Chapter 08

You can't (Jinki ver.)


"You are sure he didn't do anything to you yesterday ?" Leeteuk asked 

"Nothing happen and he didn't even had the chance 'cause his friends were there too" I took a sip of my orange juice

"You never know what such people can do to you. Maybe they would you together" I rolled my eyes. ? is he serious now ?

"Yeah right because that cute little boy looks like someone that would you" I said sacastic

"Okay maybe not the cute one but the other one. Say Jinki how come that doesn't seem to botter you at all ? It can't be that you like what he's doing" he raised his eyebrown

"It does botter me and I don't like it but I can't defent myself when he attacks me so suddenly pinning me against a wall and I froze in shock before I try to push him away which fails gladly 'cause I'm too weak" how can he think I Iike what Minho is doing ? 

"You say the true right ?" he looked serious as if trying to see my heart but I'm sorry Leeteuk even if you're like my brother I can't show you everything that's in my heart but when I can you are the first one I will show I promise 

"Yes, it's true I actually hate what he's doing. I really hate it" I wispered the last part

"Okay don't fall for his tricks baby" I nod and gave him a smile so he would stop talking about Minho. Leeteuk looked behind me and suddenly his eyes became dark

"What the hell is he doing here ?" he asked with a growl. I looked at the direction and saw... Minho...

"I don't have a clue" 

"Jinki" he came to the bar

"What do you want ?" Leeteuk hissed 

"KANGIN" I yelled. He was at the door of the personal area giving me a 'what's worng ?' look. "Take Leeteuk hyung away or we will have to clean the blood"

"I swear if you do anything I'm ripping your head off. Jinki if something happens just tell me and remember you have to go on stage in half an hour" I nod and gave Kangin the sign to take him away

"What are you doing here ?" I asked him 

"I wanted to see you" 

"Why would you want to see me ?" I asked in disbelieve 

"Just because... That Leeteuk guys seems to hate me" he stated

"Oh you just realized that ? Didn't I tell you not to come anymore ?" I hissed at him

"Like I said I wanted to see you alone. In school there are your friends"

"So you want to see me alone ?" he nod "For what ? So you can kiss and touch me ?" I really didn't want to talk with him 

"No, just talking... Maybe a kiss" 

"Goodbye Minho" I said imediately 

"Oh come on" he gave me puppy eyes... Choi Minho gave me puppy eyes. They looked really cute so I found myself nodding without realizing it "Good let's sit on the table over there Leeteuk is watching me like a hawk which is kind of creepy" he dragged me to one of the table sitting opposide of me 

"If you want to talk then talk" I didn't want to start. He was the one who wanted to 'talk'

"Okay... So you work here ?" I nod "When ?" 


"What time ?" 

"From 11 pm till 1 am" 

"What are you doing ?" 

"I sing. By the way I have to got on stage in 20 minutes" 

"You like singing ?"

"I love it" what is that ? A question answer talk. He asks and I answer... ?

"When did you start to sing ?"

"I began with the age of five years" he nod 

"How did you get into this bar ?"

"trought a friend. That's talking for you ?" that's horrible

"No, it isn't. The two of us can't seem to make any conversation so I ask you and you answer the time goes by and we actually talked but if you don't like it we can go into one of the corners and we can make out till 11 pm" he said the last part so normal that it sent chills down my spy

"Don't even dare. Leeteuk has pepperspray and a baseball bat" I treated 

"You really hate it that much ?" I nod "Why ?"

"First of all you should only kiss people you like or date, then I have a girlfriend and the last we are guys we shouldn't even kiss that's abnormal for the most people" 

"Aren't Kangin and Leeteuk also a couple" 

"I never said I have something against gay people I really don't but other people do have something against it. Why do you think there are so many guys here ? I can tell you all of them are gay so it kind of surprised me that you went to this bar"

"Well my friends dragged me here and then I saw you and said hello" I nod in understanding

"Your friends seems nice. Taemin looks really cute and Kibum well maybe a bit unfriendly but I think he's like Kangin. Outside mean and inside the most caring person in the world"

"Yes, they are nice friends. Even if Taemin looks cute he is a real brat but with Kibum you're right he is really caring even if he doesn't show it" I smiled. His face became really soft when he talks about his friends and he has a pretty smile plastered his face the whole time

"You're cute when you talk about your friends" I blured out he looked shocked and I could see a light red on his cheeks how cuteee. Okay Stop Jinki you shouldn't be saying that  

"W-what are you talking about" I giggled

"Nothing forget it anyway I have 10 more minutes so if you want to talk about anything else" it's weird how we really talked in the end. Really it's a real conversation and I have to say it feels comfortable

"I will bring you home" he said plump 

"Why would you ? We have to go to school tomorrow so go home and sleep. I say it again we aren't daiting so don't botter" he irritates me 

"I'm doing it because there could be interested in these beautiful thighs of yours or your it's amazing as well" I blushed "Cute how you worry about me not being fit enought in school tomorrow"

"I-I didn't mean it like this" I protested 

"come on you're worried about me by the way we may not be dating but like I said I have to steal you from Victoria so I have to be by your side as much as possible"   

"I'm not worried about you and what do you always say with stealing me ? Is this some kind of competition were I'm the price ? or you just want to try me once because my 'thighs and are so amazing' that you can't lose against Victoria otherwise your playboy ego would be hurt ?" I don't understand him. He couldn't even answer 'cause Leeteuk interprupped 

"Jinki you have to go on stage"

"Yes, boss" 

"CALL ME HYUNG" I laughed 

"Yes, Hyung. Anyway Minho I have to work now two hours so just go home I'm not worth it" I said and walked

"I will wait for you" I heard him behind me and unknowing smiled at that




I was so absorbed in singing that I forgot everything around me and that's the reason why I got a great shock when I came down from the stage to see Minho standing there

"Ready to go ?" I looked as him as if he was an ufo, "What's wrong ?"

"You're still here ?" 

"I said I would wait for you. Come on let's go" 

"Just wait for a minute" I walked to Leeteuk and bit him goodbye

"He's gonna walk with you ? Is that really necessary ?" I could hear a silent plead in his voice telling me not to go home with him

"Don't worry he has one of his good days today so he won't do anything to me" I said and he nod still not sure if he should let me go

"You have my number so call me if anything happens. Good night and be careful"

"I will. Good night you too" I went back to Minho and the two of us walked out and to my house. Even when it's summer the night air is cold. "Minho"

"Yes ?"

"How come you aren't calling me hyung ?"

"You want me to call you that ?" I nod "Well I would like it more if you would call me hyung" I frowned "Think about how you would moan my name like that 'ah Minho hyung'" I blushed

"ert" I punched him lighly

"That would be so hot..." he began to think

"You don't imaginate us in the act right now right ?" I studied his face

"Hell I do imaginate it. Jinki hyung you would be the hottest thing ever"

"ing ert" I punshed him again and he laughed. Finally arrived at my house door 

"The house looks really dark you sure I shouldn't come inside to accompany you ?" it would be nice to have someone around it's really quiet in there. "When your parents work overseas I can stay the night" he suggested innocent

"Yeah right to attack me when I'm sleeping ? In your dreams" he smiled

"But if there is a storm and you're alone you would call me to be your black knight right ?" I eyed him weird. What's wrong with him today. I answered honestly  

"Maybe I would call you out of all persons I know... Maybe I would" he was surprised I think he didn't expect this answer but anyway why lying ? I'm not good at it anyway

"I didn't expect that"

"Well me too" I srugged my shoulders "I'm going inside now. It's cold and we have to go to school tomorrow so you too make sure to go home fast" he leaned in but this time I saw it coming so I put one of my hands on his chest to hold him away. "Minho you can't" I wipered but he was so close that he understood anyway

"Why ?" I felt his breath on my lips 

"you make me a cheater almost everyday so you can't" 

"You aren't a cheater..." our eyes meet and I could see the sincery in his

"Yes, Iam I'm the worst always kissing someone else... so Minho you can't" 

"I'm sorry but I won't stop. I can't stop" he wispered "Maybe it's good for me that you're a cheater she would break up and I can have you" he grinned "Good night" he was too fast graping my cheeks and pressing his lips against mine "Don't dare to wipe it" and walked away

"Why is he always like this ?" I went inside biting my lips somehow that kiss was different then the ones before. More sweet and not forced. I swear Jinki get a hold of yourself. 1.15 am and I went to bed finally




The same as before waking up at 5 am making lunch, taking a shower and going to school. On the way I met Luna who wanted the lunch for Minho and herself. In school I met Victoria and Jonghyun 

"Morning sweety" I kissed her but I felt guilt

"Morning" she smiled 

"Jinx where were you on saturday ? After that coffee incident you and Minho disappeared. We even went back to the cafe"

"We searched for you but didn't find you so Minho dragged me to a game zone and we played some games" I smiled at the memories 

"You spent the rest of the day with Minho ?" Victoria asked with a serious face

"Not all day but yes, we spent some hours together" when I said that the face of my girlfriend became kind of dark. She didn't find out right ?... Impossible that would be a disaster."I'm going to class" 

"Jinki wait" I turned around "Can we meet tonight ? Just the two of us ?" 

"Soccer practise ends at 6 pm and after that I'm free till 10 pm. So we can meet during that time sweety" I said and she nod

"I will see you after practise" we bit goodbye and went to class




"You have time after practice ?" 

"No, I don't I have a date" he eyed me 

"With Victoria ?" 

"She's my girlfriend after all" practice was about to star and I was busy prepearing a soccer match with another school when Minho disturbed me with his presence. 

"Don't go" I put my pencil down looking at him

"W-what did you say ?"

"I said don't go" I was shocked by his voice it was so pleading as if he really wished I wouldn't go

"Even if you say that I will go on that date with her we didn't go on one before so deal with it" I went back to my work

"You have to work tonight right ?" I nod "I will come" I wanted to protest but he is a free human and can do what he wants so I can't really say anything against it. I'm not even in the position to command him around

"Do what you want but promise not to tell anyone that I work at that bar"

"I promise" I smiled lighly. The coach came and practice began after

"Guys you're finsihed for today but before you go our manager has to tell you something" I stood beside the him and all the players looked at me. How embarassing

"Well I arranged a match between SM High and YG High, it will be in six weeks" their eyes began to shine

"YG High ? They are really good players. I always wanted to play against them" all of them became excited 

"But that isn't all. The soccer team of YG High is really powerful and that's the reason why we are going to a training camp in three weeks from now on. That trainings camp will go one week and afterwards you have three weeks left to train a little more" all the players nod 

"Good Job Jinki" the coach smiled "I'm warning you even if that match is important to you don't overwork yourself or you will be sitting on the bech the whole game you understand me ?" they nod again "Jinki you have to watch them more closely so they won't work themself out too much" 

"Yes, sir" I said and we were dismissed. I stayed behind and talked over the details with the coach

"Jinki are you ready ?" Victoria asked

"Just a moment sweety I have to get my things" 

"Okay" she smiled and I kissed her. I went to the locker room and I thought everyone was already gone 'cause I heard nothing but how come I'm so naive ?... And I bet you already know who remained in the locker room. First it was silent but then I heard noise just like the last time but this time it wasn't thunder but Minho... 

"Hell Minho you scared the out of me" I faced him but when I saw how he was dressed... My head began to spin around

"You going on your date now ?" I nod and to avoid the eye contact I faced the locker

"What are you still doing here ?... " he moved closer and not short after I sensed his presence right behind me  

"I took a shower and forgot the time" I can see that you just went out of the shower. He's only wearing a towel around his waist and from the rest of his body the water is dripping. His hair were flat. I just nod "Look at me" I shook my head 

"Minho go away" but he didn't move "Just go" I turned around but that was a mistake 'cause as soon as I turned around he moved closer. My eyes wandered around the room not meeting Minho at all. I could see that his eyes were fixed on me and I began to sweat

"Jinki..." it was really hard not to look "...Don't go..." and that was it. I became weak and our eyes meet. He put his hands on my cheek while I put mine on his wet chest trying to push him away. "... Please Jinki stay" he moved even closer and I gulped. It was hard to breath in that room and hot as well. I was shaking and my breath became uneven. He leaned down slowly capturing my lips in a sweet kiss. Everything was black I didn't know what to do anymore so I let myself flow and responsed to the kiss. My eyes closed and my arms went around his waist while he nibbled on my lip so I would open it. I opened up and his tongue went inside exploring every little corner. We fought for dominance

*Bathump* my eyes opened in shock

"STOP" I pushed him away taking all my things and went outside. I can't go to Victoria like this so I leaned against the wall outside to calm myself

*Bathump* again... Stop beating you useless heart. We agreed not to beat again at least not... not for him 

*Bathump* I tought we controlled you but no all my efforts were for nothing




Ohhh Jinki's heart beat like crazy O_O 

It's decited I will make a Minho POV ver :)) and I will first finsih Jinki's POV the out come will be the same... well that's logical I think but you will find out some things that didn't came in Jinki#s version

here's the link You can't Minho ver. to it so you can subscribe if you want ^^ 

Oh by the way I' mkind of worried 'cause I'm a person with a lot of fantasy so when I read the story and the people are in a forset I imaginate a forest different form the discription in the book. That happens everytime so in my own story it's the same. I have the perfect locker room, the school, Jinki's home, Leeteuk's bar, the cafeteria even The street were Jinki and Minho walk home but I can't really write it 'cause I don't read discription for places and people I have my own imagination so I'm sorry when you don't have so much fantasy...







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Re-read againn for the 36281939163027times ❤
Chapter 17: I have to go read Minho's now lol
Chapter 5: my first time stumbling on your fic and i like where it is going~ i hope i can finish this in one sitting... my onho is so cute~
Chapter 17: AHHHH NOOOO WHY END LIKE THAT!!! Arrgh but anyway this was soo cute!! Jinki sooo cute and jonghun was adorable And I love leeteuk!!! But wow sooo much Luna is too much and Vic do cute! Aiish u ate giving me heart attack okay we'll this was awesone!
PetitFreak0525 #5
Chapter 17: are u serious? it's so frustrating ! bad end bad end >.<.. ahah I'm joking..but it's still so frustrating >.< ...I'm gonna read Minho's vers. and I want !! And please...kill Luna for me x'D.
meandmyself #6
Chapter 17: It's end??
Waiting patiently for minho's vers, you will make me suffer >O<
SnHiromi #7
Chapter 17: oh gosh! Minho confessed first? :O
I can't wait to read Minho's ver. *-*
Chapter 17: wow what an ending for this history xD you leave me with the feelings all over the place hahaha I hope after they get together minho will slap the next girl who tries to kiss him alright? lol he needs to stop that