Pains and a lovely ending.

Forming,lasting, and new love.

No couple in particular


N woke up and looked over beside him. Ravi was usually the one to wake up after N but this time Ravi was up first. He stood up but then a sudden pain hit him. He remembered last night and he realized what the pain was. N mentally cursed himself for not remembering what pain would come afterwards. He couldn't help but smile though ; It was a special memory between the two and he was glad that he could share that memory with Ravi.

Ravi came into the room smiling with a plate of eggs and bacon + a glass of orange juice. N looked up at Ravi surprised. Ravi scratched the back of his head "After last night...I kind of guessed you would be sore so...I decided to make you some breakfast."

N smiled and hugged Ravi lightly ; sitting up and smiling as he ate the food. After he finished his food, he stood up but when he walked, he had a slight limp. Ravi got worried and immediately tried to help N but N insisted that he was fine.

As the two walked into the living room, the other members raised their eyebrows at the two and then smirked ; basically telling them that they know what Ravi and N did.

"Shut up.." All the members raised their hands in defeat. They knew better than to disobey their leader although, sometimes they would. Hyuk was the only one who understood what N was feeling so far. N sat down on the couch and sighed lazily. Leo slowly sat beside N and whispered in his ear "...Well, someone looks sore.." N immediately smacked Leo and Leo just laughed. He was kind of used to it by now since Ken and him started to wrestle.

It was only a few days before N could walk again. He would go for walks in the park with Ravi, go to fairs, spend time with the members and honestly it felt nice. He was able to see lots of love show throughout the group and they weren't afraid to show love. The band would meet with fans, peeform their stages and not to mention that N loved how Ravi would bring his face near N's neck during Hyde.

He loved being close to Ravi. He always likes being with Ravi on VIXX TV and he always likes being near Ravi with the fans.

Hyuk and Hongbin have been really close to each other and Hongbin treats the Maknae with as much care as possible. They cook for each other, care for each other when they're sick, and when they get into fights Hongbin always hugs Hyuk and apologizes as well as Hyuk. They're a cute couple, really.

They would go to cafes a lot for some reason. N and Ravi liked parks while Hyuk and Hongbin liked cafes. Now, Ken and Leo on the other hand, kept going back to that camp. They say it brings them memories and they also go to a certain place that nobody else knew about ; Ken's special tree.


At the camp~

Leo looked up at the sky and smiled ; memories of when they first got to know each other spread through Leo's mind like wildfire. It was a nice thing to have those memories. Ken sneaked up on Leo and hugged him tightly while Leo jumped back slightly from the surprise hug. Ken just smiled at Leo lightly and took in the scent of Leo's cologne. It smelled fresh and elegant.

Leo smiled to himself. He loved being able to be with Ken. It was like he had finally found the other half of his half-dead soul. His soul was alive now because of Ken. He turned around and faced Ken.

"Stay with me, Jaehwan."

"I will forever, and ever. I love you, Taekwoon."

Leo stood up and gently grabbed Ken's hand and started to lead him to a special place; A place Leo had discovered a while back. It was a beautiful lake on the east side of the camp. Ken rubbed his eyes trying to make sure it wasn't a dream. Leo slowly walked over to the tree beside the lake and took off the rose that he tied to one of it's branches. He walked over to Ken and gave his lover the rose.

By the looks on Ken's face, he knew that Ken was happy. Leaning in, he placed a gentle kiss on Ken's lips. Even though they didn't say any words, they were communicating through emotions.

"I love you so much, Jaehwan. Let's get married someday."

Ken nodded and smiled.

"Yes, let's do that."


The driver looked up at the sky. He was happy that all the VIXX members had finally found the courage to be together. He remembered how he and his husband first met. It was almost like the way Ken and Leo got to know each other. They didn't like each other but then they realized how much they loved each other.

"Daddy!" His daughter ran up to him and hugged him tightly before his husband came out.

"Still thinking about how Leo and Ken got together?"

"Yes. It reminds me of our story so much."

The man chuckled and hugged the driver. " If it weren't for that camp, I would have missed the most important thing in my life."

The driver nodded. He hugged his husband tightly "I'm so glad I met you....I love you, Luhan."

"I love you too, Sehun."


So sorry for ending this story so quickly and sorry for no other T^T I'm a terrible authorT^T But...Surprise! The driver was Sehun and it turns out there is just a tiny bit of HunHan in this;D It turns out the HunHan couple also met each other there. That's why the driver knew about Ken and Leo loving each other so soon:D I hope you enjoyed this story and thank you sooooooooooooooo much for subscribing, reading, and commenting on my story:D

If you liked the story please don't hesitate to comment^^ I love comment very much:3

I shall also be working on my other story soon but I can't decide if it should be Taoris or MyungYeol.

I can't post the poll for some reason but you guys can find it on my polls page thingy^^


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Chapter 16: I know, I'm late, I found this years later but... I LOVED IT! I had so much fun, did my night (literally, it's f***ing and I'm here) and the plot twist at the end about Hunhan man I'm crying, I loved the driver all the fic, now even more lol and Hyukbin so cute Hyuk so innocent ♡
That's it! Loved it! Thank you!
zaty_dj32 #2
Chapter 16: I'M FREAKING LOVE THIS STORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

sorry for all the upper case letter sentences.. im just to excited and happy and going crazy with all the fluff and cuteness in your story... kekeke... thanks for writing this and thanks for sparking me with more interest in Keo, Navi and Hyukbin... xD
Youngminkwangmin #3
Chapter 16: Omg!!! I love love love this story!!! Ahhh!!!! And i love the how you put Hunhan in the end!!
Chapter 16: Holy crap waiwaiwaiwait, hunhan?! That took me by surprise!--pleasant surprise x)
Chapter 16: This story is daebak~!
HunHan at the end! <33
Chapter 16: LOL, there's HunHan too? hehehe..this story is awesome!!!
Chapter 16: I love every single on of them and that includes Hunhan too kekeke
Chapter 16: Came here for Keo, died when I saw Hunhan! Great story so beautiful!
Chapter 16: Aww this fic was really nice, I liked how they finally managed to confess the feelings for each other and the driver haha :D