
His Smile-Mask



"Donghae hyung what are your parents like?" Kyuhyun suddenly asked after Sungmin told him about his loving parents.

"My dad's a singer and my mom is a fashion designer, their hardly ever home." Donghae reluctantly admitted.

"Do you have any siblings?" Sungmin asked.

"N-no." Donghae lied. He couldn't talk about his brother after what happened over the years.

They entered the classroom and Donghae sighed and sat beside Jongwoon.

"Good morning!" Jongwoon greeted with a goofy grin, happy that Donghae sat with him again and not forced someone else out of their seat so that he didn't have to sit by him, as people tended to do.

"Good morning." Donghae muttered.

"I didn't bring Ddangkkoma today because he's not feeling good. But he told me to tell you that he really likes you a lot. In fact I think he is in love with you." Donghae started to wonder if this guy was seriously crazy but then he started to wonder if turtles actually got sick. Then he tried not to laugh when he realized that a turtle was in love with him, as Jongwoon said.

"So Jongwoon-shii what do you plan on doing over break?" Donghae asked, trying to get rid of the silence that filled the area around them until the teacher comes in.

"Please, call me Yesung. Oh and I plan on visiting my mom and having a party. Do you want to come?" Yesung sounded so excited when talking about his party but he sounded even more excited about visiting his mom.

Are people going to even go to Yesung's party since he's a bit...odd?

"Sure. Can I invite my friends?" If nobody shows up at least he'll have his friends with him.

"Yeah, the more the merrier. Here's my address, its on the Friday after break starts at 7." Yesung handed him a piece of paper with his address on it and Donghae shoved it into his pocket while Yesung beamed like a kid in a candy store.

Donghae sighed in relief when the teacher walked in, and he focused his attention on the board in front of him. Well at least tried to but his thoughts kept flickering back to his family and how he grew up. Everything seemed normal back then but now it all felt completely wrong to him.

"Donghae-shii, you okay?" Yesung asked, snapping Donghae out of his thoughts only to see him and Yesung alone in the classroom.
"Did the bell ring?" He stupidly asked and started stuffing his things into his bag.

"Yeah. I'll see you later!" Yesung called out as he walked out the door, Donghae just waved at him and ran down the hallway so he wasn't late, not that he cared. He walked in right when the bell rang and smiled at the teacher before taking his seat next to Heechul.

"Hey hyung, do you want to go to a party over break?" Donghae asked the guy next to him that was smirking to himself while looking in his hand mirror.


"Yesung's. I don't think many people will show up, but we can always make it fun." Donghae was actually starting to get excited about it which made him think that maybe he spent a little too much time talking to Yesung.

"Oooh I always wanted to go to a sleep over party! You know the parties that girls like to have with their best friends!" Heechul squealed like a little girl. Sometimes it seemed like he was weirder than Yesung, but then he talks to Yesung again and doesn't think that anymore. "Ask this Yesung guy if it's that kind of party because then I will definatly go." He added and put his mirror away as the teacher walked in. 




When lunch came around Donghae was, for some unknown reason, really hyper. He saw Kyuhyun and Sungmin in the hallway so he ran up to them and linked arms with each of them and started dragging them down the hallway while he skipped.



Kyuhyun leaned back and looked at Sungmin, who was smiling from ear to ear. Sungmin started skipping with Donghae and Kyuhyun had no choice but to do the same or else Donghae threatened to never let him play Starcraft again.

When they entered the cafeteria Heechul,Kibum, and Siwon were already sitting at their table eating but when the three of them skipped over they all looked up and started laughing, especially at the look on Kyuhyun's face.

When they sat down Kyuhyun glared at the three that were still laughing, while Sungmin and Donghae started giggling like little girls on how much fun that was. It kind of made Kyuhyun happy to finally see Sungmin and Donghae actually talking more but he still didn't forgive Donghae for making him skip.

"Kyuhyun don't you know how to skip?!" Heechul managed to gasp out between his loud laughs. Kyuhyun's ears turned red and he slowly sunk in his chair.

"I'm going to go and get my lunch so I suggest that you idiots stop laughing and do the same before lunch is over." Kyuhyun told them and sulked off while the rest looked at each other then burst into laughter again. Not caring if they got to eat before class, Kyuhyun skipping was just too funny.


They all ended up eating lunch, although Heechul had a hard time not spitting out his food whenever he looked at Kyuhyun. Now Donghae was skipping his way to the gym, humming a happy and childish tune. They were swimming today and that was Donghae's favorite, the only bad thing about it is that another class is joining theirs today and the pool was going to be a bit crowded.


Once he changed into his favorite blue swimming trunks he made his way to the pool area, only to stop in his tracks at the sight of Hyukjae standing near the door that led to the pool; shivering.

"Hyukjae-shii?" The said boy spun around and instantly started glaring at Donghae once he saw who it was.

"Aish. Why did they have to combine our two classes?" Hyukjae whined and walked away into the pool area. Donghae sighed then shook his head and followed him. The other bad part about swimming is that he didn't really have any friends in his gym class and he wasn't really that great at making friends, not that he really wanted to.

After everybody was in the gym the teachers told them to get into the pool so Donghae ran forward and cannon balled into the deep end. When he surfaced again he was faced with a very angry and wet Hyukjae standing on the side of the pool.

Hyukjae shot him a death glare then Donghae watched him walk over to the teachers and start complaining, as Donghae saw it. Suddenly the teacher walked over to Donghae and motioned for him to get out of the pool and follow him along with Hyukjae.

They both followed the teacher into another area with a smaller pool that no one really used, Donghae and Hyukjae didn't even know it was there.

"Donghae-ah since your the best swimmer in this school your going to be teaching Hyukjae how to swim." The teacher said as she turned around and faced the two boys that suddenly looked frozen.

"Why can't I just do something else instead of swimming?" Hyukjae asked once he recovered from the shock.
"Because you need to swim in order to pass gym, that is unless you have a doctors excuse, which you don't. Okay so you two will be in here every time we swim until Hyukjae can swim without drowning. Got it?" The teacher barked and the two boys slowly nodded their heads even though they didn't want to.

Once the teacher left Hyukjae was in front of Donghae, glaring at him.

"You better not let me drown and never tell anyone about this. Got it?" Hyukjae snapped and Donghae sighed but nodded anyways.

Great, just great! That completely ruined his happy mood.



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whoo hoo,I can't wait for it and yay, Kyuhyun had finally got a chance to meet Donghae's family!!xD I like this chapter and I like how Kyuhyun makes things seem more comfortable!!xD lol I can't wait for the party for you never know, Eunhyuk might be there!!xD lol
Kyaa! My fave subbie!
Jongwoon is amazing isn't he? And don't you think his small hands are adorable~!
There will be lots of him in the next chappie~~~<3
And your 17 right? I'm only 16 right now so I'm your dongsaeng. Unnie Saranghae~! ^_^
Aw~ I made your day? I feel honored. :D
I'm so glad you updated~! Donghae seems a little on edge about the party, doesn't he? I guess it's only natural since he has Donghwa around. I still don't know if he has ulterior motives or what? But we will find out later. ;) I wonder how the sleepover will go. I'm really excited. Honestly, yesung is my bias so of course I'd want to read about him. ;) and OMG! In your favorite subbie? Yayyyyyy~! so happy. <3 unnie you're the best. ;D jeep doing whatever you're doing because it's working. Saranghe~! ^^
Matsukenninol: You are officially my favorite subbie! Both of your comments made my day!

I will update soon, I promise!!!
Oh my gosh. I was posting my comment and then all of a sudden it disappeared and I was like O.O NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO~!!! I wrote it all special for you, unnie. :) But i refreshed the page and realized i had already posted it hahaha *sigh of relief* i feel better now. :)
AWWWWW~~~ Okay, I was totally looking forward to this update and I'm so glad that you did~!!! Key is such a good friend. :) Love him~! And I really hope Donghae doesn't get hurt again. I loved the chapter honestly and hope you can update again sometime, although maybe you're busy and all (i totally understand since i'm an author myself and updating is hard with all the school and other drama) but great job~!!! I totally loved it a bunch. I love the way you depict donghae in here, but i hope that donghae can trust other people and not just key alone. ^_^ Love you unnie~! Great authors deserve to be told they are loved. :)♥
Anji_WantsTwiNKies: Your comment just made my day ^_^ ha
You have returned!!!T^T
Waaaaah, I have been waiting for this amazing story and like Yay!!!!XD
Donghwa seems uhh...a little different?? I still think he's a monster and if he ever dare touch Hae again, He will get a super, crazy, butterfly Roundabout Kick!!!-____- in the face!!!-___-
Key you got to protect your Hae and Kyu come to the rescue!!!:D
ahhhh....donghwa's stares???good or bad???love this so much!!!update soon...and faster!!keke...