Up and Away [UNFINISHED]
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If I had to choose a song that fits this chapter the most, it would have to be this one. ;)

“Hey” Myungsoo waved his hand in front of my face to grab my attention, “are you alright?” He flashed his slightly smug smile and brought his hand back to his side. I looked at him, nodded, and smiled. In reality, I was jittery as hell and anxious because of Jin Ah and Chanyeol. I had no problem with them being here, it’s just the fact that Chanyeol would ever pull such a stunt to get some sort of revenge on me.

I looked around often and Myungsoo always ask if I was alright. I probably reassured him at least 500 times that I was alright. I felt bad because Myungsoo was actually looking forward to this and I had hoped to as well, but Chanyeol will not get out of my head no matter how hard I try. I mean, I’ve literally tried to smack him out of my head, but I almost ended up with a concussion before Daehyun stopped me.

“It’s Chanyeol, isn’t it?”

I looked up from my empty plate and saw Myungsoo attempting to smile.

“That idiot never conveys his feelings like he’s supposed to. He always thinks he’s right… and acts on impulse” Myungsoo twirled his straw and the ice cubes in his cup clanked against the glass. “Sorry that my best friend is an idiot. I know you like him, I mean e—”

“I do NOT like him” I tried incredibly hard not to yell, Myungsoo looked a bit shocked and then relaxed.

“It’s okay to” he laughs, “I mean… I know he makes you happy. You seem to be the most comfortable whenever he’s around, I would know. I look at you often—I mean, well it’s already been blurted out, no point in denying it. I seriously think you’re one of the prettiest girls I’ve ever met… but seeing how you are around Chanyeol—I have no chance. Look” he paused and cleared his throat, “I know his actions are hurting you, or at least affecting you because you can’t seem to concentrate. I’ve asked you the same question at least five times already” Myungsoo’s eyes strayed away from his glass full of water and met with mine. He looked so vulnerable… I felt sorry. “And I know it’s because of him.”


“You don’t have to deny it” he smiled, “everyone knows.”

I was quiet; I had no idea what to say. In a way, he was right, but in another way, he was absolutely wrong.

“Hear me out, will you?” I laughed, “I don’t like him. I mean, the only reason why I’m so mad is because he pulled a stupid hat trick just to make me mad. He could have told me that he liked me instead of lying to me. That’s another reason why I can’t bring myself to like him—at least not yet. I mean, who knows? Maybe I will in the future, and maybe I won’t. But I don’t want to admit anything yet with the way he’s acting. It’s not doing anyone justice, and it’s not right for me to not give you a chance, right?”

Myungsoo looked up from the menu and his eyes lit up with hope.

“So you’re saying… that you and I…” he really tried to contain his smile, but it proved to be impossible after he made these weird faces and smiled in the end.

“It’s possible” I laughed, “but I don’t think I want to ruin Hyomin’s chances of getting with you.”

“What?” he looked bewildered, as if I had said something incredibly offensive. “What are you talking about?”

“Oh come on, you’re not THAT oblivious… are you?” he shrugged his shoulders and I kind of wanted to punch him for being so… naïve. “Hyomin… you know why she sticks around, right?”

“Well I kind of always just assumed it was because she was trying to get a job… but every time I offered, she rejected and hugged me… oh” he had looked up at me after analyzing and realizing how sadly innocent he was. “I never realized” he began to blush, “but I don’t like her. I mean, it’s flattering and all, but she’s a childhood friend and it’s… weird.”

“Aw come on, give her a chance! I’m sure, somewhere deep down inside that evil heart of hers she’s somewhat sane” I tried to smile, but ended up looking away to prevent Myungsoo from seeing what my true feelings toward Hyomin were.

“I don’t think I can, I mean I asked you out on a date, right?” he smiled at me and I didn’t know how to reply to him. Myungsoo wasn’t all that bad after all… I guess it takes a guy to turn a year older to realize he needs to man up. “And besides, I’m not interested in her… so why bother trying?”

I nodded my head and we both finally chose food off our menus.

“I’ll have the chicken alfredo” the two of us said at the same time, the w

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Chapter 18: Aww.. I'm really sad about this.
I was actually waiting for your updates. I really love this story.
I hope you'll still consider continuing this story.
tiffpantoofla #2
Wait I'm really sad & disappointed about this, but thanks so much for writing!!!!
Chapter 16: im just too in love with this story
Chapter 16: I really love this story, i hope you'll still update.
Hwaiting! We will be waiting~
tiffpantoofla #5
i love this story, please update when you get the chance to! i'll be looking forward to it (:
Chapter 14: ikennot wait <3 go go go chanyeooollllllllll~
Chapter 14: The plot is picking up! -squeals- hehehebehehbeebeb i see what u did there i cant wait for the next chapter!
Chapter 13: OH MY GOODNESS .........................