Account of the very first ever YG Entertainment Nurse


When we are like 6ft near E4S and LSM sajangnim, Dara unnie immediately greeted us smiling but with a sarcastic look…

Dara: If it isn’t my previous family…..My YG FAMILY!!! We meet again after a long time.. OH how I miss you guys (the she hug all of us: Me, Bigbang, 2ne1, teddy oppa and YG sjangnim then she looked at CL smirking) hey, CL leader undeniable… Why are you looking at me like you want to murder me? Before you just want me out of the group now that I’m out you want to murder me now? Are you really that insecure with me? Well, who wouldn’t right? With a face like mine compared to yours? Of course you would be insecure …hahahaha

                Hahahaha!!! NICE ONE UNNIE!! I feel like saying that out loud!!!hahahaha… but then the ever so moment breaker Seungri laugh out loud!!! As in he laughs boisterously!! But Dara unnie just looked at him with a SHUT-THE--UP look and he immediately kept quiet…hahahaha… I’m really liking this feisty sarcastic Dara…hehehehe…I looked at CLs face and she really looks like she wants to kill unnie or something….S-C-A-R-Y….but her face softens almost innocent looking after what unnie said…

CL: Oh, whatever are you saying unnie? You know I did not say that.. and I miss you too unnie…

Dara: Oh, please CL, cut the crap!!!! Can you stop acting like an innocent woman? Because WE know that you’re NOT, you two face !!! You are FAR from innocent right teddy oppa and YG sajangnim? (Looks at teddy oppa and YG sajangnim while smirking) You know what I’m talking about right? And CL, a piece of advice, you haven’t been blessed with a pretty face, you’re UGLY CL, so give them a favor and don’t go around wearing that innocent look, people might puke… ok?

                Then again the ever so childish Seungri laughed saying “nice one noona”… The rest of the bigbang boys, E4S, me, and even LSM sajangnim laugh at what Dara unnie said….. I just can’t help it, its just so funny….hahahaha….and CL blushed in shame…hahahaha….I am really loving this!!hahahaha… It’s like I’m watching “MEAN GIRLS: Korean Version” (you know the the movie starring Lindsay Lohan, back when she is still SANE and not a RULE BREAKING DRUG ADDICT!!!hahahaha…sorry about that..:>)  CL looks like she is going to explode of anger and embarassement..it must be difficult to be in  CLs shoes right now….hahahahaha….and wait.!! OMG!!!  Is CL going to slap unnie!!!!!


Dara: Don’t even think about doing that CL!!! (Dara unnie had caught CLs hands before it came in contact with her face) if ever you  do that again, or talk badly about MY group and MY company, you will REGRET it!!! I tell you !! You will regret it!!!!

CL: (smirking while raising her left eyebrow) and what would you do weakling? You are so tough now because you are the leader huh? Well, I tell you now Dara, you are going to be a one LOUSY leader…I pity your members…I’m still the best leader in all KPOP group…

Dara:  oh really? You’re the one who is LOUSY CL!!! Gosh!! You call me Lousy? And you still call me weakling huh? Can I ask you a question?  What song is number 1 right now for 1 week?  (CL didn’t answer) yeah OURS right? And who composed and produced the song again? (Again CL didn’t answer) Me right? And ammm , who composed SNSD’s chart topping song for 3 whole months? (again CL didn’t answer…)  Yeah, my point!! And lastly who is the one who stepped on other people just to be successful? You right? (she just stared at Dara dumbfounded)  So who’s the lousy leader now? Hahahahaha…. And you asked me what would I do? Oh, I don’t know maybe I’m going to send this to different media companies (she waves a CD in front of CLs face)

CL: And what the hell is that?

Dara:  what is this? Did your BIG EGO and boastfulness affected your brain and you don’t know what is this? IT’S A CD DUH!!! (Laughs) what you want to know is what is inside this CD…. Teddy oppa, don’t you recognize this?


Dara: OK! You want this? Then here it is… I have a copy of it anyway…

CL: (Worried and scared) what is in there oppa? Is something in there can ruin me?

Dara: Is something in there can ruin you? …of course yes CL…I’m afraid to say that something in there can totally ruin your career.. not JUST your CARREER, but you as a person as well right teddy oppa?  (Looked at teddy oppa) And do you really want me to say where did I get that disc with all these people listening? You have a collection there oppa!!! but maybe you like CL more among them right? Is she really that good oppa? Does your girlfriend know about the discs?

Teddy: SHUT UP DARA!! PLS JUST SHUT UP!!! (Begging)

Dara: (smirk) you are begging me now? That’s a first!!! I didn’t know you have a habit of recording every? what do I call this… ammm? “ESCAPADES” you do…. And I don’t care if you burn all of them oppa because I have reproduced all of it…hahahaha (Looks at CL with disgust) oh by the way CL, Does your father knew about this OTHER talent you have? I mean other than singing and dancing ofcourse… You can make millions with your performance in that video.. You can be an international? (act like she is thinking deeply) GYMNAST!!!  Your FLEXIBLE and it seems teddy oppa here seems to be enjoying your FLEXIBILITY in the video…or you can be an international STAR!!! You really disgust me!!!

CL: (Confusion is seen all over her face) What the? RECORDED?? STAR??? (looks at teddy and then realization hit her) You recorded? OH GOD!!! NO!!! NO!!! You can’t do this to me!!!

YG: (shouting at Dara) What are you talking about dara? STOP IT RIGHT NOW!!! Teddy and CL what is she talking about? I don’t get it….

Dara: Don’t you dare shout at me again yanhsuk!!! You’re not my boss anymore. I’m tired of always beng shouted by you even though I have done nothing wrong!! You can’t shout at me now!!!  Once I talk to you about this CD here (gets another CD in her shoulder bag and waves at YG sajangnims face) you will be nicer to me…oh hell,  you will be begging me not to disclose this too… BUT lets talk about it tomorrow!!! Enough of this chitchat we have a kickass debut to show…Bye ladies!!! Gentlemen!! Until we meet again..Which is tomorrow Mr. YG…I’ll be there at 8am sharp ok? BYE LOSERS!!!

                Then Dara unnie, LSM sajangnim and the rest of E4S walked right pass us smirking while saying “Bye Losers”….hahahaha…..While we are walking back to the dressing room I  noticed that Jiyong stopped walking, looked at Dara unnie’s back and then said:

Jiyong: (sad) what happened to you Dara? You’re not the Dara we once knew anymore… The Dara we knew will not blackmail someone no matter how bad that person is….

                Upon hearing what Jiyong said (2ne1, YG sajangnim, teddy oppa, LSM sajangnim and the rest of E4S) stopped walking and looks at him. Dara unnie stopped walking too but she did not turn around and looked at Jiyong. I looked at jiyong, he looked sad, confused, and happy. You can really see on his face that he really miss Dara unnie. I bet all he wants to do is just hug her and never let go. Then I hear Dara unnie said:

Dara: (head bowed down) I’ve changed…All my life I have been so weak. Never complain even though I know I have been taken advantage by someone, never voicing out even though I know that I am being stepped on, and never defend myself every time someone accuse me of something. But it could not be that way forever Jiyong .  And I’m so tired of always be the weakling, it’s time for me to be strong….and if blackmailing someone is needed in order for me to defend myself and to defend the persons I love most?  SO BE IT!!!  (Then she starts walking again to their dressing rooms)


Taeyang: (Hit his head) Shut up Seungri…hahahaha

Daesung: (laughing with what Seungri said ad yelled) I SECOND THE MOTION NOONA!!! FIGHTING!!!

T.O.P: Don’t worry Jiyong…  I know she will talk to us.. I don’t know when but she will… Remember what she said before? When we meet her again we’ll just have to remember that whatever happens she will always be the bubbly, and happy go lucky Dara we once knew…. Just give her time, she will be back..ok Jiyong? You alright already? Don’t be such a Drama King it does not suit you…  Give them a favor and stop that sad look Jiyong,  people might puke…HAHAHAHAHA.. I just love that line… GENIUS!!!

Jiyong: (Laughs) You’re right hyung… I kinda like the feisty, sarcastic Dara too minus the blackmailing of course..Let’s go… we have to make our cheering tools for E4S debut right?hehehehehe

Me: But what about 2ne1 cheering tools? You don’t want to make one?

TOP: Are you serious? If you want to make cheering tools for those es, make it yourself…

Me: Hahahahaha… just kidding oppa!!!


Next chapter will be Dara’s visit at YG entertainment!! and oh 2ne1 and E4S stage performance...hehehe... E4S will have perform 2 songs... stage 1 IS AN ENGLISH SONG PRODUCED BY SM producer and Stage 2 will be ther debut song...hehehe....Stay TUNED!!!hahahaha…sorry for the super duper late chapter..I’ve been so busy…:>



Daragon22  me and seungri??? more like TOP and Paulette!!!hahahaha.. CL will really go down..not just CL but YG entertainment.... WAAAAHAHAHAHAAH (evil laugh)...sorry for the super duper late update..ive been busy.... thanks for waiting!!!


darahae0416 oh!!! dont you worry honey, i will make them suffer!!! thanls for loving my story!!! i love you too..hehehe


pretibem hahahaha...got carried away with my story? i hate CL too...in the strory..hahahah.... OMy gosh, you will hte her more in this chapter..hahahha


iezajoy thanks for supporting my fanfic!!!! 


myjane07 they have met already in this chapter right? dont worry in the next next next chapter GD and Dara will talk..hehehehe


linlin_10 thanks for supporting my fanfic....sorry fort the late update...hehehehe.... i felt sad too when "be mine" came out because dara AGAIN got a few lines but cheer up she always do good with her lines...")


Carmelnap GO E4S!!!!hehehehe... thanks for supporting my fanfic!!! hope you like this chapter..hehehe


iamjennielee sorry for the late update but here is 2ne1-E4S first meeting...hehehe... full of insults coming from our feisty leader Dara...hehehehe



myjoyce1986 your wish is my commnd!!!!hehehe did not put any color whatsoever...hahaha.. thanks for supporting my fanfic ...:>


abya01 thanks for supporting my fanfic...in this chapter there are 2ne1-teddy-ygsajangnim-Bigbang-E4S interaction..:>



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Marymaebuendia2006 12 streak #1
Chapter 32: Pls don't abandoned this story authornim ❤️
applerkang #2
Chapter 24: Yeah..what happened to Dara? I thought she will just be cool, calm and collected but no. She was hysterical and all. I didn't expect that. I'm fine if she became a but the way she handle their meeting is not classy..at all! Smh. That's very low of her especially the blackmailing. Wth. It's ok being a but you have to do it in a classy way. Not trashy. Sorry authornim.
yatkit15 #3
I missed you
mm0923 #4
Chapter 32: welcome back looking forward to the updates!
rthanzel #5
Chapter 32: nice story ,, every chapter " no word can explain" ,im looking forward for more chapters comes,, please update arraso,, dont be lazy
freckles #6
Chapter 32: Thanks for the update. . . . Keep it up! . . . ;-D
nyongda #7
Chapter 32: Already read, awesome!
secret101 #8
Chapter 31: Update please ^_^
bernie20 #9
Chapter 31: Pls update??!!thank u
Chapter 31: darn, i'm out. i need more chapters