Chapter 15

The Sun and The Moon
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The only description for the position Luna woke up in, was the head lock. Luna glanced at the clock and saw it was a little after 8 in the morning. YoungBae was behind her with his arm around her neck, grabbing her shoulder. He was breathing heavily by her ear with the slightest snore. Luna smiled and soaked in the feeling of being held so securely. She didn't want to wake him, but nature was calling. She slowly peeled each finger off her shoulder and slid carefully out of his reach. In a moment of tenderness, Luna placed a kiss on his hand before laying it gently on the bed. Coming back out of the bathroom, she saw he had rolled over to his back with his arms thrown above his head. It looked like he had literally thrown himself into slumber. Aww, so cute!

Grabbing the laundry basket and her laptop, she moved as quietly as possible to the kitchen. Luna always liked Sunday mornings. They seemed to demand coffee and quiet moments, at least for the first part of the day. The 'fun' began later. Pulling down 2 bowls, she set out spoons for cereal.

“Morning,” Stacy said while yawning a half hour later. She shuffled blindly towards the coffee pot and took a deep breath. “Mmmm, that's the stuff.”

“Sleep well?,” Stacy grunted a 'yes'. “Is it your day to do laundry or mine?”

“You told me on Friday you would do laundry for the month if I bought you a bottle of soju.” She looked around, then spotted the bowl Luna had set out for her.

“Bull! Look me in the eye and tell that lie again,” Stacy scratched her head and suddenly found her cereal preparations very interesting. “That's what I thought. Just for that lame attempt at shirking your duty, you get laundry for a month.”

Stacy grumbled and plopped down across from her friend. “Why are you up, anyway? And why don't you have music blaring like you usually do?”

“Bae's still back there sleeping.” Luna stared at her laptop screen and did her best to avoid Stacy's eye.

“No way! Did you get some? Oooo, I bet he's good too. I've seen the man dance. Yummy!”

“Nothing happened, Stace. It was all innocent. We just slept.”

“Girl, why?”

“Far too soon, by anyone's standards. Well, except yours, you ,” Luna didn't have to look up to know Stacy was giving her the finger. “We slept with a pillow between us. How cute is that?”

With a noncommittal grunt, Stacy flipped through her iPad reading news headlines. They enjoyed their breakfast in companionable silence. This Sunday morning ritual was so familiar to them that they didn't need to talk through it. Stacy knew when to refill Luna's mug, Luna knew when to hand Stacy the milk for her second bowl of cereal. It was a routine they perfected years ago when Stacy moved in with Luna after her mom passed. They had become fast friends on campus and their closeness luckily translated into being agreeable house mates.

When they could no longer procrastinate, they stood up and got busy.




The smell of chemicals is what woke YoungBae up first. Then it was the intermittent sound of furniture scraping the floor. Rolling over and taking a good look at the walls and he remembered where he was. He looked to his left, saw the clock said it was a after 9am, and tried to go back to sleep. Then he heard a thump and a yelp of pain. Jumping up, he ran out of the room to find Stacy sprawled on the floor in a most undignified manner with Luna in the dinning room bent over in laughter.

“You get 0 points for that dismount!,” shoulders still shaking with mirth, she looked up and noticed YoungBae standing in the hallway. “Good morning. Sorry if we woke you.”

YoungBae took in the scene around him. The house looked torn apart. The windows were open, the furniture was pulled away from the walls and the carpet in the the living room was missing. “What are you guys doing?”

“Clean Up Sunday.”

“You only clean on Sunday?” Luna gave him a droll look.

“No, we clean everyday, but on Sunday we do all the hard stuff. Fridge, oven, bathrooms, dusting, changing the sheets, mopping, laundry. That stuff. Are you hungry?” she asked as she was already moving in to the kitchen.

“Is she okay?” he wondered because Stacy was still on the floor.

“Yeah, she's fine. She was standing on the couch, dusting the picture above it and decided to jump down backwards. In socks. Again. I worried the first few times she did it, now I just ignore her. She'll never learn if I coddle her.” Another moan of pain could be heard from the other room, but Luna kept talking.

“Now if she's done pretending to be hurt, those floors aren't going to mop themselves!,” she called. She watched Stacy get up slowly and knew she was cursing her under breath. “To make it bearable, we turn it into a party. Play music and dance around like idiots. Then we celebrate with brunch and manicures.”

“I don't hear any music.” YoungBae noticed.

“I didn't want to wake you up. I was feeling lazy this morning and just had cereal. That okay?” he nodded and she got him a bowl, too.

After a few bites he asked, “Would you like some help?,” Over his shoulder, Luna could see Stacy stop and pretend to swoon on the couch. “I'll have to go into the office around noon, but I don't mind helping out before I go.”

“Are you serious?,” he nodded because his mouth was full. “Cool. I'll give you the easy job.”




The door to the closet was deceptive. It had been closed the whole time he was over, so he had no idea what lay behind it. Nothing prepared him for the mess that awaited him. There were clothes askew on the hangers, shirts and pants thrown over a chair and shoes piled in a corner. It was a statement in opposites because the rest of the house was so neat and orderly. It looked like a smaller version of JiYong's closet.

“What exactly do you expect me to do in here?” his voice laced with trepidation.

“Easy, all you have to do is hang stuff back up. It's all clean, just messy.”

“Do you want me to try to organize as I go?”

“It is organized,” he raised his eyebrow in doubt. “See? Jackets on the upper rack, shirts on the bottom rack there. Dresses are, well, in there. Accessories along the back wall. Shoes are over there. Pants and skirts on the other side. It's easy.”

“Why don't you hang the suits together. Or put the shirts in color order?”

“Because that takes away from the magic. Digging through until you find exactly what you were looking for is like finding a gift on Christmas morning,” reaching up on her toes, she kissed him on the cheek and walked out. “Uh, ignore the accessories. Just do as much as you can.”

YoungBae rubbed his hands together, took a deep breath and waded in. Starting with the clothes on the chair he started sorting and hanging shirts. At first he didn't notice, but then he started looking at labels as he went. Vera Wang, Ralph Lauren, Armani,…..Chanel?! Grabbed at a handful of suits he saw similar names. Dior, Donna Karen, Burberry, Calvin Klein, Versace! Not quite believing his eyes, he looked on the back wall and noticed the unmistakable 'LV' pattern on her a few of her purses. After searching for labels on others he saw a Prada bag and a Gucci bag with tags still on them. Shoes never lie. He hurried over to the pile and mixed in with a lot of flip flops and shoes with names of no consequence were two pairs of Christian Louboutin red soled pumps, Dr. Marten knee high boots, Jimmy Choo sandals, Stuart Weitzman slings backs and the holy grail of all women's shoes...Manolo Blahnik stiletto heels.

YoungBae was stunned. He looked really hard at the dresser in the middle of the closet that likely held her jewelry. Finally, he shook his head and decided against peeking inside. That would be too much like snooping. Shaking off a good portion of his confusion, he continued with his task. The majority of the clothes he came across were simple items that could be purchased anywhere, but as he went, he kept coming across items by luxury designers. It just didn't make sense.



“How's it going in—WOW. What did you do to my closet?!” Luna did a quick turn around and saw not only were all of the clothes picked up, but they were organized. He had matched up the suit jackets and bottoms and moved them to one side on the bottom rack. Her shirts were hung above them now. On the other side, her dresses were displayed along the top row with pants and skirts below. As she looked on, YoungBae was shifting her purses from right to left to create more room for the shoes that were now on the shelves.

Still holding a pair of her heels in his hands, a sweaty YoungBae turned around to smile at her. “See, it makes a lot more sense. I put your heels up here and lined the boots and sneakers along the wall...” he gestured and continued to explain the changes he had made. Luna could only look around in stunned silence.

“But...but...the magic...” she whimpered.

“Think of this as a new kind of magic. The power to see everything at a glance.” This was met with silence.

“I know that you're right. Plea

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Nueky_ #1
Chapter 42: I comeback to immerse myself in the world of fanfic after a long hiatus and this bring back a lot of memories of MBLAQ. They're my first ever favorite grup that introduce me to the world of kpop. I hope they're doing well now.
Came back to re-read like I always do lol
I was so excited to see that Luna and Bae’s story was a fact and not a footnote of LMYF! Because I purely fell in love with Jiyong there and am glad I got to know him there before here because I’m not sure I’d have warmed up as much! I love how you humanize these idols, even fictitiously it’s so perfect. Perfectly imperfect in their humanity. I’m addicted to these stories and have reread LMYF multiple times, coming back to favored tracts and can now see that happening with Luna and Bae’s story
emmoluscaa #4
Chapter 17: haiiiii, before you judge me, im sorry , english is not my first language, but i hope you understand what im gonna saying
i looove your storyyyy, not just your story ilove the way you write them, keep writing bigbang story and im gonna loVE THEM
This was my first ever ambw story. What I liked so much about it is how well you “developed” Luna. She’s fictional but the way you wrote about her in every single chapter with her actions, quirks, back story, habits, good traits and imperfections makes her a living and breathing person to me! I’m a fan of hers! :D The journey of her and YoungBae is a real one, I could perfectly see this happen in real life with all its ups and downs but so wonderfull!!! Compared to my beginning days at aff, I have changed into a more “picky” reader, shall I say? Looking back, I read quite some stories and even subscribed to ones where the female character is just “there” and I don’t/can’t “feel” them in hindsight, if you understand what I mean? There aren’t a lot of Authors who are able to bring an OC to life but you are one of them!! One more thing: the girl on the poster is beautiful! P.S: I totally ship Stacy/Seungri <3
blabber23 #6
Chapter 47: Just finish reading it. oh.. I like it. very well written, nice plot. I'm going to read another story from you.
Chapter 16: Stacey is literally my best friend just a different name and she's in a story it's kind of the greatest
Chapter 7: he is so nice to her, and im so angry she thinks this is just a fling like girl....just go with the flow chill