Interesting things. (HyukBin & Keo)

Forming,lasting, and new love.


After that night,Hyuk and Hongbin have gotten closer to each other.They smiled at each other, talked more, and even hugged more! 

The morning~

Once again, Hongbin was the first to wake. Hyuk woke up to the usual empty bed. Dissappointed, Hyuk got up and headed to the kitchen where Hongbin would most likely be. But to Hyuks surprise, Hongbin wasn't there. Hyuk started to look around curiously wondering why Hongbin wasn't there and where he could be.

Hyuk checked the living room, the kitchen and every bed room but Hongbin wasn't to be found. Hyuk suddenly started to worry. "Hongbin? Where are you?" Hyuk shouted. But when hyuk passed by the practice room, he could hear music. "Hongbin?" Hyuk questioned to himself. 

He slowly looked into the practice room. Hongbin was there. He was practicing as hard as he could. He was breathing heavily, the edge of his hair and his bangs were wet. He was wearing a sleeveless top that showed his arms. Hyuk stopped all his thoughts at that moment and just stared.

He watched every movement Hongbin made; taking the moment to inspect every part of Hongbin there was. The song ended but Hyuk didn't seem to notice it. Hyuk was currently staring at Hongbin's chest until he slowly looked up and then realized that Hongbin was looking directly at him with an eyebrow raised.

Hyuk jumped in surprise. "I-I uh.. was.." Hyuk couldn't get his words together. " Finding me?" Hongbin asked. 

"Yes. I couldn't see you anywhere so I got a little bit worried." Hyuk quickly replied before looking down. Hongbin chuckled and put his hand on Hyuk's shoulder. "Just remember to check the practice room." Hongbin smiled. Hyuk could feel his heart racing. 'Why is my heart like this?' Hyuk thought to himself.

Hongbin told Hyuk to follow him to the kitchen. "What do you want to eat? I'll make you something." Hyuk tried to think of what he wanted. "I'll just have rice please~" Hyuk smiled happily. Hongbin chuckled at Hyuk's cuteness. Hongbin turned to Hyuk just before heading into the kitchen; "Make sure you don't change the channel this time."

"Hyung~ You know I won't!" Hyuk pouted. "I know, I know." Hongbin laughed. Hongbin quickly prepared the rice for Hyuk and gave it to him. Hyuk smiled to himself happily and started pigging on the rice. Hongbin watched Hyuk. He couldn't help but stare, Hyuk was so...cute.

Hyuk noticed Hongbin staring at him and looked down when he felt the heat rising on his face. Hongbin also felt heat rising on his face so he looked away from Hyuk. Silence took over the room as the two were looking down. Hyuk looked up at Hongbin with a look that was flawless.

Hongbin felt Hyuk's eyes on him so he looked up as well. They stared at each other while deep in their thoughts. "Hyung..." Hyuk looked down. "Y-yes?" Hongbin replied awkwardly. "I...I'm so...curious." Hyuk looked at Hongbin with sadening eyes. "About what...?" Hongbin started to study Hyuk's actions and words.

"Have you ever felt the need to do something...that shouldn't be done?" Hongbin widened his eyes after hearing Hyuk ask that. Hyuk wasn't the type to do things he wasn't supposed to so he was quite surprised.

"No...I mean...I have done things in the past but it depends on what you're planning to do."

"Oh.." Hyuk looked down.

"Well.... what do you want or need to do?" Hongbin asked in curiousity.

"N-nothing...I guess I just wasn't thinking."

Hongbin felt bad for Hyuk. He felt that the younger was having troubles and he wanted to make it right somehow but he didn't know how. Especially since he didn't know what the younger wanted to do. 

Hyuk sighed and stood up. "I'll be going to my room." Hyuk walked towards his room in a hurry. Hongbin was wondering why he would try to get to his oom so fast. Maybe it was because of how awkward it was? Hongbin just shrugged.



Hyuk sat in his room thinking to himself. "What was I thinking!" Hyuk facepalmed. He just felt so curious about to men being together. He wanted to know what it felt like, emotionally and physically. He felt like he wasn't in his right mind. Hyuke layed there thinking and thinking. 

It eventually got dark so he kind of got lonely and frightened. He got up and quickly started to decide on whether to go in Hongbin's room and face the awkwardness or to stay in his room and face the fear and lonelyness. He decided feeling awkward was better. He creeped into Hongbin's room only to notice Hongbin staring at him already.

Hyuk jumped in surprise. "D-did you know I was coming in?" Hyuk asked in surprise.

"Yes. It's almost became a habit of yours" Hongbin chuckled.

"Oh haha..." Hyuk rubbed the back of his neck. Hongbin patted the bed inviting Hyuk over to it. Hyuk smiled in joy. Hyuk ran over to the bed and sprawled out on it. Hongbin couldn't help but chuckle at his cuteness. He was just adorable. Hyuk looked up at Hongbin. "I'm sorry for acting weird earlier, I just wasn't thinking right..." 

"It's ok. I wasn't mad at you and plus, it's ok if you want to keep things to yourself." Hongbin smiled.

"You really are a nice person." Hyuk replied in a gentle voice. Hongbin felt his cheeks heat up after hearing Hyuk use such a warm voice. It was....calming yet beautiful. 

"Are you ok?" Hyuk asked with worry. "I-i'm fine." Hongbin answered awkwardly. They sat there in silence.

All of a sudden thunder started to appeae. Hyuk screamed and hugged Hongbin tightly while Hongbin stared at the ceiling in shock. He didn't expect there to be such a noise so it scared him as well.Hongbin looked over to see Hyuk. The moon was shining on his face. Hongbin never noticed how amazing Hyuk's features were. 

Hyuk looked back at Hongbin and stared as well. They were too deep in their thoughts to realize what was happening.

Without even realizing it, Hyuk looked up at Hongbin and slowly leaned in. Soon he could feel the softness of Hongbin's lips against his own. Hyuk quickly realized what he had just done and jumped back in surprise. Hongbin was wide eyed and in shock from what had just happened. 

"I-I-I-I'm S-sorry,,," Hyuk quickly ran off into his room without even looking back. Hongbin stood there, frozen.

"Did that just happen?"





Before Leo could even wake up, Ken was being hyper and decided to jump on Leo's bed to wake him up since it was noon already. "Stop being lazy~ Wake up!" Ken shouted.

"Would you go away? You were better when you were sleeping.." Leo complained and grumpily tried to fall back asleep.

"Aish..this jerk. Get up!" Ken shouted again while continuing to jump on the bed. Leo just started to ignore Ken. Ken sighed and then quickly thought of a plan.\

"Leo, I'm warning you. You might want to get up now." Ken smirked.

"Yeah, Yeah." Leo just lazily layed back down. Suddenly, Leo could feel cold water running down his back. Leo jumped up in surprise and then glared at Ken. Ken widened his eyes and began to run out of the room. Leo got up, grabbed a pillow, and began chasing Ken. 

"YOU'RE DEAD NOW YOU LITTLE BRAT!" Leo yelled as he chased Ken. Ken started laughing while running because Leo couldn't catch up. After a minute, Ken looked back a realized that Leo wasn't there. Ken got frightened knowing what Leo was doing.

"Hyung, this isn't funny." Ken started to complain. Ken slowly crept through the cabin being very cautious of where he was going.    

Out of no where, leo appeared and started whacking Ken with the pillow. Ken couldn' t get away from Leo as Leo had a good grip on Ken. Leo finally stopped and was breathing heavily. "Aish, you really are like a lion..." Ken complained. Leo glared again at Ken.

"I never knew you could be so violent. You're almost like N hyung when someone scares him.." 

Leo sat on the couch and did nothing. Ken started to giggle to himself until Leo gave him a weird look.

"What are we doing today anyways?" Leo finally asked. "I think we're supposed to try fishing today." Ken smiled.

"O-oh.." Leo stuttered. "What? Have you never fished or something." Ken raised an eyebrow.

"It's not that. It's just...that...I don't like hurting them." Leo looked down. "Wow, you really do loved animals." Ken acted surprised.

"Yeah." Leo smiled. Ken never thought he would see Leo smile like that but it turns out, Leo had a great smile. "Is there something on my face or something?" leo asked while raising an eyebrow. Ken jumped in surprise at the sudden question.

"Yes." Ken bluntly said before running outside. "What?" Leo started checking his face but nothing was there. "Aish, this kid is really something." Leo chuckled.




Sorry for there not being much Keo but Keo will have a longer chapter next time^_^ HYUKBIN FIRST KISS!!! YESSSS~ sorry for updating so lateT^T I was at my friend's house all weekend and she has no internet. sorry if there are errorsD: 

By the way, Thank you so much for the comments and subscribers, even the silent readers or the people who even view my story:D You guys all encourage me to write:D Hope you enjoy this chapter~


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Chapter 16: I know, I'm late, I found this years later but... I LOVED IT! I had so much fun, did my night (literally, it's f***ing and I'm here) and the plot twist at the end about Hunhan man I'm crying, I loved the driver all the fic, now even more lol and Hyukbin so cute Hyuk so innocent ♡
That's it! Loved it! Thank you!
zaty_dj32 #2
Chapter 16: I'M FREAKING LOVE THIS STORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

sorry for all the upper case letter sentences.. im just to excited and happy and going crazy with all the fluff and cuteness in your story... kekeke... thanks for writing this and thanks for sparking me with more interest in Keo, Navi and Hyukbin... xD
Youngminkwangmin #3
Chapter 16: Omg!!! I love love love this story!!! Ahhh!!!! And i love the how you put Hunhan in the end!!
Chapter 16: Holy crap waiwaiwaiwait, hunhan?! That took me by surprise!--pleasant surprise x)
Chapter 16: This story is daebak~!
HunHan at the end! <33
Chapter 16: LOL, there's HunHan too? hehehe..this story is awesome!!!
Chapter 16: I love every single on of them and that includes Hunhan too kekeke
Chapter 16: Came here for Keo, died when I saw Hunhan! Great story so beautiful!
Chapter 16: Aww this fic was really nice, I liked how they finally managed to confess the feelings for each other and the driver haha :D