Chapter 13 : Taecyeon The Spy?

Two Girls One Guy

At Taecyeon's House


Taecyeon keeps looking at Eunhye. A serious look. Eunhye got confused and told him to stop staring at her.


EunHye: Yah! Stop staring at me!

Taecyeon: Tell me, what happened to you and to stupid guy?

EunHye: Nothing. And please, stop calling him STUPID.

Taecyeon: Wae? He's STUPID. S-T-U-P-I-D.

EunHye: Yah!

Taecyeon: Ok, Ok. But tell me first what happened. Did you forgive that st--- I mean SOOHYUN.

EunHye: (nodded)

Taecyeon: WHAAAT!? ARE YOU CRAZY!? Yah! Wake up! Soohyun hurts you, he hurts you so much! (anger voice)

EunHye: I know. I forgive him, but it doesn't mean that I will trust him again.

Taecyeon: What do you mean?

EunHye: I will never trust Soohyun again. And you know what? I think he's hiding something from me. I don't know what is it, but I want to know it. Can you do me a favor?

Taecyeon: What is it?

EunHye: I want you to follow Soohyun, and watch him.

Taecyeon: WHAT!? Shido!

EunHye: Please, help me. You're my brother right? that you will do anything just for me? Remember that?

Taecyeon: Aishhh. Yeah, I remember that!

EunHye: So, can you do it?

Taecyeon: Ok, Ok. As I said, Just for you.

EunHye: (smiled) Thanks Oppa!


Taecyeon will act as a Spy. And he didn't know what to wear.


Taecyeon: Eunhye!

EunHye: Wae?

Taecyeon: I don't know what to wear, help me!

EunHye: What? Taec. look at your closet, you can freaking make a store with it.

Taecyeon: Tss. Just help me please?

EunHye: Ok.


After 123456789 years. Finally Taec. got his perfect outfit as a Spy. Of course, its because of Eunhye's help.



He looked at the mirror and stared at himself.


EunHye: You look so good Taec!

Taecyeon: (smiled) Do I look a real Spy?

EunHye: (nodded)


Taecyeon hugs her and said: "Don't worry, I'll make sure, that this day.. you will know now what he's hiding." Eunhye just smiled.


SooHyun's POV

I didn't expect that Eunhye will forgive me. I thought she would reject me, ignore me, and slap me. But thank God, she didn't do it.


*knock* *knock*


SooHyun: Come in.

SooHyun's Mom: Soohyun-ah.

SooHyun: Yes?

SooHyun's Mom: Suzy is here.

SooHyun: Suzy?

SooHyun's Mom: Yes. She's waiting you.

SooHyun: Oh, ok.


SooHyun quickly go down and saw Suzy looking at their picture frames.


SooHyun: Tell me, I'm handsome right?

Suzy: Oh, Soohyun-ah.

SooHyun: Yah! You didn't answer my question.

Suzy: Yes, you're handsome! Happy now?

SooHyun: (nodded) So, what brings you here?

Suzy: I'm home sick. My dad and My mom was at work.

SooHyun: (nod) How about Jiyeon?

Suzy: She's a busy girl.

SooHyun: Ah.


Suzy looked at him and held his arms before looking him in the eye.


SooHyun: Why?

Suzy: Yah! What happened to your face? (she asked, and looked up to him)

SooHyun: O-oh, this? I got bumped.

Suzy: Bumped!? I don't believe you. Is it hurt?

SooHyun: (nodded)

Suzy: Tss. you don't know how to care yourself. Do you have first aid kit?

SooHyun: (nod)


Soohyun get the first aid kit. He walked to her and sit beside her. "Here" said Soohyun. Suzy kneeled down in front of him. She gently rubbed the cotton on his eye and face, "Ow" he said.


Suzy: Yah!....give me a minute. (she said rubbing it then caressing her thumb on it)

SooHyun: Thanks for treating it.

Suzy: Sure,


Taecyeon's POV

So, I'm here now at Soohyun's house. Waiting him to come out.


SooHyun: Come on, let's go outside.

Suzy: Ok.


They went outside and sit at the wooden bench. Taecyeon saw them, and quickly took out his camera, and started to took photos of them. "Lucky day! GOT YOU NOW SOOHYUN." said Taecyeon.


Soohyun walked to the backyard to visit his puppy. Then, Suzy follows him.


SooHyun: How are you? Did you sleep well?


Suzy: Wow! Is that yours?

SooHyun: Mmmmm. My dad's gift. He knows that I love puppies.

Suzy: You love puppies?

SooHyun: Yes.

Suzy: I also love puppies.

SooHyun: Here (offered his puppy) you can play with Winnie.

Suzy: (smiled) Thanks. Oh, cute. Hi, Winnie. I'm Suzy. I can be your friend.


SooHyun just smiled at her.


SooHyun: Why you so cute su----?

Suzy: Neh?

SooHyun: I-I mean Winnie.

Suzy: Ah. Yeah. Your puppy is so cute. ^^

SooHyun: (smiled) Thanks. "But seriously, why you so cute Suzy-ah?" (he thought to himself)


After playing with Soohyun's puppy. Suzy sit again at the wooden bench.


Suzy: (sigh)


Soohyun saw her with a sad face.


SooHyun: Yah! are you bored? (he shouted while watering the plants)

Suzy: Yes.

SooHyun: Yah! come here. Help me watering the plants.

Suzy: Ok.


Suzy went near to him to help him. 


Suzy: do you also love plants?

SooHyun: No, that's my mom's collection. Weird right? She likes plants.

Suzy: (nodded)

SooHyun: It's raining!!

Suzy: Yah! Stop playing water hose, I'm getting wet. Look you wet my cloth.

SooHyun: Oooops. Sorry.

Suzy: Yah! Ah! You want to fight with me? Ok let's see.


Suzy and Soohyun play the the water hose like a kid. They hose each other until they soaked. They enjoying playing the water hose. While Taecyeon still getting a picture with them. After playing the water hose, Soohyun and Suzy are laying down in the grass.


SooHyun: It's fun right?

Suzy: Yes.


Soohyun held her hand and slowly putting on it on his chest. Suzy look at him and said: "Why?" Soohyun smiled and said "Can you feel my heart? Its beating fast right?" Suzy nodded and look again in the sky.


Suzy's POV

Yes, I feel his heart beating fast. Same with me. I can't believe it, Soohyun make me smile. And I really do enjoyed it! This is my first time play a water hose. Yes...I'm falling for him...I know it's too soon. He's sweet and kind, and there's more to him. He even make me smile today...Do you think he'll like me back...I think he won't he doesn't even give me a second glance. I love him already, I just hope he loves me back.



SooHyun's Mom: I'm home (she said while entering the house)

SooHyun: Hi, Mom! (kiss her on cheeks)

SooHyun's Mom: So, is Suzy still her-----

Suzy: Goodevening, Mrs. Kim. (she greet her with a big smile)

SooHyun's Mom: Oh, Suzy. W-what happen to you?

SooHyun: Ah, Mom. Me and Suzy play water hose.

SooHyun's Mom: Aigoo. Soohyun-ah! Let Suzy borrow your cloth. Look she's wet.

Suzy: A-ah, No. Thanks. I'll go home now.

SooHyun: Yah! Come on follow me. I'll let you borrow my clothes. (smiled at her)

Suzy: (nodded)

SooHyun's Mom: So, go and change now. And after you change your clothes, let's eat dinner together.

Suzy: (nod and smiled


Suzy follows Soohyun. He opened the door for her. They entered his room and Suzy amazed on his room, beacause its clean and no dirt.


Suzy: Nice room.

SooHyun: Thanks. I hate messy room.

Suzy: (nod)


Suzy sat on his bed while Soohyun opened his cabinet and said: "Suzy-ah, you are free to choose a cloth." Suzy smiled and nodded.


SooHyun: Choose a comfortable cloth.

Suzy: Ok. (she said while choosing a cloth)

SooHyun: Are you done choosing?

Suzy: No. I can't choose.

SooHyun: Why?

Suzy: Because your clothes looks expensive and unique.

SooHyun: (smiled) It's okay. I'll help you.


SooHyun help her to choose a cloth, and finally she chose now.


Suzy: Oh, Thanks.

SooHyun: Welcome. 

Suzy: I'll go the bathroom now.

SooHyun: (nodded)


After changing her clothes, Suzy roamed around his room looking at his pictures.


Suzy:  I can’t believe I’m in your room (she looked at him and smiled)

SooHyun: Well, believe it or not, you’re in my room. (chuckled)

Suzy: (laughed) Well, I’m really lucky about being in your room.

SooHyun: (smiled)

Suzy: And I actually have to admit something to you. (she told him, nervously)


She turned her head to him and gave him a startled-but-curious look. She inhaled deeply and let the air out of her lungs before telling him, She was nervous...


Suzy: Soohyun-ah! I Li----------


She didn't finish it, because someone knock on his door. And its SooHyun's Mom.


SooHyun's Mom: Oh, are you done Suzy? (she said while entering his room)

Suzy: (nodded)

SooHyun's Mom: Ok, the dinner is ready. Let's go and eat together.

SooHyun: Ok, Mom.


Suzy had a dinner with Soohyun's parents and they were absolutely amazing. They were standing at their gate now.


Suzy: Thanks for everything.

SooHyun: Welcome. (he smiled)

Suzy: So.....Goodbye.

SooHyun: Bye, Goodnight and Take care.

Suzy: (nodded)


She's about to getting inside her car when Soohyun call her.


SooHyun: Suzy-ah!

Suzy: Yes?

SooHyun: By the way what would you say to me a while ago?

Suzy: O_O Oh, T-that? Nevermind.

SooHyun: Ok. Bye (wave at her)

Suzy: (wave back)


At Taecyeon's House



Chapter 13 done :)

Next Chapter - "Taecyeon The Spy (Part II)"

Comments please? ^^

Sorry for my wrong grammars.





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Chapter 4: HI :) omg your story though <3 its so funny and cute :') I am going to spend this whole day reading this :DD also thank you for subscribe for me and yeh... hyunzy fighting <3 <3 xoxo
kittysuzy #2
Chapter 27: I love it!!NIce Story ^^
elvira3 #3
Chapter 27: Dont like the ending..i thougt eunhye was the main character cuz from the start her pov came 1.. :( what a waste
sparklekpop #4
Chapter 27: Nice Story and endingg :)
Suzy1996 #5
Chapter 27: Nice ending
potatonaaah #6
Chapter 27: yay! it's a happy hyunzy ending! thanks for making this wonderful story :)
well then, you'll surely see me in your next story. :D
Chapter 27: finally it's done…what more can I ask for they ENDED together (hyunzy forever)..thank authorim..
Suzyelfs #8
Chapter 27: Argh sooooo sweet,hyunzt finally.i want my future husband sat smethg romantic like dat
oh soo u gonna continue dat new story..yeay.i can't wait =) fighting authornim.
Chapter 27: Oh my.. I love the ending very much. Thanks :)
hyunbaelovers #10
Chapter 27: Love it! Nice story, and nice ending. :)