
Forming,lasting, and new love.



The members all sat in the living room patiently waiting for the manager to call them in."What do you think the manager wants?" Hyuk questioned in curiousity."I'm not really sure, he said it was important." N replied.

The members sat quietly until the manager came in the room."Ken, leo..I'd like to see you first. " He requested. As the manager left, Leo and Ken looked at each other and shrugged. They got off the couch and headed the the manager's office quietly; hoping that they weren't in trouble.

As the two members entered the room, the manager sat in his chair; tapping his fingers against the hard, wood desk. The two gulped because of the anger that showed on his face. Suddenly a smile appeared on his face; 'huh?' they both thought as they were confused.

"Boys, boys! I'm glad you two came here! I have some very important news for you both!" The manager cheered. "News, what kind of news?" Ken asked curiously.

"A trip!" The manager jumped up in excitement. Ken smiled widely when he heard that they were going on a trip. However, he isn't expecting what he is about to hear.

"You and Leo will be going to a camp together. Just you two." The manager smiled.

"Bwoh?!" Ken shouted in surprise.

"But what about the other members? Can't I go with Ravi or Hongbin?" Ken complained. The manager shook his head and sighed. "Look, I know you two aren't the most comfortable with each other but you're just going to have to get used to it.mWe need this and you two were chosen to stay together at the camp."

"But-" Ken was stopped by the manager. "No arguing, Jaehwan. Now pack your things and head outside. We've got the van outside ready to take you to the camp, Arraso?' Ken sighed in defeat. 'Yes sir...". Leo stood there regretting him going to the managers office. He wasn't very comfortable with Ken and he knew Ken wasn't very comfortable with him.

"Now leave and hurry to the van." Ken and Leo nodded and headed into the living room to pack their things. The other members looked at them curiously. "What did the manager say?" Ravi asked the two. "He said Leo and I have to go on a trip to a camp, without anyone else." Ken sighed.

"Wae? We can't go with you?" Hyuk asked a little saddened. "No Hyuk, they have to go with just the two of them. We can't argue with the manager." N said while placing his hand on Hyuk's shoulder.

Hyuk put his head down quietly and nodded.

After Ken and Leo packed their stuff, they headed out to the van. They both sat in the van in silence the whole way while they both listened to music. 'Maybe this won't be awkward' Ken thought to himself. Ken hoped that when they were at the camp it would a nice time rather than a miserable/awkward time. As for Leo, he didn't want to have any part in this what so ever.

Leo wasn't comfortable with Ken and he didn't want to be with him for a whole week or possibly longer.

The van arrived at the camp an hour later. Leo had fallen asleep so Ken had to wake him up. Ken tried to think of a way to wake him up. "L-Leo. Wake up" He tried to whisper but Leo didn't wake up. Ken hesitantly put his hand on Leo's arm and shook him lightly.

Leo woke up and stared at Ken awkwardly. 'Y-you wouldn't w-wake up." Ken said awkwardly as he rubbed the back of his neck. Leo nodded and got out from the van. Ken's eyes lit up as he saw the camp. "This is amazing!" Ken smiled and ran towards the cabin . Leo gave him a weird look and just sat down on one of the chairs on the porch.



The members sat there quietly while thinking to them selves. Ravi had thought for a bit but then an idea popped up in his head. He turned to N with a cheerful face.

"Hyung~ Let's go on a trip!" Ravi jumped up in excitement. "Wae?! There is no need for it. Anyways, why would you want to go on a trip?" N replied.

"Because it would be fun~ Please, just this once?" Ravi begged while using puppy eyes. "Fine. but if I do this you have to stop bugging me. Got it?" N sighed. "I got it! This will  be so much fun!" Ravi shouted while running around the room playfull. 'Aish, this kid is really stubborn; It's sort of cute.' N thought to himself.

"But won't we have to talk to manager about it?" N questioned. "Actually, I never thought about that. I'll go to manager's office. You stay here." Ravi smiled. "Ok. But don't take too long, I don't have to wait an hour just to find out we can't go.' N laughed.

Ravi quietly knocked on the manager's door. "Come in." The manager said. "Hi" Ravi smiled. "Oh, hello Ravi. What brings you here?" The manager questioned while raising an eyebrow.

"Well, since Leo and Ken are going on a trip... can I go on a trip with N hyung? Please~ We won't cause any trouble. I promise!" Ravi begged.

"And what do I get out of this?" The manager questioned.

"Well we could see if we have any fans there and if there aren't, then we could try to make people a fan of us!" Ravi replied. The manager thought about Ravi's idea. After about 5 minutes the manager finally agreed. "Sounds like a good plan. I will set up a van to take you to where ever you're going. Be ready for tomorrow or else there will be no trip." The manager said strictly.

"You can count on us!" Ravi bowed thanking the manager and soon headed out of the office. Ravi ran into the living room like a little kid and hugged N with all his strength. "R-ravi..You're...Choking me.." Ravi widened his eyes. "Oh, sorry hyung" Ravi smiled and rubbed the back of his neck.

That night Ravi sat in his bed thinking to himself while smiling. "Finally, I can see if N hyung likes me". Ravi was on his phone scrolling through the internet. He was searching up 'How to know if someone likes you' while concentrating on it very hard. N quietly opened the door. Ravi jumped and shut off his phone quickly.

"Yah, what were you doing on there? Watching ?" N raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah." Ravi mentally facepalmed himself for saying that but he couldn't tell N what he was really looking at. N looked at him. "Well, I didn't think that you watched stuff like that" N chuckled. N layed down on the bed with Ravi.

"Hey Hyung.." Ravi hesitantly asked.

"Yes?" N looked at Ravi questioningly. "D-do y-y-y-you lik- nevermind..." Ravi quickly decided that it wasn't the best time to ask.

"Ok?" N looked at him oddly."You know, we haven't layed like this in a while." N looked at Ravi. "Yeah, I agree.' Ravi chuckled.

N got up and walked out of the room qhich made Ravi feel sad and confused a little bit. After about 15 minutes, N came in with two bowls of Kimchi fried rice. Ravi smiled brightly and sat up almost instantly.

"You know I should be the one making food for you, right?" Ravi asked N. "I know, but I thought I should this time." N smiled at Ravi. Ravi felt over joyed to see N smile at him. It was one of the weirdest and best feelings that he has ever felt.

"Well I guess we should sleep though since we have to leave tomrrow morning." N finally said.

"Yeah." Ravi replied while smiling. After they finished their rice, the two fell asleep on Ravi's bed and both went into their little dream world.



First chapter^^  Yay~ I didn't include HyukBin in this chapter but I will next time, I promise~ I should be updating tomorrow; If not, then I will the next day after. Enjoy :D

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Chapter 16: I know, I'm late, I found this years later but... I LOVED IT! I had so much fun, did my night (literally, it's f***ing and I'm here) and the plot twist at the end about Hunhan man I'm crying, I loved the driver all the fic, now even more lol and Hyukbin so cute Hyuk so innocent ♡
That's it! Loved it! Thank you!
zaty_dj32 #2
Chapter 16: I'M FREAKING LOVE THIS STORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

sorry for all the upper case letter sentences.. im just to excited and happy and going crazy with all the fluff and cuteness in your story... kekeke... thanks for writing this and thanks for sparking me with more interest in Keo, Navi and Hyukbin... xD
Youngminkwangmin #3
Chapter 16: Omg!!! I love love love this story!!! Ahhh!!!! And i love the how you put Hunhan in the end!!
Chapter 16: Holy crap waiwaiwaiwait, hunhan?! That took me by surprise!--pleasant surprise x)
Chapter 16: This story is daebak~!
HunHan at the end! <33
Chapter 16: LOL, there's HunHan too? hehehe..this story is awesome!!!
Chapter 16: I love every single on of them and that includes Hunhan too kekeke
Chapter 16: Came here for Keo, died when I saw Hunhan! Great story so beautiful!
Chapter 16: Aww this fic was really nice, I liked how they finally managed to confess the feelings for each other and the driver haha :D