Chapter 9 : Their Story (1)


Teaser for this chapter : “ The first lesson for anyone who want to learn how to love : Waiting patiently

Nobody’s POV

A boy was sitting there, he was staring at the phone in front of him. He picked up then hung up again and again.

- “Taemin! Don’t play with the phone! You will break it” – a woman coming to the room said.

- …….. – the boy still didn’t say a word.

- “Taemin! Are you listening to me or not?”

- “ Yes, mom. I’m hearing. It’s just…”

- “If you wanted to call someone just do it right now. Don’t waste time like that.”


Taemin’s POV

- “If you wanted to call someone just do it right now. Don’t waste time like that.”

My mom’s words woken me up. Yeah! I can’t be a weak idiot anymore. This life took away from me everything I loved. I couldn’t let it beat me this time. Yeah! Taemin! Be stronger! You can do it!


Nobody’s POV

- “Hello! Nami shop’s hearing!”

- “Oh! Hi! Is.. is… this Sulli?”

Sulli dropped the phone when she realized the voice on the phone was so similar.

It was the phone call she’d waited for a long time. Her body was frozen when hearing that warm voice. The voice was still the same, just a little deeper. She missed it so much.


Nobody’s POV

- “Hello! Are you still hearing me?”- Taemin said worriedly. A crash sound made him started at.

Sulli hurriedly grabbed the phone:

- “Oh, I’m here! I’m listening.”

- “Oh, uhm…Ah…Are….Are… you Sulli?” - Taemin asked sheepishly. He was sure that was her- his SULLI. But now he couldn’t find out any better way to star this awkward conversation.

- “Yes, I am. It’s me! Sulli!”- Sulli screamed .

She couldn’t hide her happiness.


Taemin’s POV

- “Yes, I am. It’s me! Sulli!”- it had been a long time I couldn’t hear that beautiful voice. I chuckled. She was still the same – always being cheerful even just few seconds ago she was really angry. I still remember her attitude had been always changed so fast like that.

I cleared my throat, tried to find a rational reason to tell:

- “Oh, hi! I wonder if I bother you or not… uhm…I’m Taemin….Do….Do you remember me?”

- “Taemin? Lee Taemin! Oh, I remember, Taemin mushroom hair, right?”

OMG! So the girls in my class called me by that funny nickname. I tried to hold on myself from not laughing, she would fell ashamed if she hear me laughing.

- “Oh! Yeah! We were in the same class, 9-A1, remember?”

- “Oh! Sure! So could I help you anything ?”

- “I …I  want to ask you something….uhm….”

- “Hey ! Just go on! I’m listening, Taemin.”

- “Ah, do you remember the farewell party, I wrote some lines on your book at there…Uhm… and I forgot my pen beside your book… I just wonder did you get a chance to keep it?”

- “Oh your pen! I had it. I still kept it until now.”

 Oh God! Just exactly what I expected. She wouldn’t throw it away.

- “Really? Thank you so much! Can I take it back?”

- “Sure, but…”

- “But what?”

- “I … I just wonder why you call so late? It’d been three years…”

- “Ah! Yeah, I didn’t remember where I forgot it until today when I accidentally saw our class’s photos.”

Oh good job Taemin! You’re such a genius liar. I couldn’t believe that one day I could lie smoothly like that.

- “Oh! I see. So… how can I give it back to you?”


Sulli’s POV

- “Ah! Yeah, I didn’t remember where I forgot it until today when I accidentally saw our class’s photos.”

Oh, thank Goodness for making Taemin see those photos again, if he hadn’t accidentally remembered where he forgot his pen, I would never had got this precious chance to talk to him.

-“ Oh! I see…. So … how can I give back to you?” - I asked

I prayed that he wouldn’t say he want me give it back by postal parcel.

- “Oh! I …. Can I see you in person? That pen is really important to me… so…”

- “Of course!” – I screamed a bit – “Whenever you have free time, you can came to meet me!”

- “How about this weekend? I mean this Saturday… Are you free? How about 10 a.m?”

- “Oh! But I will be filming till 10 a.m at Seoul History Museum. Can you came there? We’ll meet at the gate. Or if you don’t want to, you can chose another date. I’m really sorry” - oh, God why I had to film on that day.

- “Oh, no! it’s ok. I will go there. Don’t worry! I must be the one to say sorry first! I’m sorry. I must bother you….”

Oh, he was still the same, always being so polite all the time.

- “So… Saturday , 10 a.m! Right?” – I repeated the date, to be sure that he wouldn’t forget.

- “Oh, yeah! Seoul Museum. I remembered. Thank you so much!”

- “Oh, then …. Goodbye!”

- “Ah…yeah… goodbye! See you again!”

- “Yes, see you again!” – I repeated his words like a idiot and hung up the phone.

Was I dreaming? If I was, then I wouldn’t want to wake up. I couldn’t believe that the first our official conversation was so sweet like that. I knew to others, they were just some normal sentences. But I spent many years in waiting to have those simple sentences.

Yes! I had just 3 days ahead then I’ll get a chance to meet him again. 3 days, it was nothing comparing to 3 years I had to wait in vain.


Taemin’s POV

- “Yes! See you again!” – Her last sentence woke me up from my daydream.

I couldn’t believe in my ears, this girl treated me so sweet. I didn’t expect everything would happen so easily like that.

Now I just had to wait 3 days to get my chance which I waited for a long time.

If I had known this conversation wouldn’t hard like I thought, I would had called her since the day I’d known the shop’s phone number.

But maybe sometimes in our life, everything have to be waited for the right moment.

Who know what could happen if I didn’t wait patiently……..



Nobody’s POV


- “Hi Ms Choi!”

- “Oh! Luna! Come in!”

- “Where’s Sulli, Ms Choi? Is she preparing ?

- “Oh, yes! She’s upstairs in her room. Let me call her down.”

- “Oh, no. let me. I want to go to her room, too.”



Sulli opened the door when she heard someone was yelling behind her room door.

- “Yah Sulli! What are you doing! I’ve stood there almost 5 minutes”-Luna was mad- “What took you so long?”

- “I’m sorry! I was in my bathroom, I didn’t hear you”- Sulli smiled when she saw Luna’s mad face.

- “OMG!” – Luna screamed again. She touched Sulli’s dress – “What’s wrong with you?”

- “What’s wrong? What you mean?”

- “Don’t you see … it’s a little too much.” – Luna pointed her finger to ward Sulli

- “WH-A-T !  Was you the one who always told me have to dress up more when filming?” – Sulli asked

Luna laughed: - “ Yes! It’s me. But today’s just a normal event. It’s History Museum. You don’t have to dress up so carefully like that. You don’t really like wear dress, don you?”

- “Uh yes but… I … Because you told me have to act more girlish so…”

- “You could just pick some simple clothes like short, jean or t-shirt. Why suddenly a dress? Ah !” – Luna said loud – “ you even did make-up! What? You didn’t really like it, did you?”

- “I .. I … I was learning make-up. So….”

- “It’s not fair” – Luna pointed – “You didn’t have make-up at my birthday’s party. You look like you’re going out with your boyfriend….”T-T

- “Come on, Luna. You know I don’t have….”

- “Yeah … Yeah our huge baby still don’t have a boyfriend. “– A annoy voice suddenly appeared behind Luna’s back.

- “Oh my! Krystal! You freaked me out!” – Luna yelled – “Don’t act like a ghost like that.”

Krystal smirked:- “ Oh, our poor Luna” – Krystal messed Luna’s hair.

- “Yah, I knew I’m short. Don’t play with my hair”

-  “If you want, you can do it with me, too.” - Krystal  teased Luna.

- “You’re wearing high heels. How can I reach your hair. I …”

- “Stop it” – Sulli held Krystal’s hand – “We will be late if you two keep fighting. Let’s go.”

- “Fine!” – Krystal and Luna answered at the same time.





- “What you wanna buy, Sulli?” – Krystal asked Sulli when they were sitting on the bus.

- “I want a new hat and a cool high heels” – Luna said exciting.

- “Yah, I didn’t ask you, Luna” – Krystal scolded Luna

- “Why are you always so mean to me?” – Luna uttered.

- “Because you’re the easiest person I can tease” – Krystal laughed

- “Come on! Guys! “– Sulli didn’t want to hear another noisy conversation – “We’re being on a bus, don’t fight again!”

- “Ok!” – Krystal nodded – “But you still not yet answer me, Sulli.”

- “Oh! Why suddenly asking about shopping?” – Sulli wondered

- “Because we planed going to the mall TODAY after the event ends. Don’t say that you forgot, Sul.” – Krystal glanced at Sulli. It made Sulli really scared. Because of the date with Taemin, she didn’t remember she promised going out with her friends today. And she knew Krystal really hated people breaking their promises.

- “Ah! I remembered. It’s just ...”- Sulli stopped, she were trying find out a fake reason.

- “Just what? Don’t say that you have another audition again” – Luna said – “Every time you missed our dates, you always had something else like that to do.”

- “Oh, yes, yes” – Sulli smiled – “They called me yesterday they’re a big company. So I …”

- “It’s okey” – Krystal smiled – “Your career’s more important. I’ll go with Luna we’ll have fun right? Luna”- Krystal hugged Luna.

- “Yah! Why do you hug me? I don’t like going out with you” – Luna tried to push Krystal away.

- “Oh so sad!” – Krystal laugh louder – “The fate made us have to stick together” – Krystal kissed slightly on Luna’s cheek.

- “Ah! It’s dirty!” – Luna screamed – “Sul, help me. Krys make me sick.”

- “Come on! Don’t fight again. My head must explode someday because of you two.




- “Taemin! I thought today you don’t have to go to school.”

- “Oh! Yes! Mom.” – Taemin answered – “I just want to hang out with some friends.”

- “Where are you going ? You know, your dad won’t accept you go somewhere too far from here” – His mom nagged.

- “Oh, no. We’ll play inside our town. Mom, don’t worry too much.”

- “Oh! Then.. having fun, honey!”

- “Yes! Sure, mom!” – Taemin smiled – “Bye, mom.”

- “Don’t go somewhere too crowded, ok?”

- “I know. I’m leaving.”

- “It’s great when he star to have new friends”- Ms.Lee whispered and smiled when she saw her son running out of the room.





10.05 a.m

- “It’s just a simple interview. Why did they have to film so long like that?” – Sulli was talking to herself – “Taemin must be waiting ,now”.

- “Who’s waiting?” – Krystal asked.

- “Oh, nobody. By the way, I’m late. I gotta go now. Bye!” – Sulli waved her hand to her friends and ran away.

- “Yah! It’s be colder at night. They said it’ll have snow tonight. You should wear jacket, Sul”. – Luna screamed.

- “It’s ok. My clothes were really warm. Bye bye” – Sulli even didn’t turned back her head, she kept running.

- “It must be an important audition. No wonder why she dressed up like that.” – Krystal smiled.

- “I wish one day she will wear like that when we hang out with some boys.” – Luna said – “Why did she hate boys so much? I still remember how mad she was when we set up a blind date for her.”

- “Yes, the most embarrassed date I’ve ever had. She even not did makeup and just wore her uniform at school.”

- “Maybe she already had a boyfriend? Or someone she loved? What do you think, Krys?”

- “I don’t know. Sulli always act really weirdly. I can’t understand what’s going on in that kid’s mind ”.




10.10 am

Sulli’s POV

Oh my! I was late 10 minutes. Hoping he wouldn’t be mad. I ran to the Museum’s gate. It was just 10 minutes late, I thought 10 minutes wasn’t really a big issue to Taemin.


It was weird. There wasn’t any sign of him there. He must take train to come, it just took 1 hours from our town to Seoul by using train. The station was near by this museum, too. I guessed maybe he missed one train. It was ok, I waited for this moment for a long time. Just few minutes wasn’t a big deal.



12 a.m

Sulli was still waiting at the Museum’s gate. It was already 12a.m and Taemin still didn’t appear. She pretended to cry, a hurt feeling conquered her mind. Sulli felt so stupid that she didn’t ask Taemin’s phone number. She was afraid that maybe he had changed his mind. Maybe he knew someone else who knew her and he could ask them to take the pen for him instead of seeing her in hands.

The tears starred flowing in her cheeks. Sulli wiped away them and got up. She turned her head back to look at the place they made the date. Her eyes tried to find out Taemin in the crowd for last time.

And she walked away…….




Flash back

8.30 a.m…. On a train…….

Taemin sat silently at his seat, he tried to control himself. It was Saturday, the train was really crowded. There was a final football match at Seoul Stadium. Taemin wasn’t really into football but he could see that it was the most important match. The train was full of fans from everywhere. Someone had the tickets, some just wanted to feel the feeling around Seoul city when it came up to this math.

He closed his eyes, covered his ears tightly. He tried to breath, but the train got more and more passengers by the time.

Then Taemin felt a hard pain exploded inside his head. The familiar felling of scare came to him again.

And at the end, he couldn’t know what happened to him. Everything he could remember was a black darkness was fill in his eyes.

The last noise he heard was from someone he wasn’t familiar with:

- “Hey! Kid! What’s the matter with you? Wake up! Wake up!”


12 a.m


I opened my eyes and realized I was lying in a bed. I woken up and saw around.

A nurse came to my bed:

- “How do you fell now?” – She touched my forehead.

- “Where’s this? Why … Why I’m here? “– I asked her

- “You fainted away on the train. A man brought you to here. Seoul Centre Hospital” – she answered

- “What?” – I screamed I couldn’t believe in my ears. Why that stupid sickness always interrupted my life like that. I saw my watch. OMG it was already 12 a.m. I grabbed my jacket and reached to the door.

- “You can’t go now. You have to get some exams.” – The nurse tried to hold me back – “You’re still really weak.”

- “It’s ok. Thanks for your help but I gotta go now. I’m sorry” – I said and ran out of the room.

I tried to run as fast as I could. I couldn’t breath at all until I saw the museum’s gate was appearing at the end of the road.

I looked around, tried to find Sulli’s sign but I couldn’t, I was really late. It was already 12.15 a.m . Even the most patient person wouldn’t wait for me until this time.

The tears suddenly appeared in my eyes from nowhere.

Why God always found a right time to steal everything of mine.

I looked around for the last time and walked away.


Nobody’s POV

3 p.m

Taemin opened the door, his puppy Dory was greeting him but Taemin couldn’t hold her like usual. It was a long day for him. Finally everything still happened in the right track. What we couldn’t have then forever it would never come to us. He threw his bag on the living room’s floor and came to his room slowly. Now even his mom would scold him because his messy habit – always throwing his stuffs anywhere – he wouldn’t care at all. His mind was empty, he couldn’t even lift his feet normally.

Then suddenly, a familiar voice appeared behind his back :

- “What took you so long like that, Taemin? ”

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beyouwan #1
great story
lloovvee #2
I hope you can update soon, I love this story:)
minahbubblez #3
New reader...

I cried because this story....T.T
This one of the best Taelli fanfict.... ^^

update pleasee... ^^b
Andkyuwontaem #4
Hi.... I'm new reader,,,
You're story dae-to the-bak !!!!
it's awesome !!
Can you update pleasseee #make puppy eyes
OMG I'm so confused! They have a child? And Sulli, is she really dead or alive? How come she forgot her name? WTF is going on? Update soon :)
Update Pleaseee !! Did Sulli Forgot Everything?
KrystalHana #7
OMO!! IS Sulli dead??!! They have a child together?? This fic is ending??<br />
What is happening??
aiscream #8
O.O What happened? Did Sulli get lost because of something and Taemin thought she was dead??? Update pleaseeeeeeeee!
I'm kinda confused but please I want you to update !!!! Haha