
His Smile-Mask



Kyuhyun slapped Donghae on the face in a panic to wake him up, but it didn't work. Soon enough Sungmin was right there beside him, trying to get him to stay calm.

"Lets get him to the nurse." Yunho said and when he was about to pick up the lifeless Donghae another pair of arms reached out and lifted the boy up and bolted to the school, while everybody looked after the two in shock.

"Is that who I think it is?" Kyuhyun asked, after Sungmin lightly slapped him out of his panic mode.

"Doesn't he hate Donghae?" Junsu asked as he looked around at everyone else.

"Lets go follow them." Sungmin said and him and Kyuhyun started sprinting to the school, the soccer team following behind them.





Once they arrived at the nurses office Donghae was lying on the bed while the nurse attatched an IV to him.

"Whats wrong with him?" Kyuhyun asked as he went up to Donghae and moved the hair out of his face.

"He's suffering from malnutrition and over exertion. He'll be fine once he gets the fluids he needs." The nurse told them as she got another blanket from the cupboard and covered Donghae with it.

"When will he wake up?" Sungmin asked.

"He should be waking up soon." The nurse said then left the room.

"What do you think is wrong with him?" Yunho asked Kyuhyun.

"He didn't come to lunch or dinner and he ditched all of his classes. But I don't know why." Kyuhyun admitted as he starred down at Donghae. 


Soon enough Donghae groaned and his eyes slowly fluttered open. Once his eyes adjusted to the bright light he looked at Kyuhyun and Sungmin that were still standing beside the bed he was on.

"What happened?" He croaked out, Yunho handed him a glass of water and he gratefully took it and chugged it down before handing it back to him.

"You fainted when you were about to score." Junsu explained and Donghae sighed and looked back at Kyuhyun and Sungmin, remembering why he was like this in the first place.

"Are you okay hyung?" Kyuhyun asked, concern filled his eyes.

"Just tired....and hungry. I also have this really bad taste in my mouth." The nurse suddenly came back in and took the IV out.

"IV's always give people a bad taste in their mouth." She explained. "You are free to go now but you need to rest, okay?" 

"Okay." Donghae smiled at her and got up from the bed with the help from Kyuhyun and Sungmin. Thankfully he was still in his clothes and not in one of those gowns or else the whole soccer team would have saw his .

He said good-bye to everyone and told them that he was sorry about the game then started walking him back to his dorm room along with Yunho, whose room is beside his.

"What happened to you today?" Yunho asked quietly.

"Nothing, don't worry about it. I'm all better now. But how did I get to the nurses office?" 

"Oh Eunhyuk carried you." Donghae didn't think he knew a Eunhyuk but he finally arrived at his room so the thought slipped from his mind.

"I'll see you tomorrow." Donghae said to Yunho and closed his door behind him with a smile.

He was about to run and jump on his bed when he noticed someone sitting at his desk. He flicked on the light and saw Hyukjae glaring at him.

"What are you doing here?" Donghae snapped, smile still plastered onto his face.

"I won't be here on Monday so I decided to tutor you now." Donghae slowly pulled up another chair to his desk but kept as much space between them as he could.

"How'd you get in?" 

"It was unlocked now lets get started, I hate the fact that I have to tutor you on a friday let alone in your room. Do you have your book report for English done?"


"Give it to me so I can look over it." Donghae handed the red haired boy his book report then shifted awkwardly in his seat.

"Sooo, what are you doing over break?" Donghae asked trying to get rid of the awkwardness that filled the room.

"None of your buisness, now shut up so I can concentrate." Donghae glared but shut up anyways, he was too tired to fight with this guy right now.

"Suprisingly your book report wasn't that bad but why did you write it on 'The Rainbow Fish'?"

"Because I love fish and its not like the teacher cared, she loves me." Donghae smirked and Eunhyuk scoffed and rolled his eyes.

"Who would love you? Anyways we're going to have to meet over break because Soo Man-shii said that I still have to tutor you." Donghae was starring at the floor trying to hold back tears from the 'who would love you comment' but snapped his head back up when Hyukjae told him about tutoring over break.

"So where do you live?" 

"You definalty are not coming to my house. How about yours?" Eunhyuk asked after he scoffed at Donghae's question.

"Um..." Donghae didn't want anyone coming over his house but where else are they going to do it at? He needs to be tutored so he can stay on the soccer team so it looks like he has no choice.

"Fine." Donghae sighed and wrote down his address and handed it to Hyukjae who stuffed it into his book bag then left.

Donghae sighed again and put his books away, he didn't like the idea of Hyukjae coming to his house one bit. He took a quick shower, fed his fish, then went to bed, even though he thought he was going to die of hunger. 


The next morning at breakfast he sat next to Kyuhyun and ate his pancakes in silence while Kyuhyun talked to Sungmin. He didn't mind though because he really wasn't in the mood for talking becuase Hyukjae's words kept echoing in his head,

'Who would love you'

It hurt him to hear those words again. It made him think of his family and he didn't like thinking about everything that has happened to him over the years.

Because he was going to have to deal with it all too soon. 


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whoo hoo,I can't wait for it and yay, Kyuhyun had finally got a chance to meet Donghae's family!!xD I like this chapter and I like how Kyuhyun makes things seem more comfortable!!xD lol I can't wait for the party for you never know, Eunhyuk might be there!!xD lol
Kyaa! My fave subbie!
Jongwoon is amazing isn't he? And don't you think his small hands are adorable~!
There will be lots of him in the next chappie~~~<3
And your 17 right? I'm only 16 right now so I'm your dongsaeng. Unnie Saranghae~! ^_^
Aw~ I made your day? I feel honored. :D
I'm so glad you updated~! Donghae seems a little on edge about the party, doesn't he? I guess it's only natural since he has Donghwa around. I still don't know if he has ulterior motives or what? But we will find out later. ;) I wonder how the sleepover will go. I'm really excited. Honestly, yesung is my bias so of course I'd want to read about him. ;) and OMG! In your favorite subbie? Yayyyyyy~! so happy. <3 unnie you're the best. ;D jeep doing whatever you're doing because it's working. Saranghe~! ^^
Matsukenninol: You are officially my favorite subbie! Both of your comments made my day!

I will update soon, I promise!!!
Oh my gosh. I was posting my comment and then all of a sudden it disappeared and I was like O.O NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO~!!! I wrote it all special for you, unnie. :) But i refreshed the page and realized i had already posted it hahaha *sigh of relief* i feel better now. :)
AWWWWW~~~ Okay, I was totally looking forward to this update and I'm so glad that you did~!!! Key is such a good friend. :) Love him~! And I really hope Donghae doesn't get hurt again. I loved the chapter honestly and hope you can update again sometime, although maybe you're busy and all (i totally understand since i'm an author myself and updating is hard with all the school and other drama) but great job~!!! I totally loved it a bunch. I love the way you depict donghae in here, but i hope that donghae can trust other people and not just key alone. ^_^ Love you unnie~! Great authors deserve to be told they are loved. :)♥
Anji_WantsTwiNKies: Your comment just made my day ^_^ ha
You have returned!!!T^T
Waaaaah, I have been waiting for this amazing story and like Yay!!!!XD
Donghwa seems uhh...a little different?? I still think he's a monster and if he ever dare touch Hae again, He will get a super, crazy, butterfly Roundabout Kick!!!-____- in the face!!!-___-
Key you got to protect your Hae and Kyu come to the rescue!!!:D
ahhhh....donghwa's stares???good or bad???love this so much!!!update soon...and faster!!keke...