Life at the camp. (Keo wins~)

Forming,lasting, and new love.


It's been an hour ever since Ken and Leo arrived at the camp. Leo listened to music while Ken was having fun playing with things he found. 'I wonder when we will be leaving' Leo sighed. 

"Well, I'm going to head back now, so have fun!" The driver waved. "Please don't go!" Ken begged the driver. "I'm sorry Ken but I have to go. I might be back soon though." The driver smiled. Ken sighed and nodded; The driver then got in the van and left. Ken turned towards Leo awkwardly wondering how long he would have to stay with Leo. 

He didn't like the fact that there was no one to talk with at the camp so he wasn't having very much fun. "Do you want anything to eat?" Ken asked. "N-no thank you..." Leo quietly replied. Ken nodded slowly and turned away awkwardly. 

After an hour of listening to music, Leo fell asleep. But when Leo woke up, Ken wasn't there. Leo got up and started to look for Ken; He searched every area inside the camp and around the camp but he was no where to be seen. "Oh no, what if something happened to him?" Leo started to panic. 

As Leo searched around while panicking, he saw one of Ken's footprints and he realized that it was heading into the woods. 'He must be there somewhere' Leo thought to himself. Leo entered the woods; He became worried as it was beginning to get dark. 



After Ken decided to explore the woods, he got lost. Ken realized that he doesn't have much time before it gets dark but he has no clue on how to get back. Ken didn't like being alone at times like these. He was scared, worried, nervous, and lonely. He started to miss Leo. "No, I cannot rely on Leo like that. There has to be some way out of here." Ken tried to think positively but it wasn't an easy thing to do at this moment.

Ken tried to find his way back but it was no use. He was lost. And he knew it. Ken slowly sat down and grabbed his knees together. Soon, warm tears started to flow out of his eyes.All he could do was cry, and pray; Pray that someone would find him. 

"Ken!" Leo shouted as he saw Ken in the distance. Ken got up and ran as fast as he could towards Leo. When he reached Leo, he hugged him and buried his face onto Leo's chest while letting the tears flow. At this moment, no matter who it was, he needed comfort. Ken was scared, but now he felt happy to see Leo even though they aren't comfortable with each other. 

Leo stood there in shock; Not knowing what to do. He gently moved Ken so that they weren't having any contact. Ken quickly wiped his tears and looked down. "follow me." Leo mumbled.


Ken and Leo finally arrived at the camp after a long walk. It was cold and dark outside so they had troubles but they eventually got back. Leo calmly went onto one of the couches and sat down while grabbing a book and reading it while Ken ran into the camp, grabbed a blanket and jumped on one of the couches.

Leo glared at Ken because of the loud noise he made. Ken quickly mumbled a "Sorry.." as he noticed the glare from Leo. Leo sighed and continued reading his book.







"About earlier, I was just-"


"Scared, I know."


Ken widened his eyes in surprise. It was the first time he heard Leo talk in a non-quiet way. Ken never realized how nice Leo's voice sounded and he liked hearing Leo talk. "So, do you like the camp so far?" Ken asked, wanting to hear Leo's voice more.


"I'm just wondering."

"It's good, I guess."

"You guess?"

"......." Leo sat there awkwardly.

"Well? What do you mean by 'I guess'?"

"Why are you being so talkative so suddenly?" Leo glared at Ken. "Just because." Ken bluntly replied. 

"There is a reason for everything." Leo continued to glare at Ken. 



"Nevermind.." Leo sighed.  "I'm going to bed now so when you get in the room, don't be noisy."

"Ok" Ken smiled cheerfully. Leo raised an eyebrow at ken but shook it off and headed to their room. "Goodnight!~" Ken shouted to Leo. Leo just continued walking to the room. Ken smiled to himself like a kid.

An hour later~

Ken silently crept into the room making barely any noise. He looked over to the right only to see a peaceful Leo sleeping. "Wow, he looks nice when he sleeps." Ken smiled. Ken slowly crawled onto the bed. He wasn't very tired so he just layed there thinking about many things. 

He then remembered what happened earlier. He remembered when he hugged Leo; It felt warm and comforting. Ken didn't know why he was thinking these things but for some reason he didn't mind it. Ken started hitting his head trying to get those thoughts out.

"Why are you hitting yourself?" 

Ken turned to the side lightly and seen Leo looking at him with a raised eyebrow. "Oh, uh, Leo haha, you're awake...." Ken awkwardly chuckled. "Yeah...why aren't you asleep yet?" Leo asked. 

"Well, I'm not tired right now. I must have eaten something earlier that made me hyper." Ken tried to lie.

"You're thinking about something aren't you?" 

"How'd you know?" Ken looked at Leo like he was the most amazing man in the world.

"It's not hard to tell you know." Leo chuckled. Ken nodded in agreement. After a long while Ken finally fell asleep. But now Leo couldn't sleep. Ken started to appear in Leo's thoughts but he just ignored them.

Suddenly he heard whimpers come from Ken. "What the-" Leo looked over only to see a shivering Ken. Leo sighed and got up from the bed, grabbing a blanket. He then put the blanket over top of Ken. The whipers slowly started to fade and Ken started to sleep peacefully again.

Leo turned, facing Ken's direction, getting a good look at Ken. "He's kind of...cute." Leo thought to himself. Leo smiled seeing Ken sleeping peacefully. 

"I'm sorry I wasn't there to find you earlier in the woods." Leo whispered before falling asleep.





Hi:D So a new update. Yay~ Keo won the vote so next chapter will be Navi. Then the chapter after that will be Hyukbin and it will repeat like that. Sorry ut's so short:( I had a test today so i'm quite exhausted but I hope you enjoyed it:D The next update should either be tomorrow or the day after:3


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Chapter 16: I know, I'm late, I found this years later but... I LOVED IT! I had so much fun, did my night (literally, it's f***ing and I'm here) and the plot twist at the end about Hunhan man I'm crying, I loved the driver all the fic, now even more lol and Hyukbin so cute Hyuk so innocent ♡
That's it! Loved it! Thank you!
zaty_dj32 #2
Chapter 16: I'M FREAKING LOVE THIS STORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

sorry for all the upper case letter sentences.. im just to excited and happy and going crazy with all the fluff and cuteness in your story... kekeke... thanks for writing this and thanks for sparking me with more interest in Keo, Navi and Hyukbin... xD
Youngminkwangmin #3
Chapter 16: Omg!!! I love love love this story!!! Ahhh!!!! And i love the how you put Hunhan in the end!!
Chapter 16: Holy crap waiwaiwaiwait, hunhan?! That took me by surprise!--pleasant surprise x)
Chapter 16: This story is daebak~!
HunHan at the end! <33
Chapter 16: LOL, there's HunHan too? hehehe..this story is awesome!!!
Chapter 16: I love every single on of them and that includes Hunhan too kekeke
Chapter 16: Came here for Keo, died when I saw Hunhan! Great story so beautiful!
Chapter 16: Aww this fic was really nice, I liked how they finally managed to confess the feelings for each other and the driver haha :D