

Sunggyu and his group of friends entered the restaurant, immediately finding the large group of adults happily talking over each other. He smiled as his old classmates greeted them with a small roar of hellos. He greeted them all and hugged Narae.

“I’m glad you made it!” Narae said cheerfully, “Is your boyfriend coming?”

Sunggyu shook his head, “Sorry, he’s stuck with his family for the New Year.”

Someone nearby overheard Sunggyu and grinned cheekily, “Are you sure you really have a boyfriend, Sunggyu? Maybe you’re just making it all up.”

Sunggyu rolled his eyes, lightly punching his classmate on the shoulder, “Shut up, Jaehwan, do you even have a boyfriend? Because I definitely don’t see one.”

Jaehwan blushed, scratching the back of his head, “He doesn’t like crowds…”

Sunggyu smirked smugly, but Sungjong smacked his hyung on the arm, “Sunggyu hyung! You’ve seen Jaehwan’s boyfriend before though! He’s that super hot-“

“Hey, he’s my-

“-model that recently shot with Ceci! I even showed you the photos!” Sungjong explained, ignoring Jaehwan. Sunggyu rolled his eyes.

“Sungjong, I know he has a boyfriend, you idiot, they were dating back in high school too. I was joking.” Sunggyu sighed, Sungyeol coughing out a ill-concealed, ‘’. Sungjong huffed, storming off to some girls who pulled him into their gossip talk the moment he said hello.

“Aw, look, he’s found his own kind,” Hoya said with fake awe, earning laughter from everyone who heard.

“Hoya, I heard you, Dongwoo, Sungyeol, and Myungsoo have kids now!” someone Sunggyu didn’t remember said, “show us some pictures!”

The four parents were more than happy to brag about their kids, Myungsoo proudly talking about how his son was accepted into an American performing arts college even though he was still in middle school.

“My son’s going to Julliard!” Myungsoo said proudly, showing them a short video of Hyukjin’s recent piano recital. Sungyeol smiled proudly as well, watching the video.

“Oh wow, he’s smarter than you two combined. How did you raise a genius when you two are so stupid?” Dongwoo commented, everyone bursting into laughter while Sungyeol and Myungsoo glared at their friend.

Sunggyu watched this all, laughing along. Suddenly, Jaehwan let out a happy cheer, standing up from his seat to hug a stoic man that had walked up to them.

“Guys, Taekwoon made it!” Jaehwan said happily. Everyone greeted the quiet man, surprisingly getting a smile from the model.

“Sorry I’m late,” Taekwoon said, “I got held up in the traffic.”

Everyone soon settled down, Sunggyu chatting and catching up with some old friends. Most of them were now either dating or married, with a few still single ones sending glances to each other. Sunggyu rolled his eyes at every comment about his “imaginary” boyfriend, though in all honesty, Sunggyu wished Yongguk was there for him to show off. He imagined the surprise on their faces if they were to see and hear about how amazing Yongguk was.

Sunggyu was surprised when his phone rang, Yongguk’s photo coming up on his screen.

“Hey, my boyfriend’s calling me, I’ll be back.” Sunggyu said, rolling his eyes at the jabs of, “of course it’s his boyfriend” and “it’s probably just his mom” and heading outside where it was quieter.

“Hey Yongguk,” Sunggyu greeted.

“Sunggyu! Where’s your reunion?” Yongguk asked excitedly.

“It’s at the buffet by the karaoke place Dongwoo goes to when he’s drunk.” Sunggyu said.

“Okay, wait outside for me, okay? Bye!” And before Sunggyu could say anything else, Yongguk promptly hung up on him, leaving Sunggyu to stare at his black screen in confusion. He didn’t have to wait long, because soon he saw Yongguk’s car pull up in front of him, Yongguk rolling down the window to show his excited grin.

“Sunggyu! Look at him!” Yongguk said, holding up a small puppy, “his name is Tigger!”

Sunggyu covered his mouth in order to stifle his laughter, “You actually named our dog after your favorite childhood cartoon character.”

Yongguk’s grin didn’t fade as he got out of the car, Tigger in his arms, “It’s a good name!” he argued good-naturedly, “now let’s go see your classmates!”

Sunggyu chuckled, shaking his head as they walked inside.

“Hey, look who’s boyfriend finally decided to show up!” Sunggyu called out, everyone turning around to see Yongguk standing next to Sunggyu, one arm holding Tigger and the other slung over Sunggyu’s shoulders.

“Hello, it’s nice to meet you, I’m Bang Yongguk,” Yongguk greeted in his deep voice, “and this is Tigger.”

The girls immediately cooed over Yongguk’s cute smile and the even cuter dog, some people whispering to Sunggyu about how good-looking Yongguk was.

“He’s got an even better personality.” Sunggyu bragged, kissing Yongguk on the cheek. Yongguk grinned and he leaned forward, his grin turning evil.

“So, what stupid things did Sunggyu do in high school?” Yongguk asked, ignoring Sunggyu’s angered “Hey!”

“He used to be in a rock band with me!” one of Sunggyu’s old friends chirped, grinning at the blush that made its way onto Sunggyu’s face, “he wore leather pants and jackets, and had this whole rocker phase. He even dyed his hair red! Though by looking at him now, he doesn’t seem to have gotten out of the phase.”

Sunggyu scowled, running a hand through his red hair. He had gotten it dyed back to the obscenely bright color two years ago after he got sick of his natural hair color.

“That’s so cute, Gyu,” Yongguk cooed, “You were a little rocker! I should tell Yongnam, maybe he’ll let you take over as singer in his band and take a break.” Yongguk joked, earning a punch on the shoulder. Tigger barked happily, making everyone laugh.

“Even the dog agrees!”

“It was a phase!” Sunggyu argued, “and what the hell is wrong with red hair!”

Yongguk grinned sleazily, “I think I’d like to see you in leather pants though, because that seems like a beautiful sight to see.”

“PDA ALERT! Someone get the gays away from each other before they start making out on the table!” someone called, making everyone burst into laughter, including Yongguk and Sunggyu.

“We aren’t that bad, are we?” Sunggyu asked, “I mean, look at Sungyeol and Myungsoo. They’ve been in the bathroom for the past thirty minutes.”

Everyone snickered at the realization that the couple had disappeared, and upon looking at the bathroom door, everyone burst into laughter at the disturbed face of a poor man that had just gone into the bathroom and witnessed a sight no one wished to see.

“We should make those two wear bells,” someone chuckled, “it would warn everyone about what they’re doing.”

“Nah, I think they’re loud enough on their own.”

The group burst into more laughter, someone filling their cups with beer. Everyone cheered, drinking and chatting happily until it was midnight. Sunggyu had several beers, while Yongguk mentally made himself the designated driver as he watched Sunggyu gulp down his fifth beer.

“You’re going to have a horrible hangover tomorrow.” Yongguk commented. Sunggyu waved him off, grinning as he waved the waitress over.

“I can deal with that issue tomorrow. Besides, I have you as my ever-so loyal and obedient monkey slave!” he chirped happily.

“Fine, but if you try to “claw out my eyeballs and stuff them down my throat using a pair of old, rusty chopsticks” like you oh-so-sweetly said to me last time you had a hangover, I’m kicking you out.” Yongguk commented. Sunggyu laughed, grinning brightly.

“I won’t!”


Yongguk hummed as he helped a drunk Sunggyu into their house.

“Gukkie~ We should get a dog,” Sunggyu sang, holding Tigger, “I want to get a poodle!~”

Yongguk chuckled, setting up Tigger’s bed, “Sure, Gyu, we can get one tomorrow.”

Sunggyu giggled, smiling widely, “Really? You rock, Yongguk! Tigger, did you hear that? You’re going to have a pet dog!”

Yongguk laughed at his drunk boyfriend, setting the dog down and leading Sunggyu into their bedroom, helping the drunk man change into his pajamas.

“Okay now, go to sleep, you’re too drunk to safely function right now and I’m too tired to deal with you.” Yongguk yawned, pushing Sunggyu back so he fell on the bed. Sunggyu yawned as well, curling up under the blankets.

“Yes, Gukkie…” he mumbled, already falling asleep. Yongguk chuckled, laying down next to his boyfriend, Tigger jumping up on the bed and laying at their feet. Yongguk was about to make the dog go back down, but after a small staring contest where Yongguk swore the dog’s gaze said, “Try moving me. I dare you.” he decided to just let the dog sleep with them.

“Goodnight, Tigger. Tomorrow, you get to see firsthand how destructive Sunggyu is with a hangover.”

Hello! New update that hasn't been two years! Okay, I'm keeping this one short! Thank you to NekoMosaNyx, chelseasmile, marieah, AlwaysWithGyu, and Yahiknow9321 for subscribing to my story!

- Evil Pandabear

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Chapter 31: I dislike seeing woohyun happy haahhaa
Chapter 7: Yeah i dislike woohyun hahahha.babygyuu T.T dongwoo is always his nice bestie awww
Chapter 48: nice 2 see lilttle jaewook takes so much after his parents ;))))))
Chapter 48: Annyeong author-nim!! : )) I'm actually reading this after you greeted me in Chapter 35. XD I didn't have time to read this so yeah. I read the whole story and I was kind of expecting it to be a bit angst- with Woohyun lurking in the past and Sunggyu had to deal with the heartache. And this is actually the first fanfic I read where Gyu is paired up with another idol member (who happens to be Yongguk XD). I think bc of this fanfic I might stan B.A.P. too but yeah. XD Anyway the BangGyu fluff is too much to handle, plus YaDong being parents is so hilarious. XD I can't wait for your next update author-nim. XD Daebak author-nim! : ))
Chapter 48: You are giving me so much cavities with this OTL thank you for such a cute update and I hope you have/had fun on your trip ^^
Chapter 48: this is so cute!!
they loves jaewook so much haha
gyu get a free pass..that is totally unfair but luckily yongguk loves rides so hahahaa
Chapter 48: Oh, Thank you for writing such a nice story ^_^ Really almost comes to an end? I look forward to the next update :)
Chapter 47: Omg they have a baby >w< that's the most adorable thing ever ~ thank you for such a fluffy chapter and I hope you have lots of fun on your trip ^^
heegrand #9
Chapter 47: what, what a nice story. can't wait for the next chapter!!
Chapter 47: This chapter was so cute!! *squeals into pillow*
And oh my gays! I am going to Korea in about 2 weeks too! Let's meet up, haha! No but seriously, it would be fun to meet up ^^
Keep up the good work!