When Fate leads Me To you



 Days Later


Tokyo, Japan




"Jae hyung, can we go home now? My feet is hurting...we've been walking from about 6 hrs."


'Maknae, stop complaining will you?"


'hyung..can we do it tomorrow instead..I'm so hungry too."


'No..we dont have time tomorrow..come on..I saw the store already.."


"what??? Hello Kitty again? since when did Jessica collected them?


"Who said it was for Jessica?'


"Woahhh..so it's for Dara?"


""Noooo..it's for my niece..."


'Niece? But you dont have one...you have 3 nephews...so who  could be the lucky person?"


'I said...it's for my niece..Did I tell you that my sister is pregnant again?"


"Yes...but she's only on her 2 months pregnancy...And we dont know yet If it's a boy or girl..."


'Maknae, you talk a lot...you know?"


"Because you still haven't admit that it's for Sandara Park...wait, is there a Hello Kitty negligee in that store..I want to buy her one"


"Shut up...so what If it's for her? It's kinda my peace offering to her , I'm pretty rude to her..."


'Ya...finally hyung, you admit your fault...But is this kinda too much? I think one big box wont be fitted that Hello Kitty stuffs..."


'It's not your problem..."






2 hours later


Back to their apartment..




'Hyungsssss...we're home" shouted Changmin


'Why are you so loud Max??"


''Leader..did something happened?"


'Not really, we're just a bit worried about our Sandara"


"what about her Yunho?" it was Jae


'well, We've been trying to contact her two days ago till now...You know, were so worried about her too."




"She's not answering the phone...even her cellphone that we gave, it's off" Junsu informed them


'ahhhh..dont think like that guys...Maybe she went out to her friends..."


'but Jae, she dont have any firends that we knew."


"Whatta...how do we knew that she dont make any friends without us knowing?"


"yah..right although I have one suspicion.."


'What is it, Chun?" Jae said in dangerous tone


"That she already run away from us..."


'I'll be dumbned"


'Look Jae, we never treat her nice..All we could give her is sorrow...have you  cook even one decent meal for her? No...because, she's only eating what's left inside the fridge, but she's not complaining about that"


'You're right Su..but I trusted her..She wont leave like that..She maybe funny and crazy but I see decent and class woman inside her"


'Wow...Jae hyung..is that really you? Are you sure you're talking about Dara?" the maknae couldnt believe it


"What do you think of me? I'm not a monster as you all think"




The boys are dumbfounded


'No...I'm not thinking about that...I only sees you as in love"


"Right...what? No..I am not in love with Sandara...period"


"Okay....well..you have Jessica so you can't ask for more...She's perfect...right?"


'Right" Jae softly said




The boys already finished having dinner and decided to drink some wine..But Jae refuses, excusing himself because he's


really tired of shopping the whole day..The truth is, he wanted to check on Dara..He wanted to make sure that she's still


there..When Junsu said that she might probably run away again, he got scared...Really, really scared...He never felt like this before..even to Jessica.




Is this what they called...Love..It's impossible because he only love Jessica...There is no way that he can love two


different person at the same time..Maybe, he only pitied Dara..Right...he have Jessica now and he wont let her slip like that


just because of...Sandara Park...




But the next day...




'How careless can you get guys...Yunho...how did you let this happen...you know that it is an important day for you" DBSK's manager is fuming mad


'Mianhe hyung...we have no idea either that Jae will leave"


'hyung...I tried to call his cell but it's off..And we dont know where he is right now" Yoochun said while cursing Jae in his mind


'Good thing the production staffs are very understanding...I told them that Jae is sick and can't even move too"


"Thanks. hyung, promise..it wont happen again"


'Okay, now that your CF shoot is cancelled, you can take a break too. And If ever Jae called, told him to calle me immediately"




But where is Kim Jaejoong"


'come on...come on...move fast..Why is it so traffic today? The cab driver didnt recognize me, thank God..I dont know what


comes into me but, I really needto see her..I need to make sure that she's still there, waiting for us. I dont like what I'm


feeling ...please..please..Dara, wait for me...




30 minutes later...




It was Jae who is now lying on the couch, hands in his face as he's trying to control his sobs..When he got into the house,


the first thing he did is to looked her room...And he's right,, she was gone? But why? Now that he realize that he loves


her...It was Sandara all along..He doesnt care If they only met for a short period of time,  because it  was Dara who


occupied his heart.. Not Jessica, not somebody else..


But she's gone....his Princess is gone...


He look at the stuffs he brought for her...He placed it  carefully in her room..He jumped off when he heard the doorbell   


ring...She's back...my Princess isback. He was still smiling when he opened it, only to be dismayed...it wasnt her...it's




He was so suprised  when Jessica suddenly clung on his neck and kissed him deeply..The last thing he knew, they were 


already on the couch still kissing..But images of Dara crying popped in his head...He pushed Jessica in force, while


rubbing his temple...


'Jae, I dont understand..I thought we had it?"


'I thought so too Jess, but something happened..here"he  was pointing at his heart


'What do you mean? Dont tell me, it's because of her?" her voice cracked


'I'm sorry Jess, I thought I love you but I was wrong...I realized that, it's only admiration"


'Jae...dont do this to me...I love you, very much"


"Please, dont make it hard for me..it's unfair for both of us if we continue this relationship"










Someones's POV


'Damn..why it hurts so much? Me..seeing them kissing and nobody knows what's gonna happen behind those closed


doors..I shouldnt come back there...Why am I so stubborn..Daddy told me not to see them anymore..But I cant leave them


like that...I need to talk and see them for the last time...Especially HIM..


That's why I am so excited running into their house...But I felt pain in my heart when I saw Jessica throwing her arms with


him..And the kissed and theclosing of that damn door.


I run so fast away from them..I dont care If the people saw me crying...I was hurt...so I have a right to cry on my content..


So, here I am again at the train station..waiting for my trip to Busan..I'm sitting here in one corner...crying and sobbing like a fool..Again, I dont care If I'm making a scene here..


.But....but...who is this guy  standing in front of me?


I looked up and I gasped when I saw him...


"OMO...it's you?"


'Yap...it's me...And what are you doing here crying? Here, take my hanky and let's go"


'But oppa, I need to go back to Busan, Dad is waiting for me"


"I know, and that's where we going...I'll give you a ride...and I wanted to meet him too..."


"Are you sure? It's a long hour drive and..."


'Did you see me complaining? Let's go...Ssantokki..." he was reaching her hand


"Thank's Oppa" he sweetly smiles at him while giving her hand






And so..they were OFF.......

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Chapter 17: Ouch that hurt...
msdeathstalker #2
Chapter 17: ouch! not a happy ending but it teach me a lesson about life itself.
Chapter 17: *cough* *ouch* *cough* so deep.. "YOU ARE NOT MY FATE" that must be really hurt...hurt to the core of his heart. poor jae..
Chapter 17: ouch to the core....
leia88 #5
Chapter 17: Whoa! That was unexpected. You always have me feeling something authornim, and isn't that a sign of a good story teller/writer.
Thanks for the update.
Chapter 17: this is a nightmare! >.< nooo!
teukilicious2010 #7
Chapter 17: Ouch that must really hurt jae.i want them to be still together though.pls update soon.tnx.
daragoddess #8
Chapter 16: Authornim. Pls don't let it be a sad ending:((

but anyways thanks for the beautiful story you made. Your always the BEST!!!