5| Peacefulness and Deep Thoughts

Day Lily

a/n. Another update <3 Hope you guys like it! I'm nearing hiatus soon.

That smile, those eyes, that gentle boy he once knew was right there in front of him. The familiarity of it all resulted to Kyungsoo thinking it was Chanyeol. Was it? From what Kyungsoo can see, a bright light came for seconds until it was replaced by reality, Kim Jongin. Oh how he wished it was Chanyeol. How he hoped angels were real and Chanyeol turned into one to save him.

But no, this is reality.

Kyungsoo, just don't give up.

"Say what again?" Jongin's voice replaced Kyungsoo's thoughts. Kyungsoo couldn't remember how many times he had blinked. He wasn't sure what's happening. Just awhle ago he couldn't find his classroom so he went to the roof, minutes later a guy, whom he thought was Chanyeol popped out of nowhere... But it ended up to be Jongin. Huh?

So it's just my imagination.

No it wasn't an imagination Kyungsoo-ah.


"Why are you here?" Kyungsoo asked in disbelief. Jongin wasn't the type to do this, so why did he?

"You're still my responsibility." Jongin replied honestly. Kyungsoo noticed how quiet the other was compared to awhile ago. Did he hint sadness in his voice? 

"Where's your girlfrie--?"

"Not here." He cut off Kyungsoo and turned to leave. For awhile Kyungsoo watched but in the end he followed the younger. He remembered that he disliked being side by side with Jongin, but somehow it was already happening. From time to time, he would glance to the younger, out of curiosity and wonder.

Why did he look for him? He's the type not to care about anything besides himself right?


The two didn't talk for awhile, which was new to Kyungsoo. He wanted to say something, atleast a joke, but nothing came out since he was afraid that Jongin would start saying mean things to him if he did. The walk was peaceful and it felt nice to Kyungsoo, and for a moment, he liked walking alongside the younger guy.

After what felt like a long time, Jongin finally spoke."We broke up." He muttered under his breath as if he didn't want Kyungsoo to hear it, but the other already had his doe eyes staring at the younger. Jongin sighed. "She thinks I'm a playe--" Kyungsoo laughed.

Kyungsoo, finally laughed. At first, Jongin was taken aback by the rare emotion of the other, but when he felt something tingle he immediately turned away. "She broke up with you, just because she thinks you're a player?" Kyungsoo laughed again, a real laugh. "That's kinda funny! There should be proof or something, but she broke up with you because she thinks you're a--"

"Okay, okay! Stop repeating!" Jongin chuckled at how talkative Kyungsoo could be. 'Cute.'

"Oh, haha, I'm sorry." Kyungsoo realized his attitude as he scanned around trying to avert his attention away from the other's eyes. There was nothing to look at though, and that's when Kyungsoo noticed he was still gazing at Jongin's face. He studied them as the slowly softening orbs started to change again.

"W-what are you looking at?" Jongin asked as he cleared his throat and placed his hands in his pocket. The silence came back again which was alright to Kyungsoo as he smiled to himself. It was peaceful. Even if the two would regulary bicker with each other, as of now, he liked Jongin's company, it was pleasant right now.

"That's your classroom." Jongin pointed to the room and turned to leave without saying anything. Kyungsoo chuckled to himself because he forgot the purpose of the other. How ridiculous was he to think that Jongin wanted his company; he completely forgot he was a new student of this school.

After seconds of thinking and glancing at Jongin's back, Kyungsoo finally mustered the courage to say something to the other. "Jongin.. ssi?" The said guy turned around, his face blank as he waited for Kyungsoo to speak. "It was nice talking to you... Uh thanks." Another real smile that Kyungsoo's been hiding appeared on his gentle face.

"Sure." That was all Jongin can say, there was something different on his face but it wasn't too serious. Kyungsoo wanted to say something but a group of students popped out from the classroom and called Jongin.

"Yah Kai!! You took long!"

"Oppaaa come here!"


Kyungsoo grimaced at the fangirls of Jongin. "Kai? That's a nice nickname." Kyungsoo paused for a second as he found the name familiar, but he brushed it aside and went inside the classroom. It was pretty noisy compared to the silence awhile ago with Jongin. Ignoring the glares of the students, he sat down on an empty chair quietly. The stares subsided as everyone went back to business.

Class started and the teacher must have forgotten him because she didn't tell him to introduce himself. 'I really must be invisible.' Kyungsoo sighed and recalled the things that happened so far. He reminisced the moment he got on the rooftop, he remembered the times he would hang out with Chanyeol there. Actually, that's where the two had met about 2 years ago.

Kyungsoo wasn't a new student then, but he was ignored and teased by everybody which made him stray away from social groups. Chanyeol came there one day and that's how they became friends. 'Maybe it's because of that memory, I was able to hear Chanyeol.' He sighed. 'I miss him.'

I miss you too.

Lunch time was nowhere near pleasant to Kyungsoo. Everyone was practically judging him for looking and acting so awkward. That was normal to him, but still, he didn't want time to repeat itself. He wasn't able to eat due to the fact no one would let him, the line suddenly grew long as soon as he stepped in the canteen. The seats were all taken and he had nowhere else to go to.

He found Jongin who was in a big circle with his friends. So he was in fact popular, rich, smart and arrogant. He wasn't chatting with his friends, as if he was in deep thought. "Why aren't you talking to us?" One piped in, the others agreed but Jongin would just smile. Kyungsoo's eyes never left Jongin because he was hoping that the guy would look at him and help him in this predicament.

But as usual, that wasn't the case. "Oh look Kai, it's the new student!" Jongin turned to the said guy, and what took Kyungsoo by surprise was the reaction he did not expect to appear from the other. It was a laugh. It wasn't like the chuckle awhile ago, but a laugh of disdainment or annoyance.

"What the hell."

'Oh right, Kai.' He's still the guy I was thinking of to be.' Kyungsoo sighed and left the canteen.


He was glad that everything was over. The teacher finally remembered that there was a new student in the class, so that's what she did first. Introductions weren't Kyungsoo's thing so there was nothing else to describe, but strange looks and weird faces were exchanged to each student int the classroom.

Again, he was happy that the first day of school ended. Kyungsoo waited till everybody left the premise, before he headed out himself. He was greeted by an irritated young boy by name of Kim Jongin, or Kai. "What do you want now? ...Kai... ssi." Kyungsoo couldn't help but show that he was mad at Jongin. This guy was giving him too much hopes of anything.

Jongin didn't say anything. Again, he seemed like he was thinking of something, which made Kyungsoo wonder but he did not press for information.

The road back home went by slowly for Kyungsoo. Jongin was ahead of the boy as he trudged the cemented surfaces with deep sighs. Although Kyungsoo was disappointed and confused with Jongin, he eyed his back gently. He was handsome, though he had already mentioned that the first time he saw Jongin, he recognized it more as he looked closer.

Since he was distracted, Kyungsoo wasn't even looking where he was stepping on.

It was a rocky path; there was one stubborn rock pile sitting in the middle of the road, which Kyungsoo didn't even notice.

"Woah!" Kyungsoo stepped on the wrong side as he tripped, slowly falling somewhere... Somewhere soft.


"Ouch." Kyungsoo groaned but then someone laughed underneath him.

"I should be saying that." Jongin laughed.

He laughed.

Kyungsoo smiled. Something tingled in his heart, he noticed it and wanted to disregard it... But he can't.

"Are you alright?" Jongin asked. His eyebrows creased with slight worry.


Kyungsoo sighed. Why was Jongin acting this way? Why does he see Chanyeol from time to time? And about the break up, it couldn't be just because the girl thought Kai was a player right? So many questions, but no answer couldn't be said... It couldn't be figured out now.



Gif isn't mine. credit

A/N. Am I guys confusing you? :)) The italicised words is well yeah Chanyeol... :)
Or is it? LOL. I shall tease you because... I don't know either =))))

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updated the second to the last chapter of day lily


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Chapter 12: even tho it wasn't a happyy ending, the fic itself was still really good! Thank you so much for writing it! I enjoyed reading it ^^~
misajane #2
Chapter 12: im confused
Eager for the next update! This story is great! You're beautiful! <3 ^^
Chapter 11: Im confused >.< I cant go with the flow of story TT__TT Chanyeol made Kyung forget? Kai killed Yeol?
darayang #5
Chapter 10: Kyaaaaa!!! What happened with kyungsoo? Did chanyeol erases Kyungsoo's memories? But why about him too? Waaaaaah~ its really interesting~
Update faster please author-niiim~
darayang #6
Chapter 9: Woooow!! Its getting really2 interesting...
I never thought that the one who killed chanyeol is kai...
Please update faster author-niiiim~:3
Chapter 8: Ah!! So intense!! o.o
Please update soon!
faeriemythc #8
Chapter 8: Wow! Its getting intense.
Chapter 7: new readerrrr hello hello
ermaaagawddd this story is soo good (y)
kaisoo feeeelz <333
update soon yeahhh ?
-throws kaisoo and a bunch of roses-