Chapter 13

You can't (Jinki ver.)

I'm sorry that the chapter is so short but I'm at that point were I don't know what to write anymore... I'm sorry 

"Did you calm down a bit ?" Leeteuk asked after handing me a hot chocolate. I nod. "So you will tell me why you cried ?" I nod again. "Then begin" it was silent for a while and Leeteuk wanted to say something again but I cut him off

"You know that time when I came to work and you imediately figured out that I was in love ?" he eyed me

"Yeah it wasn't really hard to figure it out 'cause you walked like a lovesick puppy" I laughed bitterly 

"At that time when I saw him my heart beat faster and I followed not like a stalker but when we walked past each other I followed every step he took with my eyes" he nod telling me to go on "I didn't need long to understand that this person was a totally player 'cause everytime I looked at him he made out with another person"

"Are you telling me ?"

"It hurt to see him with another person and everytime my heart hurt a little more.  I was weak and wanted to protect myself 'cause it's ridicouless to cry over something that will never happen I mean he didn't even know my name" I sighed "I tried to stop loving him, tried to stop my beating heart. It took a while but it worked. I told myself over and over again that he isn't good for me, that I can have someone better and that it's weird when two guys are together. I could finally see him with other persons without feeling any pain"

"What do you mean with two guys are weird together ? So Kangin and I are weird together ?" he huffed

"I didn't mean that. You two are made for each other so it doesn't matter if you are both guys" 

"Awww thank you. Now back to your story" 

"Okay after a while I banned him out of my head living my life without botter but deep inside I knew I still liked him. The thing began when my best friend told me she was in love and wanted my help. Of course it was the same guy... I found myself hating her for that. Yes, I was worried for her 'cause I know how he can be since I watched him like everyday ? But that wasn't the only think I was kind of angry and so I refused to help her after a little blackmailing I had to help her. She introduced herself but he didn't pay any attention I was glad but still... A day later I found him in the libary making out with a girl well that day he gave me the first kiss not long after the second, third and fourth followed somewere between the first and second kiss I got my grilfriend. I always had the same reaction trying to push him away and blushing afterwards I would get guilty feelings 'cause it was cheating on that kind hearted girlfriend of mine. It was the fifth kiss he gave me when I gave in and kissed back not only that but my heart start beating again too. I avoid him not able to face him and the guilt in me became more. While I avoided him he did what he always does and that was flirting and making out and just like in the begining my heart began to hurt so much. Last week at the trainings camp we had to share a room but it wasn't so bad. He kissed me again and I responsed imediately not caring about anything well I stopped him but tat was when he began to my neck so far too late after that one week I avoided him again. He was angry and actually gave me a " I hear Leeteuk gasp "Back at school or more like today when I was getting out of school I saw him kissing my best friend I ignored it but of course she telled me about it and that's how I arrvied here. What I can't understand is why does he tell me he likes me when he is kissing her afterwards ? I don't know what to do anymore hyung... Help me... please" I broke out in tears again covering my eyes with my hands 

"So you are tell me you like that Minho guy ?" he asked to make sure

"No, I don't like him" 

"But didn't you say... ?" he was confused

"I don't like him. I love him so much that it hurts. I'm getting weak for him again the only difference is my heart beats faster than before I only have to think about him and I'm going to get weak" he took me into his embrace while I leaned against him

"He told you he likes you ?" I nod "Kissing your friend afterwards ?" I nod again frowning at that memory "I don't know how I should help you but why don't you confess ?" 


"Oh come on if he likes you he will accept that confession right ?" 

"I'm scared" 

"Why would you be scared ?" 

"What if he didn't mean what he said and laughs at me afterwards ? Or if he accepts me but will get a change of heart leaving me behind broken and in pain ? Or even worser if he's two toming ?" I'm truly scared of that

"First of all if he laughs about you I think I have to go to jail 'cause I killed someone... Second if he has a change of heart I think I have to go to jail 'cause I killed someone and third if he dares to two time I think I have to go to jail 'cause I killes someone" I laughed 

"So no matter what he does to me you have to go to jail ?" he nod and I laughed more 

"Finally you smiled again. That looks better on you" he smiled and wiped some of my left over tears away "You know Jinki I still don't like him and did you say he gave you a ? are you kidding me ?" I keept silent but that told everything and Leeteuk was about to explode "He can be lucky my little baby loves him otherwise I would go and kill him right now"

"Thank you hyung"

"No problem. I can't believe my baby turned out gay too" he squealed

"I-I'm not gay... Just gay for him" I blushed

"Oh that's so cute" I rolled my eyes. Confess to him ? How should I do this without embarassing myself ? It actually felt good to tell someone about my little problems maybe I should have done that earlier but it's not like I can trust Luna with my secrets... I need more friends really

After work I laid in my bed and was thinking about confession... I have never done that before...


 I have my prom tomorrow <333 :))   thanks for reading and suporting me <3


maiikii: Well I'm thanking you for reading it :)

meandmyself: At least he admit it to himself :)))

SnHiromi: Lol Minho is a ? xDD 

Dubu89: I'm glad you think it's cute. I don't but doesn't matter xDD thanks for the comment :D

doppa_Key: I will try to keep it up xD

laurachoileto: I think it's a good sign if you have 'no words' ? :)) aww yeah the two of them deserve each other Vic was so kind to our Jinki baby <3 that I couldn't leave her heartbroken :) I know how you feel there are a lot of fanfics were I would love to kill the person that hurt Jinki... I think that's a fanheart ??? xD  




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Re-read againn for the 36281939163027times ❤
Chapter 17: I have to go read Minho's now lol
Chapter 5: my first time stumbling on your fic and i like where it is going~ i hope i can finish this in one sitting... my onho is so cute~
Chapter 17: AHHHH NOOOO WHY END LIKE THAT!!! Arrgh but anyway this was soo cute!! Jinki sooo cute and jonghun was adorable And I love leeteuk!!! But wow sooo much Luna is too much and Vic do cute! Aiish u ate giving me heart attack okay we'll this was awesone!
PetitFreak0525 #5
Chapter 17: are u serious? it's so frustrating ! bad end bad end >.<.. ahah I'm joking..but it's still so frustrating >.< ...I'm gonna read Minho's vers. and I want !! And please...kill Luna for me x'D.
meandmyself #6
Chapter 17: It's end??
Waiting patiently for minho's vers, you will make me suffer >O<
SnHiromi #7
Chapter 17: oh gosh! Minho confessed first? :O
I can't wait to read Minho's ver. *-*
Chapter 17: wow what an ending for this history xD you leave me with the feelings all over the place hahaha I hope after they get together minho will slap the next girl who tries to kiss him alright? lol he needs to stop that