Chapter 12

The Sun and The Moon
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“The coast is clear, Boss MoonBeam. You have officially wasted the rest of this work day.” Stacy called from outside the door. Luna peaked out to check and breathed a great sigh of relief.

“Thank you, Stacy. I really appreciate it. Did Lee SeungHyun leave an address behind?” Luna switched back in to professional mode as if her little break down never happened. Usually, Stacy would call her on it, but opted to leave her alone. There would be plenty of time for Stacy to later.

“Yes, he asked if I would drop them off to the YG building once they were finished.”

“Okay, I'll let the messenger service know as--”

“You misunderstand. He asked me to drop them off Monday....” and with a flick of her hair she walked away with an extra bit of sass in her step. Eeewww, Luna thought. Going to her office she started punching in the information needed to get the application processed.

“You almost ready to go?”
“Hmm?” Luna replied without looking up.

“It's Friday. What do we do every Friday, Lu?”

“Oh, I really don't feel like going, Stace,” She kept typing. “Go on and have fun. I'm going home after I finish this up.”

“No, you're not.”

“Yes, I am.”

“Look here, hussy. I realize you've had a hell of a shock today, but that is no cause to go breaking tradition. Friday equals NoraeBang, so get your together and lets go.” Luna threw her hands up and grabbed her purse.




Back at the YG building, YoungBae couldn't concentrate. His mind was busy with all of the days discoveries. Luna was alive and in Seoul. She didn't seem happy to see him, which he couldn't figure out. Why was she calling him 'That Bastard'?! He had been nothing but a gentleman to her.

“Ya, YoungBae, pay attention” came JiYong's voice behind him. They were working on choreography and he was missing all of it. Finally tired of being corrected like a trainee, he claimed he had a leg cramp and left the room. He was almost to the elevator when JiYong caught up to him. “Now will you tell me what's wrong?” YoungBae was quiet for a time and got off on the gym floor.

“It's Luna. I saw her today”

“Aish. Not her again! I thought she was gone.” He followed him to the treadmills. “Where did you see her?”

“At the US embassy. Go figure”

“I thought she was lying about all that? You said--”

“Well, obviously she wasn't lying. She's approving Maknae's visa for the New York trip as we speak.” They were quiet as they started to warm up.

“Are you sure it was her?” JiYong asked. YoungBae looked at him with an eyebrow raised. “You know everyone has a twin in the world some where. Maybe it was just a girl that looked a lot like her. Maybe she's an undercover spy for the US and--”

“JIYONG!” he yelled to cut him off. “It was her and she didn't look pleased to see me. She ignored me the whole time she dealt with Seungri and ran out of the room after like her pants were on fire.”

“Did you get any kind of explanation?”

“I didn't see her again. But her friend...Stacy, I think her name was, told me that she never called me by name. Just 'That Bastard” and threw away all of our CD's”

“'That Bastard'? Huh. Sounds like a good title for a song... Did she say anything else?”

“She made it sound like I did something wrong to Luna.”

“You didn't, though..did you?”

“Of course not”


“Ji. I don't know, but I have a way to find out”. He ran through the plans that were set up by Stacy and JiYong loudly objected.

“What if it's just some game they play? What if she's just pretending to be all hurt, but she's stringing you along? Trying to work this into a longer story. Did you check out the house address?”

“I don't have it yet. The noraebang is legit, though. ”

“WHAT!?! You can't go blindly into these situations. No. I forbid it! Nothing good will come of this, Bae. Leave that girl in

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Nueky_ #1
Chapter 42: I comeback to immerse myself in the world of fanfic after a long hiatus and this bring back a lot of memories of MBLAQ. They're my first ever favorite grup that introduce me to the world of kpop. I hope they're doing well now.
Came back to re-read like I always do lol
I was so excited to see that Luna and Bae’s story was a fact and not a footnote of LMYF! Because I purely fell in love with Jiyong there and am glad I got to know him there before here because I’m not sure I’d have warmed up as much! I love how you humanize these idols, even fictitiously it’s so perfect. Perfectly imperfect in their humanity. I’m addicted to these stories and have reread LMYF multiple times, coming back to favored tracts and can now see that happening with Luna and Bae’s story
emmoluscaa #4
Chapter 17: haiiiii, before you judge me, im sorry , english is not my first language, but i hope you understand what im gonna saying
i looove your storyyyy, not just your story ilove the way you write them, keep writing bigbang story and im gonna loVE THEM
This was my first ever ambw story. What I liked so much about it is how well you “developed” Luna. She’s fictional but the way you wrote about her in every single chapter with her actions, quirks, back story, habits, good traits and imperfections makes her a living and breathing person to me! I’m a fan of hers! :D The journey of her and YoungBae is a real one, I could perfectly see this happen in real life with all its ups and downs but so wonderfull!!! Compared to my beginning days at aff, I have changed into a more “picky” reader, shall I say? Looking back, I read quite some stories and even subscribed to ones where the female character is just “there” and I don’t/can’t “feel” them in hindsight, if you understand what I mean? There aren’t a lot of Authors who are able to bring an OC to life but you are one of them!! One more thing: the girl on the poster is beautiful! P.S: I totally ship Stacy/Seungri <3
blabber23 #6
Chapter 47: Just finish reading it. oh.. I like it. very well written, nice plot. I'm going to read another story from you.
Chapter 16: Stacey is literally my best friend just a different name and she's in a story it's kind of the greatest
Chapter 7: he is so nice to her, and im so angry she thinks this is just a fling like girl....just go with the flow chill