Account of the very first ever YG Entertainment Nurse


1 month has passed after Dara unnie resigned as a YG member. It !! It BIG TIME!!! I mean, I went here to Korea and worked here at YG so that I can be close with Dara unnie. She is my “Ultimate Idol”!!! After unnie resigned, the three remaining 2ne1 members started rerecording the song and redoing their choreography in their 2nd album. Their 2nd album should be released this June but then unnie resigned and it was moved on September. Since the media don’t know about unnie resigning, the rest of 2ne1 members were inactive at the idol world for about 6 months now (no tv appearance, no commercials, no going outside for shopping and no university showcase) because if the three are seen without Dara? People will start talking about it and sajangnim won’t like that. Sajangnim said that he will give a statement about unnie’s resignation on September when the 2ne1 is ready to debut…AISHHHH….if they just treated her well? This problem would not happen.

Bigbang, seven, and go hye sun are still mad at YG. They are still working here at YG, doing all the things that YG tells them to do but that’s it!!! They are not talking at YG, teddy and the rest of 2ne1 members; they do not greet them anymore and no playing around anymore. YG is not a Family anymore since unnie resigned. Bigbang is still playful when YG, Teddy and the three 2ne1 members are not around. In short, I am the one suffering from all the teasing.. Well, it’s super ok to me since it’s BIGBANG!! But if they are just an ordinary boys? Eeewww, I will not tolerate it!! I will punch them in the face.

It’s lunchtime now so I’m preparing myself to watch my favorite TV show SM weekend….LOL!! Yeah!! A YG family stan like me is now becoming a SM fan because of Dara unnie..I’m watching that show in order to get some news about unnie, even if one tiny bit, she hasn’t called me for a month now!! And also I must admit I like the new single of SNSD called “pretty girls Rock” (listen to pretty girls rock of Keri Hilson and the choreography too) and the episode now is about them. I am now settled in the chair waiting for the show when the five super loud BIGBANG boys came in.

Me: AISHHH!!! Can you please lower down your voices? Gosh!! I’m watching here you know!!! You five are so loud (frowning)

Daesung: Someone is not in a good mood!!!

Seungri: She is getting old that’s why she is so grumpy. (they all laughed)

Me: (rolls eye) Whatever Seungri. Just shut up for once!! Gosh!! "me and the bigbang boys are close now.. YAY!!LOL"

T.O.P: (pats my head and sits at my side) calm down pau, relax…(chuckles) What are you watching anyway?

Me: “gosh if not for T.O.P I will really throw the pillow at Seungri’s face” Sssshhh…it’s starting!!!

GD: (shocked) You are watching SM weekend? (laughs) You are a SOSHI? I can’t believe that you like something like that!!!

Me: Just shut up Jiyong… and besides I like their new single. It’s not their usual cutesy songs you know…Don’t talk anymore guys it’s starting.. 

Interview of SNSD


Interviewer: So you guys are back with a new single and the single is a super hit!!! For just 
one day, the single achieved a “PERFECT ALLKILL” who produced the single? 

Jessica: Actually we really don’t know who produced it. I mean she is called “Ms. Star” but we don’t know her real name and we didn’t see her face. Ms. Star also wrote the lyrics of the song.

Interviewer: Really? What do you mean? How did you record the song?

Taeyeon: For the information of everyone, SM is gonna debut a new girlgroup this September. And the one who produced our new single is the leader of the new girlgroup. And to answer your question? When we enter the recording both Ms. Star was wearing a baggy black jeans, super big hooded jacket, a black mask which covered the lower half of the face and shades. So we didn’t see her face and figure. We didn’t really see the faces and figures of the upcoming girlgroup members. Sajangnim said their identity is TOP SECRET even for us SM artist.

Youngbae: WOW!!! Right!! I heard SNSD’s new single and it is actually really good. I mean I don’t usually like their songs because it’s too cutesy for me but that new song is so good. You should listen to it Jiyong. 

GD: So, they have a new producer? I’m curious of her? And she will be the leader of a new girlgroup. Interesting. 2ne1’s comeback will be on September too. The upcoming group will be against 2ne1. I hope those girls will kick 2ne1’s asses so that they won’t be so confident and cocky anymore. It’s getting annoying already.

Me: “WOW!! So Dara unnie produced the song? I didn’t know she knew how to produced a song!! And she is even the lyricist of the song too. The song was well written!! OMG!! I am so proud!!


Sunny: Actually the group is a four member group. They have their own practice room and don’t eat at the canteen. Even us is really curious too but we can’t go in there practice room because Sajangnim is always there. We always see them entering SM’s building but they are always wearing baggy pants, big hooded jacket, black mask and shades.

Interview: With your description sunny about them? I feel scared already… LOL

Seohyun: Speaking of scary? Ms. Star is super scary. She is super strict when recording. She said that recording a song is like acting, we should understand what the song means so that we can put the right emotion to it, that is the secret of a good singer so if she looks at us and does not project the right emotions? Even in our facial expressions? She will let us repeat it again and again.

Interviewer: So strict!! But that is maybe the reason why this song is a major hit. It pays to have strict producer. (chuckles)

Seuungri: OooooHhhh… I know somebody just like her!!! She will be a SCARY leader like someone I know..Once she debut Ji hyung, you should hook up!! You found your SOULMATE!!

GD: (throws the pillow on his face) SHUT UP SEUNGRI!!

Me: “if you only knew Jiyong….” 


Interviewer: How about the choreography? Who did that? The choreography really showed your dancing skills. That was an awesome choreo!! 

Tifanny: The choreo was done by a member of the upcoming girlgroup too. She was so strict too. As in..super… she really won’t let us rest unless we got the choreography perfectly. She said we should be synchronized. If she saw us missed even just 1 beat? She will also let us dance the whole song again and again. And the choreo is so hard. Usually the choreo in our songs are simple but this time she said we should step up to the next level. So, our hard work payed off. She is called “lokey” by the way. 

Interviewer: so, that’s the reason why the choreo was so awesome, so flawless and you really danced so good. I’m really really anticipating the upcoming girlgroup now!!!

T.O.P: WOW!!! A perfectionist awesome leader producer, a perfectionist awesome choreographer? I expect that upcoming girlgroup to be so good…


Interviewer: The styling in the MV and in your performances was so good too. I noticed that the styling of your clothes before and now are so much different? Did you change stylist? And the make-up artist too?

Hyoyeon: No, we did not change stylist. But we have a special stylist for this single promotion. She is called “tri”. And guess what? She is a member of the upcoming girlgroup too.. Our make-up artist didn’t change too but “tri” directed our make-up artist on how to put our make-up on. Our costumes and make-ups are cool right? I love it too..

Interviewer: Amazing!!! A new girlgroup with a producer, choreographer and a stylist! Did the last member of the upcoming girlgroup take part on your promotions too?

Yoona: Actually yes. You noticed that during each and every performance on this single we have super awesome stage? And during the MV filming too, she also directed on how to design the set. She is called “fab” and a member of the upcoming girlgroup too.

Interviewer: So in short all the members of the upcoming girl group worked really hard on your new single. Wow you should thank them….

Yuri: “Ms. Star”, “lowkey”, “tri” and “fab” thank you very much for your hard work.. don’t worry, because if you debut, we will really support and take care of you. We will also treat you for lunch and dinners.!! And before I forget sajangnim will update you every month about the upcoming girlgroup..so pls anticipate..May you also support our upcoming girlgroup like how you supported us too..FIGHTING!! 

Interviewer: And so people, that ends our program for today. I am really excited for the upcoming girlgroup!!! So pls anticipate them and for SNSD? FIGHTING!!! BYE!!KANSAMHAMNIDA!!!!

Seungri: Damn, what a scary new girlgroup members. If I were 2ne1? I will really get scared with this new group. Hope they are beautiful too..

YB: All SM artists are beautiful Seungri so expect them to be super gorgeous. Yeah, OMG!! A music producer leader, a choreographer member, a stylist member and a stage designer member? That is so SICK man!!! Even I am scared!!! We should really be scared too. 

T.O.P: Now YG!! Let us see if your precious 2ne1 will still be number 1 on SEPTEMBER especially now that Dara is not a member anymore….

After hanging out at my clinic for an hour the 4 bigbang boys went out to buy some stuffs but Jiyong stayed behind looking so sad again. He must really miss unnie a lot.

Me: Hey ji? Why are you sad again?

Jiyong: I just miss her so much (tears started falling on his eyes) I feel like dying without her by my side. Days are passing by so quickly, it’s like a blur to me. I feel like I can’t go on anymore. ZZ man, why didn’t I told her I love her when she was here!! I’m so stupid!! ZZ!!! I want to see her but I don’t ing know where she is!! I want to find her but I don’t ing know where to start!!! And I blame myself because I’m the one who let her in in this ing company who doesn’t ing appreciate her hardwork!!

Me: Ji, don’t blame yourself because if not for you? She won’t experience what it’s like to be an idol. It’s her dream right? You made her dream come true. And ji don’t ever think on doing something you will regret in the future. Bigbang boys, me, seven and VIP’s are always there for you. Unnie won’t be happy if she sees you like this. Don’t worry about unnie anymore, she is a strong girl right? I know that wherever she is right now? She is ok..and I know that you will see her soon, I just feel it..ok? so go back to the recording studio now or put your feelings on paper, produce it into a song, I’m sure it will be a HIT again!!!hehehehe…


Hyoyeon: Uh uh uh aahh uh uh
I can do the pretty girl rock rock
Rock to the pretty girl rock rock rock
Now what’s your name

Yuri: My name is Yuri, I’m so very
Fly oh my is a little bit scary 
Boys wanna marry looking at my deri
And you can stare but if you touch then ima beri

Yoona: Pretty as a picture
Sweeter than a swisher
Mad cause I’m cuter than the girl that is with ya

Sunny: I ain’t gotta talk about it baby you can see it
But if you want i'll be happy to repeat it

Taeyeon: My name is Taeyeon, I’m so very
Fly oh my is a little bit scary 
Boys wanna marry looking at my deri
And you can stare but if you touch it ima beri

Seohyun: Pretty as a picture Sweeter than a swisher
Mad cause I’m cuter than the girl that is with ya
I can talk about it cause I know that I’m pretty
If you know it too then ladies sing it with me


Tifanny: All eyes on me when I walk in,
No question that this girl’s a 10 
Don’t hate me cause I’m beautiful. 
Don’t hate me cause I’m beautiful. 

Sooyoung: My walk my talk the way I dress 
It’s not my fault so please don’t trip
Don’t hate me cause I’m beautiful 
Don’t hate me cause I’m beautiful

Hyoyeon: Aye, now do the pretty girl rock rock rock
Do the pretty girl rock rock rock Do the pretty girl rock rock
All my ladies do the pretty girl rock rock rock
Do the pretty girl rock rock rock Do the pretty girl rock rock
Do the pretty girl rock

Yuri: Now were you at, If your looking for me you can catch me
Cameras flashing, daddies turned his head as soon as I passed him 

Yoona: Girls think I’m conceded cause I think I’m attraction
Don’t worry about what I think why don’t you ask him..Owoaah!

Sunny: Get yourself together don’t hate(don't do it),
Jealousy is the ugliest trait(ohh, don't do it)

Taeyeon: I can talk about it cause I know that I’m pretty
If you know it too then ladies sing it with me


Seohyun and Tifanny: All eyes on us when we walk in, 
No question that these girl’s a 10 
Don’t hate us cause we’re beautiful. 
Don’t hate us cause we’re beautiful. 

Sooyoung: My walk my talk the way I dress 
It’s not my fault so please don’t trip
Don’t hate me cause I’m beautiful 
Don’t hate me cause I’m beautiful 

Taeyeon: Doing the pretty girl rock rock rock
Do the pretty girl rock rock rock Do the pretty girl rock rock
Do the pretty girl rock rock

Hyoyeon: All my ladies do the pretty girl rock rock rock
Get along with your pretty girl rock rock rock
Still show me your pretty girl rock rock rock
All my ladies do the pretty girl rock rock rock Sing it with me now

SNSD: All eyes on us when we walk in,
No question that these girls a 10 
Don’t hate us cause we’re beautiful. 
Don’t hate us cause we’re beautiful. 
Our walk, our talk, the way we dress 
It’s not our fault so please don’t trip
Don’t hate us cause we’re beautiful 
Don’t hate us cause were beautiful [x2]

Taeyeon: Owoahaha! 


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k-3iEv7OdbM SNSD pretty girl rock

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Marymaebuendia2006 12 streak #1
Chapter 32: Pls don't abandoned this story authornim ❤️
applerkang #2
Chapter 24: Yeah..what happened to Dara? I thought she will just be cool, calm and collected but no. She was hysterical and all. I didn't expect that. I'm fine if she became a but the way she handle their meeting is not classy..at all! Smh. That's very low of her especially the blackmailing. Wth. It's ok being a but you have to do it in a classy way. Not trashy. Sorry authornim.
yatkit15 #3
I missed you
mm0923 #4
Chapter 32: welcome back looking forward to the updates!
rthanzel #5
Chapter 32: nice story ,, every chapter " no word can explain" ,im looking forward for more chapters comes,, please update arraso,, dont be lazy
freckles #6
Chapter 32: Thanks for the update. . . . Keep it up! . . . ;-D
nyongda #7
Chapter 32: Already read, awesome!
secret101 #8
Chapter 31: Update please ^_^
bernie20 #9
Chapter 31: Pls update??!!thank u
Chapter 31: darn, i'm out. i need more chapters