Care & Pain

Forming,lasting, and new love.

This will be a Keo chapter mainly because I still need to think of more things for HyukBin and Navi. Also, some of you were wondering how Ken got sick so this chapter will tell you:)


Leo woke up as he felt something tugging at his shirt gently. He opened his eyes and noticed Ken was the one tugging on his shirt ; Ken was cold. Leo immediately got up and started to grab more blankets for Ken to stay warm. He gently put the blankets over top of Ken and fluffed up Ken's pillow to make sure Ken was in absolute comfort. Ken was a little better than the night before but Leo wasn't going to let Ken work hard until his health was back to normal.

"I'll be back, I'm just going to go get medicine. Okay?" 

Ken nodded. 

Ken frowned when Leo left. He didn't feel safe without Leo there for some reason. 

~30 minutes later~

Ken got up from the couch slowly and headed towads the cabin door to see if Leo was back. He couldn't see Leo so he headed further outside to see if Leo was any where near the cabin. Ken sighed as he couldn't see Leo anywhere. His dizziness started to become a bit worse so he sat down on the porch, waiting.

"Ken!" Leo rushed over to Ken, checking if he was okay. 

"'re.. here." Ken smiled weakily. "What're you doing out here?! You shouldn't be out here in this condition. What if you were to pass out and hurt yourself?!" Leo shouted in worry. Ken looked down sadly. He didn't mean to make Leo worried, he was just so scared that there would be a chance of Leo not returning. 

Leo hugged Ken in apology of yelling at him. "Come on. Let's go back inside and give you the medicine."

Ken nodded. They headed inside the cabin ; Leo decided to carry Ken back to the couch, worried that Ken would fall or pass out.  Leo carefully put the blankets back on and he gave Ken the medicine, while feeling his forehead to check the temperature. Ken's temperature wasn't as high so Leo was pretty relieved. He tried to rememeber how Ken got sick. Then it hit him ; It was probably from not getting properly dried after playing in the pond at night and from staying in the rain for a while.

He should have known. 

Leo was about to get up and leave before he felt a pair of arms wrap around his waist and pull him on the couch. Leo's eyes widened as he turned around ; their faces only inches apart. His heart started to beat faster while his cheeks started to turn a shade of pink. He gained a weird feeling of nevousness .... but in a good way, which was quite odd. 

"Thank you" Was all that came out of Ken's mouth before he burried his face onto Leo's chest, feeling the warmth and comfort of Leo.

He was speechless. He couldn't move at all.

He finally regained his strength and hugged Ken, rubbing his back slightly. 'I think you' Leo felt weird expressing his emotions to himself but, he really did think he loved Ken, he just didn't want to tell anyone. They might have bad reactions towards it or even worse, Ken would reject him and completely hate and ignore him for the rest of their lives. 

They layed there for a while, embracing each other like a penguin couple & their egg. Only, instead of the egg being there, it was their secret love for each other. Yes, indeed Ken also loved Leo secretly. Neither of them wanted to confess because of all the bad possibilities they've thought in their curious minds. 


I love you Ken. So much that it hurts. I want to be able to confess, to hug you with love as a lover, not a friend. I'm trapped. 

Yes, holding him is a good feeling, but there is so much more that I want to show him.

I love him. He takes care of me, he always knows how I feel and he tries to cheer me up if i'm mad or sad. He lets me be silly and let's me prank him when I'm hyper. He shows me what it's like to be in love, it's just that, I want to also show him that feeling. To hug him; To kiss him; To make him feel many emotions.

I can't even confess to him. He probably only sees me as a friend; I will not ruin this friendship. 

I love you so very much,





After Ken fell asleep, Leo carefully removed himself from Ken's embrace and went outside. The sun was slowly disappearing as the moon started to show and the sky started to darken. He knew that it was only a matter of days before they had to return; He was saddened by that fact. They would have to go back to their old ways and would have to watch over each other in silence. 

With one swift movement, Leo smashed the chair he was previously sitting on. He didn't want to go back to their old ways, he wanted to show love to Ken. 


Ken sat there quitely ; hidden behind the wall, watching Leo express his anger on the items outside of the cabin. He didn't know what Leo was angry about but, it scared Ken quite a bit. He's never seen Leo angry like that and he knew that it had to be something important...something he really cared about and something that really bothered him. 

Ken's phone stared to vibrate. He checked the number and it turns out it was the manager. 



"Hi Jaehwan. I was just calling you to let you know that you guys will be returning tomorrow rather than the day after. We're sending the other members back too so don't forget to tell Taekwoon. Got it?"




"Good. See you two tomorrow!"


Ken hung up the phone and instantly dropped down against the wall. He didn't want to go. He quickly reagained his strength and took a deep breath before heading outside to Leo. Leo looked at him with a surprised look ; He didn't expect Ken to be awake.

"The manager called.."



Ken took a deep breath " We're.....we're leaving.....tomorrow."


Leo looked down as tears were ready to fall. Leo toughened up and stood tall and still while looking directly at Ken's eyes with a fake smile.


"I guess we don't have to act anymore."


Ken couldn't believe what Leo had said.



"Yes. Isn't that all it was. At least it was to me.." Leo was hurting. He didn't like what he was saying but he knew that it had to be done since they weren't going to talk once they got back. He'd rather hurt Ken for a little while rather than Ken hurting for many years because of a bond that they have that they can't show ; Even if it meant that he had to hurt himself instead.


"I guess it was you jerk!" Ken stormed into the cabin and slammed the door.


Remember Taekwoon,

It's for his own good. It's better that you have pain than Jaehwan having pain. Even if it means that.....Jaehwan will hate you. You can still love him secretly, you can still care for him secretly, and most can still protect him secretly. Even if he doesn't's better that he is safe. So ignore your feelings and only care for his. 

He truly is precious.




It was getting late and they need to get some rest before they had to head back tomorrow. Sleep was the only thing that could block out any thoughts that they had. As they layed in their beds, they slowly fell asleep. 




It was morning and they were both standing outside of the cabin, waiting for the van to arrive. 

When the van arrived, they put their stuff in the van and ignored each other while they were quietly seated in the back. The driver frowned as he saw the two not talking to each other. He knew how they felt about each other and he also knew that there was other ways to solve this. But what Leo was doing sort of showed that he cared for Ken, but it wasn't clear to Ken. It was only clear to Leo and to the driver. 

The driver mumbled to himself

"Care & pain is not the right way."




I don't have much to say ._. I updated late because my friend was over and we ended up going to a fair. 

Thank you very much to all of my readers:D 


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Chapter 16: I know, I'm late, I found this years later but... I LOVED IT! I had so much fun, did my night (literally, it's f***ing and I'm here) and the plot twist at the end about Hunhan man I'm crying, I loved the driver all the fic, now even more lol and Hyukbin so cute Hyuk so innocent ♡
That's it! Loved it! Thank you!
zaty_dj32 #2
Chapter 16: I'M FREAKING LOVE THIS STORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

sorry for all the upper case letter sentences.. im just to excited and happy and going crazy with all the fluff and cuteness in your story... kekeke... thanks for writing this and thanks for sparking me with more interest in Keo, Navi and Hyukbin... xD
Youngminkwangmin #3
Chapter 16: Omg!!! I love love love this story!!! Ahhh!!!! And i love the how you put Hunhan in the end!!
Chapter 16: Holy crap waiwaiwaiwait, hunhan?! That took me by surprise!--pleasant surprise x)
Chapter 16: This story is daebak~!
HunHan at the end! <33
Chapter 16: LOL, there's HunHan too? hehehe..this story is awesome!!!
Chapter 16: I love every single on of them and that includes Hunhan too kekeke
Chapter 16: Came here for Keo, died when I saw Hunhan! Great story so beautiful!
Chapter 16: Aww this fic was really nice, I liked how they finally managed to confess the feelings for each other and the driver haha :D