3| Tainted Picture Frame

Day Lily

a/n. I think the chapter title didn't make any sense, lol but I still hope you like this chapter!!
Credits to the poster from my awesome bestie/dongsaeng! :D



What is it Kyungsoo-ah?

Aniya, nevermind...But hyung, why do you like day lilies?

Mmmm, I'm not sure. But somehow they remind me of someone.

Someone? Who?

Just... Someone.


"Well, we're here."

Kyungsoo's peaceful thoughts were disrupted by Jongin's sudden but calm voice. He realized that car had stopped, so he looked out of the window to see a house that was much bigger than where he used to live in. It looked like a mansion, wait, scratch that, it was definitely a mansion. And by the looks of it, it was built to attract tourists or let's say, neighbors that are keeping up with the jonas'.

"Soooo, what do you think of the house? It's pretty big right?! Well huge I guess!! It's so much bigger than yours!" A smirk followed by a satisfied laugh  came from Jongin's side as Kyungsoo rolled his eyes. 'What's wrong with him?' He thought to himself as the other handed him the stroller bag and headed to the door. He silently prayed as he thought of Chanyeol again.

'Chanyeol, promise me you'll protect me okay?'

He imagined Chanyeol standing beside him as he reached to turn the bronze tarnished door knob of the Kim residence. As soon as he touched the handle, loud laughter followed. Laughter. Something that Kyungsoo's been meaning to have. It's not that he doesn't laugh, he does laugh everytime Chanyeol cracked a joke, but he was the only who could make him do that. That was the problem, he wanted to laugh not only because of Chanyeol but for the sake of laughing. He loved the sound of it, the melody that could contain crackling and alien language always soothed him at his darkest hour.

He gripped at the handle of his bag as he forced a smile. A beautiful woman greeted the young lad with a huge grin on her face that reminded of his mother, except the difference was the creepy gaze in her eyes... She looked too happy. Too happy that she looked like she could appear in a horror movie, ala Insidious if specific. Kyungsoo bowed towards the lady out of respect as he surveyed the first floor of the huge house. It was wonderful and beautiful like a dream.

The chandelier was the first thing that attracted Kyungsoo's attention, then the long staircase leading to the second floor. He raised his head to take a peek at what's on the second floor. There were three rooms, one could be his, the other could be Jongin-ssi's and well the most important place which was the bathroom for royal needs.

"Come this way, Kyungsoo right?" The woman grinned as she flashed her white teeth. Kyungsoo nodded and stepped in the house doubtfully. Now he was sure of it, his parents abandoned him. It won't be just for a month right? He remembered when his brother hugged him and said a very kind farewell, why else? Probably because that was going to be the last time he'll be seeing his younger brother.

"Jongin. Bring him upstairs." Her face changed as she glared at his son, but only for awhile since she turned back to the young lad and smiled. Kyungsoo watched as she left the main room.


"Hey, aren't you coming?" Jongin's voice sounded irritated as he waited for the clumsy looking boy. Kyungsoo was in deep thought for a few moments, he thought about his life so far. How it started with his mother doing what she pleased, how he met Chanyeol, how he liked Chanyeol, how Chanyeol presented a flower full of meaning to him and finally, how he was slowly being invited to hell when he wished for heaven.

Not once had he complained, but it just made him wonder. Why is this all happening to him? He was a good boy, and has always been a good boy. They say things only become good at the end... And when it's not good, it's not the end. But then, what, is this the beginning? Kyungsoo shook his head.

What a ish beginning.

The jerk at the opposite end must have been waiting long as if it weren't seconds, but he was cursing and muttering about the older boy already. He had impatience like a stubborn mule, only if that wasn't obvious. Kyunsoo sighed as he looked at the younger who stood beside the staircase with his head up high.

So this is the real Jongin.

He remembered his first impression of the younger. Handsome, tall and nice to his mother... Who knew he was a spoiled brat that could be compared to the two face Janus, although to Kyungsoo, Janus was a much kinder guy than he was. It has been 30 minutes more or less, but Kyungsoo realized how the younger was greedy and wanted the world even when it felt he already half of the vast planet.

"Yah Kyungsoo-ssi, are you deaf?" The boy rolled his eyes, walked towards the older and grabbed his stroller bag. As their eyes met, Kyungsoo noticed how their lips were just inches apart, but that didn't seem to bother Jongin. It didn't bother Kyungsoo too, but he just noticed.

"Come on, aren't you going to hurry up?" There was a short paused that could be felt from the other but he shrugged it off and walked away with Kyungsoo's stroller bag. "It's getting late, we have school tomorrow."

"It's only 5 pm." Kyungsoo retorted but chuckled after. "You don't seem to be the type to care if your going to wake up late."

Jongin didn't respond as he ascended the steps ignoring the other.


Jongin showed the other to his room before leaving to his own himself. "See you tomorrow then." Kyungsoo said politely to which wasn't heard by the other guy. He watched Jongin leave to the other room, and when he closed the door, Kyungsoo went back to his "new home". The place was pretty nice. He didn't expect anything so what he's seeing now was beyond his expectation. He slowly opened the zipper of his stroller bag as he pursed his lips thinking.

The first thing he saw when he opened the bag, was none other then his old picture frame of him and his best friend. A real smile that has been hiding for a week finally came to. While he was basking the memories with his friend, the door opened wide. If Kyungsoo turned he would have seen Jongin with a glass of orange juice in his hand heading his way.

"You didn't knock Jongin-ah." Well it wouldn't be Mrs. Kim if the person didn't knock.

Jongin-ah?Kyungsoo shrugged as soon as he realized.

"I told you not to call me that." Jongin said with a straight face. For a split second, his expression changed when he saw the picture that Kyungsoo was holding. He chuckled and got closer to the shorter young lad. He glanced at Kyungsoo's face that stared at the photo as if he came from an accident, and it was the only thing he could save. Jongin didn't know anything.

"Who's that ?" He doesn't know anything.

Kyungsoo stared at the picture as his expression hardened. ? What does he  know?

"Yah! Are you really deaf Kyungsoo-ssi? I said WHO. IS. THAT. --"

"WON'T YOU SHUT UP?" Kyungsoo dropped the frame towards the bed and pushed Jongin. But the other was too strong to fall like Kyungsoo wanted so instead, he smirked at the older, pushed him aside and poured the juice all over the frame. He didn't know what he was thinking. And if that wasn't enough, he took the frame and threw it to the ground. A tear fell from the older's eyes as he heard a crashing sound.

"Well, I'm sorry Kyungsoo-ah." The culprit mocked. "By the way you were affected with something simple, he must be someone to you huh?"

Kyungsoo didn't move.

"Haha, maybe I was wrong." He squatted down till he reached Kyungsoo's level who now sat up to look straight at the damn bastard's eyes. "Maybe you are the ." The smirk he had on for awhile faded as he went inches closer to Kyungsoo's lips. The older couldn't move. What was going on? What was happening?

Then when the world was about to end, Jongin laughed and stood up.

"See you tomorrow, ."

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updated the second to the last chapter of day lily


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Chapter 12: even tho it wasn't a happyy ending, the fic itself was still really good! Thank you so much for writing it! I enjoyed reading it ^^~
misajane #2
Chapter 12: im confused
Eager for the next update! This story is great! You're beautiful! <3 ^^
Chapter 11: Im confused >.< I cant go with the flow of story TT__TT Chanyeol made Kyung forget? Kai killed Yeol?
darayang #5
Chapter 10: Kyaaaaa!!! What happened with kyungsoo? Did chanyeol erases Kyungsoo's memories? But why about him too? Waaaaaah~ its really interesting~
Update faster please author-niiim~
darayang #6
Chapter 9: Woooow!! Its getting really2 interesting...
I never thought that the one who killed chanyeol is kai...
Please update faster author-niiiim~:3
Chapter 8: Ah!! So intense!! o.o
Please update soon!
faeriemythc #8
Chapter 8: Wow! Its getting intense.
Chapter 7: new readerrrr hello hello
ermaaagawddd this story is soo good (y)
kaisoo feeeelz <333
update soon yeahhh ?
-throws kaisoo and a bunch of roses-