
His Smile-Mask



Before Donghwa arrived:

After my mom told me that Donghwa was coming home in the car on the way to Mokpo, I couldn't stop thinking about what it would be like if Donghwa really changed.

We could go back to the way we used to be. We could going back to being inseparable.

But is it possible for us to just forget what happened between us and act as his nothing ever broke us apart?

I want my brother back, but I'm scared. I'm scared that he hasn't really changed and I would get my hopes up again just to have them smashed to pieces.

Nobody is there to help me through this problem because I haven't told anyone what happened to me, except for my mom. I'm afraid that they won't understand or they'll think different of me.

I'm afraid that they'll think I'm like Donghwa, and they'll run away from me.

But I need help. I need to know someone is there for me when I fall. I want to tell Kyuhyun but I'm not ready to tell him yet. He hasn't met my family so he doesn't know what Donghwa was like before it all happened and he might get scared off.

But who else can I tell, that I can trust completely? That won't react like my mom does. That will help me through everything?

There's only one person I can think of, and that person is the Almighty Key. I've known him for as long as I can remember and he knows Donghwa and how he was before he changed. I can trust him and I know he will be there for me if I fall.

That's it, I'm going to tell Key the first chance I get. If I don't talk myself out of it before then.

But does he even live in Mokpo anymore? It's been years since I last saw him.



Key gasped and hugged Donghae as tight as he could. He knew the Lee's his whole life and they were always so happy and cheerful. He never expected any of this.

Donghae, who was like a little brother to him, was by his own brother. Key felt somewhat betrayed by Donghwa. Key trusted Donghwa ever since they were little kids.

Tears flowed down Key's cheeks as he felt guilt wash over him. When Donghae was 7 he used to get picked on by one of the neighborhood kids for being really skinny and small, and Key promised Hae that he would always protect him and now Key feels like he broke his promise because he couldn't protect Donghae from being .

Donghae continued to sob into his chest as Key held him close. "H-hyung, d-do you t-think differently of me now?" Key's heart ached at the sound of Donghae's broken voice, but his question hurt him even more.

"Of course not Hae, why would I?" He whispered. Donghae felt relieved now that someone else knows, and because Key doesn't think differently of him. "I'm so sorry Hae."

"It's okay hyung, just don't leave me."


Donghae felt so much better. He also told Key about giving Donghwa another chance, and Key told him that he would support him.

After Key and Donghae dried their faces they walked downstairs together. When Jonghyun saw them his face showed nothing but concern as he saw their red puffy eyes. Key just shook his head at him and intertwined their hands together, giving Jonghyun's hand a comforting squeeze before letting go and putting his hand on Donghae's shoulder.

Onew, Luna, Taemin, and Minho were busy watching something on TV so Key decided to walk Donghae home. As they were walking down the sidewalk on the way to Donghae's house Donghae suddenly thought of something.

"Hey hyung. Do you want to go to a small party tomorrow? I want you to meet my other friends, and I think I'll feel more comfortable if your there."

"Sure, as long as I can bring Jonghyun, he's the jealous type." Key chuckled as he thought back to the first time Jonghyun got jealous over him.

"Sure hyung" Donghae smiled up at Key as they neared Donghae's house. "Do you think it's a good idea to give Donghwa another chance hyung?"

"I think you should just give him this one last chance. But call me if you feel a change in him, like a different look in his eyes. Got it?" Key stated as he tried to read the expression on Donghae's face, but finding it a very hard thing to do.

"I will hyung. But I hope it never comes to that." Donghae sighed, smile still planted onto his face like a permanent mask.

As they reached Donghae's front door Key was about to say goodbye when Donghae grabbed his hand and dragged him into his house, knowing his mom would want to see him after so many years.

They found Donghae's mom in the kitchen and she greeted Key with a big hug and a kiss on the cheek.

Donghae wanted Key to stay longer, because frankly he was still scared to face Donghwa alone, but Key had to get back to his family.

Donghae was busy helping his mom prepare a snack so he couldn't walk Key to the door even though he wanted to so Key went back to the front room alone.

As Key was getting his shoes on he felt eyes on him so thinking it was Donghae he looked towards the kitchen but a movement on the top of the stairs made him look up.

His and Donghwa's eyes met and Key could sense something in Donghwa's eyes that he couldn't put a name to so he smiled slightly at Donghwa and finished putting his shoes on.

He yelled goodbye to the Lee family and left, heading back to his own house.

"Donghae will never get hurt by anyone ever again, I'll make sure of it." He muttered to himself as he stepped onto his porch and took a deep calming breath before entering his house.


Comments are loved ~~~~~~<3

And Subbies are welcome with warm arms~!

I know I haven't updated in forever but I will try my best, my life seems like a complete mess right now.






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whoo hoo,I can't wait for it and yay, Kyuhyun had finally got a chance to meet Donghae's family!!xD I like this chapter and I like how Kyuhyun makes things seem more comfortable!!xD lol I can't wait for the party for you never know, Eunhyuk might be there!!xD lol
Kyaa! My fave subbie!
Jongwoon is amazing isn't he? And don't you think his small hands are adorable~!
There will be lots of him in the next chappie~~~<3
And your 17 right? I'm only 16 right now so I'm your dongsaeng. Unnie Saranghae~! ^_^
Aw~ I made your day? I feel honored. :D
I'm so glad you updated~! Donghae seems a little on edge about the party, doesn't he? I guess it's only natural since he has Donghwa around. I still don't know if he has ulterior motives or what? But we will find out later. ;) I wonder how the sleepover will go. I'm really excited. Honestly, yesung is my bias so of course I'd want to read about him. ;) and OMG! In your favorite subbie? Yayyyyyy~! so happy. <3 unnie you're the best. ;D jeep doing whatever you're doing because it's working. Saranghe~! ^^
Matsukenninol: You are officially my favorite subbie! Both of your comments made my day!

I will update soon, I promise!!!
Oh my gosh. I was posting my comment and then all of a sudden it disappeared and I was like O.O NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO~!!! I wrote it all special for you, unnie. :) But i refreshed the page and realized i had already posted it hahaha *sigh of relief* i feel better now. :)
AWWWWW~~~ Okay, I was totally looking forward to this update and I'm so glad that you did~!!! Key is such a good friend. :) Love him~! And I really hope Donghae doesn't get hurt again. I loved the chapter honestly and hope you can update again sometime, although maybe you're busy and all (i totally understand since i'm an author myself and updating is hard with all the school and other drama) but great job~!!! I totally loved it a bunch. I love the way you depict donghae in here, but i hope that donghae can trust other people and not just key alone. ^_^ Love you unnie~! Great authors deserve to be told they are loved. :)♥
Anji_WantsTwiNKies: Your comment just made my day ^_^ ha
You have returned!!!T^T
Waaaaah, I have been waiting for this amazing story and like Yay!!!!XD
Donghwa seems uhh...a little different?? I still think he's a monster and if he ever dare touch Hae again, He will get a super, crazy, butterfly Roundabout Kick!!!-____- in the face!!!-___-
Key you got to protect your Hae and Kyu come to the rescue!!!:D
ahhhh....donghwa's stares???good or bad???love this so much!!!update soon...and faster!!keke...