
Her Sanctuary



Chapter 4- Confrontation



Yonghwa had nothing in mind. What to do next; what to say or what to act either. In front of Seohyun and Jiyong he slowly shrinks. He was going to the bathroom to clear his mind when he saw a glimpse of a very familiar lady. When he moved closer and fully recognized the lady, a grin formed on his lips. This is what he’s been waiting for, she may be his savior for this rotten night.


“I guess the news is true. Are you planning to get drunk ‘til all the people notice you and make a feast of how you can’t take your breakup?” He mocked the lady. They were close, until that one incident.


“Yah! Jung Yong Hwa! Tell me! Is there a better way to mend this? I’m hurt, I really am. This is way beyond what you did to me.” She cried, could not control it. After her boyfriend cheated on her, she can only breakdown.


Yonghwa chuckled. “In fact, there is. Come with me.”


Yonghwa dragged her to their table, not even letting her know what he is up to.


“Hara.” Seohyun managed to say. She was shocked seeing him with her. Especially she was the reason of their first breakup.




Hara is Yonghwa’s first scandal. They were once linked because of some photos of them being extremely close; Hara holding Yonghwa’s arms at a music show, them playing around while a live show is on-going and the severe one, being seen at a bar drinking.


Seohyun didn’t even mind to read those articles believing that they are just people’s misconceptions. She knew Yonghwa and Hara’s closeness; they are both singers - actors anyway; they can relate and learn from each other. She understands that. However, seeing the people around her who knew their relationship panic and even console her made her confused. Even her unnies seem to question Yonghwa and Hara’s true relationship.


It came off to her one day when she and Yonghwa are on a date. Yonghwa excused himself to go to the rest room. He forgot to bring his phone with him and left it on the table. His phone beeped signaling of a text message. She was tempted to read the message. Because of the ruckus of his scandal, she could not stand still. Her unnies advised her to confront him about it; but she didn’t agree, believing that he loves her so much and would never do that. But she is a girl and jealousy is a girl’s nature. She could not control it. Hence; she opened the message. It was from Hara…


‘Oppa, I am having a hard time. I miss you.  Come here, I’m at the same place. I’ll be waiting for you.’


Though the text did not prove they are having an affair, it clearly showed that Hara has a thing for Yonghwa. She raged more upon realizing that the two indeed are meeting; and he as his boyfriend didn’t even manage to explain what was happening. It may be her fault for not questioning him but she is only afraid that he will take it as if she does not trust him. The main thing is, they are meeting behind Seohyun’s back. Tears started flowing down her cheeks.


Yonghwa came back. She stood, slapped him and yelled…


“Go with her. She misses you. We’re done!”


Seohyun didn’t even bother to hear Yonghwa’s explanation and walked out of the restaurant leaving Yonghwa dumbfounded. He noticed his cellphone at the table and read the message that she might just saw. He ran after her but after seeing many people outside, he backed out. Scandal after another would be not good for him and for her too.


Yonghwa tried to call her many times but she wouldn’t answer. Yes, he was guilty in some ways but not of what Seohyun was thinking. He is not having an affair with Hara. Though she confessed to Yonghwa, he did not like her back. That’s how much he loves Seohyun. He was just being a gentleman by rejecting Hara in a nice way. But it was too nice of a way that made Hara asked for more. She thought that he is gradually returning her feelings when in fact he is just guilty of rejecting her. That made some complications. This night he would end those.


He met Hara. This time he was a mad man.


“I will tell you things directly Hara. It will always be Seohyun. I regret being a nice guy to you. Guiltiness occurred to me while rejecting you. But now, I realized that letting you know what I feel is for the best. I never liked you. Stop contacting me. If you want me to forgive you in a way, clear my name to Seohyun. That’s the only thing I beg you of. She is my life. And you’re destroying it.”


Hara’s tears keep flowing. What is it with her that makes everyone worship her? First, it was her bestfriend Nicole, then her first love Jinwoon and now Yonghwa. Everyone around her adores her. Hara’s jealousy is at its full bloom.


Yet she managed to pay Seohyun a visit; not to apologize of course but to show her how angry she was for snatching away all the people she loves. She also told her the truth. She doesn’t want Yonghwa to hate her all his life. After confessing what she did, Seohyun’s mind lightened. Instead of being mad at her, she felt pity. They are of the same age; they should be friends yet here they are bickering because of a guy.


Seohyun offered her hand to Hara.


“I know this is way awkward. But Hara, let’s be friends. You’re a wonderful girl. You don’t need to feel insecure.”


But Hara refused. “There is no way I am insecure with you Seohyun. You don’t need to flop your fake wings with me. I would never buy that.”


And with that, Hara left.




“Nice seeing you again Seohyun…Oh with someone…I see. Hello Kwon Jiyong! Now someone’s under your spell again Seohyun-ah.” She mocked Seohyun, not forgetting how Seohyun has been a pain in her .


No one is speaking; thus leaving Hara does all the talk.


“So here you are three, making me laugh about this situation. Let me summarize it for all of you. As what I have heard, Yonghwa dumped Seohyun. Now our little Seohyun here is reaaaally hurt; but here she is now catching another fish. You are really great Seohyun!” And she claps her hands.


Seohyun could not take it anymore. She was about to walk away when Jiyong held her wrist.


“You should not be the one leaving Seohyun-ah. You’re far from being a like her.” Jiyong smirked at Hara.


Yonghwa is loving this scene. He is just sitting there, waiting for the right time to but in.


“Excuse me! You don’t know me enough.”


This time Hara is the one about to leave when Yonghwa held her hand.


“Where are you going? The night just started.” And he kissed her.


Seohyun could not take it. She immediately leaves while trying really hard to hold back her tears. Jiyong followed her leaving the two in their own little world.


“You’re right. This is a good way to mend my broken heart. Seo Joo Hyun’s tears is my happiness.”


“You hate her that much huh?” Yonghwa grinned.


Meanwhile, Seohyun positioned her back at the wall near the comfort room, crying her hearts out.


“There is no way this night will end like this. We should go back.” Jiyong allude her.


“This is not a game anymore Jiyong ssi. This was a mistake. I shouldn’t have started this.”


“Remember what I was telling you before Yonghwa came with Hara?”


“I’m tired of your rules. Nothing will go right to-“


He suddenly landed his lips on hers. Seohyun’s eyed widened. Her heart is beating so fast making her stiff.


As soon as Jiyong backed off, he spoke lovingly. “Rule No. 4! Act like we’re lovers.” He held her hand as they were walking out of the bar.



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AryanArbil #1
Chapter 11: please update author-nim..really love your story ❤❤❤❤
Chapter 11: Please update soon ^ - ^
Flayingunicorn1 #3
Chapter 11: Please continue author nim... Your story really awesome
caldaj15 #4
Chapter 11: Update soon author-nim :)
heejung1489 #5
Chapter 11: i hope this story will be remembered by the author~ too good to be left unfinished :(
nuhaif #6
Chapter 11: Love it. This story is really good. Hope you can continue this soon :)
DayaiNernal #7
Chapter 11: this is really good, I love it!
Hapsers #8
Chapter 11: Hi authornim. I just found this story, and this is so good! I love this! Hope u can continue this anytime soon :)
ano0osh #9
Chapter 11: please update