
His Smile-Mask



But then again, he could have fun with this, couldn't he?

"Get in the pool, Hyukjae!" He yelled at the red head who shot him a death glare but got into the shallow end anyways. Donghae walked over to the shallow end, smirking to himself the whole way.

He got into the pool and started walking towards Hyukjae then froze. When you teach people how to swim don't you have to hold them up? And that means that Donghae has to touch the person that absolutely hates his guts.

Donghae shook his head then went to Hyukjae. "First things first, you CAN'T breath underwater."

"Aish! I already knew that, I'm not as stupid as you!" The red head snapped.

"Your the one that doesn't know how to swim. I'm just helping you learn." Donghae yelled back.

"Whatever, lets just start!"

"Fine. But your going to have to trust me or else this is all a waste of time." Donghae mumbled but made sure Hyukjae heard it because it was true.

Hyukjae didn't answer but Donghae decided to just continue. "Okay so we're going to start off with something easy; floating." Donghae said and was surprised when Hyukjae nodded and didn't say anything back.

"So your going to lay flat on your stomach with your arms out in front of you, like this." Donghae demonstrated and the other nodded.

"Y-You are going to hold me up right?" Hyukjae stuttered as he looked towards the door that led to the other pool and the rest of the class.

"Yes. I'm not going to let you drown, because I don't want to go to jail. I have fish to feed you know!" Donghae was even more surprised when Hyukjae laughed at his comment, even if it was only a little laugh Donghae was amazed. He never thought that Hyukjae would laugh when he was around, let alone at something he said. Usually all Hyukjae does is glare,scoff, and sometimes snort whenever Donghae was with him.

'I think he had too much sugar this morning." Donghae thought to himself as he moved closer to Hyukjae as the red head started getting ready to float.

Hyukjae took a deep breath and pushed off the pool floor a little so that he was floating with his arms stretched in front of him, just like Donghae had showed him. Donghae put his hands on Hyukjae's stomach to help him stay up and started to gently glide him to the other side of the pool.

He expected Hyukjae to start kicking and moving his arms in a swimming motion but Hyukjae just stayed frozen so Donghae sighed and lifted him into a standing position. This is going to be harder than he thought.

"This time we're going to have you push off the side of the pool and your going to kick your feet okay?" Donghae asked as he walked to the side of the pool as Hyukjae nodded and followed him.

Hyukjae pressed his back against the pool and Donghae took his wrist . Hyukjae took a deep breath then got under water and pushed off the wall while Donghae pulled his arms. Hyukjae started kicking his feet and Donghae moved his hands from Hyukjae's arms to his stomach again.

Once Hyukjae ran out of breath he stood up and smiled at Donghae. "Was that good?" Donghae nodded at him and they both went back over to the side of the pool.

"Now your going to kick your feet and move your arms like this." Donghae showed him how to properly move his arms and Hyukjae nodded and took a deep breath, went underwater and pushed off the wall while Donghae put his hands back on Hyukjae's stomach.

Hyukjae was doing everything properly so Donghae decided to let him go on his own. He removed his hands from the others stomach and just stood there watching him. Hyukjae was doing good until he noticed that there weren't any strong arms holding him up. He shot out of the water and started coughed up the water that went into his mouth.

"I thought you said that you weren't going to let me drown!" Hyukjae screamed at the other who was shaking his head at him.

"I wasn't going to let you drown so relax. You were doing it right so I let go. You were swimming all on your own until you realized that I wasn't beside you." Donghae smirked then the bell rang, signaling that they only had 15 minutes left for gym. Hyukjae hurridly got out of the pool and went into the locker room while Donghae just stood in the pool and chuckled.

"Looks like we're going to have to be in here the next swimming day to." Donghae muttered as he got out of the pool and went into the locker room to take a small shower and change. 


Donghae was walking down the hallway to his next class when someone shouted his name from behind him. He spun around and looked to see who shouted his name only to see a beaming Sungmin waving at him. Donghae smiled and waited for Sungmin to reach him.

"Donghae! Break is starting tomorrow!" The overly bubbly man shouted too close to his ear. Donghae flinched and started to rub at his now sore ear.

"I know. Oh, would you like to go to a party with me? I was told to invite my friends." Donghae asked him and Sungmin's smile grew bigger when he noticed that Donghae implied that he was his friend.

"Of course! Whose is it? When is it?" 

"It's that Jongwoon's party and it's not today but this upcoming Friday at 7." 

"Jongwoon? Oh the one with the turtle? He's funny!" Sungmin squealed.

"I don't know if many people are going to show up but we can always make it fun, right?" He asked and Sungmin nodded. Then Sungmin looked at his watch and started running to his class, waving back to Donghae as he turned the corner.

"He's a bit odd to." Donghae muttered as he entered his Chem class. 


By the time dinner came around, Donghae was starting to feel nervous. It was getting closer to tomorrow and he didn't really want tomorrow to come. He didn't want to go home although he did want to see how his parents were doing. But everytime he went home something always happened and right now Donghae had a bad feeling about going back.

He walked into the cafe and sat beside Kyuhyun, noticing that the others didn't arrive yet.

"Hey hyung. You ready for break?" Kyuhyun did look really excited about it.

"I'm excited to see your house." Donghae said and Kyuhyun chuckled.

"What else do you plan on doing?"

"Oh I'm going to Jongwoon's party. I was told to invite friends, do you want to come?" 

"Sure. When is it?"

"Not today but this upcoming Friday at 7. We can all go together if you want."

"Who did you all invite?" Kyuhyun raised and eyebrow at him.

"You, Sungmin, Heechul hyung, and I plan on inviting Siwon, and Kibum." 

"You invited Sungmin?" Kyuhyun had a shocked look on his face that made Donghae smile.

"Yes. Why wouldn't I?"

"I thought you didn't like him to much." Kyuhyun looked down at the table and Donghae smiled.

"I do. Now lets go get dinner I'm starving!" Donghae said and dragged Kyuhyun to go and get their food.  


Dinner was over and all his friends decided to go to Yesung's party. He was in his room packing for break when he found a picture under his bed. He sat on his bed and wiped the dust off of it.

It was a picture of him and his brother when they were kids. Donghae was on his brothers back with a huge smile on his face while his brother made a goofy face at the camera. The picture was taken when he was 5 and his brother was 8. Donghae started to tear up at the good memories he had of his brother. He missed his brother but he couldn't go near him, if he did he didn't know what would happen.

He hadn't seen his brother since our parents sent him off to America. He was always curious as to why they sent his brother to America and not China or something but he was to messed up to find out at the time.

Donghae flipped the picture over and saw that there was a note written on the back.

Donghae and me!
I love Donghae soooo much! I'm going to be the best big brother in the world. I promise that I will always protect him and care for him.
And I promise that I will never leave him! Ever!

Donghae's tears flowed down his cheeks and on to his lap.

"This must of been an encouragement letter Donghwa wrote to himself. He always did that." Donghae smiled but then he re-read the last part and the smile faded since he was alone.

He laid on his bed and starred at the photo, eye lids starting to droop. That line kept running through his head.

And I promise that I will never leave him! Ever!

"But you did leave Donghwa, you did leave." Donghae mumbled then fell asleep, clutching the picture tightly to his chest as if he was afraid to let it go.



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whoo hoo,I can't wait for it and yay, Kyuhyun had finally got a chance to meet Donghae's family!!xD I like this chapter and I like how Kyuhyun makes things seem more comfortable!!xD lol I can't wait for the party for you never know, Eunhyuk might be there!!xD lol
Kyaa! My fave subbie!
Jongwoon is amazing isn't he? And don't you think his small hands are adorable~!
There will be lots of him in the next chappie~~~<3
And your 17 right? I'm only 16 right now so I'm your dongsaeng. Unnie Saranghae~! ^_^
Aw~ I made your day? I feel honored. :D
I'm so glad you updated~! Donghae seems a little on edge about the party, doesn't he? I guess it's only natural since he has Donghwa around. I still don't know if he has ulterior motives or what? But we will find out later. ;) I wonder how the sleepover will go. I'm really excited. Honestly, yesung is my bias so of course I'd want to read about him. ;) and OMG! In your favorite subbie? Yayyyyyy~! so happy. <3 unnie you're the best. ;D jeep doing whatever you're doing because it's working. Saranghe~! ^^
Matsukenninol: You are officially my favorite subbie! Both of your comments made my day!

I will update soon, I promise!!!
Oh my gosh. I was posting my comment and then all of a sudden it disappeared and I was like O.O NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO~!!! I wrote it all special for you, unnie. :) But i refreshed the page and realized i had already posted it hahaha *sigh of relief* i feel better now. :)
AWWWWW~~~ Okay, I was totally looking forward to this update and I'm so glad that you did~!!! Key is such a good friend. :) Love him~! And I really hope Donghae doesn't get hurt again. I loved the chapter honestly and hope you can update again sometime, although maybe you're busy and all (i totally understand since i'm an author myself and updating is hard with all the school and other drama) but great job~!!! I totally loved it a bunch. I love the way you depict donghae in here, but i hope that donghae can trust other people and not just key alone. ^_^ Love you unnie~! Great authors deserve to be told they are loved. :)♥
Anji_WantsTwiNKies: Your comment just made my day ^_^ ha
You have returned!!!T^T
Waaaaah, I have been waiting for this amazing story and like Yay!!!!XD
Donghwa seems uhh...a little different?? I still think he's a monster and if he ever dare touch Hae again, He will get a super, crazy, butterfly Roundabout Kick!!!-____- in the face!!!-___-
Key you got to protect your Hae and Kyu come to the rescue!!!:D
ahhhh....donghwa's stares???good or bad???love this so much!!!update soon...and faster!!keke...