Chapter 07

You can't (Jinki ver.)


Have fun reading. Warning: I was too lazy to read it so there are a lot of errors... Sorry.

"So why exactly are we at the mall?" I asked, not really liking the idea.

"Because I want to go shopping," Luna said.

"And why do you have to take us there too if you're the only one that wants to go?" 

"Victoria wants to go too, and you know she isn't comfortable around me to be alone with me. Is that reason enough?"

"I guess..."

Well, if it's my girlfriend, I should really go with them.

"Wow Jinki, just for your girlfriend?" Jonghyun asked, and I nodded as he eyed me.

I know what he's thinking. Why am I doing so much if I don't really lover her? I nodded and we went into shops.

"Doesn't this look cute?" Luna squealed. The girls went to their own world and Jonghyun went with them.

"Jinki, do you think this would suit me?" he asked, and I rolled my eyes but gave him a honest answer.

"Yes, I think so. It's white so it should make your eyes come out more," I said simply.

He raised his eyebrow.

"It's not the first time that I have to go shopping with Luna," I defended myself.


He tried the shirt on. I was right, his eyes are really nice like this. I smiled to myself.

"Looks good," I said and he smiled too.

What seemed like forever, was in true only two hours (according to Luna and Jonghyun, that wasn't that long for shopping. Victoria didn't say anything but it looked like she agreed to that). We finally took a break. I was exhausted from the lack of sleep and Minho didn't look good either.

"I can't anymore, and it's only 11 am," he complained. I silently agreed.

"Oh, come on, don't be a Minho," Luna joked. "I thought you were the captain of the soccer team and had a lot of stamina."

The three of them laughed.

"I have stamina, but not for shopping."

"Say Jonghyun, what's wrong with you? You're a guy. Why are you so good with shopping?" I asked him.

"My noona always dragged me along, but you can't really talk, Jinx, since you are the one that told me I looked good in that shirt. I brought everything you said I should buy."

Well, that's true. Even if it was stressful, I helped him by choosing the clothes and he took every advice I gave him, and only bought the clothes I thought he looked good in.

"If you knew Luna for so long, you'd have a little sense of what you should buy and what not."

We walked to a cute little cafe, and when two out of five saw the chairs, you could hear a loud sigh of relieve. Of course it came from Minho and I. We were the first ones to sit down. The other three chatted and came to us in a slow pace.

"What can I bring you?" a waitress said, but it looked like she only asked me.

Victoria's face wasn't the friendly face she always showed us... She's totally jealous.

"I want an Americano," she hissed, and the waitress stared at her. It seemed like they fought a mental fight... Why does it feel so uncomfortable in here?

"And I want a vanilla milkshake," Minho said, joining the fight.

While the rest of us stared at them, Luna looked weirdly at Minho, wondering why he was fighting with the girls even though the fight was about me. Then, she glared at me, silently asking, "Why is he fighting for you?" I shrugged my shoulders, but she didn't stop glaring, so I glared back.

"Okay I want a cheesecake," Jonghyun half yelled, only to stop our fight. We looked at him. 

"Vanilla milkshake," Luna said simply.

"I want a strawberry milkshake and a chocolate cake," I smiled cutely at her, to ease the tension, but Minho wasn't pleased at that. I ignored his stare and waited for the order. Thanks to that waitress there was an awkward silence at the table.

"Here are your orders," we heard. This time it was someone else, thank god. He placed our food at the table and we ate and drunk it.

"That fight you had with that was so cool," Luna broke the silence, praising Victoria."She deserved that. She was undressing him with her eyes."

"I could have killed her."

"Why you have to be so serious? It's not like Jinki flirted with her," Jonghyun said.

"That's not the problem the problem is that she undressed him with her eyes" Minho said. I didn't say a word. They discussed that without me of course, but then I felt something really hot and wet on my legs. Minho and Victoria immediately glared...  It was the waitress from before, with coffee in her hands. She accidently spilt it on me. I let out a scream.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry," she said.

"Don't even dare," Victoria warned.

"I'm really sorry," she said again

"Oh come on I know that you did that on purpose," I hissed at her and walked into the bathroom. My legs burned from the hot coffee.

"Jinki?" I heard his husky voice.

"Minho, what do you want?"

My mood wasn't at it's best.

"You're are here for like fifteen minutes and the others went shopping again, telling me to look after you. So, here I am. How can I help you?"

"Do you have another pair of pants?"

He shook his head.

"Then leave me alone." 


"It's not like you can do anything," I hissed, trying to wipe my pants.

"Just wait a little," he said, and went out of the bathroom. After ten minutes, he came back with a plastic bag.

"Here, that's for you."

"What is that?"

I took the bag and yes, he bought me a pair of skinnies.


"Just for now... I don't want you to wear it too since other people can look your y legs."

I blushed.

"Stop talking."

I just realized it, but he wasn't harassing me all day. Yes, in the morning he kissed me, but nothing other than that. What's wrong with him?

"Just saying the truth. Anyways, change your clothes and let's go."

I did what he said. Not in front of him of course. We went out of the cafe looking for the others but we didn't find them. Our legs began to hurt, so we sat down on a bench.

"Let's just stop," I said.

"I agree. What are we doing now? Want to go somewhere?"

"Were should I go with you?" I asked.

"Hey I'm not that bad," he laughed. "Just come with me."

He pulled my arm, not harsh or rushy, just normally and dragged me to a gaming zone. We entered and he pulled me to the next best car racing game.

"That's my favorite game." He was excited like a little kid. "It's for two players, so play with me. It works like this."

He showed me how to play, and we soon started the game.

"Yeah! I won!" I yelled.

"What? You sure it's the first time you played that?"

He was in shock and I giggled.

"Yes, it's the first time."

He glared.

"Let's play again. You just had luck. It can't be that you're better than me," he growled and we played again, and again, and again, untill we reached our 50th game.

"I WON!" He was yelling now.

"Congratulations for your first win out of 50 games," I smirked.

"It doesn't matter. I won."

It seems like he really wanted to win. I laughed.

"Don't laugh."


It's weird... We spent the rest of the day in the game zone and played games against each other. We laughed and had a lot of fun. Afterwards we went home as the others have long forgotten.

"Don't you have to go that way?" I asked him. It's really weird... 

"I will bring you home."

Why is he so nice suddenly? He's not even forcing himself at me, and I have to say that it was a fun day. We walked again. It was silent, then we reached my home.

"Well then have a good day," I said and he nodded.

"You too" I wanted to go inside but he was faster turning me around against the door pinning my arms right and left from my head  kissing me. I struggled but like always it didnt help. The kiss this time was different it got deeper and he even my lips but I didn't open. As if I would open but it didn't seem to botter him he just keep while I decited to endure it 'cause I can't fight him anyway. He finally pulled away and I wiped my lips imediately 

"Deliciouse" he his lips "Anyway don't wipe it always and have a good night y" he smirked and went away. Hell he's driving me crazy. I went inside cursing at him I'm really naive I thought he was nice today but no he just had to do that...




"Jinki I actually think you should go and sleep.You look even worser today" Leeteuk carassed my cheek. Yes, I have to work today too. I have to work everyday it's just that I had two weeks leave and now I'm working again

"Thanks for calling me ugly" I said with a pout

"Oh cutie I didn't mean it like that. I'm just worried about you" 

"I'm fine just not enought sleep" he nod 

"Oh say Jinki did that playboy touch you again ?" he asked with a serious tone 


"Yes ?" 

"...Minho kissed me but it wasn't serious at all" I lied again but really Leeteuk would go crazy again and yesterday was hard enought

"WHAT ? So his name is Minho ?" I nod "I hope from the bottom of my heart than no innocent man names Minho comes into my bar 'cause if he does he will be death the second he's here since I'm going to kill every person with the name Minho that dares to set a foot into my bar" my eyes widened. Leeteuk is a really kind person but if you aren't carefull it's going to end bad... 

It was 10.55 pm and at 11.00 pm I have to go on stage which means 5 more minutes I was prepeared and ready to sing with all my soul. I love to sing it's the most preciouse to me. My voice I don't really think it's the best (A.N/ you're right it's not the best. It's more than that Jinki <3) but still I love it. I went upstage

"Hello" I said into the mike "Had a good day ?" the people told me about their day and it seems like they had a good time after that I finally sung two hours with a few 5 min breaks between. I was finished. Tired but finished. I always sing two hours from 11 pm till 1 am even on weekdays but I somehow manage my school hours too. I went to the bar were my coworker Eunhyuk just made cocktails for a bunch of guys 

"Cola ?" he asked me and I nod. I hate to drink alcohol so all I order is coke, orange juice and water

"Onew nice performance" one of the guys said 

"Thank you" I smiled and drank my cola

"So Jinki boss said I have to leave my eyes on you. You in trouble ?" I smiled. That's Leeteuk concern every time

"Jinki ?" I was about to reply when I heard my name. When I turned around I got a shock. What is he doing here ?

"M-m-minho ? w-what b-rings you h-here ?" 

"Wow it's really you Jinki. I didn't recognize you with that glasses. I'm here with my friend and what are you doing here ?" he pointed at two boys that stand beside him one of them had a a really sharp face and the other one was really cute. should I tell him that I work her ? Maybe I should lie but what is if he already heard me singing... Why does he have to go to Leeteuk's bar there are so many other bars in Seoul so why here ? Eunhyuk eyed us weird but that wasn't even the worst the worst was when Leeteuk came with Kangin behind him

"Jinki I have some leftover food you can take home with you so you don't have to cook tonight since it's already so late" he brought some food. He is really the best and his food tastes so fantastic but this situation was kind of awkward with Minho and his friends still standing here. It was silent as if someone died eventhought we are in a bar with a lot of (nice) drunkards

"Okaaaay what's wrong here ?" Kangin broke the silence

"One of Jinki's friends came here and greeted him" Eunhyuk said

"Oh you're friends with my Jinki baby" he was excited. Minho just nod "Hello I'm Leeteuk and this is my partner Kangin we own this bar" he smiled kindly. Oh hell this friendly person will be history soon...

"Hello I'm Lee Taemin that is Kim Kibum. We don't know your 'Jinki baby' but my friend Minho does" the cute little guy answered and I heard a loud 'snap' sound. Eunhyuk, Kangin and I flinched while the other two didn't understand what was going on. Leeteuk's face became red out of anger. "Are you okay ? You're face seems kind of red you have a fever ?" that Taemin guy asked innocent while placing a hand at Leeteuk's face

"GO" another flincher 

"Excuse me ?" Minho asked. Kibum and Taemin raised their eyebrowns 

"GO RIGHT NOW. FOR YOUR INFORMATION I HAVE A BASEBALL BAT" he warned. The three of them had a shocked and scared face I would have laughed but I'm scared myself

"Just go" I said in panic. I took the leftovers and pecked Leeteuk's and Kangin's cheek

"Bye Eunhyuk hyung"

"See you tomorrow little boy" I rolled my eyes he knew I didn't like to be called that. I shoved the three 'guests towards the door'

 "Onew you going ?" some other customors asked

"Yes, I'm tired" I said shile shoving the other three

"Okay see you on tuesday and Friday since I have to work the other days"

"See ya" I said and was out of the door, Once we were outside I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. "If you want to life don't dare to come to the bar ever again"

"What exacly was that about ?" that guy I think Kibum ? asked

"We could say Leeteuk Hyung doesn't like Minho and you're his friends means he won't like you either and really he owns a baseball bat..."

"Why does he hate me ?"

"You know he's like the older brother I never had which means I tell him everything. If there is something he doesn't know then no one knows but anyway when I say everything I mean everything Minho, that leads to the fact that he hates you" it seems like Minho understand what I meant with 'everything' but to my luck the other two didn't have a clue. "Anyway I'm going home it's already past 1 am and I'm tired as hell since I had to wake up at 8 am just because some idiots wanted to go to the mall. I said and disapeard without looking back 




I was eating the leftovers form Leeteuk. Yes, call me crazy eating past midnight but when I'm hungry I can't sleep so I'm eating now. I got a phone call. I was surprised since it's so late already but it could be mister baseball bat that wants to check on me

"Hello ?" my mouth was full with food

"So you told him everything ?" I coughed almost choking on my food

"M-minho ?"

"Did you also mention your y noises ?"

"STOP" he chuckled "that's not funny" 

"Yes, it is. How you sat in the cafeteria and moaned while talking your face was a little flushed " I blushed. "It felt a little good right ? otherwise you wouldn't have moaned" 

"What are you talking about now ?"

"Oh just admit it" 

"Wouldn't there be something wrong with me if I didn't felt good ?" I have to say on the phone I'm braver but if he would stand in front of me I would shutter

"Maybe you're right but I will see it as an invitaton on which is written 'Touch me more'" is he serious ? I don't wanna go to school on monday...

"Say Minho why exacly are you doing that to me when there are so many pretty girls outside ? You could just het a girlfriend and leave me the hell alone by the way I will say it again I have a girlfriend and we are guys. You shouldn't be doing that to me you know"

"Your girlfriend won't stop me from touching you and why not try something new ?" is he kidding me ?

"You're bullting again" 

"Am not" oh that sounded kind of cute "I'm hanging up. Have a good night and think about me"

"As if" he hung up... He avoided my 'why' question again


From: Leeteuk

To: Jinki

Why you dragged that giraffe out of the bar ? -.- I really wanted to kill him
Hope he didn't do anything to you Bl. Have a good night ^^ love you my baby boy <3


From: Jinki

To: Leeteuk

What should I do when you sit in jail 'cause you murdered him ? I couldn't live without you :(
Don't worry he didn't do anything :)) good night and I love you too hyung ^^


I washed the dishes and went to bed. I really don't want to go to school on monday...



thanks you for your lovely comments <3

I have a question. This story is in Jinki's POV and I don't intend to change that what I can do is make another story with he name 'You can't Minho ver" or something like this. Only if you want to know Minho's POV








If you want one you have to tell me when I should upload it:

When I upload 'You can't Jinki ver' chapter 08 should I also upload 'You can't Minho ver' chapter 08 ? Or rather finish this one and then Minho's so Minho's are mysterious and unknown for us ? please help me...







amatsukishi: yeah I'm sorry for making our poor baby suffer and exhausted... but we have Leeteuk he's so understanding right ? :D

HikariLee: I admit everyone is cruel Luna isn't thankful to Jinki and Minho is harassing him but we have Leeteuk our little sun <3

christinatheartista: I will try not to overwork him too much as his manager I will be responsibly to make a scedule he can handel xDD

meandmyself: Come on we all know you like Minho xD

Dubuleaderonew: yes, he's tired as hell... Luna may be a bad friend but Leeteuk is an even better friend/ brother to him and I will make sure he gets protected by him :) Dubu onrida neun Onew 

bluuuu: Thanks for the vote up :) <3










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Re-read againn for the 36281939163027times ❤
Chapter 17: I have to go read Minho's now lol
Chapter 5: my first time stumbling on your fic and i like where it is going~ i hope i can finish this in one sitting... my onho is so cute~
Chapter 17: AHHHH NOOOO WHY END LIKE THAT!!! Arrgh but anyway this was soo cute!! Jinki sooo cute and jonghun was adorable And I love leeteuk!!! But wow sooo much Luna is too much and Vic do cute! Aiish u ate giving me heart attack okay we'll this was awesone!
PetitFreak0525 #5
Chapter 17: are u serious? it's so frustrating ! bad end bad end >.<.. ahah I'm joking..but it's still so frustrating >.< ...I'm gonna read Minho's vers. and I want !! And please...kill Luna for me x'D.
meandmyself #6
Chapter 17: It's end??
Waiting patiently for minho's vers, you will make me suffer >O<
SnHiromi #7
Chapter 17: oh gosh! Minho confessed first? :O
I can't wait to read Minho's ver. *-*
Chapter 17: wow what an ending for this history xD you leave me with the feelings all over the place hahaha I hope after they get together minho will slap the next girl who tries to kiss him alright? lol he needs to stop that