Now’s the time

Her Sanctuary



Chapter 7- Now’s the time



“Let’s go!” Here he comes again, holding her hand.


“To where? There is no way I will waste my precious time going after him when any minute by now, he’ll be here frantically looking for me.” Seohyun is leisurely drinking her wine.


Now he is confused. Since when did she plan all these?


“You’re even prepared. I love that.” He could not comprehend what Seohyun is up to. Now she is a total mystery.


Indeed Seohyun was right, moments later, Yonghwa entered the bar searching for this someone. He’s with Hara, whom is busy clinging unto him. Now she did not feel any tinge of jealousy. Maybe she’s beginning to move on. Yet, she still needed her revenge. It would make her feel at ease; it would make her have final laugh. Only then she can fully move on. She may be evil and selfish for doing this, but she won’t back off. After all,  she had been a very good girl. Being naughty at these times won’t harm, right?


“Now I’m impressed. How did you make him look for you?”


“I did not do anything. In fact, he’s seriously been looking for me these past few days, saying that he wants to make up for his actions and pull me back to him. I’m not that kind Jiyong-ssi. Cheating, for me, is a crime. And nothing or no one will ever to bail him out.”


Jiyong smiled and put his jacket to her. They are too close that he looks like he is hugging her.


“Thank you.” She’s touched. She feels tingling effect of the butterflies in her stomach.


“To make him jealous.” He drifted his eyes at Yonghwa.


He didn’t need to reply. Worst, he is an idiot to reason that. He mentally slapped himself and regretted of what he said. He feels stupid. While Seohyun is disappointed; she thought that he is being a gentleman. Yet he is just putting an act. She mentally cursed herself for being thankful. She too felt stupid.


The atmosphere is getting awkward. What a timing for Yonghwa to join them. More so, they needed to be in their lovey-dovey act.


Seohyun is startled when Yonghwa showed up. Jiyong, on the other hand, was calm. He holds Seohyun’s hand and spoke…


“Good evening Yonghwa-ssi. What a coincidence! We meet again.” He then held out his hand to Yonghwa, asking for a handshake. But Yonghwa ignored him.


“Seohyun, let’s talk.” Seriousness is all over Yonghwa’s face. He is not in the mood to play in any game right now.


“Say it now, Yonghwa-ssi. I’m listening.” Seohyun will not also back off. She is not the type anymore to do what others ask her, especially if it is Yonghwa.


“Alone.” Yonghwa’s words are short yet powerful.


Yet there is no way Seohyun will be overpowered. “Whatever you say to me, I will also say it to Jiyong oppa. There’s no difference. Just say it now, you’re wasting our time.”


Now Yonghwa is pissed. Are they really this close? Seohyun never once told him about Jiyong. He is now wondering when did they become like this.


Yonghwa was thinking of another way to make her talk to him privately when Jiyong blur his mind. “It’s okay Seohyun-ah. Just have a liitle chat with him. I won’t be jealous I promise.” He gave his encouraging smile to her.


To Yonghwa’s dismay, Seohyun agreed to what Jiyong said. She nodded and displayed his cute apologetic smile. That made him more jealous.


As soon as Jiyong left, Yonghwa spoke in rage.


“What was that? Since when did you become that close? You are not the type of girl to befriend a guy easily, more so if it was him.”


“Don’t you ever judge him. For the record, you don’t own me. Stop being like this Yonghwa. We are already over. Stop rummaging my life.”


“No Seohyun, You’re the one to stop being like this. What I did to you was a mistake and I’ m really sorry, I really am. You are not this kind of girl. I made you like this and I don’t know how to bring the old Seohyun back.”


“What confidence you have Yonghwa! What made you think that I changed because of you? You don’t know me when I’m not in love with you.”


“But you’re not like that to others either.”


“Because they didn’t hurt me.” She’s trying her best not to shed even a tear. She promised that she would not shed a tear for this guy. “I have moved on Yonghwa-ssi. I was living my life and here you are destroying it again.”


“We broke up just days ago Seohyun. I won’t believe you have already forgotten me.” He then caressed her cheeks with her hand. “Because I have not.”


Seohyun is blinded by hurt. Let’s just say her heart is stoned these days. She will not believe his words anymore.


She desperately removed his filthy hands from her cheeks. She closed her eyes. “I have moved on Yonghwa.” It was desperate. She was convincing herself more; but it sounded nice for her.


Jiyong came after Seohyun did the closure. He wrapped his arms around Seohyun as they leave Yonghwa. She is lifeless; like a corpse being held by someone. He, on the other hand, is dumbfounded. It was like a movie and he hates being the villain.  He hates himself more when he realized he was the one who dumped her. He regrets breaking her heart.


The truth is he didn’t know why he dumped her on the first place. She is drop dead gorgeous, talented, compassionate, respectful, humble…; she has everything a man could wish for. Yet he let this exceptional lady go. How stupid of him.


Hara came running to him and clung on his arms.


“Let me go.” He is mad. Yet Hara continued to charm him.


“Let’s dance.” She swayed their arms but Yonghwa frantically stopped her.


“I said let me go.” He walked out of the club and the tears he tried to hold back came running down his cheeks.




Jiyong is still hugging Seohyun’s waist as they exit the club. He carefully makes her seat to his car to drive her home. The journey is silent. Neither of them wants to start the conversation. It was an hour ride back to her dorm. Seohyun spoke as if she has woken up from her sleep.


“How did you know I live here?”


“Searching for a top group’s dorm is easy.” He then showed her his phone. He indeed made a research.


“You can ask me. I’m visibly here.” She said but didn’t look at him.


“I don’t want to disturb your thoughts.” Now she looked at him.


“Thank you.”


“It’s nothing.”


“No, thank you for helping me oust Yonghwa.”


“Well, I can’t say it’s nothing Seohyun-ssi. I am not a gentleman; you know that. A deal is a deal. I will be expecting you to grant a wish of mine.” He smirked.


“I know. I am a woman of words. I will surely repay you. Just tell me what it is.”


“I'll keep you posted.” With that, she gets out of his car and uttered her goodbye.




I can finally move on. Now's the time.




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AryanArbil #1
Chapter 11: please update author-nim..really love your story ❤❤❤❤
Chapter 11: Please update soon ^ - ^
Flayingunicorn1 #3
Chapter 11: Please continue author nim... Your story really awesome
caldaj15 #4
Chapter 11: Update soon author-nim :)
heejung1489 #5
Chapter 11: i hope this story will be remembered by the author~ too good to be left unfinished :(
nuhaif #6
Chapter 11: Love it. This story is really good. Hope you can continue this soon :)
DayaiNernal #7
Chapter 11: this is really good, I love it!
Hapsers #8
Chapter 11: Hi authornim. I just found this story, and this is so good! I love this! Hope u can continue this anytime soon :)
ano0osh #9
Chapter 11: please update