Guilt and Care.

Forming,lasting, and new love.


"Yah! There wasn't anything on my face!" Leo shouted at Ken as he left the cabin. Ken giggled and ran off towards the van in excitement. Leo laughed at Ken since Ken was so excited. Shortly after Ken went inside the van, Leo also headed inside. He glanced over at Ken and noticed that Ken had a really bright and handsome smile. 

 Suddenly that smile faded away. Ken turned to Leo. "Do you think the others miss us?" Ken asked. "I'm sure they do, but they're probably busy with their own things." Leo answered reassuringly. Ken nodded and his smile came back again. Leo closed his eyes as the van started to drive, slowly drifting into sleep; A long dream.

He could see Ken. He was in a distance. Leo looked closer, slowly walking towards Ken. He heard crying echoing through the dark area. "Ken?" Leo called out. The crying continued, it didn't stop. Leo got closer and noticed Ken curled up in a ball crying. "Ken? What's wrong?" Leo asked as he put his hand on Ken's shoulder. Ken grabbed Leo's hand and whipped it off. "Go away from me." Ken shouted. Leo was frightened. "You...You never cared for me. You never wanted to get to know me. You hated me." Ken looked at Leo with eyes that could kill. "N-no..That's not true!" leo yelled. "YES IT IS!" Ken shouted back. Tears started to flow through Leo's eyes as guilt started to take over him. "N-no.." Leo sank to his knees and shook his head. "Ken put his hands on Leo's chest, forcefully pushing Leo down. "Now you'll learn." Ken smirked. 

Leo looked up at Ken. Tears started to flow from Ken's eyes as he grabbed a knife. "W-what are you doing...?" Leo asked in a frightened tone. "Doing what I should have done a long time ago." Ken's smirk faded as he looked down. He slowly brought the knife to his throat. "Ken.p-put that down." Leo started to slowly raise his voice. He was frightened. "Sorry Leo, but you can't stop me now." Ken smirked again. "NO!"-

Leo sat up quickly, breathing heavily. He realized it was just a dream. He sighd in relief as he looked over at Ken who was sleeping peacefully.

Leo smiled as he saw Ken. He looked like a puppy; adorable. Suddenly the van hit a bump and Ken's head fell of Leo's lap. Leo widened his eyes in surprise. He didn't know what to do. He sat there awkwardly. His cheeks heated up as he looked at Ken's face. He looked very cute. Leo slowly brought his hands to Ken's face. Just as he was about to brush Ken's hair out of his face, Ken opened his eyes. Both their eyes widened and they sat there awkwardly, not know what to do. Ken quickly sat up, blushing. "I..uh.........sorry." Ken scratched the back of his head. Leo nodded and turned around secretly cursing himself for bringing his hand near Ken's face.

For the whole ride, they kept quiet. They soon arrived at the fishing spot. They headed to the pond while Ken was yelling in joy. Leo glared at Ken. "Aish.. so loud." Leo scoffed. Ken laughed evily at Leo and just smirked. Leo raised his eyebrow wondering what Ken was planning. They fished for a while, but Leo was scared of hurting the fish so Ken did most of the fishing. 

An hour later~

"Hey Leo!" Ken shouted. "What?" Leo asked. "Come over here!" Leo looked at Ken suspiciously. Ken smiled at Leo. Leo just shrugged and headed towards ken. Suddenly Leo went flying in the water. Leo jumped out of the water in surprise with his eyes widened. Leo suddenly formd his eyes into a glare and turend towards Ken. "Oh crap." Ken tried to run away but before he could, Leo grabbed him by the shirt and yanked him into the water while Ken grabbed onto Leo so they both went in.

Ken started complaining that Leo wouldn't let him go. Ken almost escaped until Leo wrapped his arms around Ken's waist in order to keep him there. "You're not leaving now." Leo bluntly said. Ken struggled to get out of Leo's grip but Leo had a really strong grip on him. Ken gave up and started splashing Leo with water.

Leo laughed and started splashing Ken back. They were both smiling happily. The driver sat there quietly watching while he smiled to himself. Leo suddenly widened his eyes when he saw the driver. He immediately stopped and turned to the driver. Ken did the same. "sorry to ruin your fun but, it's going to rain soon." The driver said while pointing up at the cloudy sky. They both nodded and got out of the water. Leo became dissappointed. He was having a lot of fun. And despite that they were in cold water, Leo felt a warm feeling during that time with Ken.

They both got in the van and put towels on. Ken widened his eyes as Leo removed his shirt. Leo turned to Ken with his eyebrow raised. Leo pointed to Ken's shirt "You should do the same, you might get sick." Leo reasoned. Ken nodded and removed his shirt as well. The driver secretly smiled to himself as he noticed the two getting closer.

Ken blushed as he took his shirt off, feeling embarrassed. "Ken, don't be embarrassed." Leo laughed and smiled at Ken. Ken nodded and smiled back. It was getting dark and it was a long ride back. Leo leaned back on the seat and stared at the room of the van. Ken did the same trying to see what was so interesting about it.

"Hyung, I don't see why this is so interesting." Ken looked at Leo. Leo looked back. "It's the thoughts that are interesting, not the ceiling, dummy." Leo scoffed. Ken stuck his tongue out at Leo. "Don't stick your tongue out at me. Or else i'll tickle you."

"You wouldn't." Ken turned around thinking he had won. Suddenly Leo jumped on Ken and started attacking his side. Ken started laughing hard from the tickling and tried to get Leo to stop but Ken couldn't speak with all his laughing. "Do you believe me now?" Leo chuckled.

"" Ken said in between his laughs. Leo laughed in victory and stopped tickling Ken. "Hyung~ That wasn't fair! I didn't even have my shirt to protect me." Ken pouted. "Well, you shouldn't have stuck your tongue out at me." Leo simply replied but with a hint of happiness. Ken chuckled and layed back on the seat. Every once and a while, Leo would glance back at Ken and    would get a good look at him.

Leo just couldn't help himself, he wanted to get to know Ken more. Ken was...interesting. But what Leo didn't know was, Ken had an interest in Leo ever since the night they got to the camp. After an hour, they finally arrived back at the camp. They headed inside because of the darkness outside. 

Leo sighed and lazily layed down on the couch again. Ken came in and threw Leo's shirt at him. "You forgot to put your shirt back on....dummy." Ken chuckled at Leo. "Oh really? I didn't even notice." Leo said with a hint of sarcasm. Ken stuck his tongue out at Leo again and Leo just shook his head. 

"Oh, I called Hyuk last night and he was upset and worried." Leo turned to Ken.

"What was he worried about?"

"He kissed someone he shouldn't have apparently."

"Probably one of the trainees." Ken chuckled.

"That kid is always worried that he messed something up." Leo shook his head. 

Ken smiled. Leo got up and put his shirt back on finally. But as Leo went to walk towards Ken, he tripped and landed on Ken. Their eyes widened as their faces were only inches apart while their bodies were touching. Leo started to heat up as well as Ken. Leo tried to get up but he was stuck. " are we going to get out of this position?" Leo asked awkwardly. 


Sorry for such a short chapterD: and a late update:c I was sick so I didn't update but here is the chapter:D sorry for no NaviT^T I wanted to but i'm in a rush:c Hope you guys enjoy, once again, Thank you for the comments:D

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Chapter 16: I know, I'm late, I found this years later but... I LOVED IT! I had so much fun, did my night (literally, it's f***ing and I'm here) and the plot twist at the end about Hunhan man I'm crying, I loved the driver all the fic, now even more lol and Hyukbin so cute Hyuk so innocent ♡
That's it! Loved it! Thank you!
zaty_dj32 #2
Chapter 16: I'M FREAKING LOVE THIS STORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

sorry for all the upper case letter sentences.. im just to excited and happy and going crazy with all the fluff and cuteness in your story... kekeke... thanks for writing this and thanks for sparking me with more interest in Keo, Navi and Hyukbin... xD
Youngminkwangmin #3
Chapter 16: Omg!!! I love love love this story!!! Ahhh!!!! And i love the how you put Hunhan in the end!!
Chapter 16: Holy crap waiwaiwaiwait, hunhan?! That took me by surprise!--pleasant surprise x)
Chapter 16: This story is daebak~!
HunHan at the end! <33
Chapter 16: LOL, there's HunHan too? hehehe..this story is awesome!!!
Chapter 16: I love every single on of them and that includes Hunhan too kekeke
Chapter 16: Came here for Keo, died when I saw Hunhan! Great story so beautiful!
Chapter 16: Aww this fic was really nice, I liked how they finally managed to confess the feelings for each other and the driver haha :D