla." Minho mumbled and the waiter nodded and went to get it.

"How old are you hyung?" Minho asked, once he looked back at Donghae.

"17. How old are you?" Donghae couldn't seem to get rid of the stupid grin on his face.

"8. I have a little brother named Taemin, he's 7." Donghae was glad that Minho seemed really happy talking about his brother unlike Donghae.

"Why were you crying earlier?" Donghae asked after the waiter brought them their ice cream and they started eating it.

"Umma and Appa were fighting so I ran away. I wish I was with Taemin at Uncle Onew's house right now." Minho frowned and it pained Donghae's heart to see it.

"How about we finish our ice cream, ride Dooly once, then take you home. Then when your brother comes back from your uncles I'll take you both somewhere really special." Minho beamed at Donghae and stood up and hugged him tightly. Donghae chuckeled and hugged the small boy back.

Once they finished their ice cream Donghae paid then helped Minho onto the Dooly ride. Donghae put two coins in and the ride started and Minho started laughing.

Once the ride stopped Donghae got on with Minho sitting on his lap and put two more coins in. Donghae laughed along with Minho and when the ride stopped they were both still smiling.

Donghae took Minho's little hand and walked out of the shop and in the direction of their neighborhood.

"Do you know where you live Minho?" Donghae asked as he looked down at the little boy who seemed to be getting sleepy.

Donghae picked him up and Minho looked around the neighbor hood and pointed to a big white house.Donghae couldn't believe that he never even noticed that house before but he just shrugged and walked towards it while Minho rested his head in the crook of Donghae's neck.

Once Donghae reached the door he rang the doorbell and looked at Minho, who was already sleeping. Donghae smiled at the sleeping boy in his arms then looked back at the door as it opened.

"Hel...Donghae!?" Donghae was shocked to see his older childhood friend standing in front of him after all those years. He hasn't seen him since Donghwa changed.

"Key!?" Donghae yelled in a whisper and Key looked at Minho and sighed in relief.

"Thank god Minho's safe. Where'd you find him?" Key asked as he led Donghae inside and shut the door behind them.

"I was on my way to the ice cream shop when I saw him standing there crying on the sidewalk so I took him out for ice cream then brought him here, since this is where he said he lived."

"Thank you so much Donghae, I was so worried about him." Key said as he led Donghae upstairs to Minho's room. Donghae guessed that Minho shared a room with Taemin because there were two beds.

Donghae carefully set Minho on the bed, removed his shoes, and tucked him in. When he turned around Key was leaning against the doorway smiling and another guy was beside him.

Donghae followed them out and closed the door beside him. They both turned around and looked at Donghae with smiles on their faces.

"Donghae this is my husband Kim Jonghyun. Honey this is Lee Donghae, my childhood friend." Jonghyun smiled at Donghae and they shook hands.

"We're about to eat, do you want to join us?" Jonghyun asked and Donghae noticed that it didn't really seem that they were mad at each other.

"Sure." Donghae smiled and Jonghyun led him to the dining room while Key went to get the food.

They sat down across from each other and smiled at each other.

"So how did you and Key meet?" Donghae asked.

"Oh we're high school sweet hearts." Jonghyun said with a small blush gracing his cheeks which made Donghae chuckle. "How old are you if Key is your childhood friend?"

"17. Key's only 3 years older than me. He was always a big brother to me." Donghae smiled.

"Don't you have a big brother?" Jonghyun asked and Donghae smiled even wider, not liking the question at all.

"Jonghyun I told you not to ask that. And Donghae I need to talk to you about your brother sometime." Key said as he came out of the kitchen with yummy looking food.

"Bu..." Donghae started but was cut off by Key.

"No buts. I need to know what happened, it seriously scared the death out of me when you always smiled but never talked. But don't worry, I'm here for you." Key smiled at Donghae and placed his hand on top of Hae's until Jonghyun glared at him then he pulled away.

"Okay." Donghae said reluctantly. He knew he could trust Key and he knew that Key would absolutely be there for him but what if Key thought the same thing Donghae's mom does? That Donghwa changed. "So Key, why does Minho call you Umma and Jonghyun Appa? Did you adopt him and Taemin?" Donghae asked and Key smiled knowing he would ask that.

"I'm the more girly figure so I'm the umma and Jonghyun's the appa. And yes they are adopted and they both already know." Key admitted with a big motherly smile on his face. "I know your probably thinking that we're too young to be married and have kids but we were ready."

"I always knew you would get married as soon as you found someone you loved. Typical Almighty Key." Donghae said and Key pouted and kicked Donghae under the table which made Jonghyun and Key have matching smirks on their faces.

Soon they all finished dinner while catching up and it was time for Donghae to leave.

"So how long you going to be in Mokpo?" Jonghyun asked, him and Donghae have gotten closer just with this one visit.

"15 days, but I'm going other places too, since this is break." Donghae said as he put his jacket and shoes on.

"Well stop by tomorrow if you have time so that you can meet Onew hyung and Taemin. Plus I think Minho really likes you, he usually doesn't trust people that quick but he sure seemed to have taken a liking to you." Key said and gave Donghae a hug then Donghae nodded and left.

Once Donghae walked into his house he was shocked to a frozen state apon seeing his big brother Donghwa standing right beside their mom with a smile on his face.

"I thought you were supposed to be here tomorrow?" Donghae asked, not caring if it was mean or rude.

"I got here early. I missed you so much Donghae!" Donghwa went to hug him and Donghae remember how Minho talked about Taemin and hugged him back which made Donghwa and their mom beam but Donghae felt the similar pain he felt, when Donghwa changed, come back and hit him with full force.

Maybe he did change, but Donghae can't get his hopes up because they'll probably get crushed again.


[A.N] Okay so I really wanted to include SHINee in here some where so here they are but Key, Jonghyun, and Onew are older than Donghae and Taemin and Minho are kids. Okay?

I hope you like it so far! But I warn you that its going to get pretty depressing soon but don't worry its going to be a happy ending.




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whoo hoo,I can't wait for it and yay, Kyuhyun had finally got a chance to meet Donghae's family!!xD I like this chapter and I like how Kyuhyun makes things seem more comfortable!!xD lol I can't wait for the party for you never know, Eunhyuk might be there!!xD lol
Kyaa! My fave subbie!
Jongwoon is amazing isn't he? And don't you think his small hands are adorable~!
There will be lots of him in the next chappie~~~<3
And your 17 right? I'm only 16 right now so I'm your dongsaeng. Unnie Saranghae~! ^_^
Aw~ I made your day? I feel honored. :D
I'm so glad you updated~! Donghae seems a little on edge about the party, doesn't he? I guess it's only natural since he has Donghwa around. I still don't know if he has ulterior motives or what? But we will find out later. ;) I wonder how the sleepover will go. I'm really excited. Honestly, yesung is my bias so of course I'd want to read about him. ;) and OMG! In your favorite subbie? Yayyyyyy~! so happy. <3 unnie you're the best. ;D jeep doing whatever you're doing because it's working. Saranghe~! ^^
Matsukenninol: You are officially my favorite subbie! Both of your comments made my day!

I will update soon, I promise!!!
Oh my gosh. I was posting my comment and then all of a sudden it disappeared and I was like O.O NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO~!!! I wrote it all special for you, unnie. :) But i refreshed the page and realized i had already posted it hahaha *sigh of relief* i feel better now. :)
AWWWWW~~~ Okay, I was totally looking forward to this update and I'm so glad that you did~!!! Key is such a good friend. :) Love him~! And I really hope Donghae doesn't get hurt again. I loved the chapter honestly and hope you can update again sometime, although maybe you're busy and all (i totally understand since i'm an author myself and updating is hard with all the school and other drama) but great job~!!! I totally loved it a bunch. I love the way you depict donghae in here, but i hope that donghae can trust other people and not just key alone. ^_^ Love you unnie~! Great authors deserve to be told they are loved. :)♥
Anji_WantsTwiNKies: Your comment just made my day ^_^ ha
You have returned!!!T^T
Waaaaah, I have been waiting for this amazing story and like Yay!!!!XD
Donghwa seems uhh...a little different?? I still think he's a monster and if he ever dare touch Hae again, He will get a super, crazy, butterfly Roundabout Kick!!!-____- in the face!!!-___-
Key you got to protect your Hae and Kyu come to the rescue!!!:D
ahhhh....donghwa's stares???good or bad???love this so much!!!update soon...and faster!!keke...