Chapter 31

Account of the very first ever YG Entertainment Nurse


E- English

K- Korean

"______"- means my thoughts

-Remember that Paulette here (Aka "Me") knows how to speak Korean... :)


                I am now here at YG sajangnim's house taking care of his daughter, Yoojin.  Sajangnim didn't asked me to take care of her I volunteered.. Yoojin is the cutest!!! Adorable kid and very kind too.. Good thing she didn't inherit sajangnim's attitude..hahaha She likes me!!! whenever she visits her dad at work she always hang out at my clinic.. Maybe because I always give her candy or because if I'm not busy I always play with her... As I finished giving Yoojin's medication I heard my phone ring.

Me: OMG!! Dara unnie!! I've been waiting for your call since yesterday!!! How are you? are you okay? I called you yesterday but you didn't answer. ... You received my text right? You saw sajangnim's interview? What now? What will you do now?


Dara: (in English) Woah!! Woah!! Woah!! Hold your horses!!! hehehe of course I'm Ok!!... Never been better... and yap I received your message and I saw that s interview!! That lying motherer!!! That son of a gun!!! I am so ing angry at him right now!! What is he doing? He didn't follow what we talked about yesterday!! Does he really want to ruin his company and his artists career? If  that's what he wants? then its fine with me!!  I can ing give it to him!!! !! I'm so angry!!


Me: (in English) Wow!! my ear is burning with all the curses unnie!! didn't know that you curse like that!! and in straight English with an American accent too!!! AMAZEBALLS!! hahahaha


Dara: (In English) Oh Gosh!!! I'm sorry Paulette..  I'm so sorry!!!. It's  YG thing..  Badass HIPHOP company... so curses are everywhere..hahahaha.. I'm sure that upon working there for how many months now you have heard the F word so many times already.. ..It's like it's a part of their speech right?....hehehe  I'm sorry.. I just adapted it unconsciously.. hehehe


Me: (in English) Yap!! Been hearing that F word everywhere there!! hahahaha Do you miss YG unnie?


Dara: (E) I'll be lying if I say I don't miss it.... I had been a part of YG Entertainment for how many years... Even though I have bad experiences there? that experiences made me a strong person... But I'll tell you this, the environment here at SM and there at YG? it is really different.. Here at SM? it's like you have to always be presentable.. Should always be dressed and be pretty even if you are just here to record songs or practice because everyone here is just  so god damn good looking and presentable... it's really like you're going here to work...hahahaha in YG? it's like you're just in your home playing around...hehehe  it's ok to just wear oversized shirt, oversized pants or just be in your sweatshirt... It's YG!! It's Hiphop!! Everyone is badass!!!  whatever you wear you can get away with it...hehehehe but here at SM though?  I have freedom!!! I can do what I want!! I can make music whenever I want without hiding, I can compose lyrics and let LSM sajangnim see it,  I can act if I want to.....I can do it all here!!! I can spread my wings here!! Do you know that I have my own studio here? LSM sajangnim gave me my own studio!!! I can be like G-Dragon!! The female version of him!! hhehehe


Me: (E)  I'm glad that you're happy unnie...   (I'm genuinely happy for her she sounded so happy and she deserves it..... That's what I always wanted.... For her to be happy.. Whatever company it is? I'll support her no matter what....) So, what will you do now unnie? My gosh!!! Why are we talking in English? Why are YOU talking in English? You started it so I just followed you.. HAHAHAHA


Dara: (E) I will talk to someone from America later so I am just practicing.. hehehe is it alright? My English is alright? by the way, tell your president to watch my interview tomorrow... Same show he did his interview... I'm going to tell my part of the story.... 


Me:(K) So? you're going to released the videos?


Dara: (k)Nope!!! I'm not going to ruin his company........YET!!! Just tell him to watch the interview... Got to go now!! Me and Yunho have to record something for our collaboration, I still have to supervise Changmin and Lokey's collaboration too since I am producing their song and after that Will I am and I have to talk about something...hehehe.. and do you want to see me and Yunho practice tomorrow? it's a weekend you have no work right? it's your day off ?I'll treat you dinner after?? You want?


Me: (K) OMG!!! Of course I want!!! I want to meet Yunho!!! OMG!! I'm becoming a SM fan unnie because of you!! GD will tease me about this for sure!!! And wait what? So that someone from America that you will have a talk later will be Will I Am? And by the way you're English is flawless!! No Filipino accent anymore!! hehehe What did you do?


Dara: (in korean) YAP!! It's  Will I AM!! but I'll tell you about him next time... Part of my training here at SM is to learn English with American accent.. actually all SM artists knows how to talk English fluently. When they talk? they sounded like they are just born there..  cool right? So me and my members took an English class too...


Me: (K) Super cool unnie!!


Dara: (K)ummmmm (sad voice) How is he? Jiyong? How is he?


Me: (K)Jiyong?  He is ok I guess.. But he misses you so much unnie.... I don't know if you realized or noticed this before but he likes you.. ... oh hell he LOVES YOU unnie!!! You should talked to him you know... When you disappeared? it's like his happiness disappeared too.. It was never really the same when you left... Not the same jiyong who always joked around... He may joked around but you can really see in his eyes that he is not happy.... he is just lifeless..  I really really pity him unnie... Just talk to him unnie.. please...


Dara: yeah, I'll talk to him before this week will end.. I just have to clarify things first ok? I really have to go now Paulette.. I'll be fetching you tomorrow 6 pm?


Me: Sure unnie... See you!!! God bless!!! Thanks for calling me....


                Oh goodness... I can't wait to watch her interview for tomorrow.. My gosh!! What is sajangnim thinking anyway? why did he release a statement? But unnie said she will not release the video yet... She will just tell her part of the story.. What story is that anyway? I have to tell sajangnim tomorrow about this....

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Marymaebuendia2006 12 streak #1
Chapter 32: Pls don't abandoned this story authornim ❤️
applerkang #2
Chapter 24: Yeah..what happened to Dara? I thought she will just be cool, calm and collected but no. She was hysterical and all. I didn't expect that. I'm fine if she became a but the way she handle their meeting is not all! Smh. That's very low of her especially the blackmailing. Wth. It's ok being a but you have to do it in a classy way. Not trashy. Sorry authornim.
yatkit15 #3
I missed you
mm0923 #4
Chapter 32: welcome back looking forward to the updates!
rthanzel #5
Chapter 32: nice story ,, every chapter " no word can explain" ,im looking forward for more chapters comes,, please update arraso,, dont be lazy
freckles #6
Chapter 32: Thanks for the update. . . . Keep it up! . . . ;-D
nyongda #7
Chapter 32: Already read, awesome!
secret101 #8
Chapter 31: Update please ^_^
bernie20 #9
Chapter 31: Pls update??!!thank u
Chapter 31: darn, i'm out. i need more chapters