2| Jongin-ssi

Day Lily

A/n. Thanks for the subbies!! :D Weeee! Finally had time to make a chappie poster. It's simple because I'm still lazy... And it's hot in this country :( I didn't beta this so miane for the mistakes! I don't think I will anyway in all the chappies xD


Several days passed by and Kyungsoo was starting to heal. The scars in his heart was closing up and his pale face was gaining back color. It was morning again, another day for Kyungsoo to realize that the Day Lily he was taking care of has died. A small smile appeared on the young teenager's face as he chuckled dearly.

"7th. The 7th flower."

It's been 7 days since Chanyeol's death. 7, and yet Kyungsoo had forgotten what happened to him; only flashbacks of the two's memories was what he remembered. Only joys and smiles clouded his mind whenever he thought about his friend. He loved him, he loved Park Chanyeol. One tear fell down his eye as he looked at the daylight that was exposing his face.


Kyungsoo's heart hurt everytime he tried to remember him. He wondered why he couldn't remember what happened last night. Not even small flashes of the specific moment will appear. All he remembered was when he went to the garden with Chanyeol, and when Chanyeol brought him home. That's all he remembered. In fact, he was safely brought home by his dorky chinggu, what went wrong?

Kyungsoo's heart hurt a second time as he thought to himself.

"I wasn't able to admit my true feelings to him... Damn."


One brush... Two brushes... Three

Kyungsoo was back to being himself. Though his siblings took pity in him, everything else stayed the same. His father was coming home late nowadays and so was his mother. A small bubble popped out of his head as he remembered that he was going to be sent to another home for a month. He rolled his eyes as he stared at the soap suds fading on the tiles with a blank face.

He wanted to leave the house; that was his dream eversince his mother told him to start cleaning. He wondered why his maid was even there when he was tasked to do menial jobs. But now was different, he had something to do. Chanyeol loved day lilies, so he loved them too. Day lilies were beautiful just as how he sees Chanyeol.

When he died, all he did was search about the flower and he realized how sad it actually is despite its beauty. It dies quickly, it was said by the chinese that the superstition of the flower is that they use its blossoms as a remedy for sorrow, meaning you forget everything. That statement made Kyungsoo curious, more curious than his doe eyes of his.

He wanted to forget. It sounds funny because his life is actually pretty simple. He wasn't even that bossed around! It's just that his mother and father wouldn't let him make decisions, so that made him hate his life. His only friend died! What now?



"Honey, come here."

Kyungsoo looked up from the floor, to his mother who smiled gently as she waved a post-it on her hand.

"Tomorrow, you'll be leaving. I already packed your bags so you can rest for today." Kyungsoo only nodded before brushing dirt from his pants. He picked up the sponge on the floor and left. He wasn't able to ask the important things. Like, will they go too? Was it only him? Well, probably. His mother's banal attitude was a giveaway. She was controlling her youngest, again.

Mrs. Do couldn't help but notice this petty sadness of Kyungsoo was affecting himself. His grades were lowering and his words were limited. Even his voice singing melodiously in the morning doesn't appear anymore due to his silence. She had to do something. When her husband's friend suddenly called, it was an opportunity to ask if their son could stay for awhile, for a change of scenery. It was fine with him because he wanted his only son to make a new friend. All is well then.

Kyungsoo reached his room with a sigh. He was going to leave home tomorrow, shouldn't he be doing something? He looked out of his window to see an overview of life. He raised his head higher to see the greenhouse, his Chanyeol owned. How he wished he told his feelings to Chanyeol. This one sided love ended up pointless now that he's gone. Kyungsoo could only pretend Chanyeol was his and only his.


A few minutes later, his thoughts were abrupted by his older brother who at first ignored him. A second later, two arms enveloped from his back and Kyungsoo assumed it was his brother. "What is it hyung?" He felt awkward since this was the first time his sibling would do that. Now that he realized it, his older sister was starting to be kind to him too.

"Nothing. Just take care of yourself tomorrow okay? Don't let anyone hurt you." He said simply. After that, he was gone. Kyungsoo could only nod, his face unchanged as he looked back at the hilltop.

"Chanyeol. Help me tomorrow okay? I wish the son would be just like you. That's all I need... But if he isn't, please protect me then."

Kyungsoo heard from his older sister that the school he will be going to have a lot of head and bastards so he has to be really careful. Maybe that's why his brother hugged him, he was technically sending him to his death bed. Kyungsoo shook his head as got up and laid on his bed, with his hands serving as an arm rest.

"What did mom say his son's name was? Kim Jo?"


"Mr. Kim might be coming in awhile so hurry and fix yourself."

Kyungsoo continued to eat when the phone rang. His mother, nodded and once she put down the phone she pointed to the bathroom door. "Kyungsoo, hurry up and get dressed! Mr. Kim won't be able to pick you up so his son will do it. And you better hurry because he's on his way." The lethargic Kyungsoo complied as he dragged in with him a plain white shirt and jeans.

He vitiated the price tag, throwing it in the garbage with a sigh and headed to the shower room. It wasn't long until his messy hair was wet and in shape. Heading to his bags, he heard a car beep. 'It must be him.' He thought. He let out a sigh as he took the heavy bags with his small hands and headed out. He took one good look at his room, one good look at his siblings who smile a farewell at him.

His father wasn't there, he must be in work so he took one last look at his mother and her cupidity and greed. She acts nice but she was selfish. Kyungsoo realized that his mother just wanted perfection.

Perfection. There's no such thing.

Kyungsoo recalled his best friend's famous lines before stepping out of the door to be greeted by a young lad. From Kyungsoo's perspective, he was a paragon of perfection. He glanced at his mother who staring straight at the taller and looked at Kyungsoo with a sigh, as if she was thinking why Kyungsoo couldn't be as handsome as he.

"Annyeonghaseyo, Mrs. Do... You." He smiled angelically but Kyungsoo wasn't noticing. He was busy looking at the far away view of the greenhouse. He wasn't able to replace the day lily for the last time because he wasn't given the chance by his mother.

"Kyungsoo, when a person talks to you, you talk back." The mother said.

"A-annyeonghaseyo, Kim Jo..."

"Jongin... Call me Jongin."

"Jongin-ssi." Kyungsoo said almost in a singsong voice as he gripped the strollerbag.

"Kaja, Kyungsoo-ssi." He said politely. He waved towards the smaller's mother who smiled back.


Kyungsoo sat on the front seat of the car as Jongin put the stroller at the back.

"Is this your car?" Kyungsoo asked, he must be 18 if he could drive.

"Ani, it's my dad's. He said he'll give me one once I turn 18." Kyungsoo turned to Kai questioningly.

"How old are you?" He wondered.

"16. You must be 17 right? I heard you were older than me by a year.... Hyungnim." He smirked.


Kyungsoo shook his head and looked at the greenhouse. He wanted to go there but he was afraid Jongin will laugh at him if he finds out he's gay. He has this habit of telling everything once he starts his story. No way, he'll tell this guy. Kyungsoo took a good look at Jongin. He studied his featured and noticed how he resembled a puppy.

"Am I that handsome?" He abruptly asked which Kyungsoo shook his head as a reply. "Well that's a boring answer."

Kyungsoo didn't reply.


"By the way, school starts tomorrow... Do you want to go anywhere before this vacation ends?" He thought of the greenhouse. Chanyeol and the day lily. But something was telling him not to go.

"Ani. You can continue Jongin-ah" He replied. He knew he'll regret it, but it couldn't be helped.

"Alright." Jongin said as he shrugged of the "Jongin-ah" After awhile, he abruptly stopped the vehicle.


"Kyungsoo-ssi. Starting tomorrow, call me Jongin-ssi. Never call me Jongin-ah. Never say that we live under the same roof. Just never get in my way okay?"

Kyungsoo looked at him with a confused look.

"Alright? I'm just like this now because dad told me he'll let me have my own car if I'm nice to you... He didn't say until when specifically. So whatever, understood?"


Kyungsoo nodded. He's back to being a cinderalla man again. Only with no chores, no annoying fake mother, but an annoying spoiled brat that he'll be seeing every morning for a month or two.



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updated the second to the last chapter of day lily


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Chapter 12: even tho it wasn't a happyy ending, the fic itself was still really good! Thank you so much for writing it! I enjoyed reading it ^^~
misajane #2
Chapter 12: im confused
Eager for the next update! This story is great! You're beautiful! <3 ^^
Chapter 11: Im confused >.< I cant go with the flow of story TT__TT Chanyeol made Kyung forget? Kai killed Yeol?
darayang #5
Chapter 10: Kyaaaaa!!! What happened with kyungsoo? Did chanyeol erases Kyungsoo's memories? But why about him too? Waaaaaah~ its really interesting~
Update faster please author-niiim~
darayang #6
Chapter 9: Woooow!! Its getting really2 interesting...
I never thought that the one who killed chanyeol is kai...
Please update faster author-niiiim~:3
Chapter 8: Ah!! So intense!! o.o
Please update soon!
faeriemythc #8
Chapter 8: Wow! Its getting intense.
Chapter 7: new readerrrr hello hello
ermaaagawddd this story is soo good (y)
kaisoo feeeelz <333
update soon yeahhh ?
-throws kaisoo and a bunch of roses-