Up and Away [UNFINISHED]
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“School is finally out!” Daehyun shouted as he toppled onto my cold, untouched bed. “I feel free! I feel amazing… Like I can do anything!”

“Except ask that girl out…” I retorted softly. Daehyun quickly turned his head my way and shot me a glare as I whistled as if I hadn’t said a word. “So, what do we do now that school is out?” Daehyun shrugged his shoulders at this.

“I kind of thought you would have an answer…” he trailed off as he rubbed the back of his neck. I sighed because it was a nice, hot summer day and all we could do was laze around and wait for something to happen. “Hey” he asked as he sat up, “aren’t you supposed to be starting that job of yours soon?” I groaned as he reminded me.

“Oh please don’t remind me… I’m not looking forward to it.”

I sat up and decided to get off my bed.

“Where are you going?” Daehyun asked in a demanding manner.

“What are you, my boyfriend?” I joked and he nodded his head. “Oh shut up” I threw a pillow at him and he laughed.

“I was kidding! Where are you going? Let’s go out!” his sentence sounded jumbled and too confusing to understand.

“Slow down speed racer, now repeat your sentence… slower this time!”

“Let’s go out” he smiled, “let’s get ice cream! Let’s visit your job and check it out before you start it, get a tour and a feel of it ya feel?”

“Alright, you’re paying and driving though… and please don’t ever say ya feel again” I shook my head and exited my room as I grabbed my keys, wallet, and phone and exited the room. “Remember to shut my—” he had closed my door, “door. You know me too well, Jung.”

“Well I’m not surprised, I mean we ARE best friends” he answered back.

“Don’t get sassy with me” I let him exit the house first, shut the door after us, and locked it. “Alright, where to?”

“Gunther’s!” he cheered as he started his car, “though I’m not exactly sure where it is…”

“Oh I got you” I smiled as I pulled out my Samsung Galaxy S4 and opened up the GPS system. “Gunther’s…” I typed out. The GPS began talking and Daehyun pulled out of the driveway. He listened to the GPS and we got to Gunther’s, as crowded as usual.

“Are you sure you want to go here?” I asked Daehyun, “There are plenty of ice cream parlors—”

“NO! Gunther’s is the best! It’s worth the wait, once you taste the quality ice cream you won’t be able to stop eating it” he smiled.

“Alright, alright” I agreed. We waited for about half an hour before getting served.

“Hi, how may I help you today?” the cashier asked with a forced smile. Daehyun sputtered out his order in less than five seconds and smiled as he handed over the cash.

“What did you get?” I looked over his shoulder and he turned around.

“The 50/50” he smiled widely, “it’s your choice of flavored shaved ice with your choice of ice cream, if you do get it, I recommend strawberry shaved ice with vanilla ice cream!”

“I think I’ll just share with you” I smiled and the cashier asked her question as if she had repeated it.

“How may I help you?” she forced a smile once again. She looked as though she hated her job… I hoped that wasn’t going to be me in the future.

“I’ll get birthday cake in a sugar cone” I smiled and she pressed a few buttons.

“That will be three dollars and ten cents” she said after pressing her last few buttons. I handed over the cash and she smiled. “Thank you, have a nice day. You’re order number 450.” I told her to have a nice day as well and sat near Daehyun.

We both got our ice creams after waiting for a short while.

“Ah” Daehyun smiled and I opened my mouth.

“Hey that’s pretty good!” I laughed, “I’m not exactly a fan of fruits with my desserts, but that’s pretty good!”

“I told you so” Daehyun stuck out his tongue, “I’m never wrong. How do you like your ice cream?”

“I love it! There are actual cake bits in it! I think I’m in love” I handed my cone over to Daehyun who took a rather large bite out of my ice cream.

“You know,” he said as he grabbed more of his ice cream, “if you weren’t such a great friend, I think I would have asked you out a long time ago.”

I stopped chewing the cake bits in my mouth to take in what he said, “is that so?” He nodded his head and I laughed.

“I think I would have said yes” I replied to him and we both smiled. It’s nice to know that we can tell each other things like this without it getting awkward. We both know that the idea of us going out is just way out there and neither of us is willing to deal with any consequences that may come out of it.

We were happily enjoying our desserts in peace.

And of course a certain someone had to come and ruin everything.

“Hey guys” Chanyeol scooted into our booth, sitting on my side. His cologne was strong and had smacked me in the face. Instead of tasting my delightful birthday cake-flavored ice cream, I had taken in some of his Acqua Di Gio cologne. I coughed and Daehyun looked at me, smiling.

“What’s up” Daehyun extended his arm across the table to pound fists with Chanyeol.

“What do you want from us” I continued to cough and Chanyeol put his arm around my shoulders.

“More like what I want from you, if you know what I mean” Chanyeol wiggled his eyebrows.

“Agh” I groaned and threw his arm off of me. “We had a conversation about this before school ended! You are not allowed to come near me; you must keep at least 50 feet away from me.”

“I thought you were kidding” Chanyeol frowned.

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Chapter 18: Aww.. I'm really sad about this.
I was actually waiting for your updates. I really love this story.
I hope you'll still consider continuing this story.
tiffpantoofla #2
Wait I'm really sad & disappointed about this, but thanks so much for writing!!!!
Chapter 16: im just too in love with this story
Chapter 16: I really love this story, i hope you'll still update.
Hwaiting! We will be waiting~
tiffpantoofla #5
i love this story, please update when you get the chance to! i'll be looking forward to it (:
Chapter 14: ikennot wait <3 go go go chanyeooollllllllll~
Chapter 14: The plot is picking up! -squeals- hehehebehehbeebeb i see what u did there i cant wait for the next chapter!
Chapter 13: OH MY GOODNESS .........................